Alpha One can help build lean muscle and strength through a variety of pathways, including some very unique and exciting ones that are unlike anything you’ve ever tried before.<\/p>\r\n
(cAMP) Cyclic adenosine monophosphate:<\/span><\/strong><\/p>\r\n cAMP is a very important cellular messenger that has been shown to perform key functions in the regulation of skeletal muscle mass and function.<\/p>\r\n cAMP elevating agents have been reported to promote significant increases in protein synthesis and reductions in catabolic process, which means that cAMP has both anabolic and anti-catabolic properties<\/p>\r\n Olfactory Receptors:<\/span><\/strong><\/p>\r\n Olfactory Receptors represent a novel pathway that can lead to increases in cAMP in places we want it to occur, such as muscle and fat cells.<\/p>\r\n mTOR\/Akt & Improved Protein Synthesis:<\/span><\/strong><\/p>\r\n When researchers studied the muscle cells from mice that had been given a-Cedrene, they saw that it had increased the activity of anabolic signaling molecules such as mTOR and Akt.<\/p>\r\n Myostatin:<\/span><\/strong><\/p>\r\n Research on mice has shown that a-Cedrene decreased Myostatin.<\/p>\r\n Myostatin is a myokine that limits muscle growth in humans and other animals, especially in skeletal muscles used for movement.<\/p>\r\n As one study concluded:<\/strong><\/p>\r\n α-Cedrene is a promising agent that may be used to enhance the mass and strength of skeletal muscle.<\/p>\r\n One very exciting aspect of one of the rodent studies on a-Cedrene is that it is one of few ingredients that has been shown in a study to cause muscle gain and fat loss at the same time.<\/p>\r\n The study showed that supplementation with a-Cedrene did not make the mice heavier. However, it made them more muscular and stronger.<\/p>\r\n In laymen’s terms, this means that the mice maintained their body weight by building muscle and losing fat at the same time.<\/p>\r\n Let’s take a moment to really understand and fully appreciate the significance of that:<\/p>\r\n They were losing fat and building muscle at the same time!<\/strong><\/p>\r\n This is an aspect of Alpha One that we weren’t expecting to be nearly as pronounced as it was for a lot of people!<\/p>\r\n By the time we had let some testers try Alpha One, we already had labels printed. The feedback was so good for pumps that we actually tossed the original labels and had new ones printed to mention the pumps and muscle fullness aspects.<\/p>\r\n Here is some feedback from real people that tried them:<\/p>\r\n “Whatever is in those softgels is brutal for pumps. Did a high rep arm workout and I swear I thought my arms were going to split through the skin if I bent them.”<\/em><\/p>\r\n “Most of my workouts aren’t conducive to pumps, but I switched it up for the session today and I laid on the floor with my arms outstretched because I had to tell myself they wouldn’t tear if I bent them.”<\/em><\/p>\r\n “Whatever these softgels are, they’re awesome. They remind me of the pumps back when I could use X-Gels. They’re a different type of pump than a pump product, like a denser rock hard pump.”<\/em><\/p>\r\n Alpha One works via a multi-faceted approach towards building muscle and losing fat, including a new and novel pathway compared to other natural anabolic and recomposition ingredients.<\/p>\r\n a-Cedrene, the active ingredient in Alpha One works through several unique methods of action, with two very exciting ones being cAMP and the olfactory receptors.<\/p>\r\n The olfactory receptors are most commonly thought of as being connected to our sense of smell but are also found in many different areas of the body including skeletal muscle, the liver, heart, brain, and fat cells and performing some very unique and important functions.<\/p>\r\n Olfactory Receptors represent a novel pathway that can lead to increases in cAMP in places we want it to occur, such as muscle and fat cells.<\/p>\r\n One way that a-Cedrene exerts its powerful anabolic and recomposition effects is due to its ability to act as an agonist to the OR10J5 olfactory receptor, which leads to the activation of the cyclic AMP response element binding protein (CREB) pathway and leads to potent increases in cAMP in target tissues such as skeletal muscle and fat cells.<\/p>\r\n This same pathway also supports improved glucose tolerance, enhanced insulin sensitivity, and enhanced fat lipolysis (breakdown).<\/p>\r\n Cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) is an important cellular messenger that has been shown to perform many key functions in the body including playing an important role in fat loss, body-composition, and the regulation of skeletal muscle mass.<\/p>\r\n The term ‘second messenger’ was coined with the discovery of cAMP. The term is used to identify a small molecule generated intracellularly upon cell stimulation and capable of regulating downstream cellular events.<\/p>\r\n cAMP is a very important secondary messenger for signal transduction at the cellular level and has been shown to perform key functions in the regulation of skeletal muscle mass and function.<\/p>\r\n cAMP elevating agents have been reported to promote significant increases in protein synthesis and reductions in catabolic process, which means that cAMP has both anabolic and anti-catabolic properties.<\/p>\r\n cAMP promotes the mobilization of glucose and fatty acid reserves, and increasing levels of cAMP can support increased levels of lipolysis (the breakdown of fat).<\/p>\r\n At least one study found a correlation between fat-cell size and cAMP concentration in obese non-diabetic patients.<\/p>\r\n cAMP has been shown to mimic the healthy aging effects of calorie restriction by reducing adipose tissue size, lowering cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and increasing SIRT1 and SIRT3 levels.<\/p>\r\n cAMP plays an important role in many biological processes as a second messenger, and cAMP has been shown in studies to improve aging related phenotypes by increasing levels of Sirtuins, which mimic the effects of calorie restriction. Experiments in vitro showed that cAMP binds to SIRT1 and SIRT3 and increased their activity. These findings suggest that cAMP may support healthy aging and is a good candidate to mimic calorie restriction.<\/p>\r\n Increasing cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) levels may cause stomach discomfort in some individuals. This is rare, but possible with any cAMP increasing supplements.<\/p>\r\n If individuals experience stomach discomfort with any cAMP increasing supplements, it is suggested that they take the supplements with food as that resolves it in most people. It is also suggested that the individual stay with the minimum suggested dose and not increase the dosage until the stomach discomfort subsides.<\/p>\r\n Alpha One can be taken with Anabolic Effect, M-Test, Cloma-Plex, Nattybolic, Super Swole, or a variety of other CEL products for even more hardcore results.<\/p>\r\n<\/div>","gtin12":"891192002510","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/alpha-one-rendering-fro_1725544284-0.jpg","https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/alpha-one-supp-facts_1725544290-0.jpg"],"brand":"Competitive Edge Labs CEL","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/34464\/competitive-edge-labs-alpha-one-60-softgels.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"39.99","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/34464\/competitive-edge-labs-alpha-one-60-softgels.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"Competitive Edge Labs Anabolic Effect - 180 Capsules","sku":"CG026","description":" Decimate Your Genetic Limitations<\/p> The Landscape of Natural Anabolics Just Changed Anabolic + Anti-Catabolic + Endurance Enhancing + Fat Burning + More 7 High End Active Ingredients 4 Licensed Branded Ingredients ..... Backed by Clinically Researched Key Ingredients<\/p> Anabolic Effect doesn\u2019t just raise the bar for natural anabolics, it takes the bar and beats all the existing preconceived notions upside then head with it and then completely redefines the category itself.<\/p> Anabolic Effect contains 7 high end natural anabolic ingredients including 4 licensed branded ingredients and clinically researched key ingredients and brings them together to create the ultimate natural anabolic powerhouse.<\/p> Anabolic + Anti-Catabolic + Endurance Enhancing + Fat Burning = The Gold Standard of Natural Anabolics Actually, Gold Standard may sound better but Anabolic Effect would probably be better described as the platinum standard because platinum is stronger, denser, and more valuable than gold.<\/p> Korean Mistletoe is a semi-parasitic plant that grows on various trees and has been used for centuries to treat a variety of ailments. It has been researched for a diverse range of potential benefits and is believed to have immunostimulatory, anti-diabetic, and anti-obesity properties, and much more. Of particular interest to athletes and fitness enthusiasts is that Korean Mistletoe has been reported to increase lean muscle mass, strength, and overall exercise capacity.<\/p> Recent research has focused on Korean Mistletoe Extract for use as a treatment for the prevention and reversal of muscle wasting conditions. The research on Korean Mistletoe Extract has been exceptional and could be quite beneficial for athletes. It has been shown to regulate gene expression related to muscle atrophy (muscle breakdown) and muscle hypertrophy (muscle growth) and improve endurance by stimulating mitochondrial activity.<\/p> Korean Mistletoe having been shown to not only prevent muscle atrophy but also promote hypertrophy is significant because it means that Korean Mistletoe not only prevents muscle breakdown but also increases muscle growth. In studies, mice that were fed Korean Mistletoe for 4 weeks showed increases in muscle mass and grip strength. Researchers indicated multiple factors leading to this result including the AKT\/mTOR pathway. The AKT\/mTOR pathway is a signaling pathway recognized as the major pathway regulating protein synthesis. Due to the mice showing increases in muscle and greatly increased strength, the researchers determined that Korean Mistletoe is anabolic as it directly leads to larger and stronger muscles. In addition to increases in muscle and strength, the mice also showed incredible increases in endurance and exercise capacity making Korean Mistletoe an ideal option for strength, endurance, and fitness athletes.<\/p> Korean Mistletoe has also been shown in studies to increase endurance and decrease fatigue through increasing mitochondrial oxygen consumption and increased expression of PPARy. Notable examples included increases of up to 212% in swim tests on mice and in one test mice being fed Korean Mistletoe extract ran twice as far as their counterparts resulting in an incredible 100% increase in endurance. (Don\u2019t take us wrong here, we are just conveying the study information but do realize that that is far too good to be true for it to directly translate over into humans at the same %\u2019s; but even transferring over at a fraction of the effectiveness could lead to incredible results).<\/p> The last study that we want to bring attention to in this write up is related to fat loss. In one 15 week study on mice, two groups were fed a high fat diet with one group also being fed Korean Mistletoe Extract. At the end of the study, the mice fed the Korean Mistletoe Extract were shown to have 20% less bodyfat than the control group. Researchers found that Korean Mistletoe Extract increases thermogenesis and nearly tripled the amount of UCP1 (uncoupling protein 1), a thermogenic molecule related to the burning of subcutaneous and visceral fat.<\/p> This is an incredible level of fat burning potential for something so anabolic. In summary, Korean Mistletoe Extract shows promising potential to be anabolic, anti-catabolic, endurance enhancing, and to increase fat burning. Anabolic Effect provides 2,000 mg. Korean Mistletoe Extract per serving.<\/p> Eriobotrya Japonica contains a variety of natural anabolic components that may be beneficial to those looking to build lean muscle, increase strength, burn fat, & improve endurance and athletic performance. These include some very well-known names such as Epicatechin, Ferulic Acid, Caffeic Acid, Ursolic Acid, Tormenic Acid, Ellagic Acid, and more. Studies have shown Eriobotrya Japonica to increase the expression of certain myogenic genes and also activate the AKT\/mTOR pathway and therefore promote muscle protein synthesis and lean muscle gains. In studies, Eriobotrya Japonica has been shown to prevent muscle atrophy (muscle wasting\/muscle loss) and to increase muscle hypertrophy (muscle growth) which also makes it ideal for lean muscle retention while dieting.<\/p> Rehmannaie Radix has several active compounds may be useful for building lean muscle, strength, and improving endurance, athletic performance, and fat loss. However, the main two we are going to focus on are Catalpol and to a lesser extent, Loganin.<\/p> Catalpol has been referred to by some as the closest one can get to natural gene doping due to its effects on erythropoietin (EPO), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), insulin like growth factor type 1 (IGF-1), endorphins, and more.<\/p> Erythropoietin (EPO) increases red blood cells which can in turn carry more oxygen to the muscles and lead to increases in overall performance and increases in VO2 max, overall power output, increased endurance, delayed fatigue, improved recovery, and more. These boosts give athletes a huge competitive advantage and EPO has been used illegally by athletes for decades to increase performance. It is most commonly associated with cycling because of the high number of cyclists that have been caught using EPO. What if you could naturally increase EPO? Of course, not to the degree that comes with illicit use, but that may still provide noticeable results in improved performance?<\/p> Loganin is a lesser known and lesser emphasized constituent of Rehmannaie Radix Extract. However, if Catalpol wasn\u2019t such an extraordinary ingredient, Loganin itself may be an ingredient worth featuring on its own. It is an iridoid glycoside and can be derived from several sources but is present in high quantities in Rehmannaie Radix. Loganin has the potential to be a fascinating anabolic agent in its own right and is currently being studied for muscle atrophy. In addition, Loganin seems to possess anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, glucose lowering, and muscle protective benefits. Loganin is thought to work by upregulating the AKT\/mTOR pathway and increasing IGF-1. Loganin has also been shown in animal studies to increase lean muscle, strength, and protein synthesis.<\/p> While many of the ingredients in Anabolic Effect may have potent synergistic effects with one another, the combination of Rehmannaie Radix and S7 may be particularly interesting due to Catalpol\u2019s possible effects on EPO and S7 having been shown to increase nitric oxide levels by 230% through stimulating the body\u2019s own natural production of nitric oxide. This could lead to an abundance of oxygen rich red blood cells being pumped through wide open blood vessels to hard working muscles.<\/p> PrimaVie is a clinically proven high quality purified Shilajit extract from the Himalayas that contains 50% Fulvic Acid and over 40 other trace minerals and has been shown in studies to significantly increase free and total testosterone levels, as well as improve physical performance and reduce fatigue. In one human trial, Shilajit was able to markedly enhance the extracellular matrix gene expression responsible for skeletal muscle adaptation, making it one of the only ingredients to augment the effect of exercise in this manner.<\/p> In another study involving 60 infertile men, Shilajit supplementation was able to improve sperm count by over 60%, improve sperm motility by nearly 40%, and increase levels of testosterone by 23.5% through a reduction inn circulating free radicals. To further back this up, another study involving 75 males demonstrated a 20% increase in total testosterone and a 19% increase in free testosterone.<\/p> Shilajit has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine to support male sexual health, energy, vitality, cognitive health, rejuvenation and more.<\/p> In short, ActiGin is designed to help you train harder, longer, and recover more effectively.<\/p> The human body already produces nitric oxide as a vasodilator, signaling the blood vessels to relax, thus increasing blood flow and delivering more oxygen, fuel, and other key nutrients to the muscles.<\/p> S7 is a blend of 7 plant-based ingredients that has been clinically shown to increase nitric oxide (NO) levels by 230%. S7 is very unique in that it works differently than other nitric oxide boosters on the market by triggering the body to increase its own internal nitric oxide production.<\/p> Anabolic Effect contains 50 mg. of S7, the dosage used in the clinical studies showing the 230% nitric oxide increase.<\/p> AstraGin is a natural patented ingredient complex comprised of highly fractionated Astragalus membranaceus and Panax notoginseng and created using pharmaceutical grade extraction and processing technology and designed to help enhance nutrient absorption.<\/p> In short, AstraGin is designed to help make sure you properly absorb the other great nutrients in Anabolic Effect for maximum results.<\/p> Anabolic Effect The Ultimate Natural Anabolic Powerhouse<\/p> *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.<\/p>","gtin12":"891192002329","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/competitive-edge-labs-ana_2045-0.jpg"],"brand":"Competitive Edge Labs CEL","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/29014\/competitive-edge-labs-anabolic-effect-180-cap.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"39.99","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/29014\/competitive-edge-labs-anabolic-effect-180-cap.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"Competitive Edge Labs Anabolic Effect - 2 x 180 Capsule Bottles TWINPACK","sku":"CG2026","description":" Decimate Your Genetic Limitations<\/p> The Landscape of Natural Anabolics Just Changed Anabolic + Anti-Catabolic + Endurance Enhancing + Fat Burning + More 7 High End Active Ingredients 4 Licensed Branded Ingredients \u2026.. Backed by Clinically Researched Key Ingredients<\/p> Anabolic Effect doesn\u2019t just raise the bar for natural anabolics, it takes the bar and beats all the existing preconceived notions upside the head with it and then completely redefines the category itself.<\/p> Anabolic Effect contains 7 high end natural anabolic ingredients including 4 licensed branded ingredients and clinically researched key ingredients and brings them together to create the ultimate natural anabolic powerhouse.<\/p> Anabolic + Anti-Catabolic + Endurance Enhancing + Fat Burning = The Gold Standard of Natural Anabolics Actually, Gold Standard may sound better but Anabolic Effect would probably be better described as the platinum standard because platinum is stronger, denser, and more valuable than gold.<\/p> Korean Mistletoe: Korean Mistletoe is a semi-parasitic plant that grows on various trees and has been used for centuries to treat a variety of ailments. It has been researched for a diverse range of potential benefits and is believed to have immunostimulatory, anti-diabetic, and anti-obesity properties, and much more. Of particular interest to athletes and fitness enthusiasts is that Korean Mistletoe has been reported to increase lean muscle mass, strength, and overall exercise capacity.<\/p> Recent research has focused on Korean Mistletoe Extract for use as a treatment for the prevention and reversal of muscle wasting conditions. The research on Korean Mistletoe Extract has been exceptional and could be quite beneficial for athletes. It has been shown to regulate gene expression related to muscle atrophy (muscle breakdown) and muscle hypertrophy (muscle growth) and improve endurance by stimulating mitochondrial activity.<\/p> Korean Mistletoe having been shown to not only prevent muscle atrophy but also promote hypertrophy is significant because it means that Korean Mistletoe not only prevents muscle breakdown but also increases muscle growth. In studies, mice that were fed Korean Mistletoe for 4 weeks showed increases in muscle mass and grip strength. Researchers indicated multiple factors leading to this result including the AKT\/mTOR pathway. The AKT\/mTOR pathway is a signaling pathway recognized as the major pathway regulating protein synthesis. Due to the mice showing increases in muscle and greatly increased strength, the researchers determined that Korean Mistletoe is anabolic as it directly leads to larger and stronger muscles. In addition to increases in muscle and strength, the mice also showed incredible increases in endurance and exercise capacity making Korean Mistletoe an ideal option for strength, endurance, and fitness athletes.<\/p> Korean Mistletoe has also been shown in studies to increase endurance and decrease fatigue through increasing mitochondrial oxygen consumption and increased expression of PPARy. Notable examples included increases of up to 212% in swim tests on mice and in one test mice being fed Korean Mistletoe extract ran twice as far as their counterparts resulting in an incredible 100% increase in endurance. (Don\u2019t take us wrong here, we are just conveying the study information but do realize that that is far too good to be true for it to directly translate over into humans at the same %\u2019s; but even transferring over at a fraction of the effectiveness could lead to incredible results).<\/p> The last study that we want to bring attention to in this write up is related to fat loss. In one 15 week study on mice, two groups were fed a high fat diet with one group also being fed Korean Mistletoe Extract. At the end of the study, the mice fed the Korean Mistletoe Extract were shown to have 20% less bodyfat than the control group. Researchers found that Korean Mistletoe Extract increases thermogenesis and nearly tripled the amount of UCP1 (uncoupling protein 1), a thermogenic molecule related to the burning of subcutaneous and visceral fat.<\/p> This is an incredible level of fat burning potential for something so anabolic. In summary, Korean Mistletoe Extract shows promising potential to be anabolic, anti-catabolic, endurance enhancing, and to increase fat burning. Anabolic Effect provides 2,000 mg. Korean Mistletoe Extract per serving.<\/p> Eriobotrya Japonica Extract: Eriobotrya Japonica contains a variety of natural anabolic components that may be beneficial to those looking to build lean muscle, increase strength, burn fat, & improve endurance and athletic performance. These include some very well-known names such as Epicatechin, Ferulic Acid, Caffeic Acid, Ursolic Acid, Tormenic Acid, Ellagic Acid, and more. Studies have shown Eriobotrya Japonica to increase the expression of certain myogenic genes and also activate the AKT\/mTOR pathway and therefore promote muscle protein synthesis and lean muscle gains. In studies, Eriobotrya Japonica has been shown to prevent muscle atrophy (muscle wasting\/muscle loss) and to increase muscle hypertrophy (muscle growth) which also makes it ideal for lean muscle retention while dieting.<\/p> Rehmannaie Radix Extract: Rehmannaie Radix has several active compounds that may be useful for building lean muscle, strength, and improving endurance, athletic performance, and fat loss. However, the main two we are going to focus on are Catalpol and to a lesser extent, Loganin.<\/p> Catalpol has been referred to by some as the closest one can get to natural gene doping due to its effects on erythropoietin (EPO), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), insulin like growth factor type 1 (IGF-1), endorphins, and more.<\/p> Erythropoietin (EPO) increases red blood cells which can in turn carry more oxygen to the muscles and lead to increases in overall performance and increases in VO2 max, overall power output, increased endurance, delayed fatigue, improved recovery, and more. These boosts give athletes a huge competitive advantage and EPO has been used illegally by athletes for decades to increase performance. It is most commonly associated with cycling because of the high number of cyclists that have been caught using EPO. What if you could naturally increase EPO? Of course, not to the degree that comes with illicit use, but that may still provide noticeable results in improved performance.<\/p> Loganin is a lesser known and lesser emphasized constituent of Rehmannaie Radix Extract. However, if Catalpol wasn\u2019t such an extraordinary ingredient, Loganin itself may be an ingredient worth featuring on its own. It is an iridoid glycoside and can be derived from several sources but is present in high quantities in Rehmannaie Radix. Loganin has the potential to be a fascinating anabolic agent in its own right and is currently being studied for muscle atrophy. In addition, Loganin seems to possess anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, glucose lowering, and muscle protective benefits. Loganin is thought to work by upregulating the AKT\/mTOR pathway and increasing IGF-1. Loganin has also been shown in animal studies to increase lean muscle, strength, and protein synthesis.<\/p> While many of the ingredients in Anabolic Effect may have potent synergistic effects with one another, the combination of Rehmannaie Radix and S7 may be particularly interesting due to Catalpol\u2019s possible effects on EPO and S7 having been shown to increase nitric oxide levels by 230% through stimulating the body\u2019s own natural production of nitric oxide. This could lead to an abundance of oxygen-rich red blood cells being pumped through wide-open blood vessels to hard-working muscles.<\/p> PrimaVie Shilajit Extract (50% Fulvic Acid): PrimaVie is a clinically proven high quality purified Shilajit extract from the Himalayas that contains 50% Fulvic Acid and over 40 other trace minerals and has been shown in studies to significantly increase free and total testosterone levels, as well as improve physical performance and reduce fatigue. In one human trial, Shilajit was able to markedly enhance the extracellular matrix gene expression responsible for skeletal muscle adaptation, making it one of the only ingredients to augment the effect of exercise in this manner.<\/p> In another study involving 60 infertile men, Shilajit supplementation was able to improve sperm count by over 60%, improve sperm motility by nearly 40%, and increase levels of testosterone by 23.5% through a reduction in circulating free radicals. To further back this up, another study involving 75 males demonstrated a 20% increase in total testosterone and a 19% increase in free testosterone.<\/p> Shilajit has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine to support male sexual health, energy, vitality, cognitive health, rejuvenation and more.<\/p> In short, ActiGin is designed to help you train harder, longer, and recover more effectively.<\/p> S7: The human body already produces nitric oxide as a vasodilator, signaling the blood vessels to relax, thus increasing blood flow and delivering more oxygen, fuel, and other key nutrients to the muscles.<\/p> S7 is a blend of 7 plant-based ingredients that has been clinically shown to increase nitric oxide (NO) levels by 230%. S7 is very unique in that it works differently than other nitric oxide boosters on the market by triggering the body to increase its own internal nitric oxide production.<\/p> Anabolic Effect contains 50 mg of S7, the dosage used in the clinical studies showing the 230% nitric oxide increase.<\/p> AstraGin: AstraGin is a natural patented ingredient complex comprised of highly fractionated Astragalus membranaceus and Panax notoginseng and created using pharmaceutical grade extraction and processing technology and designed to help enhance nutrient absorption.<\/p> In short, AstraGin is designed to help make sure you properly absorb the other great nutrients in Anabolic Effect for maximum results.<\/p> Anabolic Effect - The Ultimate Natural Anabolic Powerhouse<\/p>","gtin12":"891192002329","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/anab-twin_1680812270-0.jpg"],"brand":"Competitive Edge Labs CEL","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/33004\/competitive-edge-labs-anabolic-effect-180-cap.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"76.98","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/33004\/competitive-edge-labs-anabolic-effect-180-cap.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"Competitive Edge Labs Cloma-Plex - 180 Capsules","sku":"CG034","description":" <\/p>\r\n Highlights\/Supports:<\/p>\r\n Natural Testosterone & Libido Booster 1,500 Mg. Symplocos Racemosa (as SR10X™)<\/strong> Cloma-Plex is NOT just a natural testosterone booster.<\/p>\r\n Cloma-Plex is NOT just an estrogen control\/AI support product.<\/p>\r\n Cloma-Plex IS an all-in-one natural testosterone booster and phytonutrient aromatase inhibitor support product powered by 8 high-end active ingredients and designed to help you look better, feel better, & perform better – in the gym, the bedroom, and in day-to-day life.<\/p>\r\n Ask Yourself a Few Questions:<\/p>\r\n ^^^ If you answered yes to any of the above questions, Cloma-Plex may be right for you.<\/strong><\/p>\r\n Who is Cloma-Plex for? But importantly, that’s not all!<\/p>\r\n You do NOT have to be a bodybuilder or fitness enthusiast to take and enjoy Cloma-Plex.<\/p>\r\n There are many men that suffer from the effects of low testosterone and\/or unbalanced testosterone to estrogen ratios. Declining natural testosterone levels are part of aging and may have a wide variety of negative physical and mental effects including decreased muscle mass, increased body-fat, mood swings, loss of libido, feeling down, irritability, fatigue, tiredness, and many more.<\/p>\r\n Cloma-Plex is designed for the man that wants to look better, feel better, and perform better – whether it be in the gym, the bedroom, or in day-to-day life.<\/p>\r\n Not Just for Athletes & Bodybuilders.<\/strong><\/p>\r\n For Men That Want to Look Better, Feel Better, & Perform Better<\/p>\r\n In the Gym, the Bedroom, or in Day-to-Day Life!<\/p>\r\n The Importance of an Optimal Testosterone to Estrogen Ratio: High estrogen levels in men can lead to many undesirable side effects including decreased libido, impotency, irritability, sadness, anxiety, depression, bloating, fat storage, gynecomastia, and more.<\/p>\r\n However, too low of estrogen levels in men can lead to decreased libido, sexual dysfunction, irritability, sadness, anxiety, depression, bloating, excess fat storage especially around the belly, forgetfulness, fatigue, tiredness, oversleeping, and more.<\/p>\r\n Sound or look familiar?<\/p>\r\n Yes, that’s right – the effects of low testosterone can be similar to the effects of low testosterone.<\/p>\r\n Okay, a lot of people reading this may be confused, overwhelmed, and scratching their heads and wondering what to do?<\/p>\r\n The key is an optimal testosterone to estrogen ratio – which is what Cloma-Plex is designed to support.<\/p>\r\n Cloma-Plex – Anti-Aging, Longevity, & Natural Testosterone Support: One of the most common regimens associated with Anti-Aging and Longevity in men are regimens that help increase testosterone levels. Many, many men flock to these types of therapies but then find themselves having to use additional things to keep their estrogen levels under control or from rebounding when they cease these particular therapies, which is why many men choose not to use them to begin with.<\/p>\r\n Cloma-Plex is designed to help increase natural testosterone levels and help modulate estrogen levels to support a healthy testosterone to estrogen ratio. This makes Cloma-Plex a great addition to other types of Anti-Aging and Longevity regimens, a great product to take while taking a break from certain regimens, or an excellent choice for people that are looking for a natural supplement to use instead.<\/p>\r\n A Natural Anti-Aging, Longevity, & Testosterone Support Supplement!<\/p>\r\n Cloma-Plex – A New Breed of PCT Supplementation: Cloma-Plex is designed to take your PCT to the next level by supporting increases in natural testosterone levels while also supporting the modulation of estrogen levels and a decrease in estrogen synthesis.<\/p>\r\n Cloma-Plex is designed to target PCT from multiple angles, including supporting:<\/p>\r\n Multi-Faceted Approach to PCT<\/p>\r\n Don’t Just Keep Your Gains – Keep Them Going!<\/p>\r\n Let’s Examine the Ingredients:<\/p>\r\n The SR10X™ Difference:<\/p>\r\n It’s all about the extraction – As with most herbs, it’s not the parent herb that delivers the benefits, it’s the active constituent(s) that are responsible for the results. A good well-known example of this would be Turmeric as a parent herb but Curcumin being the constituent that delivers the benefits. Another well-known example would be Milk Thistle being the parent herb but Silymarin being the constituent that delivers the benefits.<\/p>\r\n Most suppliers sell cheap Symplocos\/Lodhra powder that isn’t even extracted at all (despite some claiming otherwise).<\/p>\r\n SR10X™ is a specialized Symplocos Racemosa Extract standardized to a minimum 10% Tannins.<\/p>\r\n Fat Loss & Lean Muscle Overview:<\/p>\r\n Symplocos Racemosa was the active ingredient in one of the most well-renowned and sought-after bodybuilding supplements of all time and works through a variety of pathways to help build lean muscle & strength, support fat loss, and help build or maintain lean muscle while dieting.<\/p>\r\n PDE Inhibitors and cAMP:<\/p>\r\n Symplocos Racemosa Extract (also known as Lodhra Bark Extract) is one of nature’s most well-documented phosphodiesterase (PDE) inhibitors. Phosphodiesterase is the enzyme responsible for breaking down cyclic-AMP (cAMP). Phosphodiesterase inhibitors prevent the phosphodiesterase enzymes from breaking down cAMP. cAMP is a ‘second messenger’ that that helps regulate the effects various hormones and neurotransmitters and has potential benefits such as improved fat loss, increased muscle mass, improved thyroid function, increased steroidogenesis (hormone production), and much more.<\/p>\r\n Basically, more cAMP in the body can lead to greater fat loss, increased muscle gains, and enhanced hormone levels; all of which can be beneficial for building a leaner more muscular physique.<\/p>\r\n Luteinizing Hormone (LH) and Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH):<\/p>\r\n Symplocos Racemosa extract supports increasing both Luteinizing Hormone (LH) and Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH). This is a great benefit for men as LH boosts testosterone production and FSH helps support healthy sperm development.<\/p>\r\n Liver Protective Properties:<\/p>\r\n Symplocos Racemosa, unlike many compounds associated with bodybuilding, has been shown to have hepatoprotective (liver protective) properties.<\/p>\r\n Potential GI Benefits and More:<\/p>\r\n Symplocos Racemosa has also been shown to have a wide variety of other potential benefits including having a positive effect of gastrointestinal (GI) ulcers.<\/p>\r\n E. Cottonii (Eucheuma Cottonii):<\/strong> Cottonii has been shown to act as a natural selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) and simultaneously reduce estrogen production.<\/p>\r\n Cottonii is thought to act as an estrogen receptor antagonist and exert its mechanism of action through blocking the estrogen receptor at the hypothalamus, thereby modulating the sensing of serum estrogen levels, resulting in the feedback loop being initiated to regulate levels and promote gonadotropin release and increased testosterone production.<\/p>\r\n Cottonii has also been noted to downregulate endogenous estrogen biosynthesis, which may result in reduced serum levels of estrogens and help ensure levels do not elevate too significantly.<\/p>\r\n Cottonii has such incredible potential as a natural SERM that there have been animal studies comparing it head-to-head with pharma ones with positive outcomes.<\/p>\r\n In addition to its estrogen modulating benefits, E. Cottonii also possesses a variety of other potential benefits including supporting cardiovascular health, GI health, and possessing anti-inflammatory properties that may support reduced inflammation in muscles, joints, and the kidneys. It has also been shown to display hepatoprotective properties when the liver was under stress, resulting in reduced levels of enzymes indicative of liver stress, while also supporting cellular membrane integrity.<\/p>\r\n Ellagic Acid:<\/strong> Ellagic Acid is a potent antioxidant and has been shown to help reduce inflammation. Ellagic Acid has a wide variety of potential health benefits but for the purpose of this write up, we are going to focus primarily on its estrogen modulating benefits.<\/p>\r\n Ellagic Acid is unique in that studies have shown that it may possess both aromatase inhibiting (AI) properties and also be a natural selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM).<\/p>\r\n Ellagic Acid – Aromatase Inhibiting (AI) Properties:<\/p>\r\n Studies have shown that Ellagic Acid may naturally suppress E2 metabolizing enzymes, the enzymes that are responsible for the creation of estrogen.<\/p>\r\n Studies have shown that Ellagic Acid may inhibit aromatase, an enzyme that converts androgens to estrogen.<\/p>\r\n Ellagic Acid – Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM) Properties:<\/p>\r\n Studies have suggested that Ellagic Acid may be a natural selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM).<\/p>\r\n Ellagic Acid is thought to influence the activity of estrogen receptors by binding to the receptors sites that often cause gynecomastia.<\/p>\r\n Spilanthes Acmella Extract (as SA3X™):<\/strong> There are several constituents in Spilanthes that are thought to be beneficial, but it is the N-Alkylamides extract that was used in the studies on Spilanthes and that are thought to be the most responsible for its effects.<\/p>\r\n Cloma-Plex uses SA3X™, a high potency branded extract that contains a minimum 3.5% Alkylamides extract and whose plants are non-GMO and grown free of pesticides.<\/p>\r\n Spilanthes Acmella and Increased Testosterone & Luteinizing Hormone (LH):<\/p>\r\n In addition to its long history of use in Ayurvedic medicine for its testosterone boosting and libido enhancing properties, preliminary studies in mice have shown Spilanthes Acmella (specifically the N-Alkylamides) to have a positive effect on testosterone, luteinizing hormone (LH), and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) after 28 days of use.<\/p>\r\n Spilanthes Acmella and Sexual Performance:<\/p>\r\n In addition to its natural testosterone boosting benefits and extensive history of use in Ayurvedic medicine as an aphrodisiac (libido enhancer), preliminary studies in mice have shown Spilanthes Acmella (specifically the N-Alkylamides) to increase sexual frequency, ejaculation, sexual consistency, & harder erections. In this study researchers documented an increase on the PEI (Penile Erection Index) compared to a control group with the increase being nearly 3 times higher in the Spilanthes Acmella group. In laymen’s terms, this means that the Spilanthes group experienced improved erection quality\/harder erections.<\/p>\r\n What is the importance of Spilanthes Acmella Extract being standardized?<\/p>\r\n The importance of Spilanthes Acmella Extract being standardized is because the percentage of standardized extract (specifically N-Alkylamide content) is thought to be responsible for the levels of benefits that this exciting ingredient provides.<\/p>\r\n Many Spilanthes raw materials and products on the market are just the herb powder and aren’t standardized at all so the user doesn’t know how much N-Alkylamide content they are getting, if any at all.<\/p>\r\n Panax Ginseng Extract (as G70X™):<\/strong> Panax Ginseng is considered to be one of the worlds most powerful adaptogenic herbs. The word Panax is derived from the word ‘Panacea’, whose definition is ‘a solution or remedy for all difficulties or diseases and a source of longevity and physical strength and resistance.<\/p>\r\n What are Ginsenosides?<\/p>\r\n Ginsenosides are the unique active compounds (plant saponins) found in Panax ginseng. There are many different types of Ginsenosides, each with their own unique potential benefits.<\/p>\r\n Ginsenosides – Lean Muscle, Strength, Fat Loss, & Anabolic Potential:<\/p>\r\n There are many different Ginsenosides, and each have their own unique properties and potential. Some Ginsenosides have the ability to support lean muscle and strength (through a variety of potential pathways), others have the ability to support fat loss and improved body-composition (through multiple methods of action), and some have structural similarities to anabolic hormones such as testosterone. Some Ginsenosides bind to the androgen receptors, and some appear to promote the better functioning of the androgen receptors to support higher natural anabolic levels.<\/p>\r\n What is G70X™?<\/strong><\/p>\r\n As discussed above, there are many different Ginsenosides with a wide variety of unique properties and potential benefits.<\/p>\r\n G70X™ is a specialized Panax Ginseng Extract that is standardized to a minimum 70% Ginsenoside content of select Ginsenosides that are geared primarily to support libido, improved performance, lean muscle, strength, fat loss, & improved body-composition benefits.<\/p>\r\n Cistanche (as C30X™):<\/strong> Echinacoside is the active ingredient in Cistanche that is thought to be responsible for many of Cistanche’s potential neuroprotective, anti-aging & longevity, and libido, virility, & vitality benefits.<\/p>\r\n Many Cistanche raw materials are not extracts and provide little or no Echinacoside and many Cistanche raw materials that are extracts provide very small amounts of Echinacoside and\/or inconsistent levels of Echinacoside.<\/p>\r\n Cloma-Plex contains C30X™, an ultra-potent Cistanche Extract that contains a minimum 30% Echinacoside for maximum results.<\/p>\r\n Apigenin (as ApiPure™):<\/strong> Apigenin has a natural anabolic effect, as first discovered by researchers at the Korea Food Research Institute.<\/p>\r\n In the initial study that led to Apigenin’s popularity for building muscle, scientists began experimenting with his flavone with mice and the mice receiving the Apigenin had significant muscle mass gains over the mice not receiving it. The greater the dosage of Apigenin the mice took, the larger the quad increase!<\/p>\r\n Apigenin, even before the research showing its natural anabolic benefits, was already regarded as a very exciting compound due to its wide variety of overall benefits including its anti-inflammatory benefits as well as its potential prostate, neuroprotective, and cardioprotective properties. However, of particular interest to many researchers is Apigenin’s potential anti-cancer benefits, which have made Apigenin the subject of many studies around the world.<\/p>\r\n Another very exciting aspect of Apigenin is its ability to enhance autophagy. Autophagy is a natural cellular mechanism by which by which the cells in our body degrade unnecessary or damaged components within the cell. The process of autophagy helps maintain normal functioning (homeostasis) in the cell. (If you’re familiar with what defragging a computer means, think of that as a good comedic analogy to this process by the cells).<\/p>\r\n Apigenin has also been studied for a wide variety of other potential benefits including its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-aromatase, cardiovascular, and antibacterial properties, and more.<\/p>\r\n Bioperine®:<\/strong> Stacking & Synergy: <\/p>\r\n<\/div>\r\n <\/p>","gtin12":"891192002398","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/cloma-plex-rendering-fr_1667417027-0.jpg"],"brand":"Competitive Edge Labs CEL","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/32548\/competitive-edge-labs-cloma-plex-180-cap.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"47.99","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/32548\/competitive-edge-labs-cloma-plex-180-cap.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"Competitive Edge Labs Cloma-Plex - 2 x 180 Capsule Bottles TWINPACK","sku":"CG2034","description":" <\/p> \r\n Highlights\/Supports:<\/p>\r\n Natural Testosterone & Libido Booster 1,500 Mg. Symplocos Racemosa (as SR10X™)<\/strong> Cloma-Plex is NOT just a natural testosterone booster.<\/p>\r\n Cloma-Plex is NOT just an estrogen control\/AI support product.<\/p>\r\n Cloma-Plex IS an all-in-one natural testosterone booster and phytonutrient aromatase inhibitor support product powered by 8 high-end active ingredients and designed to help you look better, feel better, & perform better – in the gym, the bedroom, and in day-to-day life.<\/p>\r\n Ask Yourself a Few Questions:<\/p>\r\n ^^^ If you answered yes to any of the above questions, Cloma-Plex may be right for you.<\/strong><\/p>\r\n Who is Cloma-Plex for? But importantly, that’s not all!<\/p>\r\n You do NOT have to be a bodybuilder or fitness enthusiast to take and enjoy Cloma-Plex.<\/p>\r\n There are many men that suffer from the effects of low testosterone and\/or unbalanced testosterone to estrogen ratios. Declining natural testosterone levels are part of aging and may have a wide variety of negative physical and mental effects including decreased muscle mass, increased body-fat, mood swings, loss of libido, feeling down, irritability, fatigue, tiredness, and many more.<\/p>\r\n Cloma-Plex is designed for the man that wants to look better, feel better, and perform better – whether it be in the gym, the bedroom, or in day-to-day life.<\/p>\r\n Not Just for Athletes & Bodybuilders.<\/strong><\/p>\r\n For Men That Want to Look Better, Feel Better, & Perform Better<\/p>\r\n In the Gym, the Bedroom, or in Day-to-Day Life!<\/p>\r\n The Importance of an Optimal Testosterone to Estrogen Ratio: High estrogen levels in men can lead to many undesirable side effects including decreased libido, impotency, irritability, sadness, anxiety, depression, bloating, fat storage, gynecomastia, and more.<\/p>\r\n However, too low of estrogen levels in men can lead to decreased libido, sexual dysfunction, irritability, sadness, anxiety, depression, bloating, excess fat storage especially around the belly, forgetfulness, fatigue, tiredness, oversleeping, and more.<\/p>\r\n Sound or look familiar?<\/p>\r\n Yes, that’s right – the effects of low testosterone can be similar to the effects of low testosterone.<\/p>\r\n Okay, a lot of people reading this may be confused, overwhelmed, and scratching their heads and wondering what to do?<\/p>\r\n The key is an optimal testosterone to estrogen ratio – which is what Cloma-Plex is designed to support.<\/p>\r\n Cloma-Plex – Anti-Aging, Longevity, & Natural Testosterone Support: One of the most common regimens associated with Anti-Aging and Longevity in men are regimens that help increase testosterone levels. Many, many men flock to these types of therapies but then find themselves having to use additional things to keep their estrogen levels under control or from rebounding when they cease these particular therapies, which is why many men choose not to use them to begin with.<\/p>\r\n Cloma-Plex is designed to help increase natural testosterone levels and help modulate estrogen levels to support a healthy testosterone to estrogen ratio. This makes Cloma-Plex a great addition to other types of Anti-Aging and Longevity regimens, a great product to take while taking a break from certain regimens, or an excellent choice for people that are looking for a natural supplement to use instead.<\/p>\r\n A Natural Anti-Aging, Longevity, & Testosterone Support Supplement!<\/p>\r\n Cloma-Plex – A New Breed of PCT Supplementation: Cloma-Plex is designed to take your PCT to the next level by supporting increases in natural testosterone levels while also supporting the modulation of estrogen levels and a decrease in estrogen synthesis.<\/p>\r\n Cloma-Plex is designed to target PCT from multiple angles, including supporting:<\/p>\r\n Multi-Faceted Approach to PCT<\/p>\r\n Don’t Just Keep Your Gains – Keep Them Going!<\/p>\r\n Let’s Examine the Ingredients:<\/p>\r\n The SR10X™ Difference:<\/p>\r\n It’s all about the extraction – As with most herbs, it’s not the parent herb that delivers the benefits, it’s the active constituent(s) that are responsible for the results. A good well-known example of this would be Turmeric as a parent herb but Curcumin being the constituent that delivers the benefits. Another well-known example would be Milk Thistle being the parent herb but Silymarin being the constituent that delivers the benefits.<\/p>\r\n Most suppliers sell cheap Symplocos\/Lodhra powder that isn’t even extracted at all (despite some claiming otherwise).<\/p>\r\n SR10X™ is a specialized Symplocos Racemosa Extract standardized to a minimum 10% Tannins.<\/p>\r\n Fat Loss & Lean Muscle Overview:<\/p>\r\n Symplocos Racemosa was the active ingredient in one of the most well-renowned and sought-after bodybuilding supplements of all time and works through a variety of pathways to help build lean muscle & strength, support fat loss, and help build or maintain lean muscle while dieting.<\/p>\r\n PDE Inhibitors and cAMP:<\/p>\r\n Symplocos Racemosa Extract (also known as Lodhra Bark Extract) is one of nature’s most well-documented phosphodiesterase (PDE) inhibitors. Phosphodiesterase is the enzyme responsible for breaking down cyclic-AMP (cAMP). Phosphodiesterase inhibitors prevent the phosphodiesterase enzymes from breaking down cAMP. cAMP is a ‘second messenger’ that that helps regulate the effects various hormones and neurotransmitters and has potential benefits such as improved fat loss, increased muscle mass, improved thyroid function, increased steroidogenesis (hormone production), and much more.<\/p>\r\n Basically, more cAMP in the body can lead to greater fat loss, increased muscle gains, and enhanced hormone levels; all of which can be beneficial for building a leaner more muscular physique.<\/p>\r\n Luteinizing Hormone (LH) and Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH):<\/p>\r\n Symplocos Racemosa extract supports increasing both Luteinizing Hormone (LH) and Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH). This is a great benefit for men as LH boosts testosterone production and FSH helps support healthy sperm development.<\/p>\r\n Liver Protective Properties:<\/p>\r\n Symplocos Racemosa, unlike many compounds associated with bodybuilding, has been shown to have hepatoprotective (liver protective) properties.<\/p>\r\n Potential GI Benefits and More:<\/p>\r\n Symplocos Racemosa has also been shown to have a wide variety of other potential benefits including having a positive effect of gastrointestinal (GI) ulcers.<\/p>\r\n E. Cottonii (Eucheuma Cottonii):<\/strong> Cottonii has been shown to act as a natural selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) and simultaneously reduce estrogen production.<\/p>\r\n Cottonii is thought to act as an estrogen receptor antagonist and exert its mechanism of action through blocking the estrogen receptor at the hypothalamus, thereby modulating the sensing of serum estrogen levels, resulting in the feedback loop being initiated to regulate levels and promote gonadotropin release and increased testosterone production.<\/p>\r\n Cottonii has also been noted to downregulate endogenous estrogen biosynthesis, which may result in reduced serum levels of estrogens and help ensure levels do not elevate too significantly.<\/p>\r\n Cottonii has such incredible potential as a natural SERM that there have been animal studies comparing it head-to-head with pharma ones with positive outcomes.<\/p>\r\n In addition to its estrogen modulating benefits, E. Cottonii also possesses a variety of other potential benefits including supporting cardiovascular health, GI health, and possessing anti-inflammatory properties that may support reduced inflammation in muscles, joints, and the kidneys. It has also been shown to display hepatoprotective properties when the liver was under stress, resulting in reduced levels of enzymes indicative of liver stress, while also supporting cellular membrane integrity.<\/p>\r\n Ellagic Acid:<\/strong> Ellagic Acid is a potent antioxidant and has been shown to help reduce inflammation. Ellagic Acid has a wide variety of potential health benefits but for the purpose of this write up, we are going to focus primarily on its estrogen modulating benefits.<\/p>\r\n Ellagic Acid is unique in that studies have shown that it may possess both aromatase inhibiting (AI) properties and also be a natural selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM).<\/p>\r\n Ellagic Acid – Aromatase Inhibiting (AI) Properties:<\/p>\r\n Studies have shown that Ellagic Acid may naturally suppress E2 metabolizing enzymes, the enzymes that are responsible for the creation of estrogen.<\/p>\r\n Studies have shown that Ellagic Acid may inhibit aromatase, an enzyme that converts androgens to estrogen.<\/p>\r\n Ellagic Acid – Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM) Properties:<\/p>\r\n Studies have suggested that Ellagic Acid may be a natural selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM).<\/p>\r\n Ellagic Acid is thought to influence the activity of estrogen receptors by binding to the receptors sites that often cause gynecomastia.<\/p>\r\n Spilanthes Acmella Extract (as SA3X™):<\/strong> There are several constituents in Spilanthes that are thought to be beneficial, but it is the N-Alkylamides extract that was used in the studies on Spilanthes and that are thought to be the most responsible for its effects.<\/p>\r\n Cloma-Plex uses SA3X™, a high potency branded extract that contains a minimum 3.5% Alkylamides extract and whose plants are non-GMO and grown free of pesticides.<\/p>\r\n Spilanthes Acmella and Increased Testosterone & Luteinizing Hormone (LH):<\/p>\r\n In addition to its long history of use in Ayurvedic medicine for its testosterone boosting and libido enhancing properties, preliminary studies in mice have shown Spilanthes Acmella (specifically the N-Alkylamides) to have a positive effect on testosterone, luteinizing hormone (LH), and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) after 28 days of use.<\/p>\r\n Spilanthes Acmella and Sexual Performance:<\/p>\r\n In addition to its natural testosterone boosting benefits and extensive history of use in Ayurvedic medicine as an aphrodisiac (libido enhancer), preliminary studies in mice have shown Spilanthes Acmella (specifically the N-Alkylamides) to increase sexual frequency, ejaculation, sexual consistency, & harder erections. In this study researchers documented an increase on the PEI (Penile Erection Index) compared to a control group with the increase being nearly 3 times higher in the Spilanthes Acmella group. In laymen’s terms, this means that the Spilanthes group experienced improved erection quality\/harder erections.<\/p>\r\n What is the importance of Spilanthes Acmella Extract being standardized?<\/p>\r\n The importance of Spilanthes Acmella Extract being standardized is because the percentage of standardized extract (specifically N-Alkylamide content) is thought to be responsible for the levels of benefits that this exciting ingredient provides.<\/p>\r\n Many Spilanthes raw materials and products on the market are just the herb powder and aren’t standardized at all so the user doesn’t know how much N-Alkylamide content they are getting, if any at all.<\/p>\r\n Panax Ginseng Extract (as G70X™):<\/strong> Panax Ginseng is considered to be one of the worlds most powerful adaptogenic herbs. The word Panax is derived from the word ‘Panacea’, whose definition is ‘a solution or remedy for all difficulties or diseases and a source of longevity and physical strength and resistance.<\/p>\r\n What are Ginsenosides?<\/p>\r\n Ginsenosides are the unique active compounds (plant saponins) found in Panax ginseng. There are many different types of Ginsenosides, each with their own unique potential benefits.<\/p>\r\n Ginsenosides – Lean Muscle, Strength, Fat Loss, & Anabolic Potential:<\/p>\r\n There are many different Ginsenosides, and each have their own unique properties and potential. Some Ginsenosides have the ability to support lean muscle and strength (through a variety of potential pathways), others have the ability to support fat loss and improved body-composition (through multiple methods of action), and some have structural similarities to anabolic hormones such as testosterone. Some Ginsenosides bind to the androgen receptors, and some appear to promote the better functioning of the androgen receptors to support higher natural anabolic levels.<\/p>\r\n What is G70X™?<\/strong><\/p>\r\n As discussed above, there are many different Ginsenosides with a wide variety of unique properties and potential benefits.<\/p>\r\n G70X™ is a specialized Panax Ginseng Extract that is standardized to a minimum 70% Ginsenoside content of select Ginsenosides that are geared primarily to support libido, improved performance, lean muscle, strength, fat loss, & improved body-composition benefits.<\/p>\r\n Cistanche (as C30X™):<\/strong> Echinacoside is the active ingredient in Cistanche that is thought to be responsible for many of Cistanche’s potential neuroprotective, anti-aging & longevity, and libido, virility, & vitality benefits.<\/p>\r\n Many Cistanche raw materials are not extracts and provide little or no Echinacoside and many Cistanche raw materials that are extracts provide very small amounts of Echinacoside and\/or inconsistent levels of Echinacoside.<\/p>\r\n Cloma-Plex contains C30X™, an ultra-potent Cistanche Extract that contains a minimum 30% Echinacoside for maximum results.<\/p>\r\n Apigenin (as ApiPure™):<\/strong> Apigenin has a natural anabolic effect, as first discovered by researchers at the Korea Food Research Institute.<\/p>\r\n In the initial study that led to Apigenin’s popularity for building muscle, scientists began experimenting with his flavone with mice and the mice receiving the Apigenin had significant muscle mass gains over the mice not receiving it. The greater the dosage of Apigenin the mice took, the larger the quad increase!<\/p>\r\n Apigenin, even before the research showing its natural anabolic benefits, was already regarded as a very exciting compound due to its wide variety of overall benefits including its anti-inflammatory benefits as well as its potential prostate, neuroprotective, and cardioprotective properties. However, of particular interest to many researchers is Apigenin’s potential anti-cancer benefits, which have made Apigenin the subject of many studies around the world.<\/p>\r\n Another very exciting aspect of Apigenin is its ability to enhance autophagy. Autophagy is a natural cellular mechanism by which by which the cells in our body degrade unnecessary or damaged components within the cell. The process of autophagy helps maintain normal functioning (homeostasis) in the cell. (If you’re familiar with what defragging a computer means, think of that as a good comedic analogy to this process by the cells).<\/p>\r\n Apigenin has also been studied for a wide variety of other potential benefits including its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-aromatase, cardiovascular, and antibacterial properties, and more.<\/p>\r\n Bioperine®:<\/strong> Stacking & Synergy: <\/p>\r\n<\/div>\r\n <\/p>","gtin12":"891192002398","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/cloma_1673708989-0.jpg"],"brand":"Competitive Edge Labs CEL","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/32773\/competitive-edge-labs-cloma-plex-180-cap.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"87.96","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/32773\/competitive-edge-labs-cloma-plex-180-cap.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"Competitive Edge Labs Cycle Assist - 180 Capsules *New Formula","sku":"CG005","description":" Cycle Assist is designed to be an all-in-one support solution for basic on cycle and post cycle therapy needs. Cycle Assist contains a combination of specifically dosed ingredients designed to help provide liver, blood pressure, cholesterol, prostate, and acne support.<\/p> Cycle Assist offers effective dosages of specific ingredients designed to help maximize results. There are no filler ingredients. Cycle Assist is straight to the point and properly dosed to not only provide you with the most effective product for your on cycle and post cycle support needs, but also the most cost effective one as well.<\/p> Also, unlike many other products in its class, every herb in Cycle Assist is a standardized extract and the standardization amount is clearly identified on the label. This is extremely important because it is the amount of active ingredient that an herb is standardized for that determines the level of benefits received from it.<\/p> Example: A product can be dosed very high in mg of herb powder, but be standardized poorly and therefore offer little to no benefit in terms of effectiveness.<\/p> Milk Thistle is standardized for Silymarin, which is well known to help support normal liver function. It exerts both protective and detoxification benefits.<\/p> The amount of Silymarin delivered by any Milk Thistle product directly relates to the amount of benefit that the product offers. Cycle Assist is standardized to 80% Silymarin. If a product does not state how much Silymarin it is standardized for, you simply don\u2019t know how much benefit you will receive from the product.<\/p> N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine (NAC) is an amino acid derivative that is not present in the diet and must be obtained through supplementation. It is more stable than regular L-Cysteine and offers a variety of overall health benefits.<\/p> NAC exerts powerful antioxidant effects and serves to boost immune function and support optimal liver function by acting as a glutathione precursor.<\/p> Hawthorne Berry Extract has been shown to encourage normal blood flow throughout the cardiovascular system and is commonly used to help support cardiovascular function including blood pressure support.<\/p> The level of benefits that Hawthorn Berry has to offer is directly related to the amount extract that the individual product in question provides. Hawthorn can be shown to present extractions for various compounds; in Cycle Assist, the Hawthorn Extract is shown to be reflected to at least 1.8% Vitexin which is the standardization that is widely used in hawthorn products specifically designed for optimal blood pressure and cholesterol support.<\/p> Saw Palmetto contains a variety of fatty acids as well as phytosterols. These active ingredients help inhibit the 5-alpha-reductase enzyme that turns testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and also helps block the binding of DHT to prostate cells.<\/p> The importance of Saw Palmetto Berries being used as a standardized extract is because the percentage of standardized extract represents the amount of fatty acids and phytosterols that are in the product. This directly relates to the level of benefits that the product will provide.<\/p> Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) is a potent antioxidant that has a wide variety of benefits for general health and overall wellness; so many so that an entire series of articles could be written on the subject. For the purposes of this write up, a few that stand out the most for its inclusion in Cycle Assist are that it supports liver health, healthy cholesterol levels, healthy blood sugar levels and optimal carbohydrate metabolism, and has a variety of cognitive performance and neuroprotective benefits, and much more.<\/p> Celery Seed Extract is commonly used to help support blood pressure, cholesterol, and circulation. Celery Seed Extract contains the compound 3nB, which may act to help lower blood pressure by acting as both a diuretic and a vasodilator through impacting prostaglandin function. It is also important to note that unlike some diuretics, 3nB doesn\u2019t change the ratio of sodium to potassium in the blood; this is important because by not altering that ratio, the common side effects associated with some diuretics may be avoided.<\/p> As discussed above, it is the 3nB in the Celery Seed Extract that is responsible for the positive effects on blood pressure, cholesterol, and circulation.<\/p> Grape Seed Extract is a potent antioxidant and free radical scavenger. It is used to help support cardiovascular and immune function, as well as to support healthy cholesterol levels and skin elasticity.<\/p> The benefits of Grape Seed Extract are due to the Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins content. There are numerous standardizations available; Cycle Assist uses a Grape Seed Extract that contains 95% Proanthocyanidins to help insure maximum results.<\/p> Apigenin is a natural flavonoid found in parsley, celery, chamomile, and citrus fruits that is similar to Quercetin, Hesperidin, Luteolin, and Kaempferol. However, even though its structure is very similar to these compounds, Apigenin has some very different effects in the body than those related substances.<\/p> Apigenin is one of the most well-researched phytonutrients in existence and has so many potential benefits that an entire series of articles could be written on it. For the purposes of its inclusion in Cycle Assist, it seems to be pretty much the perfect addition to this already comprehensive formula because of its wide array of potential muscle building, muscle retention, and other support benefits.<\/p> Apigenin has been shown to have potential as a natural anabolic supplement and to support gains in lean muscle and strength while also improving stamina and endurance. Apigenin has been shown to support increases in protein synthesis (building lean muscle AND retaining lean muscle), improved insulin sensitivity (proper carbohydrate utilization), reduced fat storage, cortisol modulation, & more.<\/p> Apigenin has been referred to by some as the perfect anti-aging and longevity ingredient because it has such a wide variety of potential benefits. These include, but are not limited to, supporting positive mood and improved sense of well-being, healthy blood pressure levels, cardiovascular health, improved insulin resistance, and has been clinically studied and shown to have promising potential to support prostate health.<\/p> Bioperine is a standardized extract from the fruit of Piper nigrum L (Black Pepper) containing 95% piperine. Piperine has been shown to enhance the oral bioavailability of many ingredients. Bioperine is added to Cycle Assist to ensure that you get maximum absorption and benefits from all of the great ingredients in this awesome formulation.<\/p> Zinc is an essential mineral that is involved in over 200 enzymatic reactions in the body. It functions as an antioxidant so it is beneficial for immune support. Zinc is also important in the prostate and may help protect it from damage. It is also thought to be beneficial for skin health, maintaining cholesterol levels to within normal range, and playing an important role in liver detoxification.<\/p>","gtin12":"891192002039","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/cycle-assist-rendering-fr_1702938038-0.jpg"],"brand":"Competitive Edge Labs CEL","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/18031\/competitive-edge-labs-cycle-assist-180-cap-new.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"26.99","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/18031\/competitive-edge-labs-cycle-assist-180-cap-new.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"Competitive Edge Labs Cycle Assist TWINPACK - 360 Capsules (2 x 180 Capsules Bottles) *New Formula","sku":"CG225","description":" Cycle Assist is designed to be an all-in-one support solution for basic on cycle and post cycle therapy needs. Cycle Assist contains a combination of specifically dosed ingredients designed to help provide liver, blood pressure, cholesterol, prostate, and acne support.<\/p> Cycle Assist offers effective dosages of specific ingredients designed to help maximize results. There are no filler ingredients. Cycle Assist is straight to the point and properly dosed to not only provide you with the most effective product for your on cycle and post cycle support needs, but also the most cost effective one as well.<\/p> Also, unlike many other products in its class, every herb in Cycle Assist is a standardized extract and the standardization amount is clearly identified on the label. This is extremely important because it is the amount of active ingredient that an herb is standardized for that determines the level of benefits received from it.<\/p> Example: A product can be dosed very high in mg of herb powder, but be standardized poorly and therefore offer little to no benefit in terms of effectiveness.<\/p> Milk Thistle is standardized for Silymarin, which is well known to help support normal liver function. It exerts both protective and detoxification benefits.<\/p> What is the importance of Milk Thistle being standardized?<\/p> The amount of Silymarin delivered by any Milk Thistle product directly relates to the amount of benefit that the product offers. Cycle Assist is standardized to 80% Silymarin. If a product does not state how much Silymarin it is standardized for, you simply don\u2019t know how much benefit you will receive from the product.<\/p> N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine (NAC) is an amino acid derivative that is not present in the diet and must be obtained through supplementation. It is more stable than regular L-Cysteine and offers a variety of overall health benefits.<\/p> NAC exerts powerful antioxidant effects and serves to boost immune function and support optimal liver function by acting as a glutathione precursor.<\/p> Hawthorne Berry Extract has been shown to encourage normal blood flow throughout the cardiovascular system and is commonly used to help support cardiovascular function including blood pressure support.<\/p> What is the importance of Hawthorn Berry Extract being standardized?<\/p> The level of benefits that Hawthorn Berry has to offer is directly related to the amount extract that the individual product in question provides. Hawthorn can be shown to present extractions for various compounds; in Cycle Assist, the Hawthorn Extract is shown to be reflected to at least 1.8% Vitexin which is the standardization that is widely used in hawthorn products specifically designed for optimal blood pressure and cholesterol support.<\/p> Saw Palmetto contains a variety of fatty acids as well as phytosterols. These active ingredients help inhibit the 5-alpha-reductase enzyme that turns testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and also helps block the binding of DHT to prostate cells.<\/p> What is the importance of Saw Palmetto Extract being standardized?<\/p> The importance of Saw Palmetto Berries being used as a standardized extract is because the percentage of standardized extract represents the amount of fatty acids and phytosterols that are in the product. This directly relates to the level of benefits that the product will provide.<\/p> Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) is a potent antioxidant that has a wide variety of benefits for general health and overall wellness; so many so that an entire series of articles could be written on the subject. For the purposes of this write up, a few that stand out the most for its inclusion in Cycle Assist are that it supports liver health, healthy cholesterol levels, healthy blood sugar levels and optimal carbohydrate metabolism, and has a variety of cognitive performance and neuroprotective benefits, and much more.<\/p> Celery Seed Extract is commonly used to help support blood pressure, cholesterol, and circulation. Celery Seed Extract contains the compound 3nB, which may act to help lower blood pressure by acting as both a diuretic and a vasodilator through impacting prostaglandin function. It is also important to note that unlike some diuretics, 3nB doesn\u2019t change the ratio of sodium to potassium in the blood; this is important because by not altering that ratio, the common side effects associated with some diuretics may be avoided.<\/p> What is the importance of Celery Seed Extract being standardized? As discussed above, it is the 3nB in the Celery Seed Extract that is responsible for the positive effects on blood pressure, cholesterol, and circulation.<\/p> Grape Seed Extract is a potent antioxidant and free radical scavenger. It is used to help support cardiovascular and immune function, as well as to support healthy cholesterol levels and skin elasticity.<\/p> What is the importance of Grape Seed Extract being standardization\/concentrated?<\/p> The benefits of Grape Seed Extract are due to the Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins content. There are numerous standardizations available; Cycle Assist uses a Grape Seed Extract that contains 95% Proanthocyanidins to help insure maximum results.<\/p> Apigenin is a natural flavonoid found in parsley, celery, chamomile, and citrus fruits that is similar to Quercetin, Hesperidin, Luteolin, and Kaempferol. However, even though its structure is very similar to these compounds, Apigenin has some very different effects in the body than those related substances.<\/p> Apigenin is one of the most well-researched phytonutrients in existence and has so many potential benefits that an entire series of articles could be written on it. For the purposes of its inclusion in Cycle Assist, it seems to be pretty much the perfect addition to this already comprehensive formula because of its wide array of potential muscle building, muscle retention, and other support benefits.<\/p> Building & Retaining Muscle Mass, Improved Body-Composition, & Athletic Performance Benefits:<\/p> Apigenin has been shown to have potential as a natural anabolic supplement and to support gains in lean muscle and strength while also improving stamina and endurance. Apigenin has been shown to support increases in protein synthesis (building lean muscle AND retaining lean muscle), improved insulin sensitivity (proper carbohydrate utilization), reduced fat storage, cortisol modulation, & more.<\/p> A Wide Array of Supportive Benefits:<\/p> Apigenin has been referred to by some as the perfect anti-aging and longevity ingredient because it has such a wide variety of potential benefits. These include, but are not limited to, supporting positive mood and improved sense of well-being, healthy blood pressure levels, cardiovascular health, improved insulin resistance, and has been clinically studied and shown to have promising potential to support prostate health.<\/p> Bioperine is a standardized extract from the fruit of Piper nigrum L (Black Pepper) containing 95% piperine. Piperine has been shown to enhance the oral bioavailability of many ingredients. Bioperine is added to Cycle Assist to ensure that you get maximum absorption and benefits from all of the great ingredients in this awesome formulation.<\/p> Zinc is an essential mineral that is involved in over 200 enzymatic reactions in the body. It functions as an antioxidant so it is beneficial for immune support. Zinc is also important in the prostate and may help protect it from damage. It is also thought to be beneficial for skin health, maintaining cholesterol levels to within normal range, and playing an important role in liver detoxification.<\/p>","gtin12":"891192002039","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/2cycle-assist-rendering-f_1702938051-0.jpg"],"brand":"Competitive Edge Labs CEL","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/28532\/competitive-edge-labs-cycle-assist-twinpack-360.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"49.99","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/28532\/competitive-edge-labs-cycle-assist-twinpack-360.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"Competitive Edge Labs Epi-Plex - 2 x 60 Capsule Bottles TWINPACK *New Formula","sku":"CG2021","description":" Natural Anabolic Muscle Builder + Cardiovascular & Endothelial Health Support 300 Mg. Epicatechin 150 Mg. VasoFlo+\u2122 10 Mg. Bioperine\u00ae<\/p> Natural Anabolic Muscle Builder + Cardiovascular & Endothelial Health Support Lean Muscle, Strength, Endurance, Recovery, Blood Flow, Pumps, Muscle Fullness, & More<\/p> Epi-Plex is a natural anabolic muscle builder that helps support lean muscle, strength, and endurance through a variety of pathways, including supporting increased mitochondrial biogenesis, myostatin inhibition, and increased follistatin.<\/p> The original Epi-Plex formula was one of the first Epicatechin products on the market and to our knowledge, it was the first Epicatechin product to contain no proprietary blends, no filler ingredients, and to tell you exactly how much Epicatechin that you were getting per capsule.<\/p> Epi-Plex \u2013 Evolved \u2013 in a Great Way:<\/p> Have you ever noticed that a lot of times when there is an updated or new version of a supplement, the new or updated version actually winds up being worse and less effective instead of better? The reason for that is because many times when there is an update or new version of something, it\u2019s because the raw materials for the original version are unavailable or the prices increased and\/or the brand wants to increase their profits through lowering their costs.<\/p> That is NOT the case with the new Epi-Plex. The new version of Epi-Plex contains the same amount of Epicatechin as the original tried and true and very much loved Epi-Plex formula, but now also includes 150 mg. per capsule of VasoFlo+.<\/p> Epi-Plex evolved because knowledge evolves, new ingredients become available, and we at Competitive Edge Labs are never content to rest on the sales and popularity of a good selling product \u2013 we always want to offer you the absolute best possible products at the best prices, and sometimes that includes us finding ways to make great products even better.<\/p> The reason for updating Epi-Plex is to make it BETTER in EVERY WAY than it was before \u2013 better lean muscle and strength gains, better pumps, better endurance, better recovery, better muscle fullness, & more.<\/p> Plus, another very important reason is let\u2019s face it \u2013 with every day that goes by, we are all getting older and cardiovascular and endothelial health is or should be more important to us all. The new Epi-Plex formula evolves Epi-Plex into being an even more well-rounded formula for cardiovascular and endothelial health support.<\/p> Myostatin is a protein that is found in skeletal muscle that limits muscle growth. Follistatin is an antagonist of myostatin that may accelerate muscle growth by inhibiting myostatin and that has even shown muscle enhancing effects beyond those of just being a myostatin inhibitor. Myostatin is a limiting factor of muscle growth at any age, but as we get older, our levels of myostatin tend to increase and our levels of follistatin tend to decrease. Epicatechin has been shown to support increases in follistatin and decreases in myostatin.<\/p> Directly above, we discussed how Epicatechin can support increases in lean muscle and strength by helping to increase follistatin and decrease myostatin. In addition to that, Epicatechin has also been shown to stimulate mitochondrial biogenesis, induce skeletal muscle regeneration, and support improvements in muscle tissue.<\/p> Epicatechin supports improved NO production, vascularity, & and blood flow for increased muscle fullness, improved pumps, vascularity, and increased nutrient delivery. Green and Black Tea also contain various constituents that have been shown to support improvements in pumps, vascularity, and blood flow. Simply put, the new Epi-Plex will give you even better vascularity, pumps, and muscle fullness than the original version that so many people love.<\/p> One of the most common testimonials that we received on the original version of Epi-Plex was how great of increases in muscular endurance that people experienced with Epi-Plex.<\/p> The new version of Epi-Plex contains the same amount of Epicatechin as the original formula and now has VasoFlo+\u2122 added, an exciting ingredient that supports blood flow, cardiovascular and endothelial health, and much more.<\/p> Simply put, one can expect the same or even better endurance support from the new Epi-Plex.<\/p> Epicatechin as well as Green Tea and Black Tea constituents (both of which are found in VasoFlo+\u2122), have been shown to support blood flow, cardiovascular, and endothelial health in a variety of ways.<\/p> Epicatechin has been shown in studies to improve vascular response and to have cardioprotective properties. Recent studies have also suggested that certain epicatechin containing foods may have a blood pressure lowering capacity.<\/p> The mechanisms that Epicatechin works through may also help prevent oxidative damage and endothelial dysfunction, which has been associated with high blood pressure, certain brain disorders, and erectile dysfunction.<\/p> Green and Black tea constituents have been studied extensively for their effects on cardiovascular and endothelial health, blood flow, metabolic health, weight management, body-composition, immune support, and a wide variety of other benefits.<\/p> VasoFlo+\u2122 is a specialized green and black tea extract combination.<\/p> Deceptive labeling is a huge problem in the dietary supplement industry and there is no better example of that than how some brands choose to label epicatechin containing products.<\/p> Many brands include epicatechin in proprietary blends, and other brands may do even more deceptive things like labeling a product as \u2018Green Tea Extract (containing Epicatechin)\u2019 or something similar.<\/p> In the case of brands labeling products as, or similar to \u2018Green Tea Extract (containing Epicatechin)\u2019, what a lot of consumers don\u2019t realize is that that may mean that a product may be just regular green tea and contain as little as 1 mg. or less of Epicatechin.<\/p> What are proprietary blends and why are they a problem?<\/p> A proprietary blend is when a company takes multiple ingredients and instead of giving you the amount of each active ingredient, they group them all together in a blend and give you the dosage of the blend as a whole. In rare cases, such as if a company has a very unique product formulation where they don\u2019t want their competitors to know the exact amounts of certain ingredients that they are using, this is understandable. However, in the case of ingredients like epicatechin, it isn\u2019t.<\/p> Unfortunately for consumers, many times companies use proprietary blends as a sales tactic to give the appearance that a product contains more active ingredients or higher dosages of active ingredients than it really does. This allows them to deceive consumers into buying the product thinking they are getting more than they are and to maximize their profits in the process.<\/p> Sometimes these blends contain multiple ingredients, sometimes they may only contain two. Here is an example to help you understand proprietary blends better:<\/p> If a company labels a product as a blend and say \u2018insert ingredient name, Epicatechin \u2013 1,200 mg.\u2019 then it can be as much as 1,199 mg. of the first ingredient and as little as 1 mg. of Epicatechin.<\/p> Why do companies use proprietary blends? To maximize profits by cutting costs. By engaging in label deception and trickery, brands can save a lot of money in products costs which can make a huge difference in their markup and profits.<\/p> Luckily for our customers, Competitive Edge Labs isn\u2019t like that. We want you to know how much of what ingredients you are getting, and we want to provide you with the best possible products in order to help you reach your health and fitness goals.<\/p> Epicatechin is a bioactive flavanol found in trace amounts in many foods, including dark chocolate and green tea, that is widely regarded for its myostatin-inhibiting and muscle building properties. Epicatechin is also known to stimulate mitochondrial biogenesis and nitric oxide (NO) production and to enhance blood flow and nutrient delivery. Epicatechin is commonly used to help build lean muscle and strength, improve endurance, increase muscle fullness and pumps, and for its cardiovascular and endothelial health benefits. Important note: A common question that people sometimes wonder or ask is if they eat a lot of cacao\/dark chocolate, do they get enough epicatechin for any type of muscle building or cardiovascular benefits?<\/p> While different foods contain different amounts of epicatechin, dark chocolate contains the most, and the darker the better with pure cocoa containing the highest amounts of all at nearly 3 mg. per gram.<\/p> To put it in perspective, you would need to eat 100 grams of pure cacao to get the amount of epicatechin that is in one single capsule of Epi-Plex.<\/p> Black Tea and Green Tea both come from the Camellia Sinensis plant. Camelia Sinensis is an amazing plant that contains a wide variety of constituents including EGCG, Epicatechin, and many other remarkable lesser known catechins and flavonoids.<\/p> Green Tea and Black Tea constituents have been studied extensively for their effects on cardiovascular and endothelial health, blood flow, metabolic health, weight management, body-composition, immune support, and a wide variety of other benefits.<\/p> Also, in recent years, there have been a number of studies that link Black Tea & Green Tea to a variety of anti-aging and longevity benefits.<\/p> Even though these exciting ingredients are constituents of Black Tea and Green Tea, they are all specific components\/extracts that would be difficult to consume large enough quantities of through regular Green Tea and Black Tea to elicit results, which is why specialized extracts of these ingredients exist.<\/p> VasoFlo+ is a specialized green & black tea extract combination.<\/p> Bioperine\u00ae is a standardized extract from the fruit of Piper nigrum L (Black Pepper) containing 95% piperine. Piperine has been shown to enhance the oral bioavailability of many supplements.<\/p>","gtin12":"891192002091","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/epi-plex-rendering2_1700255650-0.jpg"],"brand":"Competitive Edge Labs CEL","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/33229\/competitive-edge-labs-epi-plex-60-cap.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"66.99","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/33229\/competitive-edge-labs-epi-plex-60-cap.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"Competitive Edge Labs Epi-Plex - 60 Capsules *New Formula","sku":"CG021","description":" Natural Anabolic Muscle Builder + Cardiovascular & Endothelial Health Support<\/p> Decimate Your Genetic Limitations Lean Muscle, Strength, Endurance, & More<\/p> Natural Anabolic Muscle Builder + Cardiovascular & Endothelial Health Support 300 Mg. Epicatechin 150 Mg. VasoFlo+\u2122 10 Mg. Bioperine\u00ae<\/p> Natural Anabolic Muscle Builder + Cardiovascular & Endothelial Health Support Lean Muscle, Strength, Endurance, Recovery, Blood Flow, Pumps, Muscle Fullness, & More<\/p> Epi-Plex is a natural anabolic muscle builder that helps support lean muscle, strength, and endurance through a variety of pathways, including supporting increased mitochondrial biogenesis, myostatin inhibition, and increased follistatin.<\/p> The original Epi-Plex formula was one of the first Epicatechin products on the market and to our knowledge, it was the first Epicatechin product to contain no proprietary blends, no filler ingredients, and to tell you exactly how much Epicatechin that you were getting per capsule.<\/p> Epi-Plex \u2013 Evolved \u2013 in a Great Way:<\/p> Have you ever noticed that a lot of times when there is an updated or new version of a supplement, the new or updated version actually winds up being worse and less effective instead of better? The reason for that is because many times when there is an update or new version of something, it\u2019s because the raw materials for the original version are unavailable or the prices increased and\/or the brand wants to increase their profits through lowering their costs.<\/p> That is NOT the case with the new Epi-Plex. The new version of Epi-Plex contains the same amount of Epicatechin as the original tried and true and very much loved Epi-Plex formula, but now also includes 150 mg. per capsule of VasoFlo+.<\/p> Epi-Plex evolved because knowledge evolves, new ingredients become available, and we at Competitive Edge Labs are never content to rest on the sales and popularity of a good selling product \u2013 we always want to offer you the absolute best possible products at the best prices, and sometimes that includes us finding ways to make great products even better.<\/p> The reason for updating Epi-Plex is to make it BETTER in EVERY WAY than it was before \u2013 better lean muscle and strength gains, better pumps, better endurance, better recovery, better muscle fullness, & more.<\/p> Plus, another very important reason is let\u2019s face it \u2013 with every day that goes by, we are all getting older and cardiovascular and endothelial health is or should be more important to us all. The new Epi-Plex formula evolves Epi-Plex into being an even more well-rounded formula for cardiovascular and endothelial health support.<\/p> Myostatin is a protein that is found in skeletal muscle that limits muscle growth. Follistatin is an antagonist of myostatin that may accelerate muscle growth by inhibiting myostatin and that has even shown muscle enhancing effects beyond those of just being a myostatin inhibitor. Myostatin is a limiting factor of muscle growth at any age, but as we get older, our levels of myostatin tend to increase and our levels of follistatin tend to decrease. Epicatechin has been shown to support increases in follistatin and decreases in myostatin.<\/p> Directly above, we discussed how Epicatechin can support increases in lean muscle and strength by helping to increase follistatin and decrease myostatin. In addition to that, Epicatechin has also been shown to stimulate mitochondrial biogenesis, induce skeletal muscle regeneration, and support improvements in muscle tissue.<\/p> Epicatechin supports improved NO production, vascularity, & and blood flow for increased muscle fullness, improved pumps, vascularity, and increased nutrient delivery. Green and Black Tea also contains various constituents that have been shown to support improvements in pumps, vascularity, and blood flow. Simply put, the new Epi-Plex will give you even better vascularity, pumps, and muscle fullness than the original version that so many people love.<\/p> One of the most common testimonials that we received on the original version of Epi-Plex was how great of increases in muscular endurance that people experienced with Epi-Plex.<\/p> The new version of Epi-Plex contains the same amount of Epicatechin as the original formula and now has VasoFlo+\u2122 added, an exciting ingredient that supports blood flow, cardiovascular and endothelial health, and much more.<\/p> Simply put, one can expect the same or even better endurance support from the new Epi-Plex.<\/p> Epicatechin as well as Green Tea and Black Tea constituents (both of which are found in VasoFlo+\u2122), have been shown to support blood flow, cardiovascular, and endothelial health in a variety of ways.<\/p> Epicatechin has been shown in studies to improve vascular response and to have cardioprotective properties. Recent studies have also suggested that certain epicatechin containing foods may have a blood pressure lowering capacity.<\/p> The mechanisms that Epicatechin works through may also help prevent oxidative damage and endothelial dysfunction, which has been associated with high blood pressure, certain brain disorders, and erectile dysfunction.<\/p> Green and Black tea constituents have been studied extensively for their effects on cardiovascular and endothelial health, blood flow, metabolic health, weight management, body-composition, immune support, and a wide variety of other benefits.<\/p> VasoFlo+\u2122 is a specialized green and black tea extract combination.<\/p> Deceptive labeling is a huge problem in the dietary supplement industry and there is no better example of that than how some brands choose to label epicatechin containing products.<\/p> Many brands include epicatechin in proprietary blends, and other brands may do even more deceptive things like labeling a product as \u2018Green Tea Extract (containing Epicatechin)\u2019 or something similar.<\/p> In the case of brands labeling products as, or similar to \u2018Green Tea Extract (containing Epicatechin)\u2019, what a lot of consumers don\u2019t realize is that that may mean that a product may be just regular green tea and contain as little as 1 mg. or less of Epicatechin.<\/p> What are proprietary blends and why are they a problem?<\/p> A proprietary blend is when a company takes multiple ingredients and instead of giving you the amount of each active ingredient, they group them all together in a blend and give you the dosage of the blend as a whole. In rare cases, such as if a company has a very unique product formulation where they don\u2019t want their competitors to know the exact amounts of certain ingredients that they are using, this is understandable. However, in the case of ingredients like epicatechin, it isn\u2019t.<\/p> Unfortunately for consumers, many times companies use proprietary blends as a sales tactic to give the appearance that a product contains more active ingredients or higher dosages of active ingredients than it really does. This allows them to deceive consumers into buying the product thinking they are getting more than they are and to maximize their profits in the process.<\/p> Sometimes these blends contain multiple ingredients, sometimes they may only contain two. Here is an example to help you understand proprietary blends better:<\/p> If a company labels a product as a blend and say \u2018insert ingredient name, Epicatechin \u2013 1,200 mg.\u2019 then it can be as much as 1,199 mg. of the first ingredient and as little as 1 mg. of Epicatechin.<\/p> Why do companies use proprietary blends? To maximize profits by cutting costs. By engaging in label deception and trickery, brands can save a lot of money in products costs which can make a huge difference in their markup and profits.<\/p> Luckily for our customers, Competitive Edge Labs isn\u2019t like that. We want you to know how much of what ingredients you are getting, and we want to provide you with the best possible products in order to help you reach your health and fitness goals.<\/p> Epicatechin is a bioactive flavanol found in trace amounts in many foods, including dark chocolate and green tea, that is widely regarded for its myostatin-inhibiting and muscle building properties. Epicatechin is also known to stimulate mitochondrial biogenesis and nitric oxide (NO) production and to enhance blood flow and nutrient delivery. Epicatechin is commonly used to help build lean muscle and strength, improve endurance, increase muscle fullness and pumps, and for its cardiovascular and endothelial health benefits. Important note: A common question that people sometimes wonder or ask is if they eat a lot of cacao\/dark chocolate, do they get enough epicatechin for any type of muscle building or cardiovascular benefits?<\/p> While different foods contain different amounts of epicatechin, dark chocolate contains the most, and the darker the better with pure cocoa containing the highest amounts of all at nearly 3 mg. per gram.<\/p> To put it in perspective, you would need to eat 100 grams of pure cacao to get the amount of epicatechin that is in one single capsule of Epi-Plex.<\/p> Black Tea and Green Tea both come from the Camellia Sinensis plant. Camelia Sinensis is an amazing plant that contains a wide variety of constituents including EGCG, Epicatechin, and many other remarkable lesser known catechins and flavonoids.<\/p> Green Tea and Black Tea constituents have been studied extensively for their effects on cardiovascular and endothelial health, blood flow, metabolic health, weight management, body-composition, immune support, and a wide variety of other benefits.<\/p> Also, in recent years, there have been a number of studies that link Black Tea & Green Tea to a variety of anti-aging and longevity benefits.<\/p> Even though these exciting ingredients are constituents of Black Tea and Green Tea, they are all specific components\/extracts that would be difficult to consume large enough quantities of through regular Green Tea and Black Tea to elicit results, which is why specialized extracts of these ingredients exist.<\/p> VasoFlo+ is a specialized green & black tea extract combination.<\/p> Bioperine\u00ae is a standardized extract from the fruit of Piper nigrum L (Black Pepper) containing 95% piperine. Piperine has been shown to enhance the oral bioavailability of many supplements.<\/p>","gtin12":"891192002091","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/epi-plex-rendering-front_1700255605-0.jpg"],"brand":"Competitive Edge Labs CEL","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/18196\/competitive-edge-labs-epi-plex-60-cap.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"35.99","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/18196\/competitive-edge-labs-epi-plex-60-cap.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"Competitive Edge Labs Joint Edge - 2 x 60 Capsule Bottles TWINPACK","sku":"CG2036","description":" Fitness enthusiasts and those living a healthy lifestyle have many health advantages going for them, but it can certainly take a toll on the joints and connective tissues.<\/p> Just as it\u2019s important to use supplements to give you an edge for performance, results, and improved body-composition, it\u2019s also important to use cutting edge high-end supplements to help protect your joints in order to help you be able to do the things that you love.<\/p> NEM\u00ae is an eggshell membrane ingredient with multiple published safety and effectiveness studies for joint health. Multiple human studies have shown fast and continued results for joint comfort and flexibility in as little as 7 to 10 days with a 500 mg. daily dose, the exact dose that is in Joint Edge.<\/p> NEM\u00ae has been shown in clinical studies to help reduce exercise induced pain and stiffness and to help protect against cartilage breakdown. It has also been shown to support healthy articular cartilage and surrounding synovial tissue by nourishing joints, as well as by supporting a balanced immune response to typical daily wear and tear.<\/p> Clinical studies have shown that NEM\u00ae can help to promote normal joint comfort and flexibility, usually within 7 to 10 days.<\/p> Tetrahydrocurcumin, sometimes abbreviated 4-HC, is a major metabolic constituent of curcumin that is commonly believed to be responsible for many of curcumin\u2019s benefits. Tetrahydrocurcumin has similar, if not stronger, properties to curcumin and it also helps overcome the poor oral bioavailability issues associated with curcumin. Researchers have also shown that Tetrahydrocurcumin may reduce pro-inflammatory indicators like interleukin-1, interleukin-6, TNF-\u237a, and prostaglandin E2. CurcuPrime\u00ae Tetrahydrocurcumin is a branded ingredient from NNB Nutrition and is 100% naturally sourced and is extracted for purity and consistent potency from batch to batch.<\/p> TamaFlex\u00ae has been proven to be an effective new tool for optimal joint health & improved mobility.<\/p> Hyaluronic Acid is compound that is present in every tissue in the body, with the highest concentrations occurring in connective tissues such as skin and cartilage. It is an important constituent of joint fluid, where it serves as a lubricant and plays a role in resisting compressive forces.<\/p> Hyaluronic Acid is often taken as a supplement both to support joint health and lubrication as well as to promote retinal, skin, and hair health.<\/p> Boswellin\u00ae Super is obtained from the gum of Boswellia Serrata trees, commonly known as Frankincense, which has been used for its medicinal properties for hundreds of years.<\/p> In modern times, the most common uses for Boswellin supplements are for their anti-arthritic and anti-inflammatory benefits. Studies have shown that Boswellia Serrata has an anti-inflammatory action much like conventional non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) used for inflammatory conditions but without the side effects commonly associated with conventional NSAIDS. This makes Boswellia Serrata one of the most popular natural ingredients available for inflammation. However, not all Boswellia Serrata ingredients are equal as there are many different standardizations available and many lack the level of active ingredients to deliver on the potential of this awesome ingredient. That is why we picked Boswellin\u00ae Super for a very specific reason.<\/p> Note: Many dietary supplements on the market mislead consumers by quoting research on an ingredient but then not including the dosage of the ingredient that was used in the studies or hiding the mg. of the ingredient in a proprietary blend. Joint Edge contains a dosage of Boswellin\u00ae Super that has been used in studies and that is recommended by the patent holder for its joint support benefits.<\/p> AstraGin\u00ae is a natural patented ingredient complex comprised of highly fractionated Astragalus membranaceus and Panax notoginseng and created using pharmaceutical grade extraction and processing technology and designed to help enhance nutrient absorption.<\/p> In short, AstraGin\u00ae is designed to help make sure you properly absorb the other great ingredients in Joint Edge for maximum results.<\/p> Bioperine\u00ae is a standardized extract from the fruit of Piper nigrum L (Black Pepper) containing 95% piperine. Piperine has been shown to enhance the oral bioavailability of many supplements.<\/p> Bioperine\u00ae is included in Joint Edge because it has been shown in clinical studies to help increase the absorption of curcumin and boswellin, and also to help ensure that you properly absorb and get the maximum results out of all of the other awesome ingredients in the comprehensive Joint Edge formulation.<\/p> Joint Edge can be taken with M-Test, Anabolic Effect, Nattybolic, Super Swole, Cloma-Plex, LipoVantage, or a wide variety of other CEL products to help you reach your health & fitness goals.<\/p>","gtin12":"891192002503","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/joint-2_1704811871-0.jpg"],"brand":"Competitive Edge Labs CEL","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/33698\/competitive-edge-labs-joint-edge-2-x-60-cap-btls.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"69.44","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/33698\/competitive-edge-labs-joint-edge-2-x-60-cap-btls.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"Competitive Edge Labs Joint Edge - 60 Capsules","sku":"CG036","description":" Joint Edge is an ultra-potent joint support supplement that contains 7 clinically researched branded ingredients including 6 branded ingredients, all in a convent 2 capsule per day formula.<\/p> Fitness enthusiasts and those living a healthy lifestyle have many health advantages going for them, but it can certainly take a toll on the joints and connective tissues.<\/p> Just as it\u2019s important to use supplements to give you an edge for performance, results, and improved body-composition, it\u2019s also important to use cutting edge high-end supplements to help protect your joints in order to help you be able to do the things that you love.<\/p> NEM\u00ae is an eggshell membrane ingredient with multiple published safety and effectiveness studies for joint health. Multiple human studies have shown fast and continued results for joint comfort and flexibility in as little as 7 to 10 days with a 500 mg. daily dose, the exact dose that is in Joint Edge.<\/p> NEM\u00ae has been shown in clinical studies to help reduce exercise induced pain and stiffness and to help protect against cartilage breakdown. It has also been shown to support healthy articular cartilage and surrounding synovial tissue by nourishing joints, as well as by supporting a balanced immune response to typical daily wear and tear.<\/p> Clinical studies have shown that NEM\u00ae can help to promote normal joint comfort and flexibility, usually within 7 to 10 days.<\/p> Tetrahydrocurcumin, sometimes abbreviated 4-HC, is a major metabolic constituent of curcumin that is commonly believed to be responsible for many of curcumin\u2019s benefits. Tetrahydrocurcumin has similar, if not stronger, properties to curcumin and it also helps overcome the poor oral bioavailability issues associated with curcumin. Researchers have also shown that Tetrahydrocurcumin may reduce pro-inflammatory indicators like interleukin-1, interleukin-6, TNF-\u237a, and prostaglandin E2. CurcuPrime\u00ae Tetrahydrocurcumin is a branded ingredient from NNB Nutrition and is 100% naturally sourced and is extracted for purity and consistent potency from batch to batch.<\/p> TamaFlex\u00ae is the first plant-based blend of Tamarind Seed and Turmeric Root Extracts clinically shown to provide fast acting and long lasting joint relief. Clinical results in healthy subjects show that TamaFlex\u00ae is safe and effective in improving joint health, stiffness, and mobility in as little as 5 days.<\/p> As of the time of writing this, TamaFlex\u00ae has 3 published human studies involving over 300 participants.<\/p> Hyaluronic Acid is compound that is present in every tissue in the body, with the highest concentrations occurring in connective tissues such as skin and cartilage. It is an important constituent of joint fluid, where it serves as a lubricant and plays a role in resisting compressive forces.<\/p> Hyaluronic Acid is often taken as a supplement both to support joint health and lubrication as well as to promote retinal, skin, and hair health.<\/p> Boswellin\u00ae Super is obtained from the gum of Boswellia Serrata trees, commonly known as Frankincense, which has been used for its medicinal properties for hundreds of years.<\/p> In modern times, the most common uses for Boswellin supplements are for their anti-arthritic and anti-inflammatory benefits. Studies have shown that Boswellia Serrata has an anti-inflammatory action much like conventional non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) used for inflammatory conditions but without the side effects commonly associated with conventional NSAIDS. This makes Boswellia Serrata one of the most popular natural ingredients available for inflammation. However, not all Boswellia Serrata ingredients are equal as there are many different standardizations available and many lack the level of active ingredients to deliver on the potential of this awesome ingredient. That is why we picked Boswellin\u00ae Super for a very specific reason.<\/p> Note: Many dietary supplements on the market mislead consumers by quoting research on an ingredient but then not including the dosage of the ingredient that was used in the studies or hiding the mg. of the ingredient in a proprietary blend. Joint Edge contains a dosage of Boswellin\u00ae Super that has been used in studies and that is recommended by the patent holder for its joint support benefits.<\/p> AstraGin\u00ae is a natural patented ingredient complex comprised of highly fractionated Astragalus membranaceus and Panax notoginseng and created using pharmaceutical grade extraction and processing technology and designed to help enhance nutrient absorption.<\/p> In short, AstraGin\u00ae is designed to help make sure you properly absorb the other great ingredients in Joint Edge for maximum results.<\/p> Bioperine\u00ae is a standardized extract from the fruit of Piper nigrum L (Black Pepper) containing 95% piperine. Piperine has been shown to enhance the oral bioavailability of many supplements.<\/p> Bioperine\u00ae is included in Joint Edge because it has been shown in clinical studies to help increase the absorption of curcumin and boswellin, and also to help ensure that you properly absorb and get the maximum results out of all of the other awesome ingredients in the comprehensive Joint Edge formulation.<\/p> Joint Edge can be taken with M-Test, Anabolic Effect, Nattybolic, Super Swole, Cloma-Plex, LipoVantage, or a wide variety of other CEL products to help you reach your health & fitness goals.<\/p>","gtin12":"891192002503","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/joint-edge-rendering-fron_1704811599-0.jpg"],"brand":"Competitive Edge Labs CEL","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/33690\/competitive-edge-labs-joint-edge-60-cap.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"35.99","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/33690\/competitive-edge-labs-joint-edge-60-cap.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"Competitive Edge Labs Lipo Elite + LipoVantage COMBO TWINPACK - 2 Bottles","sku":"CG0332","description":" High Energy Advanced Thermogenic Fat Burner Fat Loss, Energy, Focus, & Appetite Control Fast Acting, Long Lasting Energy 12 Premium Active Ingredients Per Daily Dose (2 servings):<\/p> Lipo Elite is an advanced thermogenic fat burner that is designed to support increases in fat burning, metabolism, energy, focus, and appetite control.<\/p> Ask Yourself a Few Questions: Do you want to lose body-fat? Do you need fast-acting, long-lasting energy and focus? Are you self-conscious about your appearance? Has your weight loss hit a sticking point? Is your appetite out of control and holding you back? Do you want to achieve maximum results as quickly as possible? Are you tired of working hard to build lean muscle to lose it when trying to lose fat? Do you feel like you just can\u2019t get started or lack ambition to try to lose weight &\/or get back in shape?<\/p> ^^^ If you answered yes to any of the above questions, Lipo Elite may be right for you.<\/p> MitoBurn\u00ae (L-BAIBA): MitoBurn\u00ae is a revolutionary fat incinerating ingredient.<\/p> Gamma-butyrobetaine (GBB) is a precursor to L-Carnitine that has the ability to increase the body\u2019s production of L-Carnitine and help improve energy levels, fat loss, athletic performance, and more.<\/p> GBB can also help support thermogenesis as evidenced by the increased sweating that some feel when using GBB which has led some people to say that they \u2018feel the fat melting off\u2019. Of course, that is an exaggeration but is a good indication of the great fat burning results that many feel from GBB.<\/p> Caffeine Anhydrous is the staple ingredient in many fat loss and energy products and for good reason.<\/p> Caffeine has also been shown to improve exercise performance and has a key role in increasing energy, mental focus, mood, cognitive ability, and has potential synergistic effects with other key ingredients in Lipo Elite.<\/p> Theobromine is a methylxanthine and is the \u2018feel good\u2019 ingredient in chocolate. The relaxed feeling that one experiences after chocolate consumption can be attributed to theobromine.<\/p> Some people get confused in comparing theobromine to caffeine. Theobromine is a methylxanthine and therefore chemically related to caffeine, but the effects are very different. The energy from theobromine is commonly described as a sustained long lasting relaxed feel-good energy without a crash.<\/p> Synephrine is a naturally occurring substance found in plants that has been used for thousands of years in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and is found mainly in Citrus Aurantium\/Orange peels. Synephrine has been commonly used to help burn fat, suppress appetite, and increase energy. The energy from Synephrine is commonly described as a clean energy without the crash associated with some other stimulants.<\/p> It seems like with every day that goes by, most of us find ourselves leading increasingly stressful lives and stress is something that can take a toll on us, both emotionally and physically. Sustained levels of stress can be detrimental to both our physical and mental health. This can take a toll on our relationships, jobs, hobbies, and our appearance.<\/p> KannaEase\u2122 is included in Lipo Elite to both help the energizing effects be smoother and without the crash associated with many stimulant-based fat burners and also to help keep your mind off of the stresses of day-to-day life and focused on your goals instead of on food.<\/p> Highlights\/Supports:<\/p> 1,000 mg. MitoBurn 250 mg. Hops (std. for Isohumulones) 250 mg. SEA (Stearoylethanolamide) 100 mg. OEA (Oleoylethanolamide) 75 mg. CaloriBurn 25 mg. AstraGin 10 mg. Bioperine<\/p> LipoVantage is an ultra-potent stimulant free fat burner and natural exercise mimetic that is designed to help you burn stubborn body-fat and get the maximum results out of your diet &\/or exercise regimen.<\/p> ^^^ If you answered yes to any of these questions, LipoVantage may be right for you.<\/p> LipoVantage is great for athletes trying to get to get the most out of their workouts, individuals trying to lose weight and amplify their diet and workouts, people looking to maintain lean muscle while losing fat, and by anyone who is looking to improve body-composition, get leaner, and be more fit.<\/p> LipoVantage can be used by both men and women.<\/p> LipoVantage isn\u2019t just another fat burner thrown together with popular trendy ingredients to get a sale. As a matter of fact, even many supplement enthusiasts may be familiar with some of the super exciting ingredients that make LipoVantage so unique and so effective.<\/p> LipoVantage is a scientifically designed precision formulation of active ingredients that is not only designed to help you maximize fat loss through a variety of exciting pathways but to also help you retain lean muscle while doing it.<\/p> Here are just some of the ways that the ingredients in LipoVantage may help support your fat loss goals:<\/p> Revolutionary Multi-Ingredient PPAR Activation Formula<\/p> In the simplest terms, this applies to fat loss and the importance of a basic understanding of it will become more clear as you read through the ingredient descriptions below.<\/p> The Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor (PPAR) family is divided into three subgroups \u2013 alpha, delta\/beta, and gamma. PPARalpha is highly expressed in muscle, the liver, kidneys, and heart and is involved in the regulation of lipid metabolism, specifically the transcription of the genes involved in the beta-oxidation (burning) of fatty acids and lipogenesis (storage of fatty acids).<\/p> Fat can be oxidized in the mitochondria and peroxisomes of cells, with the majority of this oxidation occurring in skeletal muscle cells and the liver.<\/p> PPAR-alpha activation increases fat oxidation in the mitochondria and peroxisomes by increasing the expression of enzymes involved in beta-oxidation of fatty acids. In addition, PPAR-alpha activation also increased the number or peroxisomes and mitochondria. This combination of an increased number of peroxisomes and mitochondria plus the increase in beta-oxidation of fatty acids increases the rate and capacity at which fat can be burned.<\/p> In simple terms, the activation of PPAR-alpha would be very beneficial to those looking to burn fat.<\/p> MitoBurn\u00ae is a revolutionary fat incinerating ingredient.<\/p> Hops is an herb that people tend to most commonly associate with relaxation and being one of the ingredients in beer. With Hops, as with many herbs, it\u2019s not the herb itself that is most significant, it\u2019s what the herb is standardized\/extracted for that makes the difference \u2013 in this case, Isohumulones.<\/p> Isohumulones (iso-\u03b1-acids) are a natural flavonoid found in hops and are the major bitter components in beer and come from the female hops plant (Humulus lupulus L.).<\/p> Isohumulones (iso-\u03b1-acids) have been shown to help obese individuals with prediabetes by supporting reducing hyperglycemia, the lowering of blood sugar, improved insulin sensitivity (decreased insulin resistance), and increased fat loss; thereby supporting improving some of the underlying markers of metabolic syndrome.<\/p> Stearoylethanolamide (SEA) is a fatty acid amide and endocannabinoid neurotransmitter that has been shown to support a decrease in food intake (support appetite control) and support fat loss independent of the PPAR pathway.<\/p> In addition to its fat loss and appetite control support benefits, SEA may also have possible neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory benefits.<\/p> Oleoylethanolamide (OEA) is an exogenous lipid synthesized in the intestines that has been shown to have anorexic properties, meaning that it decreases food intake (supports appetite control).<\/p> OEA is also an activator of Peroxisome Proliferator-Activator Receptor Alpha (PPAR-alpha). Activation of PPAR-alpha supports an increase in fat oxidation (the breaking down of fatty acids) along with a decrease in fat storage, thereby creating an ideal environment for fat loss.<\/p> CaloriBurn GP\u00ae is a standardized extract of the Grains of Paradise seed, also known as Aframomum Melegueta, a spice native to West Africa that belongs to the same family as ginger. CaloriBurn GP\u00ae is ideal for those looking for improved body-composition and enhanced fat loss.<\/p> AstraGin\u00ae is a natural patented ingredient complex comprised of highly fractionated Astragalus membranaceus and Panax notoginseng and created using pharmaceutical grade extraction and processing technology and designed to help enhance nutrient absorption.<\/p> In short, AstraGin\u00ae is designed to help make sure you properly absorb the other great nutrients in LipoVantage for maximum results.<\/p> Bioperine\u00ae is a standardized extract from the fruit of Piper nigrum L (Black Pepper) containing 95% piperine. Piperine has been shown to enhance the oral bioavailability of many ingredients.<\/p> Bioperine\u00ae is included in LipoVantage to be the perfect one-two punch with AstraGin\u00ae to help ensure that you properly absorb and get the maximum benefits out of all of the awesome ingredients in the comprehensive LipoVantage formulation.<\/p> LipoVantage can be stacked with CEL Lipo Elite, M-Test, Epi-Plex, Api-Plex, Anabolic Effect, or a variety of other Competitive Edge Labs products for improved synergistic results.<\/p>","gtin12":"891192002374","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/lipoelite-lipovantage-900_1664915148-0.jpg"],"brand":"Competitive Edge Labs CEL","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/32439\/competitive-edge-labs-lipo-elite-lipovantage-comb.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"77.98","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/32439\/competitive-edge-labs-lipo-elite-lipovantage-comb.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"Competitive Edge Labs Lipo Elite - 2 x 90 Capsule Bottles TWINPACK","sku":"CG2033","description":" High Energy Advanced Thermogenic Fat Burner Fat Loss, Energy, Focus, & Appetite Control Fast Acting, Long Lasting Energy<\/p> 12 Premium Active Ingredients Per Daily Dose (2 servings): Lipo Elite is an advanced thermogenic fat burner that is designed to support increases in fat burning, metabolism, energy, focus, and appetite control.<\/p> Ask Yourself a Few Questions: Do you want to lose body-fat? Do you need fast-acting, long-lasting energy and focus? Are you self-conscious about your appearance? Has your weight loss hit a sticking point? Is your appetite out of control and holding you back? Do you want to achieve maximum results as quickly as possible? Are you tired of working hard to build lean muscle to lose it when trying to lose fat? Do you feel like you just can't get started or lack ambition to try to lose weight &\/or get back in shape?<\/p>","gtin12":"891192002374","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/lipo-elite_1688832550-0.jpg"],"brand":"Competitive Edge Labs CEL","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/33282\/competitive-edge-labs-lipo-elite-2-x-90-cap-btls.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"79.99","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/33282\/competitive-edge-labs-lipo-elite-2-x-90-cap-btls.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"Competitive Edge Labs Lipo Elite - 90 Capsules","sku":"CG033","description":" Highlights\/Supports:<\/p> High Energy Advanced Thermogenic Fat Burner Fat Loss, Energy, Focus, & Appetite Control Fast Acting, Long Lasting Energy<\/p> 12 Premium Active Ingredients Per Daily Dose (2 servings):<\/p> Lipo Elite is an advanced thermogenic fat burner that is designed to support increases in fat burning, metabolism, energy, focus, and appetite control.<\/p> Ask Yourself a Few Questions: Do you want to lose body-fat? Do you need fast-acting, long-lasting energy and focus? Are you self-conscious about your appearance? Has your weight loss hit a sticking point? Is your appetite out of control and holding you back? Do you want to achieve maximum results as quickly as possible? Are you tired of working hard to build lean muscle to lose it when trying to lose fat? Do you feel like you just can\u2019t get started or lack ambition to try to lose weight &\/or get back in shape?<\/p> ^^^ If you answered yes to any of the above questions, Lipo Elite may be right for you.<\/p> MitoBurn\u00ae (L-BAIBA): MitoBurn\u00ae is a revolutionary fat incinerating ingredient.<\/p> BAIBA (\u03b2-aminoisobutyric acid) is an amino acid that can be found naturally in both plant and animal sources but that until now hasn\u2019t been widely commercially available as a raw material ingredient due to the inability to keep it stable as a powder and procure it in its most biologically active type, L-BAIBA.<\/p> L-BAIBA, a metabolite of the amino acid L-Valine, is a powerful myokine (also known as \u2018exercise factors\u2019) and has the ability to stimulate certain \u2018exercise factors\u2019 that are released from skeletal muscle in response to muscular stress, especially muscle contraction.<\/p> L-BAIBA plays an important role in the benefits of regular exercise and is the starting point for a positive sequence of events including increased free fatty acid oxidization, improved glucose uptake, and reduced body fat.<\/p> L-BAIBA works through multiple pathways. The primary one is though initiating the \u2018browning\u2019 of white adipose (fat) tissue, which increases energy expenditure, improves insulin sensitivity, and helps regulate weight management. A very novel one is that it has also been shown to help decrease the \u2018beiging\u2019 of adipose tissue. This \u2018beiging\u2019 process is when the body reverses the preferred adipose tissue color of brown (high energy usage) back to white (high energy storage).<\/p> L-BAIBA levels are associated with many of exercise\u2019s numerous benefits, including amplifying the fat burning effects of exercise so you see results faster.<\/p> MitoBurn\u00ae is the first clinically tested and verified form of L-BAIBA.<\/p> MitoBurn\u00ae (L-BAIBA) Highlights\/Supports:<\/p> MitoBurn\u00ae (L-BAIBA) as a PPAR Activator:<\/p> The significance of Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor (PPAR) activation is discussed in detail in a separate section of this write up. In simple terms, PPAR-alpha activation does a lot of the work that we desire for when exercising and trying to burn fat.<\/p> There is so much excitement about MitoBurn\u00ae as an exercise mimetic that many people often overlook that L-BAIBA is also a potent PPAR-alpha activator. This is one of the mechanisms through which L-BAIBA supports the browning of white adipose tissue and the increase in beta oxidation (the process in which fat is broken down for use as energy by the body) and decrease in fat creation<\/p> Cocoabuterol\u00ae is a specialized natural cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) extract that is custom engineered to contain the most bioactive compounds using the latest technologies. The major active ingredients in Cocoabuterol\u00ae are natural polyphenols and alkaloids, including N-Coumaroyldoamine, N-Caffeoyldopamine, and many more. All of these naturally occurring phytochemicals have a variety of incredible benefits throughout the body.<\/p> Cocoabuterol\u00ae supports fat loss through multiple pathways, a key one of which is its potent ability to help redirect the body from using muscle protein to instead start using stored fat and thereby making each workout more effective when trying to lose body-fat.<\/p> Cocoabuterol supports improved insulin sensitivity and promotes a slight diuretic effect. This supports helping you better utilize your carbohydrates and to draw out excess water, leaving you with a leaner, harder, dryer, and more toned appearance.<\/p> Cocoabuterol\u00ae is so commonly associated with fat loss that many overlook its potential muscle building and muscle-sparing benefits.<\/p> Cocoabuterol\u00ae supports muscle growth and muscle retention through supporting improved muscle protein synthesis, reduced muscle protein use, and improving adipose utilization.<\/p> Cocoabuterol\u00ae is unique in that it is stimulant free but is still associated with an increase in \u2018feel good\u2019 mental energy to help get you feeling more awake and mentally sharp. Also, being derived from chocolate, Cocoabuterol\u00ae supports an increase in positive mood to help you feel less stressed.<\/p> CaloriBurn GP\u00ae is a standardized extract of the Grains of Paradise seed, also known as Aframomum Melegueta, a spice native to West Africa that belongs to the same family as ginger. CaloriBurn GP\u00ae is ideal for those looking for improved body-composition and enhanced fat loss.<\/p> To understand how CaloriBurn GP\u00ae works, it is helping to under the different types of adipose tissue (fat) in the body:<\/p> White Adipose Tissue (WAT)\/White Fat Cells \u2013 are your body\u2019s energy storage cells; basically, they are the fat that your body stores as stored energy (leftover unburned calories from the food that you eat). Large amounts of white fat around the abdominal area is associated with a higher risk of metabolic disease.<\/p> Brown Adipose Tissue (BAT)\/Brown Fat Cells \u2013 are used for diet and cold induced thermogenesis (maintaining your body\u2019s normal temperature when exposed to cold). Brown fat generates heat by burning calories.<\/p> CaloriBurn GP\u00ae has the unique ability to help convert white fat to brown fat, thereby converting the energy storing fat tissue into the type of fat tissue that help helps increase thermogenesis and total calorie expenditure.<\/p> Unlike many fat loss ingredients, Grains of Paradise\/Aframomum is backed by human studies. One study showed that subjects had a significantly greater increase in energy expenditure, seemingly due to the increase in brown fat activity versus the placebo group.<\/p> Another study showed that subject (non-obese women) that consumed Grains of Paradise\/Aframomum had greater decreases in body-fat around the lower abdominals as well as lower levels of visceral fat in the same area as compared to those who consumed a placebo; and very significantly this was with both groups NOT making any changes in diet and exercise.<\/p> Gamma-butyrobetaine (GBB) is a precursor to L-Carnitine that has the ability to increase the body\u2019s production of L-Carnitine and help improve energy levels, fat loss, athletic performance, and more.<\/p> GBB is referred to by some as \u2018Super Carnitine\u2019 and functions similarly to other L-Carnitine supplements but at a dramatically lower dosage and takes things a step further due to its ability to raise plasma levels of L-Carnitine.<\/p> GBB can also help support thermogenesis as evidenced by the increased sweating that some feel when using GBB which has led some people to say that they \u2018feel the fat melting off\u2019. Of course, that is an exaggeration but is a good indication of the great fat burning results that many feel from GBB.<\/p> Caffeine Anhydrous is the staple ingredient in many fat loss and energy products and for good reason.<\/p> With numerous studies supporting Caffeine\u2019s role in fat loss, most notably through thermogenesis, Caffeine has also been shown to improve exercise performance and has a key role in increasing energy, mental focus, mood, cognitive ability, and has potential synergistic effects with other key ingredients in Lipo Elite.<\/p> Infinergy\u2122 DiCaffeine Malate is a form of Caffeine that has been bonded to Malic Acid which can both extend the effects of the caffeine and increase energy production through Malic Acid\u2019s role in the Krebs cycle. By combining the well-established properties of both Caffeine and Malic Acid, Infinergy\u2122 offers a multi-dimensional ingredient that not only optimizes energy levels but also stimulates thermogenesis while promoting mental focus.<\/p> N-Phenethyl-Dimethylamine is a very potent stimulant and fat burning ingredient that may offer potential mood-boosting effects through increasing dopamine and noradrenaline in the body. Dopamine is commonly referred to as the \u2018feel-good\u2019 hormone. These hormones also support improved concentration, alertness, mental focus, positive mood, and an improved sense of well-being.<\/p> In addition to its energy and fat burning benefits, common feedback on this ingredient includes improved mood and focus in the gym, during exercise, &\/or in day-to-day life.<\/p> Theobromine is a methylxanthine and is the \u2018feel good\u2019 ingredient in chocolate. The relaxed feeling that one experiences after chocolate consumption can be attributed to theobromine.<\/p> Some people get confused in comparing theobromine to caffeine. Theobromine is a methylxanthine and therefore chemically related to caffeine, but the effects are very different. Unlike caffeine, theobromine is not a central nervous system stimulant. Also, caffeine has two methyl groups whereas theobromine has three. The presence of the additional methyl group slows the clearance of theobromine from the body (longer half-life) and thus theobromine provides longer lasting energy than caffeine.<\/p> The energy from theobromine is commonly described as a sustained long lasting relaxed feel-good energy without a crash.<\/p> Synephrine is a naturally occurring substance found in plants that has been used for thousands of years in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and is found mainly in Citrus Aurantium\/Orange peels. Synephrine has been commonly used to help burn fat, suppress appetite, and increase energy. The energy from Synephrine is commonly described as a clean energy without the crash associated with some other stimulants.<\/p> It seems like with every day that goes by, most of us find ourselves leading increasingly stressful lives and stress is something that can take a toll on us, both emotionally and physically. Sustained levels of stress can be detrimental to both our physical and mental health. This can take a toll on our relationships, jobs, hobbies, and our appearance.<\/p> Whether it be from an actual increase in appetite, grabbing some comfort food, or being an emotional eater, many of us find that as our level of stress goes up, so does our appetite and food consumption.<\/p> KannaEase\u2122 is a high potency specialized Sceletium Tortuosum (Kanna) extract that is designed to support positive mood, relaxation, calmness, improved sense of well-being, and more.<\/p> KannaEase\u2122 is included in Lipo Elite to both help the energizing effects be smoother and without the crash associated with many stimulant-based fat burners and also to help keep your mind off of the stresses of day-to-day life and focused on your goals instead of on food.<\/p> AstraGin\u00ae is a natural patented ingredient complex comprised of highly fractionated Astragalus membranaceus and Panax notoginseng and created using pharmaceutical grade extraction and processing technology and designed to help enhance nutrient absorption.<\/p> In short, AstraGin\u00ae is designed to help make sure you properly absorb the other great nutrients in Lipo Elite for maximum results.<\/p> Bioperine\u00ae is a standardized extract from the fruit of Piper nigrum L (Black Pepper) containing 95% piperine. Piperine has been shown to enhance the oral bioavailability of many ingredients.<\/p> Bioperine\u00ae is included in Lipo Elite to be the perfect one-two punch with AstraGin\u00ae to help ensure that you properly absorb and get the maximum benefits out of all of the awesome ingredients in the comprehensive Lipo Elite formulation.<\/p> Stacking & Synergy: Lipo Elite can be stacked with LipoVantage, M-Test, Anabolic Effect, Epi-Plex, Super Swole, or a variety of other Competitive Edge Labs products to help you reach your individual goals.<\/p> *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent, or treat any disease.<\/p>","gtin12":"891192002374","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/lip-elite-rendering-fro_1662477250-0.jpg"],"brand":"Competitive Edge Labs CEL","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/32334\/competitive-edge-labs-lipo-elite-90-cap.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"43.95","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/32334\/competitive-edge-labs-lipo-elite-90-cap.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"Competitive Edge Labs LipoVantage Stimulant Free Fat Burner - 180 Capsule (2 x 90 Capsule Bottles) TWINPACK","sku":"CG2032","description":" Highlights\/Supports:<\/p> \r\n <\/p>\r\n 1,000 mg. MitoBurn<\/p>\r\n 250 mg. Hops (std. for Isohumulones)<\/p>\r\n 250 mg. SEA (Stearoylethanolamide)<\/p>\r\n 100 mg. OEA (Oleoylethanolamide)<\/p>\r\n 75 mg. CaloriBurn<\/p>\r\n 25 mg. AstraGin<\/p>\r\n 10 mg. Bioperine<\/p>\r\n <\/p>\r\n LipoVantage is an ultra-potent stimulant free fat burner and natural exercise mimetic that is designed to help you burn stubborn body-fat and get the maximum results out of your diet &\/or exercise regimen.<\/p>\r\n <\/p>\r\n ^^^ If you answered yes to any of these questions, LipoVantage may be right for you.<\/p>\r\n <\/p>\r\n LipoVantage is great for athletes trying to get to get the most out of their workouts, individuals trying to lose weight and amplify their diet and workouts, people looking to maintain lean muscle while losing fat, and by anyone who is looking to improve body-composition, get leaner, and be more fit.<\/p>\r\n LipoVantage can be used by both men and women.<\/p>\r\n LipoVantage isn’t just another fat burner thrown together with popular trendy ingredients to get a sale. As a matter of fact, even many supplement enthusiasts may be familiar with some of the super exciting ingredients that make LipoVantage so unique and so effective.<\/p>\r\n LipoVantage is a scientifically designed precision formulation of active ingredients that is not only designed to help you maximize fat loss through a variety of exciting pathways but to also help you retain lean muscle while doing it.<\/p>\r\n Here are just some of the ways that the ingredients in LipoVantage may help support your fat loss goals:<\/p>\r\n
\r\nFat Loss & Enhanced Body-Composition:<\/span><\/strong><\/h3>\r\n
\r\nPumps & Muscle Fullness:<\/span><\/strong><\/h3>\r\n
\r\nExciting & Novel Natural Anabolic Pathways:<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n
\r\nOlfactory Receptors:<\/span><\/strong><\/h3>\r\n
\r\nWhat are Olfactory Receptors?<\/span><\/h4>\r\n
a-Cedrene & the Olfactory Receptors:<\/span><\/h4>\r\n
\r\ncAMP (Cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate):<\/span><\/strong><\/h3>\r\n
\r\nMuscle Building:<\/span><\/strong><\/h4>\r\n
Fat Loss:<\/span><\/h4>\r\n
Healthy Aging:<\/span><\/h4>\r\n
\r\nA note about increasing cAMP:<\/span><\/strong><\/h4>\r\n
\r\nStacking & Synergy:<\/strong><\/span><\/h4>\r\n
Hardcore Natural Anabolic<\/h5>
Anabolic Effect Highlights:<\/h5>
Let\u2019s Examine the Ingredients:<\/h5>
Korean Mistletoe:<\/h6>
Eriobotrya Japonica Extract:<\/h6>
Rehmannaie Radix Extract:<\/h6>
PrimaVie Shilajit Extract (50% Fulvic Acid):<\/h6>
Hardcore Natural Anabolic<\/h5>
Anabolic Effect Highlights<\/h6>
Let\u2019s Examine the Ingredients<\/h5>
Powerful Estrogen Control Support<\/p>\r\n
1,200 Mg. E. Cottonii<\/strong>
600 Mg. Ellagic Acid<\/strong>
500 Mg. Spilanthes Acmella (as SA3X™)<\/strong>
400 Mg. Panax Ginseng (as G70X™)<\/strong>
300 Mg. Cistanche (as C30X™)<\/strong>
50 mg. Apigenin (as ApiPure™)<\/strong>
10 mg. Bioperine®<\/strong><\/p>\r\n
Cloma-Plex is designed for bodybuilder, powerlifters, athletes, physique competitors, and anyone who wants to stand out from the crowd by having a leaner, harder, more muscular physique.<\/p>\r\n
Estrogen is one of the most often misunderstood hormones by males due to the perception and generalization that all estrogen is bad and needs to be eliminated.<\/p>\r\n
The terms Anti-Aging and Longevity have come to mean a lot of different things to different people but were originally popularized by men looking for regimens that helped them look better, feel better, & perform better – in the gym, the bedroom, and in day-to-day life.<\/p>\r\n
Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) can be an extremely stressful time for the body and needs to be targeted adequately from multiple angles.<\/p>\r\n
Symplocos Racemosa Extract (as SR10X™):<\/strong>
Symplocos Racemosa Extract is a super exciting herb that has so many potential benefits that it would take a series of articles to cover all of the information. So due to space constraints, this write up will just be providing an overview.<\/p>\r\n
Eucheuma Cottonii (E. Cottonii) is a polyphenol rich edible seaweed extract that contains vitamins, trace minerals, antioxidants, & amino acids and has been shown to have potent anti-estrogen properties.<\/p>\r\n
Ellagic Acid is a plant derived polyphenol that is naturally occurring and is found primarily in pomegranates but also in strawberries, cranberries, raspberries, and other plants.<\/p>\r\n
Spilanthes Acmella is an herb that has a long history of use in Ayurvedic medicine as a natural testosterone booster and for its aphrodisiac (libido enhancing) and pain-relieving properties.<\/p>\r\n
Panax Ginseng is one of the most extensively studied and well-known herbs on the face of the earth and has been used for centuries in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to help strengthen the immune system, promote virility, vitality, & libido, improve the body’s response to stress (both physical and psychological), enhance energy levels & improve cognition, and for a wide variety of other anti-aging and longevity properties.<\/p>\r\n
Cistanche is an adaptogenic and restorative tonic herb that has been used for centuries primarily for its natural testosterone, libido, virility, and vitality benefits.<\/p>\r\n
Apigenin is a natural flavonoid found in parsley, celery, chamomile, and citrus fruits that is similar to Quercetin, Hesperidin, Luteolin, and Kaempferol. However, even though its structure is very similar to these compounds, Apigenin has some very different effects in the body than those related substances.<\/p>\r\n
Bioperine® is a standardized extract from the fruit of Piper nigrum L (Black Pepper) containing 95% piperine. Piperine has been shown to enhance the oral bioavailability of many ingredients and is included in Cloma-Plex to make sure that you get the maximum benefits from all of the awesome ingredients in this comprehensive formulation.<\/p>\r\n
Cloma-Plex can be stacked with M-Test, Anabolic Effect, Epi-Plex, Api-Plex, Ecdy-Plex, Cycle Assist, PCT Assist, or a wide variety of other Competitive Edge Labs products to help you achieve your individual goals.<\/p>\r\nCloma-Plex<\/h1>\r\n
Powerful Estrogen Control Support<\/p>\r\n
1,200 Mg. E. Cottonii<\/strong>
600 Mg. Ellagic Acid<\/strong>
500 Mg. Spilanthes Acmella (as SA3X™)<\/strong>
400 Mg. Panax Ginseng (as G70X™)<\/strong>
300 Mg. Cistanche (as C30X™)<\/strong>
50 mg. Apigenin (as ApiPure™)<\/strong>
10 mg. Bioperine®<\/strong><\/p>\r\n
Cloma-Plex is designed for bodybuilder, powerlifters, athletes, physique competitors, and anyone who wants to stand out from the crowd by having a leaner, harder, more muscular physique.<\/p>\r\n
Estrogen is one of the most often misunderstood hormones by males due to the perception and generalization that all estrogen is bad and needs to be eliminated.<\/p>\r\n
The terms Anti-Aging and Longevity have come to mean a lot of different things to different people but were originally popularized by men looking for regimens that helped them look better, feel better, & perform better – in the gym, the bedroom, and in day-to-day life.<\/p>\r\n
Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) can be an extremely stressful time for the body and needs to be targeted adequately from multiple angles.<\/p>\r\n
Symplocos Racemosa Extract (as SR10X™):<\/strong>
Symplocos Racemosa Extract is a super exciting herb that has so many potential benefits that it would take a series of articles to cover all of the information. So due to space constraints, this write up will just be providing an overview.<\/p>\r\n
Eucheuma Cottonii (E. Cottonii) is a polyphenol rich edible seaweed extract that contains vitamins, trace minerals, antioxidants, & amino acids and has been shown to have potent anti-estrogen properties.<\/p>\r\n
Ellagic Acid is a plant derived polyphenol that is naturally occurring and is found primarily in pomegranates but also in strawberries, cranberries, raspberries, and other plants.<\/p>\r\n
Spilanthes Acmella is an herb that has a long history of use in Ayurvedic medicine as a natural testosterone booster and for its aphrodisiac (libido enhancing) and pain-relieving properties.<\/p>\r\n
Panax Ginseng is one of the most extensively studied and well-known herbs on the face of the earth and has been used for centuries in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to help strengthen the immune system, promote virility, vitality, & libido, improve the body’s response to stress (both physical and psychological), enhance energy levels & improve cognition, and for a wide variety of other anti-aging and longevity properties.<\/p>\r\n
Cistanche is an adaptogenic and restorative tonic herb that has been used for centuries primarily for its natural testosterone, libido, virility, and vitality benefits.<\/p>\r\n
Apigenin is a natural flavonoid found in parsley, celery, chamomile, and citrus fruits that is similar to Quercetin, Hesperidin, Luteolin, and Kaempferol. However, even though its structure is very similar to these compounds, Apigenin has some very different effects in the body than those related substances.<\/p>\r\n
Bioperine® is a standardized extract from the fruit of Piper nigrum L (Black Pepper) containing 95% piperine. Piperine has been shown to enhance the oral bioavailability of many ingredients and is included in Cloma-Plex to make sure that you get the maximum benefits from all of the awesome ingredients in this comprehensive formulation.<\/p>\r\n
Cloma-Plex can be stacked with M-Test, Anabolic Effect, Epi-Plex, Api-Plex, Ecdy-Plex, Cycle Assist, PCT Assist, or a wide variety of other Competitive Edge Labs products to help you achieve your individual goals.<\/p>\r\nThe Original Trusted<\/h5>
All-In-One Cycle Support Solution<\/h6>
Cycle Assist Highlights\/Supports:<\/h5>
Why choose Cycle Assist?<\/h5>
Cost Effective Price + Adequately Dosed + Standardized Potencies = All in One Support Solution<\/h5>
Examining the Ingredients:<\/h5>
Milk Thistle:<\/h5>
NAC (N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine):<\/h5>
Hawthorn Berry Extract:<\/h5>
Saw Palmetto Extract:<\/h5>
Alpha Lipoic Acid:<\/h5>
Celery Seed Extract:<\/h5>
Grape Seed Extract:<\/h5>
Building & Retaining Muscle Mass, Improved Body-Composition, & Athletic Performance Benefits:<\/h6>
A Wide Array of Supportive Benefits:<\/h6>
Zinc (as monomethionine):<\/h5>
The Original Trusted<\/h5>
All-In-One Cycle Support Solution<\/h6>
Cycle Assist Highlights\/Supports:<\/h5>
Why choose Cycle Assist?<\/h5>
Cost Effective Price + Adequately Dosed + Standardized Potencies = All in One Support Solution<\/h5>
Examining the Ingredients:<\/h5>
Milk Thistle:<\/h6>
NAC (N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine):<\/h6>
Hawthorn Berry Extract:<\/h6>
Saw Palmetto Extract:<\/h6>
Alpha Lipoic Acid:<\/h6>
Celery Seed Extract:<\/h6>
Grape Seed Extract:<\/h6>
Zinc (as monomethionine):<\/h6>
Natural Anabolic Muscle Builder<\/h5>
Decimate Your Genetic Limitations<\/h5>
Lean Muscle, Strength, Endurance, & More<\/h5>
Epi-Plex Highlights\/Supports:<\/h5>
Epi-Plex Product Features:<\/h5>
Ask Yourself a Few Questions:<\/h5>
What is Epi-Plex?<\/h5>
Epi-Plex Evolved \u2013 The New Epi-Plex<\/h5>
Let\u2019s Examine the Benefits<\/h5>
Myostatin & Follistatin:<\/h6>
Lean Muscle & Strength:<\/h6>
Muscle Fullness, Pumps, & Vascularity:<\/h6>
Cardiovascular Health, Blood Flow, & Endothelial Health:<\/h6>
No Deceptive Proprietary Blends \u2013 Know Exactly How Much You\u2019re Getting<\/h6>
Let\u2019s Examine the Ingredients:<\/h5>
Epicatechin \u2013 300 mg. per capsule<\/h6>
VasoFlo+\u2122 \u2013 150 mg. per capsule<\/h6>
Bioperine\u00ae \u2013 10 mg. per capsule<\/h6>
Natural Anabolic Muscle Builder<\/h5>
Epi-Plex Highlights\/Supports:<\/h6>
Epi-Plex Product Features:<\/h6>
Ask Yourself a Few Questions:<\/h6>
What is Epi-Plex?<\/h5>
Epi-Plex Evolved \u2013 The New Epi-Plex<\/h5>
Let\u2019s Examine the Benefits<\/h5>
Myostatin & Follistatin:<\/h6>
Lean Muscle & Strength:<\/h6>
Muscle Fullness, Pumps, & Vascularity:<\/h6>
Cardiovascular Health, Blood Flow, & Endothelial Health:<\/h6>
No Deceptive Proprietary Blends \u2013 Know Exactly How Much You\u2019re Getting<\/h5>
Let\u2019s Examine the Ingredients:<\/h5>
Epicatechin \u2013 300 mg. per capsule<\/h6>
VasoFlo+\u2122 \u2013 150 mg. per capsule<\/h6>
Bioperine\u00ae \u2013 10 mg. per capsule<\/h6>
Joint Edge<\/h5>
Joint Edge Highlights\/Supports:<\/h5>
Don\u2019t let joint pain slow you down \u2013 give yourself an edge \u2013 Joint Edge.<\/h5>
Let\u2019s Examine the Ingredients:<\/h5>
NEM\u00ae Eggshell Membrane \u2013 500 mg<\/h6>
CurcuPrime\u00ae \u2013 250 mg.<\/h6>
TamaFlex\u00ae \u2013 250 mg.<\/h6>
Hyaluronic Acid \u2013 200 mg.<\/h6>
Boswellin\u00ae Super \u2013 100 mg.<\/h6>
What makes Boswellin\u00ae Super so special?<\/h6>
AstraGin\u00ae \u2013 25 mg.<\/h6>
Bioperine\u00ae \u2013 10 mg.<\/h6>
Stacking & Synergy:<\/h5>
Joint Edge Highlights\/Supports:<\/h5>
Don't let joint pain slow you down \u2013 give yourself an edge \u2013 Joint Edge.<\/h5>
Let's Examine the Ingredients:<\/h5>
NEM\u00ae Eggshell Membrane \u2013 500 mg<\/h6>
CurcuPrime\u00ae \u2013 250 mg.<\/h6>
TamaFlex\u00ae \u2013 250 mg.<\/h6>
Hyaluronic Acid \u2013 200 mg.<\/h6>
Boswellin\u00ae Super \u2013 100 mg.<\/h6>
What makes Boswellin\u00ae Super so special?<\/h6>
AstraGin\u00ae \u2013 25 mg.<\/h6>
Bioperine\u00ae \u2013 10 mg.<\/h6>
Stacking & Synergy:<\/h5>
Lipo Elite<\/h5>
Let\u2019s Examine the Ingredients:<\/h5>
MitoBurn\u00ae (L-BAIBA) Highlights\/Supports:<\/h6>
GBB (as gbbBURN\u2122):<\/h6>
Caffeine Anhydrous:<\/h6>
Maximize Fat Burning<\/h5>
Support Appetite Control<\/h5>
Ultra-Potent 1000 mg. MitoBurn\u00ae Per Serving<\/h5>
LipoVantage Highlights\/Supports:<\/h5>
Ask Yourself a Few Questions:<\/h5>
Melt Away Stubborn Body-Fat<\/h5>
Support Appetite Control & Mimic the Effects of Exercise<\/h5>
Help Preserve Lean Muscle While Dieting<\/h5>
Who is LipoVantage for?<\/h5>
So, you want a fat burner that works in a lot of different ways?<\/h5>
What does the term PPAR mean and what are PPAR activators?<\/h5>
Let\u2019s Examine the Ingredients:<\/h5>
MitoBurn\u00ae (L-BAIBA):<\/h6>
MitoBurn\u00ae (L-BAIBA) Highlights\/Supports:<\/h6>
Hops (standardized for Isohumulones):<\/h6>
Stearoylethanolamide (SEA):<\/h6>
Oleoylethanolamide (OEA):<\/h6>
CaloriBurn GP\u00ae:<\/h6>
Lipo Elite<\/h5>
Lipo Elite<\/h5>
Let\u2019s Examine the Ingredients:<\/h5>
Thermogenic Effects:<\/h5>
Improved Insulin Sensitivity:<\/h5>
Lean Muscle Building & Sparing:<\/h5>
Stimulant Free Energy & Mood Booster:<\/h5>
CaloriBurn GP\u00ae:<\/h5>
GBB (as gbbBURN\u2122):<\/h5>
Caffeine Anhydrous:<\/h5>
DiCaffeine Malate (as Infinergy\u2122):<\/h5>
Maximize Fat Burning<\/span><\/h2>\r\n
Support Appetite Control<\/span><\/h2>\r\n
Ultra-Potent 1000 mg. MitoBurn® Per Serving<\/span><\/h4>\r\n
LipoVantage Highlights\/Supports:<\/strong><\/span><\/h3>\r\n
Ask Yourself a Few Questions:<\/span><\/strong><\/h4>\r\n
Melt Away Stubborn Body-Fat <\/span><\/h4>\r\n
Support Appetite Control & Mimic the Effects of Exercise<\/span><\/h4>\r\n
Help Preserve Lean Muscle While Dieting<\/span><\/h4>\r\n
Who is LipoVantage for? <\/span><\/h3>\r\n
Ultra-Potent 1,000 Mg. MitoBurn® Per Serving<\/span><\/h4>\r\n
So, you want a fat burner that works in a lot of different ways?<\/span><\/h3>\r\n