\/p>","gtin12":"850051031146","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/grow-chocolate-peanut-but_1699469249-0.jpg"],"brand":"Core Nutritionals","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/33557\/core-nutritionals-grow-chocolate-peanut-butter-cu.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"89.99","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/33557\/core-nutritionals-grow-chocolate-peanut-butter-cu.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"Core Nutritionals GROW Cookies n Cream - 10 Lb","sku":"CU365","description":"
GROW - Mass Gainer<\/strong><\/p>\r\n When you hear someone say “This is the best gainer on the market,” what qualities do you think of? High in complete proteins, great carb source, healthy fats? Seems simple enough. Yet, how many gainers really qualify for that definition?<\/p>\r\n Core GROW does and is hands down, flat-out, the most complete, soundest gainer on the market with the highest quality ingredients. There are no flashy “new carb” technologies in GROW – there is only a whole food-based carb blend derived from the foods you are already eating. Quick: name a fitness staple for carbs. You answered oats, and so did we. That is why oatmeal flour is the cornerstone of our carbohydrate blend – along with sweet potato flour and natural cane sugar.<\/p>\r\n Complete proteins? How about cold-processed, undenatured whey protein concentrate and milk protein isolate. Not only are you consuming the king of proteins but you are not going to have to choke this mass gainer down either due to off putting texture.<\/p>\r\n Healthy fats? How about coconut oil powder, a nutritional powerhouse and one of the best fat sources you can find.<\/p>\r\n Got enzymes? That is right, to help you digest this meal in a scoop, we’ve included an industry-best enzyme blend. Not to mention that nearly every ingredient in our formulation has a vitamin, mineral, and micronutrient profile that would make a dietician blush with envy.<\/p>\r\n Finally, we want to make sure you are truly making quality gains with this mass gainer. That is why we included patented Velositol® in this formulation to make sure you are maximizing your muscle protein synthesis and reaping the maximal benefits of all of these quality ingredients.<\/p>\r\n Growing and gains should fit into your life, not pose a problem to it. Core GROW is a gaining solution that factors in the reality that people taking it still live a life, still have a diet, and need a gainer that occupies a beneficial place in them. We said above that this is the best gainer on the market, and we meant it. Now you simply need to grab some GROW and see for yourself.<\/p>\r\n <\/p>\r\n <\/p>","gtin12":"850051031153","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/grow-cookies-n-cream-1800_1699469174-0.jpg"],"brand":"Core Nutritionals","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/33556\/core-nutritionals-grow-cookies-n-cream-10-lb.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"89.99","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/33556\/core-nutritionals-grow-cookies-n-cream-10-lb.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"Core Nutritionals GROW Vanilla Milkshake - 10 Lb","sku":"CU367","description":" GROW - Mass Gainer<\/strong><\/p>\r\n When you hear someone say “This is the best gainer on the market,” what qualities do you think of? High in complete proteins, great carb source, healthy fats? Seems simple enough. Yet, how many gainers really qualify for that definition?<\/p>\r\n Core GROW does and is hands down, flat-out, the most complete, soundest gainer on the market with the highest quality ingredients. There are no flashy “new carb” technologies in GROW – there is only a whole food-based carb blend derived from the foods you are already eating. Quick: name a fitness staple for carbs. You answered oats, and so did we. That is why oatmeal flour is the cornerstone of our carbohydrate blend – along with sweet potato flour and natural cane sugar.<\/p>\r\n Complete proteins? How about cold-processed, undenatured whey protein concentrate and milk protein isolate. Not only are you consuming the king of proteins but you are not going to have to choke this mass gainer down either due to off putting texture.<\/p>\r\n Healthy fats? How about coconut oil powder, a nutritional powerhouse and one of the best fat sources you can find.<\/p>\r\n Got enzymes? That is right, to help you digest this meal in a scoop, we’ve included an industry-best enzyme blend. Not to mention that nearly every ingredient in our formulation has a vitamin, mineral, and micronutrient profile that would make a dietician blush with envy.<\/p>\r\n Finally, we want to make sure you are truly making quality gains with this mass gainer. That is why we included patented Velositol® in this formulation to make sure you are maximizing your muscle protein synthesis and reaping the maximal benefits of all of these quality ingredients.<\/p>\r\n Growing and gains should fit into your life, not pose a problem to it. Core GROW is a gaining solution that factors in the reality that people taking it still live a life, still have a diet, and need a gainer that occupies a beneficial place in them. We said above that this is the best gainer on the market, and we meant it. Now you simply need to grab some GROW and see for yourself.<\/p>\r\n <\/p>\r\n <\/p>","gtin12":"850051031160","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/grow-vanilla-milkshake-18_1699469282-0.jpg"],"brand":"Core Nutritionals","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/33558\/core-nutritionals-grow-vanilla-milkshake-10-lb.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"89.99","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/33558\/core-nutritionals-grow-vanilla-milkshake-10-lb.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"Core Nutritionals HARD - 84 Capsules","sku":"CU045","description":" Advanced Recomposition and Hardening Agent<\/p> Your diet is impeccable and couldn\u2019t be any more in check \u2013 macros, micros, you have it all down. Your workouts? Get out of here! You have slaved, grinded, and grunted your way through leg workouts so intense the gym staff cried \u2013 and those were on your worst days. And yet, something is missing. It\u2019s that \"extra\" level of shred, \"that look.\" You know exactly what we mean. That type of leanness and density that makes an arm look twice as big, a stomach look twice as lean, and a forearm look like a roadmap for the Italian countryside. It\u2019s that kind of elusive hardness that\u2019s so rare, most of us simply chalk it up to genetics, or luck, or steroids, or whatever excuse we have handy \u2013 and yet we all still want it.<\/p> The reality? It isn\u2019t all that unattainable. Getting \"that\" look, \"that\" hardness, is about balance and recomposition. It\u2019s a matter of adding in that final piece of the puzzle that makes the entire picture come out perfectly.<\/p> To be hard, you need to get HARD. It\u2019s that simple. Core HARD is another product in the Core Nutritionals\u2019 lineup to follow the basic, but indispensable principles that Core Nutritionals is slowly making an industry standard: create products with effective ingredients, in effective doses, in a non-proprietary formula. This time around, we have applied those principles to the problem of softness that we all despise and have developed the most advanced ultra-hardening and recomposition agent on the market.<\/p> Taking advantage of both the old and the new, Core Nutritionals has employed both modern, cutting-edge compounds and traditional herbs to create a balanced approach to delivering hardness. Key ingredients in Core HARD affect some of the body\u2019s critical physiological pathways, combining sexiness and science in a single, non-proprietary formula. We have included five powerful ingredients into a full month's worth of stimulant free, recomposition goodness.<\/p> Core HARD can be used alone, or in a stack with other Core Nutritionals\u2019 products. The BURN HARD stack (Core HARD plus Core BURN) will be the ultimate fat-blasting and hardening stack. Men can try the HARD A.B.s stack (Core HARD plus Core ALPHA plus Core BURN) to help create that chiseled look that all men want.<\/p> Phosphatidylserine, colloquially known as PS, is a nearly ubiquitous phospholipid found in various membranous tissues throughout the body. PS\u2019s ubiquity coincides with its necessity for crucial physiological functions, as the phospholipid is implicated in several components of cell communication, as well as the mediation of catecholamine synthesis and transmission in the brain (along with other neuroendocrine functions). In a fitness-related context, a nascent but growing body of methodologically-sound research suggests that PS may play an active role in the attenuation of stress response, with a resulting increase in total exercise capacity and performance.<\/p> While several explanations exist as to PS\u2019s specific mechanism of action, one of the earliest proposals was a powerful and acute blunting effect on cortisol production via ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone) reduction. In a double-blind study involving 9 healthy adult males, ranging in age from 18-29, the participants were administered phosphatidylserine for 10 days prior to an acute exercise challenge. Post-exercise measurements found that phosphatidylserine reduced not only ACTH, but also plasma cortisol levels in a statistically significant fashion.<\/p> Subsequent studies administering the compound in both acute and chronic fashion suggest that PS, whether through cortisol-mediated mechanisms or otherwise, has a measurable effect on exercise physiology and exercise capacity. In a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized trial involving 16 trained athletes, phosphatidylserine was administered for 10 days prior to an acute exercise challenge. Biomarkers of stress and muscle damage (cortisol, creatine kinase, among them), along with exercise markers such as exercise time to exhaustion, sprint performance, and ratings of perceived exertion, were measured post-exercise. While PS administration did not attenuate markers of physiological stress in this study, the authors found that exercise time to exhaustion was significantly altered. Related studies using similar serving sizes have found that chronic PS administration increased shot accuracy in golfers, increased exercise time to exhaustion by 28% in cyclists, and reduced subjective feelings of stress and soreness in others.<\/p> Overall, and whether by cortisol or non-cortisol mediated mechanisms, phosphatidylserine appears to play a valuable role in the reduction of both physiological and psychological stress in response to exercise. In combination with its demonstrated effects on exercise capacity improvement, PS may play a critical role in the continued exercise success of bodybuilders in a, \"cutting\" or recomposition stage.<\/p> Withania somnifera Dunal, colloquially known as Winter Cherry or Indian Ginseng, is an herb that features prominently in the traditional Indian medicinal system of Ayurveda. Known as Ashwagandha in Ayurveda, Withania somnifera is a critical ingredient in various Ayurvedic tonics and tinctures prepared as a traditional remedy for the treatment of various ailments.<\/p> Recently identified as a potent adaptogenic and target for therapeutic applications, Ashwaghanda has been the subject of numerous animal, pre-clinical, and clinical trials designed to examine its potential effects as an antioxidant, anti-carcinogenic, anxiolytic, antibacterial, antifungal, and immonumodulating compound. Ashwaghanda\u2019s broad therapeutic potential is hypothesized to be the result of its robust phytochemical profile, including a wide swath of alkaloids, sitoindosides, and the highly biologically active withanolide group. As the principally biologically active compounds within Ashwaghanda, withanolides such as withanone, withaferine A, withanolides A, D, and G have been identified, isolated, and extensively studied in the various applications noted above.<\/p> In recognition of the potential physiological benefits of withanolides, Core Nutritionals selected KSM-66\u00ae to include in its HARD formula. KSM-66\u00ae is a full-spectrum Ashwaghanda extract, standardized for 5% withanolides \u2013 meaning that KSM-66\u00ae not only includes the full range of biologically active compounds within Ashwaghanda, but also that it contains the highest currently available concentration of the principally active withanolides (5%).<\/p> The high concentrations of withanolides within KSM-66\u00ae has resulted in encouraging results in a number of human clinical trials \u2013 particularly considering many of these trials were conducted using the methodological gold standard of randomization, double-blind delivery, and placebo control. Amongst the most impressive results contained in these trials:<\/p> A 27.9% reduction in serum cortisol levels, measured over 60 days in a trial featuring 64 chronically stressed adults. Statistically significant increases to endurance and stamina, as measured by VO2 max, in a clinical trial featuring 50 healthy, exercise-trained adults. Increased measures of well-being as reported by self-assessment scales, included in both the clinical trials mentioned above. Statistically significant increases in serum testosterone levels in a clinical trial featuring 68 infertile men.<\/p> Though each of these results is impressive, perhaps the most significant is the 27.9% reduction in cortisol seen in the 60-day trial. As detailed above, cortisol possesses a multitude of potentially degradative physiological effects, including: inhibiting glucose uptake, causing a constriction of the vasculature (vasoconstriction), the breakdown of glycogen, and inarguably the result most would desire to avoid, proteolysis (the breakdown of muscle tissue).<\/p> To put it the simplest way possible, cortisol\u2019s chief functions involve either turning on, or shutting off, the very things we as fitness enthusiasts want to avoid or turn on, respectively!<\/p> N-Coumaroyldopamine is a natural analogue to the phytochemical N-Caffeoyldopamine, itself found prominently in various plants, including cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.). N-Coumaroyldopamine, its parent compounds, and other analogs that derive from its parent compound, have recently been the subject of phytochemical analyses due to their chemical similarity to sympathomimetic amines known to couple to the beta-2-adrenergic receptor.<\/p> Phytochemical analyses were subsequently designed to assess the potency of N-Coumaroyldopamine and N-Caffeoyldopamine as beta-2-adrenergic receptor agonists \u2013 or, in simpler terms, their ability to \"turn on\" the fabled beta-2-adrenergic receptor. In these trials, the phytochemicals were shown to be as potent as several well-known beta-2-adrenergic receptor agonists (salbutamol, procaterol, and fenoterol). You read that correctly: N-Coumaroyldopamine and N-Caffeoyldopamine were found to bind as tightly to the beta-2-adrenergic receptor as well-known synthetic compounds!<\/p> The desirability of activating the beta-2-adrenergic receptor arises due to the critical role that beta-2-adrenertic receptors play in both skeletal muscle and fat metabolic function. In particular, beta-2-adrenergic receptors have been shown to induce dilation in the vasculature (vasodilation \u2013 the process involved in a \"pump\"), increase oxygen uptake and nutrient transport to skeletal muscle, regulate thermogenesis (the production of body heat), inhibit the pro-adipogenic (fat constructing) effects of other adrenergic receptor types, as well as directly increase lipolysis and the oxidation of fatty acids \u2013 the literal burning of fat tissue.<\/p> Beta-2-adrenergic receptors achieve these effects via one of the body\u2019s key chemical messengers, known as cAMP (cyclic adenosine monophosphate). cAMP works as a sort of cell-type translator and foreman: it receives an input from, say, a receptor such as the beta-2-adrenergic receptor, and then communicates and directs the types of cells that the beta-2-adrenergic receptor would like to target.<\/p> Just within the context of beta-2-adrenergic agonism, this amounts to cAMP increasing resting metabolic rate and caloric expenditure (the amount of calories you burn), improving peripheral sensitivity to glucose and glucose utilization, reduction of gluconeogenesis, induction of AMPk (adenosine monophosphate kinase) release, triggering of lipolysis (the literal burning of fat tissue we spoke about earlier), the inhibition of lipogenesis (the creation of fat tissue), and vasodilation.<\/p> What we typically refer to as \"Estrogen,\" is in fact a group of three biologically distinct hormones \u2013 estradiol (E2), estrone (E1), and estriol (E3), each possessing different activities in different cell, tissue, and receptor types. When experts refer to either the benefits or downfalls of \"estrogen,\" they really mean to (but probably cannot) identify a specific estrogen.<\/p> These specific estrogens, in turn, metabolize into even more specific estrogen sub-compounds, such as the 2-hydroxyestrogens (2-OHE\u2019s), 2-methoxyestrogens, 16a-hydroxyestrone (16-OHE1), and 4-hydroxyestrogens (4-OHE\u2019s). As their parent estrogens, these estrogen metabolites exert different effects depending upon the tissue and cell one is examining. In fact, two estrogen metabolites in particular, 16-OHE1 and 2-OHE, have such contrasting cellular activities that 2-OHE is an estrogen antagonist. Yes, that is correct: there is an anti-estrogen, estrogen.<\/p> In recent years, so-called \"phytonutrients\" have become the focus of clinical research, as these natural compounds have shown the ability to increase the ratio of good, estrogen decreasing estrogens (such as 2-OHE), to bad, estrogen increasing estrogens (such as 16-OHE1). One of these phytonutrients, a dietary indole known as indole-3-carbinol (I3C), is the bioactive phytochemical and a presumed modulator of reduced cancer risk in areas with high cruciferous vegetable consumption. Unfortunately, despite its potent antiestrogenic activity, I3C is highly molecularly unstable, and therefore unsuitable for use as a therapeutic agent or dietary supplement.<\/p> Luckily, however, I3C readily metabolizes into the secondary indole 3,3\u2019 diindolylmethane, or DIM for short. When used in a supplemental fashion in clinical trials, DIM appears to possess all the positive effects of its parent compound with respect to antiestrogenic action \u2013 promoting the metabolism of beneficial estrogens that themselves reduce estrogenic activity.<\/p> Aside from its healthy-estrogen promoting abilities, DIM also exerts its own direct physiological effects, including:<\/p> Though the literature surrounding L-theanine is still emerging, the amino acid is slowly building a reputation as one of the most interesting and exciting compounds being targeted for therapeutic use. L-theanine is an amino acid found almost exclusively in tea, constituting approximately 1-2% of the dry weight of tea \u2013 resulting in a 25\u201360 mg theanine load per 200 ml serving of liquid tea.<\/p> First identified in green tea and in the mushroom Xerocomus badius, L-theanine readily crosses the blood-brain barrier in a dose-dependent manner, and it is thought to influence the central nervous system (CNS) through a variety of mechanisms, including:<\/p> Increasing the release and concentration of dopamine. Inhibiting glutamate reuptake and blockade of glutamate receptors in the hippocampus. Increasing gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA \u2013 a neurotransmitter associated with the regulation of responses) concentrations. Increasing levels of serotonin.<\/p> In addition to these more well-demonstrated effects, emerging electroencephalography trials on theanine suggest that the amino acid may exert a positive effect on alpha waves \u2013 a type of brain wave implicated in restful relaxation. Alpha activity has also been associated with increased creativity, increased performance under stress, and improved learning and concentration, as well as decreased anxiety.<\/p> Serving Size: 3 Capsules Servings Per Container: 28 (days)<\/p> Gelatin, Magnesium Stearate, Silicon Dioxide, FD&C Blue, Titanium Dioxide.<\/p> Take 1 capsule 2-3 times per day. For optimal results, take 1 capsule upon waking, 1 capsule midday, and 1 capsule before bed. Do not exceed 4 capsules in a 24 hour period. For best results, use for 4 to 8 weeks. Do not use for longer than 8 continuous weeks without taking a 4 week break.<\/p>","gtin12":"672975315283","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/core-hard-1800x1800_1603301537-0.jpg"],"brand":"Core Nutritionals","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/16747\/core-nutritionals-core-hard-84-cap.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"44.99","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/16747\/core-nutritionals-core-hard-84-cap.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"Core Nutritionals HARD Extreme Black Lightening - 28 Servings","sku":"CU281","description":" Advanced Recomposition & Hardening Agent To be hard, you need to get HARD. It's that simple.<\/p> Core HARD is the pinnacle in recomposition supplementation. The ingredients in HARD have been specifically chosen to balance your hormonal environment and maximize your lean mass. 3 scoops per serving. 28 servings per container. Body recomposition.<\/p> Your diet is impeccable and couldn\u2019t be any more in check \u2013 macros, micros, you have it all down. Your workouts? Get out of here! You have slaved, grinded, and grunted your way through leg workouts so intense the gym staff cried \u2013 and those were on your worst days. And yet, something is missing.<\/p> It\u2019s that \"extra\" level of shred, \"that look.\" You know exactly what we mean. That type of leanness and density that makes an arm look twice as big, a stomach look twice as lean, and a forearm look like a roadmap for the Italian countryside. It\u2019s that kind of elusive hardness that\u2019s so rare, most of us simply chalk it up to genetics, or luck, or steroids, or whatever excuse we have handy \u2013 and yet we all still want it.<\/p> The reality? It isn\u2019t all that unattainable. Getting \"that\" look, \"that\" hardness, is about balance and recomposition. It\u2019s a matter of adding in that final piece of the puzzle that makes the entire picture come out perfectly.<\/p> To be hard, you need to get HARD. It\u2019s that simple.<\/p> Core HARD is another product in the Core Nutritionals\u2019 lineup to follow the basic, but indispensable principles that Core Nutritionals is slowly making an industry standard: create products with effective ingredients, in effective doses, in a non-proprietary formula. This time around, we have applied those principles to the problem of softness that we all despise and have developed the most advanced ultra-hardening and recomposition agent on the market.<\/p> Taking advantage of both the old and the new, Core Nutritionals has employed both modern, cutting-edge compounds and traditional herbs to create a balanced approach to delivering hardness. Key ingredients in Core HARD affect some of the body\u2019s critical physiological pathways, combining sexiness and science in a single, non-proprietary formula. We have included seven powerful ingredients into a full month's worth of stimulant free, recomposition goodness.<\/p> KSM-66\u00ae Full-Spectrum Ashwagandha Extract (Withania somnifera) (root) (5% withanolides)<\/p> Withania somnifera Dunal, colloquially known as Winter Cherry or Indian Ginseng, is an herb that features prominently in the traditional Indian medicinal system of Ayurveda. Known as Ashwagandha in Ayurveda, Withania somnifera is a critical ingredient in various Ayurvedic tonics and tinctures prepared as a traditional remedy for the treatment of various ailments.<\/p> Recently identified as a potent adaptogenic and target for therapeutic applications, Ashwagandha has been the subject of numerous animal, pre-clinical, and clinical trials designed to examine its potential effects as an antioxidant, anti-carcinogenic, anxiolytic, antibacterial, antifungal, and immunomodulating compound. Ashwagandha\u2019s broad therapeutic potential is hypothesized to be the result of its robust phytochemical profile, including a wide swath of alkaloids, sitoindosides, and the highly biologically active withanolide group. As the principally biologically active compounds within Ashwagandha, withanolides such as withanone, withaferine A, withanolides A, D, and G have been identified, isolated, and extensively studied in the various applications noted above.<\/p> In recognition of the potential physiological benefits of withanolides, Core Nutritionals selected KSM-66\u00ae to include in its HARD formula. KSM-66\u00ae is a full-spectrum Ashwagandha extract, standardized for 5% withanolides \u2013 meaning that KSM-66\u00ae not only includes the full range of biologically active compounds within Ashwagandha, but also that it contains the highest currently available concentration of the principally active withanolides (5%).<\/p> The high concentrations of withanolides within KSM-66\u00ae has resulted in encouraging results in a number of human, clinical trials \u2013 particularly considering many of these trials were conducted using the methodological gold standard of randomization, double-blind delivery, and placebo control. Amongst the most impressive results contained in these trials:<\/p> Though each of these results is impressive, perhaps the most significant is the 27.9% reduction in cortisol seen in the 60 day trial. As detailed above, cortisol possesses a multitude of potentially degradative physiological effects, including: inhibiting glucose uptake, causing a constriction of the vasculature (vasoconstriction), the breakdown of glycogen, and inarguably the result most would desire to avoid, proteolysis (the breakdown of muscle tissue).<\/p> Phosphatidylserine, colloquially known as PS, is a nearly ubiquitous phospholipid found in various membranous tissues throughout the body. PS\u2019s ubiquity coincides with its necessity for crucial physiological functions, as the phospholipid is implicated in several components of cell communication, as well as the mediation of catecholamine synthesis and transmission in the brain (along with other neuroendocrine functions). In a fitness-related context, a nascent but growing body of methodologically-sound research suggests that PS may play a role in increasing exercise capacity.<\/p> Studies administering the compound in both acute and chronic fashion suggest that PS has a measurable effect on exercise capacity. In a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized trial involving 16 trained athletes, phosphatidylserine was administered for 10 days prior to an acute exercise challenge. Exercise markers such as exercise time to exhaustion, sprint performance, and ratings of perceived exertion, were measured post-exercise. The authors found that exercise time to exhaustion was significantly altered. Related studies using similar serving sizes have found that chronic PS administration increased shot accuracy in golfers, increased exercise time to exhaustion by 28% in cyclists, and reduced subjective feelings of stress and soreness in others.<\/p> Overall, phosphatidylserine appears to play a valuable role in the increase in exercise capacity. PS may therefore play a critical role in the continued exercise success of bodybuilders in a, \"cutting\u201d or recomposition stage.<\/p> Pomegranate is a fruit-bearing deciduous shrub, endemic to and cultivated in wide swaths of both Europe and Asia. Pomegranate is also the predominant member of two species comprising the Punicaceae family.<\/p> Pomegranate fruit has long been consumed as a dietary staple, and recent research has uncovered that the peel, in particular, harbors a broad range of physiologically active compounds known as polyphenols \u2013 most prominently ellagitannins. When consumed, these ellagitannins are hydrolyzed to ellagic acid in the gut, and released into the blood, allowing ellagic acid to be widely distributed to many target tissues and organs.<\/p> While still preliminary, emerging animal and in vitro data on PME (pomegranate extract) suggests that both specific and whole plant extracts may exert interesting endocrine effects. In a study examining the effects of PME on cultured human cells, PME was shown to down-regulate estrogen-receptor gene expression, and inhibit binding \u2013 suggesting that PME may possess some anti-estrogenic effects, at least in vitro. In another study in rats, PME\u2019s robust antioxidant profile was hypothesized to increase androgenic activity via reducing oxygen radicals in the testes.<\/p> Though PME lacks robust human data, the available literature suggests that this compound may possess some highly useful physiological effects.<\/p> Agaricus blazei, known commonly by a plethora of names \u2013 including button mushroom, white button mushroom, table mushroom, and champignon mushroom \u2013 is a small, edible mushroom endemic to North America and Europe. The most commonly consumed mushroom on the planet, commercial production and consumption of white button mushroom has existed since at least the early 18th century, while indigenous oral records suggest the plant was consumed for centuries prior.<\/p> Recent medical research has discovered that white button mushroom is a rich source of biologically-active compounds, including ergothioneine, an antioxidant with particularly potent free radical scavenging activity. Similar research has found that white button mushrooms \u2013 along with other varieties \u2013 possess unsaturated fatty acids such as linoleic acid, linolenic acid, and conjugated linoleic acid that may exert inhibitory activity on human aromatase, a cytochrome-P450 complex responsible for the conversion of testosterone into estrogen.<\/p> In two separate studies by similar researchers, both rats and human cell lines were fed and\/or incubated with various extract strengths and doses of white button mushroom extract. Both the animal experiments and \"in-cell\u201d aromatase assays demonstrated that WBME exerted powerful anti-aromatase effects, reducing total aromatase amounts and activity across all experimental conditions.<\/p> The most encouraging aspect of these studies is the servings of white button mushroom used in the experimental conditions: they are easily achievable through oral consumption, unlike many other plant-based, physiologically active compounds.<\/p> Though the literature surrounding L-theanine is still emerging, the amino acid is slowly building a reputation as one of the most interesting and exciting compounds being targeted for therapeutic use. L-theanine is an amino acid found almost exclusively in tea, constituting approximately 1-2% of the dry weight of tea \u2013 resulting in a 25\u201360 mg theanine load per 200 ml serving of liquid tea.<\/p> First identified in green tea and in the mushroom Xerocomus badius, L-theanine readily crosses the blood-brain barrier in a dose-dependent manner, and it is thought to influence the central nervous system (CNS) through a variety of mechanisms, including:<\/p> In addition to these more well-demonstrated effects, emerging electroencephalography trials on theanine suggest that the amino acid may exert a positive effect on alpha waves \u2013 a type of brain wave implicated in restful relaxation. Alpha activity has also been associated with increased creativity, increased performance under stress, and improved learning and concentration, as well as decreased anxiety.<\/p> What we typically refer to as \"Estrogen,\u201d is in fact a group of three biologically distinct hormones \u2013 estradiol (E2), estrone (E1), and estriol (E3), each possessing different activities in different cell, tissue, and receptor types. When experts refer to either the benefits or downfalls of \"estrogen,\" they really mean to identify a specific estrogen.<\/p> These specific estrogens, in turn, metabolize into even more specific estrogen sub-compounds, such as the 2-hydroxyestrogens (2-OHE\u2019s), 2-methoxyestrogens, 16a-hydroxyestrone (16-OHE1), and 4-hydroxyestrogens (4-OHE\u2019s). As their parent estrogens, these estrogen metabolites exert different effects depending upon the tissue and cell one is examining. In fact, two estrogen metabolites in particular, 16-OHE1 and 2-OHE, have such contrasting cellular activities that 2-OHE is an estrogen antagonist. Yes, that is correct: there is an anti-estrogen, estrogen.<\/p> In recent years, so-called phytonutrients have become the focus of clinical research, as these natural compounds have shown the ability to modulate the body\u2019s estrogen ratio. One of these phytonutrients, is a dietary indole known as indole-3-carbinol (I3C). Unfortunately, despite its metabolic usefulness, I3C is highly molecularly unstable, and therefore unsuitable for use as a therapeutic agent or dietary supplement.<\/p> N-Coumaroyldopamine is a natural analogue to the phytochemical N-Caffeoyldopamine, itself found prominently in various plants, including cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.). N-Coumaroyldopamine, its parent compounds, and other analogs that derive from its parent compound, have recently been the subject of phytochemical analyses due to their chemical similarity to sympathomimetic amines known to couple to the beta-2-adrenergic receptor.<\/p> Phytochemical analyses were subsequently designed to assess the potency of N-Coumaroyldopamine and N-Caffeoyldopamine as beta-2-adrenergic receptor agonists \u2013 or, in simpler terms, their ability to \"turn on\u201d the fabled beta-2-adrenergic receptor. In these trials, the phytochemicals were shown to be as potent as several well-known beta-2-adrenergic receptor agonists (salbutamol, procaterol, and fenoterol). You read that correctly: N-Coumaroyldopamine and N-Caffeoyldopamine were found to bind as tightly to the beta-2-adrenergic receptor as well known synthetic compounds!<\/p> The desirability of activating the beta-2-adrenergic receptor arises due to the critical role that beta-2-adrenergic receptors play in both skeletal muscle and adipose metabolic function. In particular, beta-2-adrenergic receptors have been shown to induce dilation in the vasculature (vasodilation \u2013 the process involved in a \"pump\u201d), increase oxygen uptake and nutrient transport to skeletal muscle, regulate thermogenesis (the production of body heat), inhibit the pro-adipogenic effects of other adrenergic receptor types, as well as directly increase lipolysis and the oxidation of fatty acids.<\/p> Beta-2-adrenergic receptors achieve these effects via one of the body\u2019s key chemical messengers, known as cAMP (cyclic adenosine monophosphate). cAMP works as a sort of cell-type translator and foreman: it receives an input from, say, a receptor such as the beta-2-adrenergic receptor, and then communicates and directs the types of cells that the beta-2-adrenergic receptor would like to target.<\/p> Just within the context of beta-2-adrenergic agonism, this amounts to cAMP increasing resting metabolic rate and caloric expenditure (the amount of calories you burn), improving peripheral sensitivity to glucose and glucose utilization, reduction of gluconeogenesis, induction of AMPk (adenosine monophosphate kinase) release, triggering of lipolysis, the inhibition of lipogenesis, and vasodilation.<\/p> Or, in other words, cAMP is involved in nearly every beneficial physiological process that a lifter, runner, hiker, jumper, runner, tumbler, and fumbler would want. cAMP is involved in:<\/p> To say that cAMP is a desirable compound to increase the release of \u2013 which activating the beta-2-adrenergic receptor does \u2013 would qualify as the understatement of the year!<\/p> Luckily, however, I3C readily metabolizes into the secondary indole 3,3\u2019 diindolylmethane, or DIM for short. When used in a supplemental fashion in clinical trials, DIM appears to possess all the positive effects of its parent compound.<\/p> DIM also exerts its own direct physiological effects, including:<\/p> Despite the bodybuilding community\u2019s single-minded crusade to eliminate estrogen wherever it lie in wait, compounds such as DIM show us that estrogen is a very diverse set of compounds \u2013 and that we should actively pursue increasing certain estrogens that have beneficial, and ironically, anti-estrogenic effects.<\/p>","gtin12":"672975315290","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/core-nutritionals-hard-ex_2674-0.jpg"],"brand":"Core Nutritionals","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/29893\/core-nutritionals-core-hard-extreme-black.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"49.99","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/29893\/core-nutritionals-core-hard-extreme-black.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"Core Nutritionals HEART - 180 Capsules","sku":"CU316","description":" COMPREHENSIVE CARDIOVASOULAR, CHOLESTEROL, AND BLOOD PRESSURE SUPPORT'<\/p>\r\n Hawthorne Berry Extract - blood vessel antioxidant support. Every set, rep and mile, every breath, even your thoughts - ultimately every single one is driven by your heart. As the body’s engine and delivery system, no one escapes the undeniable need for a healthy cardiovascular system. For the driven athlete - such as those living the Crush It lifestyle - the aggregation of marginal gains provided by improving your cardiovascular health promises to elevate performance throughout your fitness regimen.<\/p>\r\n And yet, few list improving cardiovascular function as a key priority within their fitness goals. You see, while the heart occupies the kind of rarified air reserved for central components of only the most vital bodily systems, its function is involuntary, its improvements invisible. You don’t have to think about beating your heart, it is done for you. What’s more, a well-maintained, highly trained heart muscle won’t get you noticed at the beach.<\/p>\r\n That said, however, our heart is one of the most important organs in the body and communicates, assists or supports literally every other major organ system. Without an efficient blood supply, your lungs will provide less oxygen to the muscles and access to key nutrients is reduced throughout the body, resulting in less effective workouts and suboptimal recovery. So, due to our passion for fitness, as well as our desire to help our customers improve and actualize their fitness goals, we've developed a clinically backed formulation for our new premier cardiovascular health supplement: Core HEART.<\/p>\r\n Zinc (as Zinc Bisglycinate Chelate TRAACS®)<\/strong><\/p>\r\n Zinc is an essential micronutrient and mineral that has been shown to affect the heart by modulation of cardiomyocyte oxidative stress and maintenance of myocardial structure. When cross sectional studies have been conducted, zinc deficiency has frequently been found to be a common link in those who have suffered heart related traumas. Myocardial tissue requires zinc in small quantities to maintain the extracellular structure formed by matrix metalloproteinases and to serve as a cofactor in free radical oxidation reactions catalyzed by superoxide dismutase (an enzyme that helps break down potentially harmful oxygen molecules in cells. When chronic inflammation is present, plasma zinc deficiency may lead to a relative deficiency in antioxidant enzymes, ultimately contributing to apoptosis and myocardial necrosis. As the lack of cardio function and zinc levels tend to decline with age, ensuring zinc optimal zinc levels can be of an importance in maintaining cardiac optimal cardiovascular function as one ages<\/p>\r\n Vitamin K2 (as MenaQ7®, Menaquinone-7)<\/strong><\/p>\r\n Adequate intake of vitamin K2 has been shown to significantly benefit cardiovascular function. Lifestyles and eating habits in the traditional western diet can often contribute to an accelerated calcium deposit in blood vessel walls and soft tissues, which can lead to dysfunctional cardiovascular health. Calcium does serve many vital roles in the human body, such as muscle contraction, nerve signaling, blood clotting properties, and blood vessel contraction and expansion. It is also recommended in a supplemental form for those individuals who are suffering from bone related declines for support. So yes, calcium is beneficial for heart health and a wide variety of bodily functions. Where calcium can become less beneficial is when it is overconsumed and renders normal calcium concentrations in the blood ineffective. So, there is evidence to show that serum levels of calcium in the upper normal range increase risk of cardiovascular function declines due to elevated blood clotting and calcium deposition in blood levels.<\/p>\r\n Enter, vitamin K2, which specifically has been shown to inhibit this arterial calcification and arterial stiffening through its ability to activate matrix GLA protein, which inhibits calcium from forming deposits on the vessel walls. Vitamin K2 also is essential for maintaining blood homeostasis, as well as optimal bone and heart health through its role in inducing calcium use by proteins. With vitamin K2 being almost non-existent in typical diets on the western part of the world (partly due to our traditional eating habits), supplementation can be crucial to lowering risk of cardiovascular function decline. One study conducted using supplemental Vitamin K2 showed that consistent use of small doses (specifically Mena Q7) were enough to improve bone mineral density, bone strength, and cardiovascular health through the mechanisms of action listed above. The increase of calcium usage for purposes of osteoblast usage, increasing arterial elasticity, and reduction in age related arterial stiffening make vitamin K2 an essential mineral for optimal cardiovascular function and health.<\/p>\r\n Vitamin D3 (as Cholecalciferol)<\/strong><\/p>\r\n Vitamin D, in its various forms, is not an essential nutrient – as it is produced endogenously within the body, as a reaction to the skin’s exposure to the sun – and thus not commonly considered a vitamin. Despite its technical classification, vitamin D (a hormone), is nevertheless an import and biologically-active compound, necessary for the calcium homeostasis and metabolism, along with increasing the absorption of magnesium and phosphate.<\/p>\r\n Hawthorne Berry Extract (Crataegus oxyacantha) (fruit) (4:1)<\/p>\r\n Hawthorne has been utilized for many centuries for its wide range of health benefits. One of these primary benefits is how it positively affects the cardiovascular system. The berries, or fruit, of the plant contain high amounts of bioflavonoids and proanthocyanidins, substances shown to contain most of the health promoting qualities. These antioxidants have several mechanisms of action on the cardiovascular system. Hypotensive (lowering blood pressure) improvements can be seen through vasorelaxation through the stimulation of nitric oxide production. Several studies have investigated this benefit on blood pressure as well. One human study conducted on individuals with high blood pressure showed that the administration of 1200mg of Hawthorn Berry (slightly more than what we use in this product), noticed substantial improvements in blood pressure when compared to placebo.<\/p>\r\n Hawthorne Berry can also play a role in preventing atherosclerosis, or a buildup of plaque in the blood vessels that occurs due to an imbalance in blood fat levels (typically high triglycerides and low HDL cholesterol). If this plaque continues to accumulate, it can lead to blockages in the blood vessels carrying blood to vital organs, ultimately resulting to heart attack or stroke. Anti-atherosclerotic improvements can be seen through the downregulation of capsase-3 gene expression. The capsase-3 gene is known for being a proapoptotic (cell killing) gene that has been reported in heart failure and myocardial infarction (heart attack). The regulation of lipoprotein lipase (regulates the delivery of fats to body tissues) expression and raised excretion of bile acids can also benefit the arteries. Several animal studies have examined the positive impact of Hawthorne Berries on cholesterol. One study on mice showed that mice given the extract resulted in a lower total and LDL cholesterol, as well as between 30-45% lower liver triglyceride levels compared to mice that were not administered the extract.<\/p>\r\n On cardiac cells, these antioxidants downregulate capsase-3 gene expression and inhibit 3’,5’-cyclic adenosine monophosphate phosphodiesterase, which can result in an increase in coronary flow, increase in relaxation velocity, and cause a positive inotropic effect (increase the strength of heart muscle contraction).<\/p>\r\n Olive Extract (Olea europaea) (leaf) 20% Oleuropein)<\/strong><\/p>\r\n Olea europaea, more commonly known as the olive, is a species of a small tree in the family Oleaceae, native to the coastal areas of southeastern Europe, western Asia and northern Africa, as well as northern Iran at the south end of the Caspian Sea. As the fruits, oils, and extracts of Olea europaea L. are a dietary component for a significant portion of the world’s population, the plant has become associated with a wide-range of physiologic and metabolic benefits. These properties are largely attributed to the phenolic compounds of olive leaves, including: caffeic acid, verbascoside, oleuropein, luteolin 7-O-glucoside, rutin, apigenin 7-Oglucoside, and luteolin 4′-O-glucoside. Collectively, these olive polyphenols are responsible for a wide-range of postulated health benefits.<\/p>\r\n Oleuropein, in particular, is purported to have several pharmacological properties including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-atherogenic, and anti-microbial effects. Research shows that olive leaf extract can benefit the heart by helping to prevent LDL cholesterol from building up in the arteries. This process can increase blood flow and lower blood pressure, which can thus reduce the risk of heart disease.<\/p>\r\n Red Yeast Rice (Monascus purpureus)<\/strong><\/p>\r\n Red yeast rice is traditional Asian preparation of the rice grain with an extensive history dating back to 300 BC. The rice is fermented in a culture of yeast called Monascus purpureus, which transfers in bright red coloration to the white rice grains. In part due to its centuries of use in traditional Chinese medicine, red yeast rice is widely recommended in regimens intended to help establish normal cardiac function and lipid profiles.<\/p>\r\n More recent studies suggest the fungal metabolites found within red yeast rice demonstrate a positive impact on cholesterol and cardiac function. Specifically, a fungal secondary metabolite found within red yeast rice, known as monacolin K, has been shown to of particular interest. The primary mechanism of action of monacolin K is inhibition of the key enzyme, 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase, involved in cholesterol synthesis. Upon further evaluation of the lipid lowering properties of red yeast rice, recent research revealed them to be multifactorial, including the ability to downregulate the rate limiting step of hepatic cholesterol biosynthesis in a dose-dependent manner, indirectly cause an upregulation or availability of LDL-receptors in the liver, and possibly increase the hepatic excretion of bile acids, thereby creating an increased need for the availability of intrahepatic cholesterol for use in the synthesis of additional bile. The reduced intrahepatic cholesterol concentrations result in the upregulation or availability of LDL-receptors in the liver. The purpose of these additional LDL-receptors is to pull cholesterol out of circulation and bring it into the liver as a replacement for the reduced production inside the liver. When this happens, the plasma cholesterol levels will decrease through a reduction in the hepatic synthesis of cholesterol and through an increase in the removal of circulating cholesterol from blood plasma into the liver for use. These actions can help restore cholesterol levels to where they benefit cardiac and other bodily function. Note: If you are taking other statins or other cholesterol lowering medication, please consult with your physician prior to supplementing with Core HEART.<\/p>\r\n Bergamot Fruit Extract (Citrus aurantium bergamia) (30% Polyphenols)<\/strong><\/p>\r\n Bergamot, a citrus fruit native to southern Italy, has often been used to improve immunity and cardiovascular function. These benefits have been traced back to the phytochemicals and flavonoids that are contained within bergamot. Multiple studies have been conducted to show the efficacy of orally administered bergamot on reductions in total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol 1, where the end goal is the restoration of overall cardiovascular function and vessel health. The primary mechanism of action for the therapeutic phytochemicals found within bergamot is the inhibition of oxidation of low-density lipoprotein particles. When oxidation occurs to LDL particles, it produces a harmful form of cholesterol because of the damage caused by free radicals. This oxidative damage has been specifically linked to altered cardiovascular blood flow and cardiovascular vessel diseases. Phytochemicals such as naringin, neoeriocitrin, and rutin have been shown in vitro to possess antioxidant properties and ability to lower the oxidation of LDL particles.<\/p>\r\n In addition to the animal studies, several human trials have been conducted analyzing the benefits of bergamots. One 2011 randomized, double blind, placebo controlled clinical trial looked at the impact of bergamot administration for 90 days on total cholesterol, LDL levels, and HDL levels in patients. The results showed that 500mg of bergamot reduced total cholesterol (20%) and LDL (23%), while increasing HDL levels (26%). This is just one example but results of other studies show promise in bergamot’s cholesterol improving benefits as well as optimizing overall cardiovascular function.<\/p>\r\n Curcumin (Curcuma longa) (root) (95% Curcuminoids)<\/strong><\/p>\r\n Turmeric is a root endemic to certain regions of Southeast Asia and India, and has been a staple in the Siddha traditional medicinal system for thousands of years. Turmeric is noted in Siddha texts for various uses, including as an ancient equivalent of an anti-microbial agent.<\/p>\r\n More recently, numerous studies seem to suggest that its primary bioactive constituent, curcumin, powerfully inhibits the enzymes that synthesize inflammatory compounds such as prostaglandins and leukotrienes. In particular, basic research and molecular studies have now firmly established curcumin’s ability to dose-dependently and potently inhibit a transcription factor known as NF–kB – a molecule involved in the proliferation of pro-inflammatory cytokines, soft tissue destruction, and autoimmune responses.<\/p>\r\n Though turmeric contains approximately 5% curcumin by weight, we have used a highly standardized extract of 95% - recognizing that the wealth of research on curcumin demands that it be included in clinical serving sizes.<\/p>\r\n Polygonum cuspidatum Extract (root) (50% trans-Resveratrol)<\/strong><\/p>\r\n Resveratrol is a polyphenolic stilbene produced by various plants. Trace amounts of resveratrol can be obtained from certain foods but the clinical doses used for studies involving cardiovascular function are at much higher concentrations than can be likely received through dietary means. While the half life of resveratrol is relatively low (4-8 hours) after oral administration, a large number of animal studies have shown beneficial effects for cardiovascular function. The specific mechanisms of action for resveratrol are somewhat unclear, but studies have shown many positive benefits tracing back to decreases in oxidative stress response, increases in endothelial function, leading to more efficient diastolic function, cardiac remodeling, myocardial energetics, and vascular function. The proposed mechanism for the inflammation mediating effects can be brought back to an increased activation of the silent information regulator factor 2 related enzyme 1 (SIRT1). SIRT1 has been shown to protect against cardiac decline related inflammation. When studied, cells from mice with a SIRT1 knockout have shown increased pro-inflammatory cytokine levels. With resveratrol being a known activator of SIRT1 in animals, it is led to believe that the same mechanism can be beneficial in humans. This mechanism, along with other benefits on blood pressure (increased NO production), make resveratrol a valuable compound in establishing normal cardiac function and baselines of cardiac health.<\/p>\r\n Coenzyme Q10 (Ubidecarenone)<\/strong><\/p>\r\n Coenzyme Q10, which is synthesized in the mitochondrial inner membrane, is an essential compound that plays many vital roles in the human body. Of these many roles, it is a key component in the electron transport chain in mitochondria necessary for ATP production. CoQ10 can also act as an intercellular antioxidant, protecting the plasmatic membrane against peroxidation. CoQ10 deficiency has been associated with less-than-optimal health status in organisms and has contributed to certain degenerative states involving blood sugar, the cardiovascular system, and musculoskeletal system. In relation to the cardiovascular system, oxidative stress is one of the main causes of cardiac decline. The antioxidant properties of CoQ10 are of particular importance in establishing normal function. It has been shown that individuals suffering from cardiac related abnormalities have significantly lower levels of CoQ10 as opposed to those with higher levels. With antioxidant effect and free radical neutralization being the primary mechanism of action, CoQ10 exhibits a secondary mechanism of action of well in playing a large role in the heart’s energetic needs. The process of cardiac contraction requires the release of Ca2+ from the SR and the following activation of the contractile proteins requires energy. It is believed that when there is myocardial failure, it is caused by a reduction in the production of energy from the mitochondria. This goes back to CoQ10s property of being a main component in the transport of electrons that are needed for ATP production. These two mechanisms of action have a particular importance for one’s quality of life as well as in maintaining proper cardiovascular function.<\/p>\r\n Bioperine® (Black Pepper Extract) (std. to 95% Piperine)<\/strong><\/p>\r\n BioPerine® is a patented standardized extract from the fruit of Piper nigrum (black pepper). It’s studied benefits have shown improvements in bioavailability of nutrients it is surrounded by. In this specific product for Core HEART, it is included because it dramatically increases the bioavailability of curcuminoids (see above). Without Bioperine, the serum concentration and absorption rates of the active agents in curcumin would be significantly reduced.<\/p>\r\n BioPerine® primarily works through mechanisms and channels that can inhibit intestinal motility and dilate blood vessels of the intestines (where absorption of nutrients occurs). This physiological action may cause increased absorption and digestion of nutrients.<\/p>\r\n Several studies looking at the impact of BioPerine® on nutrient absorption have been done. One study looking at the efficacy of BioPerine® on serum concentrations of curcumin showed bioavailability was improved by more than 500%. Therapeutic effectiveness of curcumin has often been exhibited as low. Another study conducted over the course of 6 weeks on BioPerine® influence on serum selenium levels in humans showed an increase by 145% over the presupplementation value.<\/p>\r\n With promising research being done on the effects of BioPerine® in the context of nutrient absorption and bioavailability, it is only fitting that we include it in Core HEART.<\/p>\r\n <\/p>\r\n <\/p>","gtin12":"658580070502","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/core-productsheart1-1800x_1636213430-0.jpg"],"brand":"Core Nutritionals","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/31445\/core-nutritionals-heart-90-cap.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"54.99","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/31445\/core-nutritionals-heart-90-cap.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"Core Nutritionals HYDRATE Electrolyte Packets Blue Ice - 20 Packets","sku":"CU342","description":" CORE HYDRATE<\/p> Hydration is one of the most important factors in athletic performance. Yet, many of the mass marketed \u201csports drinks\u201d widely available today fail to properly address the issues posed by sustained periods of intense exercise. A broad base of research demonstrates that proper hydration and electrolyte levels can delay fatigue, increase endurance, reduce delayed onset muscle soreness, and increase a wide-range of athletic performance metrics.<\/p> At Core Nutritionals\u00ae, we\u2019ve reimagined the hydration process with our comprehensive electrolyte and hydration blend: HYDRATE. Core HYDRATE was developed with a comprehensive blend of cutting-edge ingredients and traditional electrolytes to address most, if not all, major important metabolic pathways associated with rehydration during intense physical activity. Core HYDRATE\u2019s key ingredients have been demonstrated in scientific literature to have a range of positive effects, including, but not limited to:<\/p> Contained in single serve and portable packaging, Core HYDRATE can help you maintain your standards of athletic performance as a comprehensive source of hydration and electrolytes no matter where you are. With 4 amazing flavor options, you\u2019ll be well equipped with everything you need to take your workouts to the next level!<\/p> Vitamin C (as ascorbic acid)<\/p> Vitamin C is perhaps historically best-known for the treatment and prevention of scurvy, though it has many other roles in the body. For example, vitamin C catalyzes or is a cofactor in eight enzymatic reactions involved in the synthesis of collagen, the nutrient carnitine, and several neurotransmitters necessary for the proper function of the brain.<\/p> In the contemporary context, vitamin C is best known as a potent antioxidant. In addition to its intrinsic activity as an antioxidant, vitamin C has been shown in in vitro trials to regenerate alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E). As an antioxidant, vitamin C combats the detrimental effects of a group of compounds called radical oxygen species that, when produced, degrade the lipid membrane of the cell and may cause internal damage. By \u201cscavenging\u201d these free radicals, vitamin C and other antioxidants form a defense against excess cellular damage.<\/p> Calcium (as calcium carbonate, calcium citrate, dicalcium malate (DimaCal\u00ae))<\/p> While best-known as the main bioactive in milk, and a compound that contributes to strong bones, calcium has numerous physiological effects in the body. As a key electrolyte it is responsible for mediating vascular contraction and vasodilatation, muscle function, nerve transmission, intracellular signaling, and hormonal secretion. Homeostatic regulation of calcium, which the body cannot produce, also requires sufficient levels of vitamin D. In the context of muscular contraction and relaxation, if calcium is required for strong contractions, magnesium is required for efficient relaxation of those muscle fibers.<\/p> DimaCal\u00ae is a trademarked form of dicalcium malate, which is calcium bonded with malic acid. It has been shown in studies to be a much better absorbed form of calcium and has the ability to maintain serum calcium levels for a much longer period of time. This can lead to a better maintained electrolyte level and greater performance where calcium is required.<\/p> Magnesium (as magnesium carbonate, magnesium bisglycinate chelate (TRAACS\u00ae), magnesium citrate, magnesium glycinate glutamine chelate (TRAACS\u00ae))<\/p> Magnesium, an often-overlooked electrolyte, is the second most abundant intracellular cation (after potassium). It is a cofactor to over 300 enzymatic reactions in the body and is required for cellular energy metabolism, functioning of the sodium\/potassium adenosine triphosphatase pump, nerve conduction, and ion transport. Magnesium is also required for the use of the body\u2019s energy currency, ATP. To become biologically active, ATP must be bound to magnesium to form Mg-ATP. In addition, magnesium is necessary for the proper function of cells with calcium and potassium gated ion channels such as heart and muscle cells. Working alongside calcium, magnesium plays a crucial role in the body by regulating muscular contractions as well as cramp prevention. In the context of muscle health and rehydration, the longer and more intense a bout of physical activity is, the more magnesium is lost primarily through sweat and urine. This loss of electrolyte balance requires its replenishment so that physical performance can remain at its peak throughout the duration of the activity reducing the risk of injury or bodily harm. Regardless of the type of sport or exercise, muscular contractions and energy production could not occur consistently without the presence of magnesium.<\/p> Zinc (as zinc bisglycinate chelate (TRAACS\u00ae)) As an essential mineral, like magnesium, zinc is also involved in a wide-range of essential biological functions in the human body \u2013 and a requirement in the catalytic activity of over 100 enzymes.<\/p> Most notably, zinc is vital for immune function, protein synthesis, cellular division, and DNA synthesis. For immune function, zinc is required for the function of a group of immune cells known as neutrophils and macrophages, which eliminate pathological cells and their products from the body.<\/p> With magnesium, sufficient levels of zinc are also necessary for the production and maintenance of healthy levels of testosterone.<\/p> Chloride (as sodium chloride, potassium chloride)<\/p> Chloride is one of the most important electrolytes in the human body. Similar to sodium and potassium, which will be discussed below, chloride creates specific channels in cell membranes which help to carry out different vital tasks. It is responsible for balancing the fluids on the inside of the cells with the fluids on the outside of the cells, as well as maintaining proper blood volume, blood pressure, and fluid pH. Chloride is also important for muscle and heart contraction as well as to aid in the carrying of nerve impulses between our nerve cells and our brain and the rest of the body. Additionally, chloride is needed to help red blood cells exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide in the lungs as well as plays a role in the digestion of foods by supporting hydrochloric acid production in the stomach. We often lose chloride through sweat and perspiration, which comes in the form of water and salt. Replenishment of chloride can come from utilizing salt (often found as sodium-chloride, or table salt), cheese, canned fish, and some processed meats. Overconsumption of some of these foods may not be beneficial for some individuals, so supplementation may be the best way for these individuals to replenish chloride in their bodies.<\/p> Sodium (as sodium chloride, sodium citrate, sodium bicarbonate)<\/p> Sodium, like chloride above, is one of the most essential electrolytes for our body to utilize. As sodium is often found bound to chloride as sodium-chloride (salt), their function and benefits are going to be very similar in nature. Sodium helps to keep the water (mainly amount of fluid outside of the body\u2019s cells) and electrolyte balance of the body, while also aiding in the contraction and relaxation of muscles as well as conducting nerve impulses. While only 500mg of sodium is needed per day for these functions to occur, we as active individuals need far more sodium in order to maintain these functions. We mostly lose sodium through sweat and urine, so the more active we are\/the more we sweat and the more we urinate, the more sodium is lost. Acquiring enough sodium through food and drink is crucial to establishing equilibrium again in order to maintain proper functioning and electrolyte balance within the body. The standard American diet is often overloaded with sodium and coupled with inactivity, which can lead to poor health and dysfunction. It is important to engage in physical activity of some kind most days and to eat a diet that is balanced in nutrients in order to maintain proper health.<\/p> Potassium (as potassium citrate, coconut water concentrate, potassium chloride, potassium glycinate chelate (TRAACS\u00ae))<\/p> Potassium, as sodium\u2019s counterpart, acts as a critical electrolyte primarily by helping to maintain normal levels of fluids inside of our cells. Additionally, it helps muscles to contract and relax, aid in strong nerve function, as well as support normal blood pressure. It works very closely with sodium to create the membrane potential needed for the electrical currents that generate these functions to pass from one cell to the next. While the potassium levels in our body are regulated carefully, a diet lacking sufficient amounts of potassium (especially when combined with excess sodium) or one that contains too much potassium can eventually lead to certain types of dysfunctions and poor health status. When potassium levels in the body increase, the adrenal glands release the hormone aldosterone, which causes the kidneys to excrete excess potassium through the urine. When potassium levels are too low, aldosterone levels are suppressed, which can lead to conservation of potassium thus interfering with balance and negatively affecting transport channels that affect vital bodily functions. Potassium can be gotten from the diet in the form of fresh fruits and vegetables, such as sweet potatoes, beans, tomatoes, spinach and broccoli but supplementing can be an essential application as well to support an active lifestyle where excretion is higher than can be replenished through diet.<\/p> L-Taurine<\/p> Through traditionally referred to as an amino acid due to its chemical structure, taurine is not an amino acid in the sense that leucine, alanine, or glutamine are. Its chemical status aside, taurine is considered one of the body\u2019s most essential chemical compounds, as cardiovascular function, muscle development and function, along with optical and nervous systems in the body depend on its abundance. While data on taurine typically occurs with taurine in supplement combinations (with caffeine and other amino acids), these data nevertheless suggest that dietary supplementation with taurine may have beneficial effects on mental focus and alertness and may assist during times of increased physical exertion.<\/p> Coconut Water Concentrate (Cocos nucifera)<\/p> Coconut water, like the name implies, is the liquid that is found within the coconut itself. Often having a slightly sweet, nutty flavor, it also contains an adequate amount of vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes like potassium, sodium, and magnesium. All of these electrolytes, like discussed in sections above, can help to boost hydration status and replenish nutrients lost through exercise or rigorous everyday activities. Potassium is the highest concentration in coconut water at roughly 600mg per cup (16% DV), which as discussed about it has a vital role in optimally functioning kidneys and strong muscle contractions. Potassium can also work to keep fluid levels and other electrolytes balanced during exercise. The high concentration of potassium in coconut water specifically can balance our sodium\u2019s effects on blood pressure, and even lower blood pressure slightly, which can have its own benefits towards training and overall health and circulatory health. In addition to the added electrolytes that coconut water can provide, it also can provide a potent amount of antioxidants that can aid in the neutralization of free radicals that can rapidly take over during intense training. By eliminating these free radicals, muscles will be able to perform longer and more efficiently, as well as be able to recover adequately. While general water consumption can be adequate as well, the added electrolytes coconut water can supply provides an added benefit that can improve performance and overall recovery.<\/p> ElevATP\u00ae (Ancient Peat and Apple Extract)<\/p> Adenosine triphosphate and other ATP metabolites are involved in a number of biological processes including cardiac function, blood flow, muscle contraction and neurotransmission. ATP is the primary molecule that acts as a carrier for energy within cells. It has also often been studied those increased levels of ATP have shown increases in health and performance. Supplementation with exogenous ATP has often shown its ability to increase ATP concentrations in blood. Oral supplementation with ancient peat and apple extracts have exhibited their ability to increase intracellular and intramuscular ATP levels. ElevATP\u00ae is a blend these specific polyphenols that can work to increase endogenous ATP levels without a simultaneous increase in serum lactate. The significance of this is that usually with an increase in endogenous ATP there is an increase in intracellular free radicals. When these free radicals are not present, oxidative stress is mitigated and there is more potential for the beneficial increases in ATP to take center stage. These increases of ATP are essential as when available energy is increased it can have positive benefits in terms of increased power, strength, and overall exercise performance. One study in particular looked at dosing ElevATP\u00ae against placebo and showed that the group who received ElevATP\u00ae saw a blood ATP increase of 45% on average along with no increase in oxidative blood glucose. This type of result has been shown repeatedly in studies and has given ElevATP\u00ae the reputation to be a beneficial compound for the goals of improving endurance, strength, power, and other training specific adaptations.<\/p> ConcenTrace\u00ae AC (Trace Mineral Complex)<\/p> Our bodies are high functioning machines and require a lot of support to continue to perform at a high-level day in and day out. A lot of these needs are difficult to be acquired by diet alone, so supplementation is critical. Minerals are included in these daily needs and are vital to the bodies many processes. ConcenTrace\u00ae AC is a high-quality trace mineral complex providing a comprehensive blend of nutrients that are often hard to acquire from diet alone. Its manufacturing process makes it up to 26x more concentrated than other colloidal trace minerals, adding to its benefits. These minerals contained in the product are catalysts for all of the vitamins and other nutrients our body requires to function at an optimal level and maintain health. Some of these functions include electrolyte replacement, maintaining pH balance in the body, nourishing hair and skin, strengthening bones and joints, regulating the digestive system, and improving athletic performance.<\/p> Senactiv\u00ae (Panax notoginseng (root) and Rosa roxburghii (fruit)) Extracts<\/p> Senactiv\u00ae, derived from extracts of Panax notoginseng and Rosa roxburghii, has been shown to act in a few pathways to reenergize and rejuvenate cells within the body that take a beating on a daily basis. Ultimately this product falls within a category known as senolytics, or compounds that primarily work to induce cell death. This may not sound ideal as we need our cells to function, but the key is to ensure that these compounds are working on the right kinds of cells.<\/p> The human body does contain many senescent cells, which are old cells and can be deteriorating. How these senolytics work to promote health is by speeding up the breakdown of these older cells as well as encouraging the grow of new, vibrant cells. The other benefit of Senactiv\u00ae and its ingredients is its ability to protect against muscle damage. Ginseng in particular has been shown to help reduce the proinflammatory state that is associated with rigorous training. Where this is going to benefit is to reduce inflammation and jumpstart the recovery process of torn down muscle fibers so these cells can begin to scar and grow stronger. The other benefit that ginseng has been able to show is it has been shown to improve VO2 mas by about 20% when compared to a control group in studies. This improvement can significantly improve oxygen uptake to increase delivery to muscle cells for the ability to push harder and longer.<\/p> On another angle of recovery, Senactiv\u00ae has been shown to improve the rate of glycogen storage after exercise. When glycogen can be stored efficiently post exercise it has the ability to attenuate the structural damage associated with training by allowing those carbohydrates and sugars going towards recovery.<\/p> Senactiv\u00ae is a unique blend of ingredients but with sound research and application behind but with its benefits towards improved cell regeneration, VO2 max, and recovery, it is a great addition to this hydration product.<\/p>","gtin12":"658580071028","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/core-hydrate-blue-ice-ope_1663874126-0.jpg"],"brand":"Core Nutritionals","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/32406\/core-nutritionals-hydrate-electrolyte-packets-blu.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"29.99","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/32406\/core-nutritionals-hydrate-electrolyte-packets-blu.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/OutOfStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"Core Nutritionals HYDRATE Electrolyte Packets Blue Raspberry - 20 Packets","sku":"CU171","description":" CORE HYDRATE<\/p> Hydration is one of the most important factors in athletic performance. Yet, many of the mass marketed \u201csports drinks\u201d widely available today fail to properly address the issues posed by sustained periods of intense exercise. A broad base of research demonstrates that proper hydration and electrolyte levels can delay fatigue, increase endurance, reduce delayed onset muscle soreness, and increase a wide-range of athletic performance metrics.<\/p> At Core Nutritionals\u00ae, we\u2019ve reimagined the hydration process with our comprehensive electrolyte and hydration blend: HYDRATE. Core HYDRATE was developed with a comprehensive blend of cutting-edge ingredients and traditional electrolytes to address most, if not all, major important metabolic pathways associated with rehydration during intense physical activity. Core HYDRATE\u2019s key ingredients have been demonstrated in scientific literature to have a range of positive effects, including, but not limited to:<\/p> Contained in single serve and portable packaging, Core HYDRATE can help you maintain your standards of athletic performance as a comprehensive source of hydration and electrolytes no matter where you are. With 4 amazing flavor options, you\u2019ll be well equipped with everything you need to take your workouts to the next level!<\/p> Vitamin C is perhaps historically best-known for the treatment and prevention of scurvy, though it has many other roles in the body. For example, vitamin C catalyzes or is a cofactor in eight enzymatic reactions involved in the synthesis of collagen, the nutrient carnitine, and several neurotransmitters necessary for the proper function of the brain.<\/p> In the contemporary context, vitamin C is best known as a potent antioxidant. In addition to its intrinsic activity as an antioxidant, vitamin C has been shown in in vitro trials to regenerate alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E). As an antioxidant, vitamin C combats the detrimental effects of a group of compounds called radical oxygen species that, when produced, degrade the lipid membrane of the cell and may cause internal damage. By \u201cscavenging\u201d these free radicals, vitamin C and other antioxidants form a defense against excess cellular damage.<\/p> While best-known as the main bioactive in milk, and a compound that contributes to strong bones, calcium has numerous physiological effects in the body. As a key electrolyte it is responsible for mediating vascular contraction and vasodilatation, muscle function, nerve transmission, intracellular signaling, and hormonal secretion. Homeostatic regulation of calcium, which the body cannot produce, also requires sufficient levels of vitamin D. In the context of muscular contraction and relaxation, if calcium is required for strong contractions, magnesium is required for efficient relaxation of those muscle fibers.<\/p> DimaCal\u00ae is a trademarked form of dicalcium malate, which is calcium bonded with malic acid. It has been shown in studies to be a much better absorbed form of calcium and has the ability to maintain serum calcium levels for a much longer period of time. This can lead to a better maintained electrolyte level and greater performance where calcium is required.<\/p> Magnesium, an often-overlooked electrolyte, is the second most abundant intracellular cation (after potassium). It is a cofactor to over 300 enzymatic reactions in the body and is required for cellular energy metabolism, functioning of the sodium\/potassium adenosine triphosphatase pump, nerve conduction, and ion transport. Magnesium is also required for the use of the body\u2019s energy currency, ATP. To become biologically active, ATP must be bound to magnesium to form Mg-ATP. In addition, magnesium is necessary for the proper function of cells with calcium and potassium gated ion channels such as heart and muscle cells. Working alongside calcium, magnesium plays a crucial role in the body by regulating muscular contractions as well as cramp prevention. In the context of muscle health and rehydration, the longer and more intense a bout of physical activity is, the more magnesium is lost primarily through sweat and urine. This loss of electrolyte balance requires its replenishment so that physical performance can remain at its peak throughout the duration of the activity reducing the risk of injury or bodily harm. Regardless of the type of sport or exercise, muscular contractions and energy production could not occur consistently without the presence of magnesium.<\/p> As an essential mineral, like magnesium, zinc is also involved in a wide-range of essential biological functions in the human body \u2013 and a requirement in the catalytic activity of over 100 enzymes.<\/p> Most notably, zinc is vital for immune function, protein synthesis, cellular division, and DNA synthesis. For immune function, zinc is required for the function of a group of immune cells known as neutrophils and macrophages, which eliminate pathological cells and their products from the body.<\/p> With magnesium, sufficient levels of zinc are also necessary for the production and maintenance of healthy levels of testosterone.<\/p> Chloride is one of the most important electrolytes in the human body. Similar to sodium and potassium, which will be discussed below, chloride creates specific channels in cell membranes which help to carry out different vital tasks. It is responsible for balancing the fluids on the inside of the cells with the fluids on the outside of the cells, as well as maintaining proper blood volume, blood pressure, and fluid pH. Chloride is also important for muscle and heart contraction as well as to aid in the carrying of nerve impulses between our nerve cells and our brain and the rest of the body. Additionally, chloride is needed to help red blood cells exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide in the lungs as well as plays a role in the digestion of foods by supporting hydrochloric acid production in the stomach. We often lose chloride through sweat and perspiration, which comes in the form of water and salt. Replenishment of chloride can come from utilizing salt (often found as sodium-chloride, or table salt), cheese, canned fish, and some processed meats. Overconsumption of some of these foods may not be beneficial for some individuals, so supplementation may be the best way for these individuals to replenish chloride in their bodies.<\/p> Sodium, like chloride above, is one of the most essential electrolytes for our body to utilize. As sodium is often found bound to chloride as sodium-chloride (salt), their function and benefits are going to be very similar in nature. Sodium helps to keep the water (mainly amount of fluid outside of the body\u2019s cells) and electrolyte balance of the body, while also aiding in the contraction and relaxation of muscles as well as conducting nerve impulses. While only 500mg of sodium is needed per day for these functions to occur, we as active individuals need far more sodium in order to maintain these functions. We mostly lose sodium through sweat and urine, so the more active we are\/the more we sweat and the more we urinate, the more sodium is lost. Acquiring enough sodium through food and drink is crucial to establishing equilibrium again in order to maintain proper functioning and electrolyte balance within the body. The standard American diet is often overloaded with sodium and coupled with inactivity, which can lead to poor health and dysfunction. It is important to engage in physical activity of some kind most days and to eat a diet that is balanced in nutrients in order to maintain proper health.<\/p> Potassium, as sodium\u2019s counterpart, acts as a critical electrolyte primarily by helping to maintain normal levels of fluids inside of our cells. Additionally, it helps muscles to contract and relax, aid in strong nerve function, as well as support normal blood pressure. It works very closely with sodium to create the membrane potential needed for the electrical currents that generate these functions to pass from one cell to the next. While the potassium levels in our body are regulated carefully, a diet lacking sufficient amounts of potassium (especially when combined with excess sodium) or one that contains too much potassium can eventually lead to certain types of dysfunctions and poor health status. When potassium levels in the body increase, the adrenal glands release the hormone aldosterone, which causes the kidneys to excrete excess potassium through the urine. When potassium levels are too low, aldosterone levels are suppressed, which can lead to conservation of potassium thus interfering with balance and negatively affecting transport channels that affect vital bodily functions. Potassium can be gotten from the diet in the form of fresh fruits and vegetables, such as sweet potatoes, beans, tomatoes, spinach and broccoli but supplementing can be an essential application as well to support an active lifestyle where excretion is higher than can be replenished through diet.<\/p> Though traditionally referred to as an amino acid due to its chemical structure, taurine is not an amino acid in the sense that leucine, alanine, or glutamine are. Its chemical status aside, taurine is considered one of the body\u2019s most essential chemical compounds, as cardiovascular function, muscle development and function, along with optical and nervous systems in the body depend on its abundance. While data on taurine typically occurs with taurine in supplement combinations (with caffeine and other amino acids), these data nevertheless suggest that dietary supplementation with taurine may have beneficial effects on mental focus and alertness and may assist during times of increased physical exertion.<\/p> Coconut water, like the name implies, is the liquid that is found within the coconut itself. Often having a slightly sweet, nutty flavor, it also contains an adequate amount of vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes like potassium, sodium, and magnesium. All of these electrolytes, like discussed in sections above, can help to boost hydration status and replenish nutrients lost through exercise or rigorous everyday activities. Potassium is the highest concentration in coconut water at roughly 600mg per cup (16% DV), which as discussed above has a vital role in optimally functioning kidneys and strong muscle contractions. Potassium can also work to keep fluid levels and other electrolytes balanced during exercise. The high concentration of potassium in coconut water specifically can balance out sodium\u2019s effects on blood pressure, and even lower blood pressure slightly, which can have its own benefits towards training and overall health and circulatory health. In addition to the added electrolytes that coconut water can provide, it also can provide a potent amount of antioxidants that can aid in the neutralization of free radicals that can rapidly take over during intense training. By eliminating these free radicals, muscles will be able to perform longer and more efficiently, as well as be able to recover adequately. While general water consumption can be adequate as well, the added electrolytes coconut water can supply provides an added benefit that can improve performance and overall recovery.<\/p> Adenosine triphosphate and other ATP metabolites are involved in a number of biological processes including cardiac function, blood flow, muscle contraction and neurotransmission. ATP is the primary molecule that acts as a carrier for energy within cells. It has also often been studied those increased levels of ATP have shown increases in health and performance. Supplementation with exogenous ATP has often shown its ability to increase ATP concentrations in blood. Oral supplementation with ancient peat and apple extracts have exhibited their ability to increase intracellular and intramuscular ATP levels. ElevATP\u00ae is a blend of these specific polyphenols that can work to increase endogenous ATP levels without a simultaneous increase in serum lactate. The significance of this is that usually with an increase in endogenous ATP there is an increase in intracellular free radicals. When these free radicals are not present, oxidative stress is mitigated and there is more potential for the beneficial increases in ATP to take center stage. These increases of ATP are essential as when available energy is increased it can have positive benefits in terms of increased power, strength, and overall exercise performance. One study in particular looked at dosing ElevATP\u00ae against placebo and showed that the group who received ElevATP\u00ae saw a blood ATP increase of 45% on average along with no increase in oxidative blood glucose. This type of result has been shown repeatedly in studies and has given ElevATP\u00ae the reputation to be a beneficial compound for the goals of improving endurance, strength, power, and other training specific adaptations.<\/p> Our bodies are high functioning machines and require a lot of support to continue to perform at a high-level day in and day out. A lot of these needs are difficult to be acquired by diet alone, so supplementation is critical. Minerals are included in these daily needs and are vital to the bodies many processes. ConcenTrace\u00ae AC is a high-quality trace mineral complex providing a comprehensive blend of nutrients that are often hard to acquire from diet alone. Its manufacturing process makes it up to 26x more concentrated than other colloidal trace minerals, adding to its benefits. These minerals contained in the product are catalysts for all of the vitamins and other nutrients our body requires to function at an optimal level and maintain health. Some of these functions include electrolyte replacement, maintaining pH balance in the body, nourishing hair and skin, strengthening bones and joints, regulating the digestive system, and improving athletic performance.<\/p> Senactiv\u00ae, derived from extracts of Panax notoginseng and Rosa roxburghii, has been shown to act in a few pathways to reenergize and rejuvenate cells within the body that take a beating on a daily basis. Ultimately this product falls within a category known as senolytics, or compounds that primarily work to induce cell death. This may not sound ideal as we need our cells to function, but the key is to ensure that these compounds are working on the right kinds of cells.<\/p> The human body does contain many senescent cells, which are old cells and can be deteriorating. How these senolytics work to promote health is by speeding up the breakdown of these older cells as well as encouraging the growth of new, vibrant cells. The other benefit of Senactiv\u00ae and its ingredients is its ability to protect against muscle damage. Ginseng in particular has been shown to help reduce the proinflammatory state that is associated with rigorous training. Where this is going to benefit is to reduce inflammation and jumpstart the recovery process of torn down muscle fibers so these cells can begin to scar and grow stronger. The other benefit that ginseng has been able to show is it has been shown to improve VO2 max by about 20% when compared to a control group in studies. This improvement can significantly improve oxygen uptake to increase delivery to muscle cells for the ability to push harder and longer.<\/p> On another angle of recovery, Senactiv\u00ae has been shown to improve the rate of glycogen storage after exercise. When glycogen can be stored efficiently post exercise it has the ability to attenuate the structural damage associated with training by allowing those carbohydrates and sugars going towards recovery.<\/p> Senactiv\u00ae is a unique blend of ingredients but with sound research and application behind but with its benefits towards improved cell regeneration, VO2 max, and recovery, it is a great addition to this hydration product.<\/p>","gtin12":"658580071042","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/core-products-hydratee-bl_1701802374-0.jpg"],"brand":"Core Nutritionals","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/33630\/core-nutritionals-hydrate-electrolyte-packets-blu.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"29.99","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/33630\/core-nutritionals-hydrate-electrolyte-packets-blu.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"Core Nutritionals HYDRATE Electrolyte Packets Lemon Lime - 20 Packets","sku":"CU341","description":" CORE HYDRATE<\/p> Hydration is one of the most important factors in athletic performance. Yet, many of the mass marketed \u201csports drinks\u201d widely available today fail to properly address the issues posed by sustained periods of intense exercise. A broad base of research demonstrates that proper hydration and electrolyte levels can delay fatigue, increase endurance, reduce delayed onset muscle soreness, and increase a wide-range of athletic performance metrics.<\/p> At Core Nutritionals\u00ae, we\u2019ve reimagined the hydration process with our comprehensive electrolyte and hydration blend: HYDRATE. Core HYDRATE was developed with a comprehensive blend of cutting-edge ingredients and traditional electrolytes to address most, if not all, major important metabolic pathways associated with rehydration during intense physical activity. Core HYDRATE\u2019s key ingredients have been demonstrated in scientific literature to have a range of positive effects, including, but not limited to:<\/p> Contained in single serve and portable packaging, Core HYDRATE can help you maintain your standards of athletic performance as a comprehensive source of hydration and electrolytes no matter where you are. With 4 amazing flavor options, you\u2019ll be well equipped with everything you need to take your workouts to the next level!<\/p> Vitamin C is perhaps historically best-known for the treatment and prevention of scurvy, though it has many other roles in the body. For example, vitamin C catalyzes or is a cofactor in eight enzymatic reactions involved in the synthesis of collagen, the nutrient carnitine, and several neurotransmitters necessary for the proper function of the brain.<\/p> In the contemporary context, vitamin C is best known as a potent antioxidant. In addition to its intrinsic activity as an antioxidant, vitamin C has been shown in in vitro trials to regenerate alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E). As an antioxidant, vitamin C combats the detrimental effects of a group of compounds called radical oxygen species that, when produced, degrade the lipid membrane of the cell and may cause internal damage. By \u201cscavenging\u201d these free radicals, vitamin C and other antioxidants form a defense against excess cellular damage.<\/p> While best-known as the main bioactive in milk, and a compound that contributes to strong bones, calcium has numerous physiological effects in the body. As a key electrolyte it is responsible for mediating vascular contraction and vasodilatation, muscle function, nerve transmission, intracellular signaling, and hormonal secretion. Homeostatic regulation of calcium, which the body cannot produce, also requires sufficient levels of vitamin D. In the context of muscular contraction and relaxation, if calcium is required for strong contractions, magnesium is required for efficient relaxation of those muscle fibers.<\/p> DimaCal\u00ae is a trademarked form of dicalcium malate, which is calcium bonded with malic acid. It has been shown in studies to be a much better absorbed form of calcium and has the ability to maintain serum calcium levels for a much longer period of time. This can lead to a better maintained electrolyte level and greater performance where calcium is required.<\/p> Magnesium, an often-overlooked electrolyte, is the second most abundant intracellular cation (after potassium). It is a cofactor to over 300 enzymatic reactions in the body and is required for cellular energy metabolism, functioning of the sodium\/potassium adenosine triphosphatase pump, nerve conduction, and ion transport. Magnesium is also required for the use of the body\u2019s energy currency, ATP. To become biologically active, ATP must be bound to magnesium to form Mg-ATP. In addition, magnesium is necessary for the proper function of cells with calcium and potassium gated ion channels such as heart and muscle cells. Working alongside calcium, magnesium plays a crucial role in the body by regulating muscular contractions as well as cramp prevention. In the context of muscle health and rehydration, the longer and more intense a bout of physical activity is, the more magnesium is lost primarily through sweat and urine. This loss of electrolyte balance requires its replenishment so that physical performance can remain at its peak throughout the duration of the activity reducing the risk of injury or bodily harm. Regardless of the type of sport or exercise, muscular contractions and energy production could not occur consistently without the presence of magnesium.<\/p> As an essential mineral, like magnesium, zinc is also involved in a wide-range of essential biological functions in the human body \u2013 and a requirement in the catalytic activity of over 100 enzymes.<\/p> Most notably, zinc is vital for immune function, protein synthesis, cellular division, and DNA synthesis. For immune function, zinc is required for the function of a group of immune cells known as neutrophils and macrophages, which eliminate pathological cells and their products from the body.<\/p> With magnesium, sufficient levels of zinc are also necessary for the production and maintenance of healthy levels of testosterone.<\/p> Chloride is one of the most important electrolytes in the human body. Similar to sodium and potassium, which will be discussed below, chloride creates specific channels in cell membranes which help to carry out different vital tasks. It is responsible for balancing the fluids on the inside of the cells with the fluids on the outside of the cells, as well as maintaining proper blood volume, blood pressure, and fluid pH. Chloride is also important for muscle and heart contraction as well as to aid in the carrying of nerve impulses between our nerve cells and our brain and the rest of the body. Additionally, chloride is needed to help red blood cells exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide in the lungs as well as plays a role in the digestion of foods by supporting hydrochloric acid production in the stomach. We often lose chloride through sweat and perspiration, which comes in the form of water and salt. Replenishment of chloride can come from utilizing salt (often found as sodium-chloride, or table salt), cheese, canned fish, and some processed meats. Overconsumption of some of these foods may not be beneficial for some individuals, so supplementation may be the best way for these individuals to replenish chloride in their bodies.<\/p> Sodium, like chloride above, is one of the most essential electrolytes for our body to utilize. As sodium is often found bound to chloride as sodium-chloride (salt), their function and benefits are going to be very similar in nature. Sodium helps to keep the water (mainly amount of fluid outside of the body\u2019s cells) and electrolyte balance of the body, while also aiding in the contraction and relaxation of muscles as well as conducting nerve impulses. While only 500mg of sodium is needed per day for these functions to occur, we as active individuals need far more sodium in order to maintain these functions. We mostly lose sodium through sweat and urine, so the more active we are\/the more we sweat and the more we urinate, the more sodium is lost. Acquiring enough sodium through food and drink is crucial to establishing equilibrium again in order to maintain proper functioning and electrolyte balance within the body. The standard American diet is often overloaded with sodium and coupled with inactivity, which can lead to poor health and dysfunction. It is important to engage in physical activity of some kind most days and to eat a diet that is balanced in nutrients in order to maintain proper health.<\/p> Potassium, as sodium\u2019s counterpart, acts as a critical electrolyte primarily by helping to maintain normal levels of fluids inside of our cells. Additionally, it helps muscles to contract and relax, aid in strong nerve function, as well as support normal blood pressure. It works very closely with sodium to create the membrane potential needed for the electrical currents that generate these functions to pass from one cell to the next. While the potassium levels in our body are regulated carefully, a diet lacking sufficient amounts of potassium (especially when combined with excess sodium) or one that contains too much potassium can eventually lead to certain types of dysfunctions and poor health status. When potassium levels in the body increase, the adrenal glands release the hormone aldosterone, which causes the kidneys to excrete excess potassium through the urine. When potassium levels are too low, aldosterone levels are suppressed, which can lead to conservation of potassium thus interfering with balance and negatively affecting transport channels that affect vital bodily functions. Potassium can be gotten from the diet in the form of fresh fruits and vegetables, such as sweet potatoes, beans, tomatoes, spinach and broccoli but supplementing can be an essential application as well to support an active lifestyle where excretion is higher than can be replenished through diet.<\/p> Through traditionally referred to as an amino acid due to its chemical structure, taurine is not an amino acid in the sense that leucine, alanine, or glutamine are. Its chemical status aside, taurine is considered one of the body\u2019s most essential chemical compounds, as cardiovascular function, muscle development and function, along with optical and nervous systems in the body depend on its abundance. While data on taurine typically occurs with taurine in supplement combinations (with caffeine and other amino acids), these data nevertheless suggest that dietary supplementation with taurine may have beneficial effects on mental focus and alertness and may assist during times of increased physical exertion.<\/p> Coconut water, like the name implies, is the liquid that is found within the coconut itself. Often having a slightly sweet, nutty flavor, it also contains an adequate amount of vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes like potassium, sodium, and magnesium. All of these electrolytes, like discussed in sections above, can help to boost hydration status and replenish nutrients lost through exercise or rigorous everyday activities. Potassium is the highest concentration in coconut water at roughly 600mg per cup (16% DV), which as discussed about it has a vital role in optimally functioning kidneys and strong muscle contractions. Potassium can also work to keep fluid levels and other electrolytes balanced during exercise. The high concentration of potassium in coconut water specifically can balance our sodium\u2019s effects on blood pressure, and even lower blood pressure slightly, which can have its own benefits towards training and overall health and circulatory health. In addition to the added electrolytes that coconut water can provide, it also can provide a potent amount of antioxidants that can aid in the neutralization of free radicals that can rapidly take over during intense training. By eliminating these free radicals, muscles will be able to perform longer and more efficiently, as well as be able to recover adequately. While general water consumption can be adequate as well, the added electrolytes coconut water can supply provides an added benefit that can improve performance and overall recovery.<\/p> Adenosine triphosphate and other ATP metabolites are involved in a number of biological processes including cardiac function, blood flow, muscle contraction and neurotransmission. ATP is the primary molecule that acts as a carrier for energy within cells. It has also often been studied those increased levels of ATP have shown increases in health and performance. Supplementation with exogenous ATP has often shown its ability to increase ATP concentrations in blood. Oral supplementation with ancient peat and apple extracts have exhibited their ability to increase intracellular and intramuscular ATP levels. ElevATP\u00ae is a blend these specific polyphenols that can work to increase endogenous ATP levels without a simultaneous increase in serum lactate. The significance of this is that usually with an increase in endogenous ATP there is an increase in intracellular free radicals. When these free radicals are not present, oxidative stress is mitigated and there is more potential for the beneficial increases in ATP to take center stage. These increases of ATP are essential as when available energy is increased it can have positive benefits in terms of increased power, strength, and overall exercise performance. One study in particular looked at dosing ElevATP\u00ae against placebo and showed that the group who received ElevATP\u00ae saw a blood ATP increase of 45% on average along with no increase in oxidative blood glucose. This type of result has been shown repeatedly in studies and has given ElevATP\u00ae the reputation to be a beneficial compound for the goals of improving endurance, strength, power, and other training specific adaptations.<\/p> Our bodies are high functioning machines and require a lot of support to continue to perform at a high-level day in and day out. A lot of these needs are difficult to be acquired by diet alone, so supplementation is critical. Minerals are included in these daily needs and are vital to the bodies many processes. ConcenTrace\u00ae AC is a high-quality trace mineral complex providing a comprehensive blend of nutrients that are often hard to acquire from diet alone. Its manufacturing process makes it up to 26x more concentrated than other colloidal trace minerals, adding to its benefits. These minerals contained in the product are catalysts for all of the vitamins and other nutrients our body requires to function at an optimal level and maintain health. Some of these functions include electrolyte replacement, maintaining pH balance in the body, nourishing hair and skin, strengthening bones and joints, regulating the digestive system, and improving athletic performance.<\/p> Senactiv\u00ae, derived from extracts of Panax notoginseng and Rosa roxburghii, has been shown to act in a few pathways to reenergize and rejuvenate cells within the body that take a beating on a daily basis. Ultimately this product falls within a category known as senolytics, or compounds that primarily work to induce cell death. This may not sound ideal as we need our cells to function, but the key is to ensure that these compounds are working on the right kinds of cells.<\/p> The human body does contain many senescent cells, which are old cells and can be deteriorating. How these senolytics work to promote health is by speeding up the breakdown of these older cells as well as encouraging the grow of new, vibrant cells. The other benefit of Senactiv\u00ae and its ingredients is its ability to protect against muscle damage. Ginseng in particular has been shown to help reduce the proinflammatory state that is associated with rigorous training. Where this is going to benefit is to reduce inflammation and jumpstart the recovery process of torn down muscle fibers so these cells can begin to scar and grow stronger. The other benefit that ginseng has been able to show is it has been shown to improve VO2 mas by about 20% when compared to a control group in studies. This improvement can significantly improve oxygen uptake to increase delivery to muscle cells for the ability to push harder and longer.<\/p> On another angle of recovery, Senactiv\u00ae has been shown to improve the rate of glycogen storage after exercise. When glycogen can be stored efficiently post exercise it has the ability to attenuate the structural damage associated with training by allowing those carbohydrates and sugars going towards recovery.<\/p> Senactiv\u00ae is a unique blend of ingredients but with sound research and application behind but with its benefits towards improved cell regeneration, VO2 max, and recovery, it is a great addition to this hydration product.<\/p>","gtin12":"658580071042","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/core-hydrate-lemon-lime-o_1663873704-0.jpg"],"brand":"Core Nutritionals","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/32405\/core-nutritionals-hydrate-electrolyte-packets.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"29.99","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/32405\/core-nutritionals-hydrate-electrolyte-packets.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/OutOfStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"Core Nutritionals ISO Cappucino - 2 Lb","sku":"CU340","description":" Ultra Pure Whey Protein Isolate<\/p> Your workout is the jungle. Whey isolate is the lion \u2013 its King.<\/p> Core ISO is, simply put, the pinnacle. Our protein\u2019s quality, level of purity, and most importantly, gourmet taste, make drinking a shake your favorite and most effective part of your training day!<\/p> 1 scoop per serving. 80 servings per container. Purest protein available.<\/p> If the post-workout environment were a jungle, whey protein isolate (WPI) would be the lion \u2013 its king. Newer proteins enter into the market, receive fanfare and applause, and then inevitably fall out of favor. WPI, however, is the U.S. Dollar, Greenwich Mean Time, or Michael Jordan\u2019s dunking prowess: it is the reference standard against which everything else is measured. The success or efficacy of all other proteins is gauged relative to what the one true king, WPI, has previously done.<\/p> So, given WPI\u2019s long-standing Elvis status, there is simply no way it could be improved on. Right? Wrong. Amino-filled and\/or spiked, low quality, low purity WPI formulas still run rampant on the market \u2013 robbing consumers of what they should be receiving, and exchanging the king for a jester.<\/p> That has never been Core\u2019s approach, and it never will be. With Core ISO, we have developed the purest, highest-quality, least-adulterated WPI product on the market. We have taken the highest purity, non-instantiated, non-soy, non-GMO whey protein isolate available, and essentially added nothing to it: we have added no sugars, making it the perfect versatile protein; and we have added no artificial colors, meaning you can feel good about drinking it.<\/p> Did we mention we use natural flavoring? And Oh. My. Goodness, what flavoring it is! While the bitterness of WPI overcomes most brand\u2019s offering, and results in a dull, palette-killing powder you need to choke down, Core ISO tastes like a gourmet pastry chef set up shop, on your tongue, and started making souffl\u00e9s like nobody\u2019s business.<\/p> Core ISO is, simply put, the pinnacle. Our protein\u2019s quality and level of purity transcends it to the level of being a necessity; a part of your supplement and training setup that is simply assumed to be there, because it must be there. So, if you are already taking or planning to use protein, why not use the version of the standard that rises above the rest?<\/p> Whey Protein Isolate (WPI):<\/p> Whey protein isolate (WPI) was said above to be the king of proteins, but what does that mean? Why are proteins in general necessary, and more importantly, what are their functions as a workout supplement?<\/p> When you vigorously train or exert yourself, a process called protein degradation (the breakdown of muscle protein) begins so that the body can fuel itself. Think of this like shutting off your engine, in order to fuel your car (muscle protein breakdown). As this entire process plays out, the available pool of amino acids in skeletal muscle depletes, as they too, are drawn in and broken down in the natural, catabolic process during exercise training.<\/p> While this situation is quite adequate during a training session, it\u2019s precisely the opposite of what we want afterwards. At that point, we want the available pool of amino acids to increase, protein degradation to slow or stop, and muscle protein synthesis to increase. The famous, \"anabolic window\u201d is occurring during this time period, so a protein powder that is rapidly digested, and that rapidly increases the available pool of amino acids, is needed to ensure that the switch between protein degradation to synthesis is as beneficial as possible. After this anabolic window passes, or before it even begins, we also want to ensure that the available pool of amino acids is high enough for your body\u2019s constant growth cycle.<\/p> At this period, protein quality is also vital. Human skeletal muscle makes the most use out of a few, particular amino acids, and so a quality protein needs to have an amino acid profile that is optimal for this context. An, \"optimal amino acid profile\u201d contains a high amount of BCAAs, and in particular leucine, to counteract the rate of leucine oxidation that occurs as the fractional rate of protein synthesis decreases, and the rate of muscle protein degradation increases.<\/p> We chose whey protein isolate as the only protein in Core ISO for precisely these reasons. An excess amount in the available pool of amino acids (especially leucine) is called hyperaminoacidaemia, or specifically to leucine, leucinaemia. After a period of intense exercise training, we want this condition to arise immediately, peak after approximately one hour, and then be sustained until another protein source can be ingested. The evidence is quite clear that whey protein isolate not only achieves this, but also may achieve it at a greater potency as compared to other protein sources.<\/p> In a non-double blind study, two groups of healthy men received either micellar casein, or whey protein isolate, after a sustained bout of exercise training. Post-training, muscle protein synthesis, essential amino acid, and leucine levels were tested and compared. The study authors conclude that, \"the ingestion of isolated whey protein supports greater rates of MPS than micellar casein both at rest and after resistance exercise in healthy elderly men. This result is probably related to a greater hyperaminoacidaemia or leucinaemia with whey ingestion.\u201d<\/p> As we said above, it is critical for a protein\u2019s effectiveness that it contain a robust amino acid profile, one that is particular high in leucine. This is because leucine is both the most physiologically important amino acid, with respect to muscle mass, and the most extensively studied. Data on leucine demonstrate this amino acid plays critical roles in stimulating skeletal muscle protein synthesis, and ribosomal biogenesis and assembly (the literal building of muscle tissue), along with playing a lesser role in insulin signaling and gluconeogenic processes. As a result of these diverse roles, leucine has been demonstrated to significantly stimulate skeletal muscle protein synthesis, and attenuate protein degradation, as in the above study, by both insulin-mediated and non-insulin mediated mechanisms.<\/p> In order to counteract a negative intramuscular protein balance, a number of things need to occur \u2013 mostly, a rapid increase in the availability of amino acids. There is strong evidence to suggest that, amongst protein supplement, WPI best achieves this feat.<\/p> Core ISO Ultra Pure Whey Protein Isolate Your workout is the jungle. Whey isolate is the lion \u2013 its King. Core ISO is, simply put, the pinnacle. Our protein\u2019s quality, level of purity, and most importantly, gourmet taste, make drinking a shake your favorite and most effective part of your training day! 1 scoop per serving. 80 servings per container. Purest protein available.<\/p> If the post-workout environment were a jungle, whey protein isolate (WPI) would be the lion \u2013 its king. Newer proteins enter into the market, receive fanfare and applause, and then inevitably fall out of favor. WPI, however, is the U.S. Dollar, Greenwich Mean Time, or Michael Jordan\u2019s dunking prowess: it is the reference standard against which everything else is measured. The success or efficacy of all other proteins is gauged relative to what the one true king, WPI, has previously done.<\/p> So, given WPI\u2019s long-standing Elvis status, there is simply no way it could be improved on. Right? Wrong. Amino-filled and\/or spiked, low quality, low purity WPI formulas still run rampant on the market \u2013 robbing consumers of what they should be receiving, and exchanging the king for a jester.<\/p> That has never been Core\u2019s approach, and it never will be. With Core ISO, we have developed the purest, highest-quality, least-adulterated WPI product on the market. We have taken the highest purity, non-instantiated, non-soy, non-GMO whey protein isolate available, and essentially added nothing to it: we have added no sugars, making it the perfect versatile protein; and we have added no artificial colors, meaning you can feel good about drinking it.<\/p> Did we mention we use natural flavoring? And Oh. My. Goodness, what flavoring it is! While the bitterness of WPI overcomes most brand\u2019s offering, and results in a dull, palette-killing powder you need to choke down, Core ISO tastes like a gourmet pastry chef set up shop, on your tongue, and started making souffl\u00e9s like nobody\u2019s business.<\/p> Core ISO is, simply put, the pinnacle. Our protein\u2019s quality and level of purity transcends it to the level of being a necessity; a part of your supplement and training setup that is simply assumed to be there, because it must be there. So, if you are already taking or planning to use protein, why not use the version of the standard that rises above the rest?<\/p> Whey protein isolate (WPI) was said above to be the king of proteins, but what does that mean? Why are proteins in general necessary, and more importantly, what are their functions as a workout supplement?<\/p> When you vigorously train or exert yourself, a process called protein degradation (the breakdown of muscle protein) begins so that the body can fuel itself. Think of this like shutting off your engine, in order to fuel your car (muscle protein breakdown). As this entire process plays out, the available pool of amino acids in skeletal muscle depletes, as they too, are drawn in and broken down in the natural, catabolic process during exercise training.<\/p> While this situation is quite adequate during a training session, it\u2019s precisely the opposite of what we want afterwards. At that point, we want the available pool of amino acids to increase, protein degradation to slow or stop, and muscle protein synthesis to increase. The famous, \"anabolic window\u201d is occurring during this time period, so a protein powder that is rapidly digested, and that rapidly increases the available pool of amino acids, is needed to ensure that the switch between protein degradation to synthesis is as beneficial as possible. After this anabolic window passes, or before it even begins, we also want to ensure that the available pool of amino acids is high enough for your body\u2019s constant growth cycle.<\/p> At this period, protein quality is also vital. Human skeletal muscle makes the most use out of a few, particular amino acids, and so a quality protein needs to have an amino acid profile that is optimal for this context. An, \"optimal amino acid profile\u201d contains a high amount of BCAAs, and in particular leucine, to counteract the rate of leucine oxidation that occurs as the fractional rate of protein synthesis decreases, and the rate of muscle protein degradation increases.<\/p> We chose whey protein isolate as the only protein in Core ISO for precisely these reasons. An excess amount in the available pool of amino acids (especially leucine) is called hyperaminoacidaemia, or specifically to leucine, leucinaemia. After a period of intense exercise training, we want this condition to arise immediately, peak after approximately one hour, and then be sustained until another protein source can be ingested. The evidence is quite clear that whey protein isolate not only achieves this, but also may achieve it at a greater potency as compared to other protein sources.<\/p> In a non-double blind study, two groups of healthy men received either micellar casein, or whey protein isolate, after a sustained bout of exercise training. Post-training, muscle protein synthesis, essential amino acid, and leucine levels were tested and compared. The study authors conclude that, \"the ingestion of isolated whey protein supports greater rates of MPS than micellar casein both at rest and after resistance exercise in healthy elderly men. This result is probably related to a greater hyperaminoacidaemia or leucinaemia with whey ingestion.\u201d<\/p> As we said above, it is critical for a protein\u2019s effectiveness that it contain a robust amino acid profile, one that is particular high in leucine. This is because leucine is both the most physiologically important amino acid, with respect to muscle mass, and the most extensively studied. Data on leucine demonstrate this amino acid plays critical roles in stimulating skeletal muscle protein synthesis, and ribosomal biogenesis and assembly (the literal building of muscle tissue), along with playing a lesser role in insulin signaling and gluconeogenic processes. As a result of these diverse roles, leucine has been demonstrated to significantly stimulate skeletal muscle protein synthesis, and attenuate protein degradation, as in the above study, by both insulin-mediated and non-insulin mediated mechanisms.<\/p> In order to counteract a negative intramuscular protein balance, a number of things need to occur \u2013 mostly, a rapid increase in the availability of amino acids. There is strong evidence to suggest that, amongst protein supplement, WPI best achieves this feat.<\/p>","gtin12":"672975315115","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/core-nutritionals-iso-cho_2598-0.jpg"],"brand":"Core Nutritionals","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/29802\/core-nutritionals-iso-chocolate-decadence-2-lb.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"49.99","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/29802\/core-nutritionals-iso-chocolate-decadence-2-lb.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"Core Nutritionals ISO Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup - 2 Lb","sku":"CU134","description":" Ultra Pure Whey Protein Isolate Your workout is the jungle. Whey isolate is the lion \u2013 its King. Core ISO is, simply put, the pinnacle. Our protein\u2019s quality, level of purity, and most importantly, gourmet taste, make drinking a shake your favorite and most effective part of your training day!<\/p> If the post-workout environment were a jungle, whey protein isolate (WPI) would be the lion \u2013 its king. Newer proteins enter into the market, receive fanfare and applause, and then inevitably fall out of favor. WPI, however, is the U.S. Dollar, Greenwich Mean Time, or Michael Jordan\u2019s dunking prowess: it is the reference standard against which everything else is measured. The success or efficacy of all other proteins is gauged relative to what the one true king, WPI, has previously done.<\/p> So, given WPI\u2019s long-standing Elvis status, there is simply no way it could be improved on. Right? Wrong. Amino-filled and\/or spiked, low quality, low purity WPI formulas still run rampant on the market \u2013 robbing consumers of what they should be receiving, and exchanging the king for a jester.<\/p> That has never been Core\u2019s approach, and it never will be. With Core ISO, we have developed the purest, highest-quality, least-adulterated WPI product on the market. We have taken the highest purity, non-instantiated, non-soy, non-GMO whey protein isolate available, and essentially added nothing to it: we have added no sugars, making it the perfect versatile protein; and we have added no artificial colors, meaning you can feel good about drinking it.<\/p> Did we mention we use natural flavoring? And Oh. My. Goodness, what flavoring it is! While the bitterness of WPI overcomes most brand\u2019s offering, and results in a dull, palette-killing powder you need to choke down, Core ISO tastes like a gourmet pastry chef set up shop, on your tongue, and started making souffl\u00e9s like nobody\u2019s business.<\/p> Core ISO is, simply put, the pinnacle. Our protein\u2019s quality and level of purity transcends it to the level of being a necessity; a part of your supplement and training setup that is simply assumed to be there, because it must be there. So, if you are already taking or planning to use protein, why not use the version of the standard that rises above the rest?<\/p> Whey protein isolate (WPI) was said above to be the king of proteins, but what does that mean? Why are proteins in general necessary, and more importantly, what are their functions as a workout supplement?<\/p> When you vigorously train or exert yourself, a process called protein degradation (the breakdown of muscle protein) begins so that the body can fuel itself. Think of this like shutting off your engine, in order to fuel your car (muscle protein breakdown). As this entire process plays out, the available pool of amino acids in skeletal muscle depletes, as they too, are drawn in and broken down in the natural, catabolic process during exercise training.<\/p> While this situation is quite adequate during a training session, it\u2019s precisely the opposite of what we want afterwards. At that point, we want the available pool of amino acids to increase, protein degradation to slow or stop, and muscle protein synthesis to increase. The famous, \"anabolic window\u201d is occurring during this time period, so a protein powder that is rapidly digested, and that rapidly increases the available pool of amino acids, is needed to ensure that the switch between protein degradation to synthesis is as beneficial as possible. After this anabolic window passes, or before it even begins, we also want to ensure that the available pool of amino acids is high enough for your body\u2019s constant growth cycle.<\/p> At this period, protein quality is also vital. Human skeletal muscle makes the most use out of a few, particular amino acids, and so a quality protein needs to have an amino acid profile that is optimal for this context. An, \"optimal amino acid profile\u201d contains a high amount of BCAAs, and in particular leucine, to counteract the rate of leucine oxidation that occurs as the fractional rate of protein synthesis decreases, and the rate of muscle protein degradation increases.<\/p> We chose whey protein isolate as the only protein in Core ISO for precisely these reasons. An excess amount in the available pool of amino acids (especially leucine) is called hyperaminoacidaemia, or specifically to leucine, leucinaemia. After a period of intense exercise training, we want this condition to arise immediately, peak after approximately one hour, and then be sustained until another protein source can be ingested. The evidence is quite clear that whey protein isolate not only achieves this, but also may achieve it at a greater potency as compared to other protein sources.<\/p> In a non-double blind study, two groups of healthy men received either micellar casein, or whey protein isolate, after a sustained bout of exercise training. Post-training, muscle protein synthesis, essential amino acid, and leucine levels were tested and compared. The study authors conclude that, \"the ingestion of isolated whey protein supports greater rates of MPS than micellar casein both at rest and after resistance exercise in healthy elderly men. This result is probably related to a greater hyperaminoacidaemia or leucinaemia with whey ingestion.\u201d<\/p> As we said above, it is critical for a protein\u2019s effectiveness that it contain a robust amino acid profile, one that is particular high in leucine. This is because leucine is both the most physiologically important amino acid, with respect to muscle mass, and the most extensively studied. Data on leucine demonstrate this amino acid plays critical roles in stimulating skeletal muscle protein synthesis, and ribosomal biogenesis and assembly (the literal building of muscle tissue), along with playing a lesser role in insulin signaling and gluconeogenic processes. As a result of these diverse roles, leucine has been demonstrated to significantly stimulate skeletal muscle protein synthesis, and attenuate protein degradation, as in the above study, by both insulin-mediated and non-insulin mediated mechanisms.<\/p> In order to counteract a negative intramuscular protein balance, a number of things need to occur \u2013 mostly, a rapid increase in the availability of amino acids. There is strong evidence to suggest that, amongst protein supplement, WPI best achieves this feat.<\/p>","gtin12":"672975315122","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/core-nutritionals-iso-cho_2599-0.jpg"],"brand":"Core Nutritionals","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/29803\/core-nutritionals-iso-chocolate-peanut-butter-2-lb.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"49.99","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/29803\/core-nutritionals-iso-chocolate-peanut-butter-2-lb.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"Core Nutritionals ISO Clear Fun Sweets Cotton Candy Blue Raspberry - 30 Servings","sku":"CU373","description":" Introducing our latest innovation, Fun Sweets Cotton Candy\u00ae Clear Whey Protein Isolate! Elevate your protein intake with this unique blend that not only packs a powerful punch of 24g of high-quality whey protein isolate per serving, but also indulges your taste buds with the authentic and delicious essence of classic cotton candy. Treat yourself to a new kind of post-workout experience that combines the best of both worlds\u2014efficacious protein to support your muscle recovery and the unmistakable sweetness of cotton candy, to make each sip an experience worth celebrating. With its crystal-clear formulation and vibrant flavors, this whey protein isolate takes post-workout nutrition to a whole new level, ensuring that your fitness journey is not only effective but also deliciously fun. But don't think you can only enjoy these amazing flavors after a grueling workout. You can savor the sweet taste of Fun Sweets\u00ae ISO Clear any time! Get ready to redefine your protein game with the amazing flavors of Fun Sweets Cotton Candy\u00ae, where smiles are always guaranteed!<\/p> We all know that whey protein is one of the most utilized protein sources on the market. With its convenient nature and wide variety of flavors that it can take on, it is a common and popular option for many people looking to put on muscle or just increase their overall protein intake. Unfortunately, with whey protein classically having a milky taste, it lends itself useful for taking on primarily sweet, dessert like flavors, like chocolates, vanillas, peanut butters, and other classic ice cream varieties. Recently there has been an uptick in innovation in the whey protein category with the introduction of clear whey protein isolate.<\/p> Clear whey protein is still derived from whey, but what sets clear whey protein apart is its unique processing method that removes fats and carbohydrates, resulting in a clear and transparent liquid. This form of whey protein offers a convenient and refreshing alternative to traditional whey protein powders, which as mentioned above, often have a milky taste and appearance. Even with this more rigorous processing method, clear whey protein still retains all the high quality protein content of traditional whey, providing essential amino acids that support muscle recovery and growth. For individuals looking for a light and easily digestible protein source, but having a more juice like consistency and flavor profile, Clear Whey can be a great option. Core Nutritional\u2019s\u00ae has finally entered the clear whey space with ISO CLEAR! Offering two amazing flavors with our partners at Fun Sweets Cotton Candy\u00ae you can now enjoy these sweet carnival flavors anytime, anywhere and reap the benefits of high quality and ultra-pure whey protein isolate!<\/p> Ultra Pure Whey Protein Isolate Your workout is the jungle. Whey isolate is the lion \u2013 its King. Core ISO is, simply put, the pinnacle. Our protein\u2019s quality, level of purity, and most importantly, gourmet taste, make drinking a shake your favorite and most effective part of your training day! 1 scoop per serving. 80 servings per container. Purest protein available.<\/p> If the post-workout environment were a jungle, whey protein isolate (WPI) would be the lion \u2013 its king. Newer proteins enter into the market, receive fanfare and applause, and then inevitably fall out of favor. WPI, however, is the U.S. Dollar, Greenwich Mean Time, or Michael Jordan\u2019s dunking prowess: it is the reference standard against which everything else is measured. The success or efficacy of all other proteins is gauged relative to what the one true king, WPI, has previously done.<\/p> So, given WPI\u2019s long-standing Elvis status, there is simply no way it could be improved on. Right? Wrong. Amino-filled and\/or spiked, low quality, low purity WPI formulas still run rampant on the market \u2013 robbing consumers of what they should be receiving, and exchanging the king for a jester.<\/p> That has never been Core\u2019s approach, and it never will be. With Core ISO, we have developed the purest, highest-quality, least-adulterated WPI product on the market. We have taken the highest purity, non-instantiated, non-soy, non-GMO whey protein isolate available, and essentially added nothing to it: we have added no sugars, making it the perfect versatile protein; and we have added no artificial colors, meaning you can feel good about drinking it.<\/p> Did we mention we use natural flavoring? And Oh. My. Goodness, what flavoring it is! While the bitterness of WPI overcomes most brand\u2019s offering, and results in a dull, palette-killing powder you need to choke down, Core ISO tastes like a gourmet pastry chef set up shop, on your tongue, and started making souffl\u00e9s like nobody\u2019s business.<\/p> Core ISO is, simply put, the pinnacle. Our protein\u2019s quality and level of purity transcends it to the level of being a necessity; a part of your supplement and training setup that is simply assumed to be there, because it must be there. So, if you are already taking or planning to use protein, why not use the version of the standard that rises above the rest?<\/p> Whey protein isolate (WPI) was said above to be the king of proteins, but what does that mean? Why are proteins in general necessary, and more importantly, what are their functions as a workout supplement?<\/p> When you vigorously train or exert yourself, a process called protein degradation (the breakdown of muscle protein) begins so that the body can fuel itself. Think of this like shutting off your engine, in order to fuel your car (muscle protein breakdown). As this entire process plays out, the available pool of amino acids in skeletal muscle depletes, as they too, are drawn in and broken down in the natural, catabolic process during exercise training.<\/p> While this situation is quite adequate during a training session, it\u2019s precisely the opposite of what we want afterwards. At that point, we want the available pool of amino acids to increase, protein degradation to slow or stop, and muscle protein synthesis to increase. The famous, \"anabolic window\u201d is occurring during this time period, so a protein powder that is rapidly digested, and that rapidly increases the available pool of amino acids, is needed to ensure that the switch between protein degradation to synthesis is as beneficial as possible. After this anabolic window passes, or before it even begins, we also want to ensure that the available pool of amino acids is high enough for your body\u2019s constant growth cycle.<\/p> At this period, protein quality is also vital. Human skeletal muscle makes the most use out of a few, particular amino acids, and so a quality protein needs to have an amino acid profile that is optimal for this context. An, \"optimal amino acid profile\u201d contains a high amount of BCAAs, and in particular leucine, to counteract the rate of leucine oxidation that occurs as the fractional rate of protein synthesis decreases, and the rate of muscle protein degradation increases.<\/p> We chose whey protein isolate as the only protein in Core ISO for precisely these reasons. An excess amount in the available pool of amino acids (especially leucine) is called hyperaminoacidaemia, or specifically to leucine, leucinaemia. After a period of intense exercise training, we want this condition to arise immediately, peak after approximately one hour, and then be sustained until another protein source can be ingested. The evidence is quite clear that whey protein isolate not only achieves this, but also may achieve it at a greater potency as compared to other protein sources.<\/p> In a non-double blind study, two groups of healthy men received either micellar casein, or whey protein isolate, after a sustained bout of exercise training. Post-training, muscle protein synthesis, essential amino acid, and leucine levels were tested and compared. The study authors conclude that, \"the ingestion of isolated whey protein supports greater rates of MPS than micellar casein both at rest and after resistance exercise in healthy elderly men. This result is probably related to a greater hyperaminoacidaemia or leucinaemia with whey ingestion.\u201d<\/p> As we said above, it is critical for a protein\u2019s effectiveness that it contain a robust amino acid profile, one that is particular high in leucine. This is because leucine is both the most physiologically important amino acid, with respect to muscle mass, and the most extensively studied. Data on leucine demonstrate this amino acid plays critical roles in stimulating skeletal muscle protein synthesis, and ribosomal biogenesis and assembly (the literal building of muscle tissue), along with playing a lesser role in insulin signaling and gluconeogenic processes. As a result of these diverse roles, leucine has been demonstrated to significantly stimulate skeletal muscle protein synthesis, and attenuate protein degradation, as in the above study, by both insulin-mediated and non-insulin mediated mechanisms.<\/p> In order to counteract a negative intramuscular protein balance, a number of things need to occur \u2013 mostly, a rapid increase in the availability of amino acids. There is strong evidence to suggest that, amongst protein supplement, WPI best achieves this feat.<\/p>","gtin12":"672975315726","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/iso-frosted-cinnamon-bun_1612040412-0.jpg"],"brand":"Core Nutritionals","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/30574\/core-nutritionals-iso-frosted-cinnamon-bun-2-lb.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"49.99","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/30574\/core-nutritionals-iso-frosted-cinnamon-bun-2-lb.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"Core Nutritionals ISO Lemon Pound Cake - 2 Lb","sku":"CU339","description":" Ultra Pure Whey Protein Isolate Your workout is the jungle. Whey isolate is the lion \u2013 its King. Core ISO is, simply put, the pinnacle. Our protein\u2019s quality, level of purity, and most importantly, gourmet taste, make drinking a shake your favorite and most effective part of your training day!<\/p> If the post-workout environment were a jungle, whey protein isolate (WPI) would be the lion \u2013 its king. Newer proteins enter into the market, receive fanfare and applause, and then inevitably fall out of favor. WPI, however, is the U.S. Dollar, Greenwich Mean Time, or Michael Jordan\u2019s dunking prowess: it is the reference standard against which everything else is measured. The success or efficacy of all other proteins is gauged relative to what the one true king, WPI, has previously done.<\/p> So, given WPI\u2019s long-standing Elvis status, there is simply no way it could be improved on. Right? Wrong. Amino-filled and\/or spiked, low quality, low purity WPI formulas still run rampant on the market \u2013 robbing consumers of what they should be receiving, and exchanging the king for a jester.<\/p> That has never been Core\u2019s approach, and it never will be. With Core ISO, we have developed the purest, highest-quality, least-adulterated WPI product on the market. We have taken the highest purity, non-instantiated, non-soy, non-GMO whey protein isolate available, and essentially added nothing to it: we have added no sugars, making it the perfect versatile protein; and we have added no artificial colors, meaning you can feel good about drinking it.<\/p> Did we mention we use natural flavoring? And Oh. My. Goodness, what flavoring it is! While the bitterness of WPI overcomes most brand\u2019s offering, and results in a dull, palette-killing powder you need to choke down, Core ISO tastes like a gourmet pastry chef set up shop, on your tongue, and started making souffl\u00e9s like nobody\u2019s business.<\/p> Core ISO is, simply put, the pinnacle. Our protein\u2019s quality and level of purity transcends it to the level of being a necessity; a part of your supplement and training setup that is simply assumed to be there, because it must be there. So, if you are already taking or planning to use protein, why not use the version of the standard that rises above the rest?<\/p> Whey protein isolate (WPI) was said above to be the king of proteins, but what does that mean? Why are proteins in general necessary, and more importantly, what are their functions as a workout supplement?<\/p> When you vigorously train or exert yourself, a process called protein degradation (the breakdown of muscle protein) begins so that the body can fuel itself. Think of this like shutting off your engine, in order to fuel your car (muscle protein breakdown). As this entire process plays out, the available pool of amino acids in skeletal muscle depletes, as they too, are drawn in and broken down in the natural, catabolic process during exercise training.<\/p> While this situation is quite adequate during a training session, it\u2019s precisely the opposite of what we want afterwards. At that point, we want the available pool of amino acids to increase, protein degradation to slow or stop, and muscle protein synthesis to increase. The famous, 'anabolic window' is occurring during this time period, so a protein powder that is rapidly digested, and that rapidly increases the available pool of amino acids, is needed to ensure that the switch between protein degradation to synthesis is as beneficial as possible. After this anabolic window passes, or before it even begins, we also want to ensure that the available pool of amino acids is high enough for your body\u2019s constant growth cycle.<\/p> At this period, protein quality is also vital. Human skeletal muscle makes the most use out of a few, particular amino acids, and so a quality protein needs to have an amino acid profile that is optimal for this context. An, 'optimal amino acid profile' contains a high amount of BCAAs, and in particular leucine, to counteract the rate of leucine oxidation that occurs as the fractional rate of protein synthesis decreases, and the rate of muscle protein degradation increases.<\/p> We chose whey protein isolate as the only protein in Core ISO for precisely these reasons. An excess amount in the available pool of amino acids (especially leucine) is called hyperaminoacidaemia, or specifically to leucine, leucinaemia. After a period of intense exercise training, we want this condition to arise immediately, peak after approximately one hour, and then be sustained until another protein source can be ingested. The evidence is quite clear that whey protein isolate not only achieves this, but also may achieve it at a greater potency as compared to other protein sources.<\/p> In a non-double blind study, two groups of healthy men received either micellar casein, or whey protein isolate, after a sustained bout of exercise training. Post-training, muscle protein synthesis, essential amino acid, and leucine levels were tested and compared. The study authors conclude that, 'the ingestion of isolated whey protein supports greater rates of MPS than micellar casein both at rest and after resistance exercise in healthy elderly men. This result is probably related to a greater hyperaminoacidaemia or leucinaemia with whey ingestion.'<\/p> As we said above, it is critical for a protein\u2019s effectiveness that it contain a robust amino acid profile, one that is particular high in leucine. This is because leucine is both the most physiologically important amino acid, with respect to muscle mass, and the most extensively studied. Data on leucine demonstrate this amino acid plays critical roles in stimulating skeletal muscle protein synthesis, and ribosomal biogenesis and assembly (the literal building of muscle tissue), along with playing a lesser role in insulin signaling and gluconeogenic processes. As a result of these diverse roles, leucine has been demonstrated to significantly stimulate skeletal muscle protein synthesis, and attenuate protein degradation, as in the above study, by both insulin-mediated and non-insulin mediated mechanisms.<\/p> In order to counteract a negative intramuscular protein balance, a number of things need to occur \u2013 mostly, a rapid increase in the availability of amino acids. There is strong evidence to suggest that, amongst protein supplement, WPI best achieves this feat.<\/p>","gtin12":"658580070946","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/iso-lemon-pound-cake-1800_1663015031-0.jpg"],"brand":"Core Nutritionals","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/32356\/core-nutritionals-iso-lemon-pound-cake-2-lb.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"49.99","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/32356\/core-nutritionals-iso-lemon-pound-cake-2-lb.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"Core Nutritionals ISO Red Velvet Cake - 2 Lb","sku":"CU283","description":" Ultra Pure Whey Protein Isolate Your workout is the jungle. Whey isolate is the lion \u2013 its King. Core ISO is, simply put, the pinnacle. Our protein\u2019s quality, level of purity, and most importantly, gourmet taste, make drinking a shake your favorite and most effective part of your training day!<\/p> 1 scoop per serving. 80 servings per container. Purest protein available.<\/p> If the post-workout environment were a jungle, whey protein isolate (WPI) would be the lion \u2013 its king. Newer proteins enter into the market, receive fanfare and applause, and then inevitably fall out of favor. WPI, however, is the U.S. Dollar, Greenwich Mean Time, or Michael Jordan\u2019s dunking prowess: it is the reference standard against which everything else is measured. The success or efficacy of all other proteins is gauged relative to what the one true king, WPI, has previously done.<\/p> So, given WPI\u2019s long-standing Elvis status, there is simply no way it could be improved on. Right? Wrong. Amino-filled and\/or spiked, low quality, low purity WPI formulas still run rampant on the market \u2013 robbing consumers of what they should be receiving, and exchanging the king for a jester.<\/p> That has never been Core\u2019s approach, and it never will be. With Core ISO, we have developed the purest, highest-quality, least-adulterated WPI product on the market. We have taken the highest purity, non-instantiated, non-soy, non-GMO whey protein isolate available, and essentially added nothing to it: we have added no sugars, making it the perfect versatile protein; and we have added no artificial colors, meaning you can feel good about drinking it.<\/p> Did we mention we use natural flavoring? And Oh. My. Goodness, what flavoring it is! While the bitterness of WPI overcomes most brand\u2019s offering, and results in a dull, palette-killing powder you need to choke down, Core ISO tastes like a gourmet pastry chef set up shop, on your tongue, and started making souffl\u00e9s like nobody\u2019s business.<\/p> Core ISO is, simply put, the pinnacle. Our protein\u2019s quality and level of purity transcends it to the level of being a necessity; a part of your supplement and training setup that is simply assumed to be there, because it must be there. So, if you are already taking or planning to use protein, why not use the version of the standard that rises above the rest?<\/p> Whey protein isolate (WPI) was said above to be the king of proteins, but what does that mean? Why are proteins in general necessary, and more importantly, what are their functions as a workout supplement?<\/p> When you vigorously train or exert yourself, a process called protein degradation (the breakdown of muscle protein) begins so that the body can fuel itself. Think of this like shutting off your engine, in order to fuel your car (muscle protein breakdown). As this entire process plays out, the available pool of amino acids in skeletal muscle depletes, as they too, are drawn in and broken down in the natural, catabolic process during exercise training.<\/p> While this situation is quite adequate during a training session, it\u2019s precisely the opposite of what we want afterwards. At that point, we want the available pool of amino acids to increase, protein degradation to slow or stop, and muscle protein synthesis to increase. The famous, \"anabolic window\u201d is occurring during this time period, so a protein powder that is rapidly digested, and that rapidly increases the available pool of amino acids, is needed to ensure that the switch between protein degradation to synthesis is as beneficial as possible. After this anabolic window passes, or before it even begins, we also want to ensure that the available pool of amino acids is high enough for your body\u2019s constant growth cycle.<\/p> At this period, protein quality is also vital. Human skeletal muscle makes the most use out of a few, particular amino acids, and so a quality protein needs to have an amino acid profile that is optimal for this context. An, \"optimal amino acid profile\u201d contains a high amount of BCAAs, and in particular leucine, to counteract the rate of leucine oxidation that occurs as the fractional rate of protein synthesis decreases, and the rate of muscle protein degradation increases.<\/p> We chose whey protein isolate as the only protein in Core ISO for precisely these reasons. An excess amount in the available pool of amino acids (especially leucine) is called hyperaminoacidaemia, or specifically to leucine, leucinaemia. After a period of intense exercise training, we want this condition to arise immediately, peak after approximately one hour, and then be sustained until another protein source can be ingested. The evidence is quite clear that whey protein isolate not only achieves this, but also may achieve it at a greater potency as compared to other protein sources.<\/p> In a non-double blind study, two groups of healthy men received either micellar casein, or whey protein isolate, after a sustained bout of exercise training. Post-training, muscle protein synthesis, essential amino acid, and leucine levels were tested and compared. The study authors conclude that, \"the ingestion of isolated whey protein supports greater rates of MPS than micellar casein both at rest and after resistance exercise in healthy elderly men. This result is probably related to a greater hyperaminoacidaemia or leucinaemia with whey ingestion.\u201d<\/p> As we said above, it is critical for a protein\u2019s effectiveness that it contain a robust amino acid profile, one that is particular high in leucine. This is because leucine is both the most physiologically important amino acid, with respect to muscle mass, and the most extensively studied. Data on leucine demonstrate this amino acid plays critical roles in stimulating skeletal muscle protein synthesis, and ribosomal biogenesis and assembly (the literal building of muscle tissue), along with playing a lesser role in insulin signaling and gluconeogenic processes. As a result of these diverse roles, leucine has been demonstrated to significantly stimulate skeletal muscle protein synthesis, and attenuate protein degradation, as in the above study, by both insulin-mediated and non-insulin mediated mechanisms.<\/p> In order to counteract a negative intramuscular protein balance, a number of things need to occur \u2013 mostly, a rapid increase in the availability of amino acids. There is strong evidence to suggest that, amongst protein supplement, WPI best achieves this feat.<\/p> Label below is for Chocolate flavor. Other flavors may vary slightly<\/p>","gtin12":"672975315146","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/core-nutritionals-iso-red_2749-0.jpg"],"brand":"Core Nutritionals","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/29990\/core-nutritionals-iso-red-velvet-cake-2-lb.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"49.99","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/29990\/core-nutritionals-iso-red-velvet-cake-2-lb.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"Core Nutritionals ISO Vanilla Cake - 2 Lb","sku":"CU132","description":" Ultra Pure Whey Protein Isolate Your workout is the jungle. Whey isolate is the lion \u2013 its King. Core ISO is, simply put, the pinnacle. Our protein\u2019s quality, level of purity, and most importantly, gourmet taste, make drinking a shake your favorite and most effective part of your training day! 1 scoop per serving. 80 servings per container. Purest protein available.<\/p> If the post-workout environment were a jungle, whey protein isolate (WPI) would be the lion \u2013 its king. Newer proteins enter into the market, receive fanfare and applause, and then inevitably fall out of favor. WPI, however, is the U.S. Dollar, Greenwich Mean Time, or Michael Jordan\u2019s dunking prowess: it is the reference standard against which everything else is measured. The success or efficacy of all other proteins is gauged relative to what the one true king, WPI, has previously done.<\/p> So, given WPI\u2019s long-standing Elvis status, there is simply no way it could be improved on. Right? Wrong. Amino-filled and\/or spiked, low quality, low purity WPI formulas still run rampant on the market \u2013 robbing consumers of what they should be receiving, and exchanging the king for a jester.<\/p> That has never been Core\u2019s approach, and it never will be. With Core ISO, we have developed the purest, highest-quality, least-adulterated WPI product on the market. We have taken the highest purity, non-instantiated, non-soy, non-GMO whey protein isolate available, and essentially added nothing to it: we have added no sugars, making it the perfect versatile protein; and we have added no artificial colors, meaning you can feel good about drinking it.<\/p> Did we mention we use natural flavoring? And Oh. My. Goodness, what flavoring it is! While the bitterness of WPI overcomes most brand\u2019s offering, and results in a dull, palette-killing powder you need to choke down, Core ISO tastes like a gourmet pastry chef set up shop, on your tongue, and started making souffl\u00e9s like nobody\u2019s business.<\/p> Core ISO is, simply put, the pinnacle. Our protein\u2019s quality and level of purity transcends it to the level of being a necessity; a part of your supplement and training setup that is simply assumed to be there, because it must be there. So, if you are already taking or planning to use protein, why not use the version of the standard that rises above the rest?<\/p> Whey Protein Isolate (WPI):<\/p> Whey protein isolate (WPI) was said above to be the king of proteins, but what does that mean? Why are proteins in general necessary, and more importantly, what are their functions as a workout supplement?<\/p> When you vigorously train or exert yourself, a process called protein degradation (the breakdown of muscle protein) begins so that the body can fuel itself. Think of this like shutting off your engine, in order to fuel your car (muscle protein breakdown). As this entire process plays out, the available pool of amino acids in skeletal muscle depletes, as they too, are drawn in and broken down in the natural, catabolic process during exercise training.<\/p> While this situation is quite adequate during a training session, it\u2019s precisely the opposite of what we want afterwards. At that point, we want the available pool of amino acids to increase, protein degradation to slow or stop, and muscle protein synthesis to increase. The famous, \"anabolic window\u201d is occurring during this time period, so a protein powder that is rapidly digested, and that rapidly increases the available pool of amino acids, is needed to ensure that the switch between protein degradation to synthesis is as beneficial as possible. After this anabolic window passes, or before it even begins, we also want to ensure that the available pool of amino acids is high enough for your body\u2019s constant growth cycle.<\/p> At this period, protein quality is also vital. Human skeletal muscle makes the most use out of a few, particular amino acids, and so a quality protein needs to have an amino acid profile that is optimal for this context. An, \"optimal amino acid profile\u201d contains a high amount of BCAAs, and in particular leucine, to counteract the rate of leucine oxidation that occurs as the fractional rate of protein synthesis decreases, and the rate of muscle protein degradation increases.<\/p> We chose whey protein isolate as the only protein in Core ISO for precisely these reasons. An excess amount in the available pool of amino acids (especially leucine) is called hyperaminoacidaemia, or specifically to leucine, leucinaemia. After a period of intense exercise training, we want this condition to arise immediately, peak after approximately one hour, and then be sustained until another protein source can be ingested. The evidence is quite clear that whey protein isolate not only achieves this, but also may achieve it at a greater potency as compared to other protein sources.<\/p> In a non-double blind study, two groups of healthy men received either micellar casein, or whey protein isolate, after a sustained bout of exercise training. Post-training, muscle protein synthesis, essential amino acid, and leucine levels were tested and compared. The study authors conclude that, \"the ingestion of isolated whey protein supports greater rates of MPS than micellar casein both at rest and after resistance exercise in healthy elderly men. This result is probably related to a greater hyperaminoacidaemia or leucinaemia with whey ingestion.\u201d<\/p> As we said above, it is critical for a protein\u2019s effectiveness that it contain a robust amino acid profile, one that is particular high in leucine. This is because leucine is both the most physiologically important amino acid, with respect to muscle mass, and the most extensively studied. Data on leucine demonstrate this amino acid plays critical roles in stimulating skeletal muscle protein synthesis, and ribosomal biogenesis and assembly (the literal building of muscle tissue), along with playing a lesser role in insulin signaling and gluconeogenic processes. As a result of these diverse roles, leucine has been demonstrated to significantly stimulate skeletal muscle protein synthesis, and attenuate protein degradation, as in the above study, by both insulin-mediated and non-insulin mediated mechanisms.<\/p> In order to counteract a negative intramuscular protein balance, a number of things need to occur \u2013 mostly, a rapid increase in the availability of amino acids. There is strong evidence to suggest that, amongst protein supplement, WPI best achieves this feat.<\/p>","gtin12":"672975315160","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/core-nutritionals-iso-van_2597-0.jpg"],"brand":"Core Nutritionals","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/29801\/core-nutritionals-iso-vanilla-cake-2-lb.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"49.99","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/29801\/core-nutritionals-iso-vanilla-cake-2-lb.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/OutOfStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"Core Nutritionals LIVER - 90 Capsules","sku":"CU315","description":" COMPREHENSIVE LIVER SUPPORT AND DETOXIFICATION<\/p> For many athletes, the liver isn\u2019t the first thing that comes to mind when they think about optimizing their gains and recovery. Yet the liver has an undeniable impact on your overall health and fitness. Its actions aid in the filtering of harmful substances from the blood, production of proteins that carry hormones, drugs and fatty acids throughout the body, creates bile to breakdown fats, and stores glycogen, vitamins and other minerals for use in everyday processes. Conversely, the consistently elevated levels of muscle damage, excessive protein intake and stimulant use typical for your average weightlifter places additional stresses on the liver, leading to increased oxidative stress, liver damage and elevated markers of liver function.<\/p> This dynamic opposition, where liver function is essential for overall fitness and growth while the very processes involved in body recomposition can cause damage and reduce function, requires an effective remedy to aid with short term fitness goals, as well as long term liver health and function. Enter Core LIVER - our comprehensive liver support and detoxification supplement.<\/p> With overall liver health and function in mind, we scoured the available clinical research studies to formulate a liver supplement provides remedial support and protection through multiple metabolic pathways and mechanisms. Overall, this formula helps to provide protection against free radicals and liver damage, enhances liver function, and aids in detoxification. Don\u2019t neglect your liver health or Core LIVER and keep living the Crush It lifestyle.<\/p> Silybum marianum, also known as milk thistle, is a medicinal thistle from the aster or daisy family that has been used in traditional medicines for many centuries for treatment of many different diseases. Many of these treatments have been to protect the liver and associated organs from damage\/further damage. There is evidence to support that milk thistle, and specifically the silymarin compound that is found within it, exhibits a mechanism of action for hepatoprotection from free radicals through antioxidant activity, enhanced protein synthesis, and possible anti-inflammatory or immunomodulating effects. These free radicals are generated through the damage to cellular membranes called lipoperoxidation. Additionally, silymarin also enhances liver glutathione production through the inhibition of hepatocyte glutathione reduction. This can further contribute to the antioxidant support and defense for the liver. Several studies have shown improvements in liver function in individuals with certain liver diseases leading to these proposed benefits. In one in vitro human study in particular, silymarin was shown to inhibit T-cell proliferation and proinflammatory cytokine secretion in a dose-dependent manner. Higher doses of silymarin were shown to specifically control hepatic inflammation responses in chronic liver diseases. It is important to note that in relation to liver diseases, milk thistle has been studied as a complimentary treatment method to traditional treatments and that it is important to live a healthy lifestyle to prevent these diseases as much as possible.<\/p> Katuki, known by its botanical name Picorrhiza kurroa, comes from the Scrophulariaceae family. Picorrhiza, coming from the Greek word \u2018Picroz\u2019, means \u2018bitter\u2019 and \u2018rhiza\u2019 meaning \u2018root\u2019. This bitter quality is what katuki has been touted for its therapeutic benefits and is said to be cooling, cleansing, and possess anti-bacterial properties. Katuki has been shown to possess potent hepatoprotective and hepatostimulative properties to offer support to the overall function of the vital liver organ. Katuki offers support by stimulating the secretion of bile, which assists the liver enzymes in coming back to homeostasis. Additionally, katuki contains a compound called picroliv, or kutkin. This compound is mainly a glucoside (derived from glucose and most commonly found in plants) and is normally isolated from the roots and rhizomes of Picorrhiza kurroa for the uses to treat certain liver ailments. In rodents, picroliv has shown efficacy that can be similar to silymarin in models that have shown hepatic damage. As mentioned above, silymarin is a highly effective compound used in the controlling of hepatic inflammation which can lead to hepatic trauma. When chronic oxidative stress, toxins, and free radicals that can wreak havoc on the liver can be controlled, the function of the liver can be enhanced, thus creating a cascading sequence of related optimally functioning actions. Some of these actions include:<\/p> Glutathione is an amino acid containing molecule of L-glutamic acid, L-cysteine, and Glycine that is particularly concentrated in the liver. The liver has a unique ability to synthesize cysteine, a glutathione precursor, from endogenous sources through the trans-sulphuration pathway or through protein breakdown and food. It is vital to many different properties and is best known for being a powerful antioxidant. It also plays a key role in the detoxification reactions in the liver and in regulation of the thiol-disulfide status of hepatocytes. The \u2018glutathione system\u2019 comprises the enzymes that synthesize glutathione within a cell as dedicated enzymes that use glutathione for its antioxidant effects. Glutathione supplementation is thought to support this pool of glutathione present in cells and thus maintain the efficacy of the entire system. This supplementation can be even more important if chronic disease is seen as \u201cdrying up\u201d this pool of antioxidant rich compounds. Free radicals and toxins can be a byproduct of many different things such as exercising or poor physical health, eating, and daily unhealthy lifestyle activities to name a few. When these molecules overcome the body at the cellular level, this constant barrage can have negative impacts on health and overall wellness. This overabundance of oxidative stress can contribute to pathogenesis of many liver diseases, as well as exacerbate preexisting conditions. Setria\u00ae L-Glutathione provides a potent supply of antioxidants that bind these free radicals, which can help keep them from causing lasting damage. There have been some conflicting reports on whether oral glutathione supplementation was a viable way of increasing serum glutathione levels as opposed to intravenous methods. One long-term, randomized, placebo-controlled study on the effects of oral glutathione supplementation showed that dosages as low as 250mg of Setria\u00ae Glutathione were able to:<\/p> TUDCA gets its acronym as being the taurine conjugate of ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA), a secondary bile acid that is produced only by intestinal bacteria. UDCA was originally FDA approved for the treatment of certain cholestatic liver diseases based on its ability to protect hepatocytes (liver cells) from hydrophobic bile acids. Cholestasis occurs when bile acids get backed up in the liver and there is room for metabolism. These bile salts can be damaging to the cell membranes of nearby tissues, in particular liver tissues, and can begin to signal for cell death (apoptosis). TUDCA works through a mechanism of action that shows its ability to inhibit liver cell apoptosis by interfering with the mitochondrial pathway of cell death, inhibit oxygen-radical production, and reduce endoplasmic reticulum stress. The endoplasmic reticulum acts as a highway between the nucleus of a cell and the cytoplasm and is heavily involved in protein and lipid synthesis. Through this reduction in ER stress, TUDCA has garnered a reputation as being a beneficial remedy for a wide range or metabolic diseases, and for being a neurological protection agent. Although TUDCA has been shown to possess wide ranges of benefits, its most common and practical use has continually been seen in the ability to provide protection and overall health for the liver.<\/p> BioPerine\u00ae is a patented standardized extract from the fruit of Piper nigrum (black pepper). It\u2019s studied benefits have continually shown improvements in bioavailability of nutrients it is surrounded by. When it comes to post exercise nutrition, efficiency and speed with which nutrients can enter the system and get to their target is of the upmost importance. The \u201cwindow of opportunity\u201d is much larger than what has been previously thought, but when your results weigh heavily on post-exercise nutrition, maximal absorption and use of nutrients is extremely important.<\/p> BioPerine\u00ae primarily works through mechanisms and channels that can inhibit intestinal motility and dilate blood vessels of the intestines (where absorption of nutrients occurs). This physiological action may cause increased absorption and digestion of nutrients.<\/p>","gtin12":"658580070564","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/core-productsliver1-1800x_1636213482-0.jpg"],"brand":"Core Nutritionals","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/31444\/core-nutritionals-liver-90-cap.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"54.99","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/31444\/core-nutritionals-liver-90-cap.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"Core Nutritionals LOAD Glucose Disposal Agent - 180 Capsules","sku":"CU093","description":" High Potency Glucose Utilization Agent<\/p> Glucose Utilization Agent We suggest that every other GDA bend the knee.<\/p> Core LOAD has changed the meaning of \u201cglucose-disposal agent\u201d (GDA). While most GDAs on the market are single-pathway or single-mechanism formulas with sub-clinical serving sizes, LOAD targets multiple pathways and mechanisms through supra-clinical serving sizes.<\/p> Serving size 6 capsules.\n30 servings per container.\nCarb-proof your diet.<\/p> With the advent of Core LOAD, Core Nutritionals has effectively changed the meaning of glucose-disposal agent (GDA). While most GDAs on the market are single-pathway or single-mechanism formulas with sub-clinical serving sizes, Core LOAD targets multiple pathways and mechanisms through either clinical or supra-clinical serving sizes. And most importantly, Core LOAD reaches these pathways through several non-redundant key ingredients that surgically target both glycogenic (glycogen-creating) and lipolytic (lipid\/fat tissue-mitigating) pathways.<\/p> Core LOAD\u2019s success as a GDA is due to its key ingredients \u2013 and specifically, the major pathways of glycogen storage and lipid metabolism they alter. Specifically, increasing the translocation of GLUT4 from the cell nucleus (its inner portion) to the periphery (its outer portion), thereby increasing the transportation of glucose into the cell; by inhibiting PPAR-Gamma2 and other critical lipogenic\/lipolytic genes and gene pathways; by altering the response to glucose ingestion at the cellular level; and by altering other critical messengers in both the glycogenic and lipolytic pathways.<\/p> While other GDAs may target similar pathways, Core LOAD contains several ingredients that target these pathways through several different, non-redundant mechanisms. Essentially, we have taken every possible step to maximize your body\u2019s glycogen storage, rather than relying on a single ingredient approach. Perhaps more importantly, we have utilized ingredients such a CGA (chlorogenic acid \u2013 a component of green coffee extract) in ways and serving sizes that blow the competition away. While serving sizes as small as 300mg of GGA have been shown to assist in healthy weight management, we included a savage 2g serving! That serving is also anywhere from 3-10x the serving size found in clinical research assessing CGA\u2019s impact on glucose homeostasis and glycogen formation.<\/p> Now, the critical question, not just for CGA, but for all glucose disposal agents is this: why is \u201cdisposing\u201d of glucose important? What does that even mean. Let\u2019s break this down in two ways. Let\u2019s consider the first way as (attempting) to increase lean tissue; and the other avoiding non-lean tissue. When you consume carbohydrates, your body breaks those carbohydrates down until they eventually reach the plasma (blood) as glucose \u2013 blood sugar. Blood sugar is then diverted to cells for consumption in bodily processes.<\/p> Our bodies divert glucose to both muscle cells (good) and fat cells (bad). In terms of the good, lean tissue-increasing effects, the key ingredients in Core LOAD will assist your body in creating glycogen. Think of glycogen like NOS for a car: a car can certainly run on fuel alone, but adding NOS to the mix greatly boosts the vehicle\u2019s speed. For short bursts of maximal or near-maximal effort exercise, glycogen functions as your body\u2019s fuel source \u2013 in addition to filling muscle bellies to provide them a \u201cfull,\u201d 3D look. Maximizing glycogen storage also acts like an insurance policy against lipogenic (fat tissue-creating) action: the more glycogen stored in muscle, the less glucose shuttled to adipose cells or to the liver.<\/p> In terms of the bad, your body also diverts glucose to adipose (fat) cells \u2013 but not for energy consumption, but energy storage. Consider fat cell\u2019s the long term storage bunker of your body: your body puts glucose there to withdraw it in times of need. Core LOAD\u2019s key ingredients inhibit the process in non-redundant, synergistic ways \u2013 from inhibiting glucose uptake at the gastrointestinal level (to stabilize plasma glucose, which diminishes uptake in adipose cells) to diminishing the activity of key lipogenic (fat mass increasing) genes.<\/p> When you combine both of these two kinds of action, you get Core LOAD: the new king of GDAs. We suggest that every other product bend the knee.<\/p>","gtin12":"672975009700","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/core-nutritionals-load-gl_1437-0.jpg"],"brand":"Core Nutritionals","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/27267\/core-nutritionals-core-load-180-cap.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"44.99","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/27267\/core-nutritionals-core-load-180-cap.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"Core Nutritionals MRP Meal Replacement Packets Double Chocolate Oatmeal Cookie - 10 Packets","sku":"CU376","description":" At Core Nutritionals, a meal is well-balanced, nutritious, and most importantly delicious. Yet most \"meal supplements\" are full of filler carbohydrates, low grade proteins, and chalky flavor mixtures that have little taste and even less nutrition. We would hate to see the \"meals\" these supplements are supposedly substituting.<\/p> Core MRP is a better solution - a true meal supplement, not a meal imposter. Grain-sourced carbohydrates, not fillers and high glycemic carbohydrates. Rich protein sources from high quality whey and casein, not bottom-of-the-barrel powders. Premium flavors, digestive enzymes, and vitamins and minerals from real whole foods, not whatever else was lying around. Everything your body needs in an instantized, easy-mixing, convenient, and delicious blend.<\/p> Before we dive in to understand the complexity of Core MRP, lets back up and first understand exactly what\u2019s occurring when we consume carbohydrates on a daily basis \u2013 and in particular, when we consume around our workouts (peri-workout nutrition).<\/p> The consumption of carbohydrates, by its nature, results in an increase in the concentration of plasma glucose (or blood sugar) \u2013 and, in turn, insulin is released from the pancreas as a result. Insulin then initiates a number of signal transduction pathways related to both protein and glucose metabolism, with the upshot being increased glycolysis (breakdown of glucose to ATP), glucose oxidation in response to greater glucose availability in the cell, and glycogen synthesis (the stuff that essentially makes muscles, \"pop\u201d). In other words, an entire host of both necessary and amazing things!<\/p> With that said, insulin does induce some negative effects, as well. This powerful hormone is responsible for a range of lipogenic (fat-creating) effects, including both adipocyte differentiation (turning what are known as pre-adipocytes into mature adipocytes, or fat cells), and proliferation (the expansion of cells). Insulin controls these processes by tightly regulating numerous signal transduction pathways, and is in fact one of the key hormones responsible for controlling how adipocytes function.<\/p> So, you have a hormone that, on the one hand, does a range of absolutely crucial things related to muscle and muscle cell metabolism, and on the other, does similarly crucial things related to fat and fat cell metabolism. How do we separate the good from the bad, then?<\/p> The easiest, most reliable way to ensure that these processes continue to work in favor of your body composition goals, is to very carefully and strategically select your carbohydrates sources. For us at Core, and specifically for Core MRP, this means choosing only low glycemic carbohydrates for inclusion in our everyday meal supplement.<\/p> Low-glycemic carbohydrates are ones that elicit a smaller, \"glycemic\u201d or glucose-releasing response in the body; meaning they also induce less of an insulinemic response, as well. The result is that low glycemic carbohydrates, as research indicates, not only cause enhanced fat oxidation (the literal burning of fat) when compared to high GI carbs, but also spare muscle glycogen. This result is the best of both worlds: your metabolic engine stays engaged, and the substance that gives your muscles their fullness, glycogen, is spared.<\/p> It is for the reasons above that high-quality, low-glycemic carbohydrates are such a crucial component to an excellent meal supplement. Unfortunately, that is simply not the industry trend: even a cursory glance at most, \"meal replacements\u201d reveals a litany of high-glycemic, insulin-inducing carbohydrates that, while they have their place, are completely inappropriate to include in an all-day, everyday meal replacement.<\/p> Core MRP is not like the rest. We are setting a new standard with the product that started it all. We have chosen only high-quality whole grain oat flour to include as your carbohydrate source. Oats offer a wide variety of benefits aside from just providing carbohydrates for the body. Some of these include:<\/p> If you have been following us for quite some time, we likely don\u2019t need to explain just how and why adequate protein intake is fundamental to achieving your goals. With that said, there may be some confusion as to what specific kinds of protein are going to benefit your goals and why.<\/p> Like we did with carbohydrates above, let\u2019s look into the specifics a little bit rather than just supplying a generic answer. We are anything but generic after all! The word \"protein,\u201d without any qualification, is perhaps the broadest term you can possibly use when speaking about biology \u2013 to the point where asking, \"How much protein should I consume, and which kind?\u201d renders itself useless. Considering proteins are more or less complex compositions of amino acids, and considering that amino acids have different functions, what we want to ask is something more specific like, \"Which kinds of protein have the amino acid composition best suited to my goals, and when should I consume them?\u201d A mouthful, but you get the point!<\/p> So, what does a, \"good\u201d amino acid composition for a protein supplement look like? Well, while biologists would never use the term, \"good\u201d, they describe more robust proteins \u2013 one with amino acid profiles that can best facilitate tissue growth \u2013 as, \"complete proteins.\u201d These proteins contain high amounts of essential amino acids, are rapidly digestible, and support the available amino acid profile over a long period of time.<\/p> Simply put, and if we use the definition above, Core MRP has one of the most complete amino acid profiles available in any supplement. We have included a blend of the most bioavailable and high quality proteins to create a blend specifically catered to fuel your body\u2019s need throughout an entire day, not to mention we have full transparency on our label too, so you know exactly how much of each protein you are getting.<\/p> Cold-processed undenatured whey protein concentrate: Whey protein concentrate is probably the most common form of whey protein you will find. However, how it is processed is where the benefit truly lies. This process of cold processed undenaturization preserves the molecular structure of the amino acid particles as well as the immune boosting benefits that it contains. This undenatured protein is also a rich source of amino acids, including those needed for the synthesis of glutathione, which is an important antioxidant that can be depleted by stress (exercise stress included). This makes it a great foundation for your post workout recovery nutrition.<\/p> Cross-flow microfiltered whey protein isolate: whey protein isolate is an extremely \"clean\u201d form of whey protein. It yields a higher amount of amino acids, half of which are from the essential amino acids (cannot be made by the body). Microfiltration eliminates a large majority of the fat and lactose from the whey, which makes it easily digestible and quickly absorbed into the body. This cross-flow process uses a highly intricate method to isolate the protein. It is not subjected to chemicals and is thus left in its most natural state.<\/p> Milk Protein Isolate: milk protein isolate is obtained through the partial removal of non-protein materials from skim milk (lactose and other minerals). What you are left with is a dry product that contains more than 90% protein by weight. This product contains both casein and whey proteins in their original proportions found in milk, without combining separately produced casein and whey proteins. It contains very little fat and lactose and also has a very high amino acid composition making it a perfect addition to this blend.<\/p> To both immediately increase the amino acid pool, and fuel your bodily processes (like protein synthesis) throughout the day, we\u2019ve strategically included such a robust, multi-purpose blend using multiple forms of synergistic proteins that truly complement each other to positively impact your health and fitness.<\/p> The point of an excellent meal supplement is to cover all your bases, so you don\u2019t have to. Core MRP in MJ with the ball with 5 seconds on the clock and The Bulls down by 1. Our multi-stage protein blend is ready to give you everything you need to maximize recovery, increase protein synthesis, and improve your health when you need it most. If your body needs it, Core MRP has it.<\/p> There are a lot of great things about Core MRP already, but what really makes it stand out from other meal supplements on the market is the complete and well-roundedness of this product. Our sources of carbohydrates are more superior, our blend of protein is unmatched, and last but not least, our completely whole food-based blend of micronutrients is second to none.<\/p> Listing each of our micronutrients in succession, along with all the benefits they pose to the human body, would require us to write a book \u2013 literally. We have included everything from A to Zinc in dosages needed that will truly make a difference. We have also added a specific and blend of key foods, like broccoli, kale, sweet potato, chlorella, and shiitake mushroom to name a few. This is the most complete meal supplement on the market.<\/p> In addition to our vitamin and mineral matrix, we have also included the digestive enzyme blend, DigeSEB\u2122, comprised by five of the most clinically-researched, critical function enzymes available. We have chosen this blend for its powerful synergistic properties and abilities to help aid in the breakdown of milk proteins and sugars, support healthy carbohydrate and fat metabolism and breakdown, and assist in the metabolism of carbohydrates and starch.<\/p>","gtin12":"850051031528","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/mrp-chocolate-1800x1800_1720794286-0.jpg"],"brand":"Core Nutritionals","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/34283\/core-nutritionals-mrp-double-chocolate-oatmeal.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"39.99","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/34283\/core-nutritionals-mrp-double-chocolate-oatmeal.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"Core Nutritionals MRP Banana Nut Bread - 3 Lb","sku":"CU364","description":" At Core Nutritionals, a meal is well-balanced, nutritious, and most importantly delicious. Yet most \"meal supplements\" are full of filler carbohydrates, low grade proteins, and chalky flavor mixtures that have little taste and even less nutrition. We would hate to see the \"meals\" these supplement are supposedly substituting.<\/p> Core MRP is a better solution - a true meal supplement, not a meal imposter. Grain-sourced carbohydrates, not fillers and high glycemic carbohydrates. Rich protein sources from high quality whey and casein, not bottom-of-the-barrel powders. Premium flavors, digestive enzymes, and vitamins and minerals from real whole foods, not whatever else was lying around. Everything your body needs in an instantized, easy-mixing, convenient, and delicious blend.<\/p> Before we dive in to understand the complexity of Core MRP, let's back up and first understand exactly what's occurring when we consume carbohydrates on a daily basis \u2013 and in particular, when we consume around our workouts (peri-workout nutrition).<\/p> The consumption of carbohydrates, by its nature, results in an increase in the concentration of plasma glucose (or blood sugar) \u2013 and, in turn, insulin is released from the pancreas as a result. Insulin then initiates a number of signal transduction pathways related to both protein and glucose metabolism, with the upshot being increased glycolysis (breakdown of glucose to ATP), glucose oxidation in response to greater glucose availability in the cell, and glycogen synthesis (the stuff that essentially makes muscles, \"pop\"). In other words, an entire host of both necessary and amazing things!<\/p> With that said, insulin does induce some negative effects, as well. This powerful hormone is responsible for a range of lipogenic (fat-creating) effects, including both adipocyte differentiation (turning what are known as pre-adipocytes into mature adipocytes, or fat cells), and proliferation (the expansion of cells). Insulin controls these processes by tightly regulating numerous signal transduction pathways, and is in fact one of the key hormones responsible for controlling how adipocytes function.<\/p> So, you have a hormone that, on the one hand, does a range of absolutely crucial things related to muscle and muscle cell metabolism, and on the other, does similarly crucial things related to fat and fat cell metabolism. How do we separate the good from the bad, then?<\/p> The easiest, most reliable way to ensure that these processes continue to work in favor of your body composition goals, is to very carefully and strategically select your carbohydrates sources. For us at Core, and specifically for Core MRP, this means choosing only low glycemic carbohydrates for inclusion in our everyday meal supplement.<\/p> Low-glycemic carbohydrates are ones that elicit a smaller, \"glycemic\" or glucose-releasing response in the body; meaning they also induce less of an insulinemic response, as well. The result is that low glycemic carbohydrates, as research indicates, not only cause enhanced fat oxidation (the literal burning of fat) when compared to high GI carbs, but also spare muscle glycogen. This result is the best of both worlds: your metabolic engine stays engaged, and the substance that gives your muscles their fullness, glycogen, is spared.<\/p> It is for the reasons above that high-quality, low-glycemic carbohydrates are such a crucial component to an excellent meal supplement. Unfortunately, that is simply not the industry trend: even a cursory glance at most, \"meal replacements\" reveals a litany of high-glycemic, insulin-inducing carbohydrates that, while they have their place, are completely inappropriate to include in an all-day, everyday meal replacement.<\/p> Core MRP is not like the rest. We are setting a new standard with the product that started it all. We have chosen only high-quality whole grain oat flour to include as your carbohydrate source. Oats offer a wide variety of benefits aside from just providing carbohydrates for the body. Some of these include:<\/p> We at Core have put a lot of time and effort into the formulation of our products, and Core MRP is not different. This allows you to remain confident that consuming Core MRP is not only allowing you to cost-effectively and conveniently meet your caloric goals for the day, but more importantly, that our product is not compromising your hard work or lifestyle.<\/p> If you have been following us for quite some time, we likely don\u2019t need to explain just how and why adequate protein intake is fundamental to achieving your goals. With that said, there may be some confusion as to what specific kinds of protein are going to benefit your goals and why.<\/p> Like we did with carbohydrates above, let\u2019s look into the specifics a little bit rather than just supplying a generic answer. We are anything but generic after all! The word \"protein,\u201d without any qualification, is perhaps the broadest term you can possibly use when speaking about biology \u2013 to the point where asking, \"How much protein should I consume, and which kind?\" renders itself useless. Considering proteins are more or less complex compositions of amino acids, and considering that amino acids have different functions, what we want to ask is something more specific like, \"Which kinds of protein have the amino acid composition best suited to my goals, and when should I consume them?\" A mouthful, but you get the point!<\/p> So, what does a, \"good\" amino acid composition for a protein supplement look like? Well, while biologists would never use the term, \"good\", they describe more robust proteins \u2013 one with amino acid profiles that can best facilitate tissue growth \u2013 as, \"complete proteins.\" These proteins contain high amounts of essential amino acids, are rapidly digestible, and support the available amino acid profile over a long period of time.<\/p> Simply put, and if we use the definition above, Core MRP has one of the most complete amino acid profiles available in any supplement. We have included a blend of the most bioavailable and high quality proteins to create a blend specifically catered to fuel your body\u2019s need throughout an entire day, not to mention we have full transparency on our label too, so you know exactly how much of each protein you are getting.<\/p> Whey protein concentrate is probably the most common form of whey protein you will find. However, how it is processed is where the benefit truly lies. This process of cold processed undenaturization preserves the molecular structure of the amino acid particles as well as the immune boosting benefits that it contains. This undenatured protein is also a rich source of amino acids, including those needed for the synthesis of glutathione, which is an important antioxidant that can be depleted by stress (exercise stress included). This makes it a great foundation for your post workout recovery nutrition.<\/p> Whey protein isolate is an extremely \"clean\" form of whey protein. It yields a higher amount of amino acids, half of which are from the essential amino acids (cannot be made by the body). Microfiltration eliminates a large majority of the fat and lactose from the whey, which makes it easily digestible and quickly absorbed into the body. This cross-flow process uses a highly intricate method to isolate the protein. It is not subjected to chemicals and is thus left in its most natural state.<\/p> Milk protein isolate is obtained through the partial removal of non-protein materials from skim milk (lactose and other minerals). What you are left with is a dry product that contains more than 90% protein by weight. This product contains both casein and whey proteins in their original proportions found in milk, without combining separately produced casein and whey proteins. It contains very little fat and lactose and also has a very high amino acid composition making it a perfect addition to this blend.<\/p> To both immediately increase the amino acid pool, and fuel your bodily processes (like protein synthesis) throughout the day, we\u2019ve strategically included such a robust, multi-purpose blend using multiple forms of synergistic proteins that truly complement each other to positively impact your health and fitness.<\/p> The point of an excellent meal supplement is to cover all your bases, so you don\u2019t have to. Core MRP in MJ with the ball with 5 seconds on the clock and The Bulls down by 1. Our multi-stage protein blend is ready to give you everything you need to maximize recovery, increase protein synthesis, and improve your health when you need it most. If your body needs it, Core MRP has it.<\/p> There are a lot of great things about Core MRP already, but what really makes it stand out from other meal supplements on the market is the complete and well-roundedness of this product. Our sources of carbohydrates are more superior, our blend of protein is unmatched, and last but not least, our completely whole food-based blend of micronutrients is second to none.<\/p> Listing each of our micronutrients in succession, along with all the benefits they pose to the human body, would require us to write a book \u2013 literally. We have included everything from A to Zinc in dosages needed that will truly make a difference. We have also added a specific and blend of key foods, like broccoli, kale, sweet potato, chlorella, and shiitake mushroom to name a few. This is the most complete meal supplement on the market.<\/p> In addition to our vitamin and mineral matrix, we have also included the digestive enzyme blend, DigeSEB\u2122, comprised by five of the most clinically-researched, critical function enzymes available. We have chosen this blend for its powerful synergistic properties and abilities to help aid in the breakdown of milk proteins and sugars, support healthy carbohydrate and fat metabolism and breakdown, and assist in the metabolism of carbohydrates and starch.<\/p>","gtin12":"850051031252","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/2023-products-2mrp-1800x1_1695931948-0.jpg"],"brand":"Core Nutritionals","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/33475\/core-nutritionals-mrp-banana-nut-bread-3-lb.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"49.99","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/33475\/core-nutritionals-mrp-banana-nut-bread-3-lb.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/OutOfStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"Core Nutritionals MRP Blueberry Crumb Cake - 3 Lb","sku":"CU286","description":" At Core Nutritionals, a meal is well-balanced, nutritious, and most importantly delicious. Yet most \"meal supplements\" are full of filler carbohydrates, low grade proteins, and chalky flavor mixtures that have little taste and even less nutrition. We would hate to see the \"meals\" these supplement are supposedly substituting.<\/p> Core MRP is a better solution - a true meal supplement, not a meal imposter. Grain-sourced carbohydrates, not fillers and high glycemic carbohydrates. Rich protein sources from high quality whey and casein, not bottom-of-the-barrel powders. Premium flavors, digestive enzymes, and vitamins and minerals from real whole foods, not whatever else was lying around. Everything your body needs in an instantized, easy-mixing, convenient, and delicious blend.<\/p> Before we dive in to understand the complexity of Core MRP, lets back up and first understand exactly what\u2019s occurring when we consume carbohydrates on a daily basis \u2013 and in particular, when we consume around our workouts (peri-workout nutrition).<\/p> The consumption of carbohydrates, by its nature, results in an increase in the concentration of plasma glucose (or blood sugar) \u2013 and, in turn, insulin is released from the pancreas as a result. Insulin then initiates a number of signal transduction pathways related to both protein and glucose metabolism, with the upshot being increased glycolysis (breakdown of glucose to ATP), glucose oxidation in response to greater glucose availability in the cell, and glycogen synthesis (the stuff that essentially makes muscles, \"pop\u201d). In other words, an entire host of both necessary and amazing things!<\/p> With that said, insulin does induce some negative effects, as well. This powerful hormone is responsible for a range of lipogenic (fat-creating) effects, including both adipocyte differentiation (turning what are known as pre-adipocytes into mature adipocytes, or fat cells), and proliferation (the expansion of cells). Insulin controls these processes by tightly regulating numerous signal transduction pathways, and is in fact one of the key hormones responsible for controlling how adipocytes function.<\/p> So, you have a hormone that, on the one hand, does a range of absolutely crucial things related to muscle and muscle cell metabolism, and on the other, does similarly crucial things related to fat and fat cell metabolism. How do we separate the good from the bad, then?<\/p> The easiest, most reliable way to ensure that these processes continue to work in favor of your body composition goals, is to very carefully and strategically select your carbohydrates sources. For us at Core, and specifically for Core MRP, this means choosing only low glycemic carbohydrates for inclusion in our everyday meal supplement.<\/p> Low-glycemic carbohydrates are ones that elicit a smaller, \"glycemic\u201d or glucose-releasing response in the body; meaning they also induce less of an insulinemic response, as well. The result is that low glycemic carbohydrates, as research indicates, not only cause enhanced fat oxidation (the literal burning of fat) when compared to high GI carbs, but also spare muscle glycogen. This result is the best of both worlds: your metabolic engine stays engaged, and the substance that gives your muscles their fullness, glycogen, is spared.<\/p> It is for the reasons above that high-quality, low-glycemic carbohydrates are such a crucial component to an excellent meal supplement. Unfortunately, that is simply not the industry trend: even a cursory glance at most, \"meal replacements\u201d reveals a litany of high-glycemic, insulin-inducing carbohydrates that, while they have their place, are completely inappropriate to include in an all-day, everyday meal replacement.<\/p> Core MRP is not like the rest. We are setting a new standard with the product that started it all. We have chosen only high-quality whole grain oat flour to include as your carbohydrate source. Oats offer a wide variety of benefits aside from just providing carbohydrates for the body. Some of these include:<\/p> If you have been following us for quite some time, we likely don\u2019t need to explain just how and why adequate protein intake is fundamental to achieving your goals. With that said, there may be some confusion as to what specific kinds of protein are going to benefit your goals and why.<\/p> Like we did with carbohydrates above, let\u2019s look into the specifics a little bit rather than just supplying a generic answer. We are anything but generic after all! The word \"protein,\u201d without any qualification, is perhaps the broadest term you can possibly use when speaking about biology \u2013 to the point where asking, \"How much protein should I consume, and which kind?\u201d renders itself useless. Considering proteins are more or less complex compositions of amino acids, and considering that amino acids have different functions, what we want to ask is something more specific like, \"Which kinds of protein have the amino acid composition best suited to my goals, and when should I consume them?\u201d A mouthful, but you get the point!<\/p> So, what does a, \"good\u201d amino acid composition for a protein supplement look like? Well, while biologists would never use the term, \"good\u201d, they describe more robust proteins \u2013 one with amino acid profiles that can best facilitate tissue growth \u2013 as, \"complete proteins.\u201d These proteins contain high amounts of essential amino acids, are rapidly digestible, and support the available amino acid profile over a long period of time.<\/p> Simply put, and if we use the definition above, Core MRP has one of the most complete amino acid profiles available in any supplement. We have a included a blend of the most bioavailable and high quality proteins to create a blend specifically catered to fuel your body\u2019s need throughout an entire day, not to mention we have full transparency on our label too, so you know exactly how much of each protein you are getting.<\/p> Cold-processed undenatured whey protein concentrate: Whey protein concentrate is probably the most common form of whey protein you will find. However, how it is processed is where the benefit truly lies. This process of cold processed undenaturization preserves the molecular structure of the amino acid particles as well as the immune boosting benefits that it contains. This undenatured protein is also a rich source of amino acids, including those needed for the synthesis of glutathione, which is an important antioxidant that can be depleted by stress (exercise stress included). This makes it a great foundation for your post workout recovery nutrition.<\/p> Cross-flow microfiltered whey protein isolate: whey protein isolate is an extremely \"clean\u201d form of whey protein. It yields a higher amount of amino acids, half of which are from the essential amino acids (cannot be made by the body). Microfiltration eliminates a large majority of the fat and lactose from the whey, which makes it easily digestible and quickly absorbed into the body. This cross-flow process uses a highly intricate method to isolate the protein. It is not subjected to chemicals and is thus left in its most natural state.<\/p> Milk Protein Isolate: milk protein isolate is obtained through the partial removal of non-protein materials from skim milk (lactose and other minerals). What you are left with is a dry product that contains more than 90% protein by weight. This product contains both casein and whey proteins in their original proportions found in milk, without combining separately produced casein and whey proteins. It contains very little fat and lactose and also has a very high amino acid composition making it a perfect addition to this blend.<\/p> To both immediately increase the amino acid pool, and fuel your bodily processes (like protein synthesis) throughout the day, we\u2019ve strategically included such a robust, multi-purpose blend using multiple forms of synergistic proteins that truly complement each other to positively impact your health and fitness.<\/p> The point of an excellent meal supplement is to cover all your bases, so you don\u2019t have to. Core MRP in MJ with the ball with 5 seconds on the clock and The Bulls down by 1. Our multi-stage protein blend is ready to give you everything you need to maximize recovery, increase protein synthesis, and improve your health when you need it most. If your body needs it, Core MRP has it.<\/p> There are a lot of great things about Core MRP already, but what really makes it stand out from other meal supplements on the market is the complete and well-roundedness of this product. Our sources of carbohydrates are more superior, our blend of protein is unmatched, and last but not least, our completely whole food-based blend of micronutrients is second to none.<\/p> Listing each of our micronutrients in succession, along with all the benefits they pose to the human body, would require us to write a book \u2013 literally. We have included everything from A to Zinc in dosages needed that will truly make a difference. We have also added a specific and blend of key foods, like broccoli, kale, sweet potato, chlorella, and shiitake mushroom to name a few. This is the most complete meal supplement on the market.<\/p> In addition to our vitamin and mineral matrix, we have also included the digestive enzyme blend, DigeSEB\u2122, comprised by five of the most clinically-researched, critical function enzymes available. We have chosen this blend for its powerful synergistic properties and abilities to help aid in the breakdown of milk proteins and sugars, support healthy carbohydrate and fat metabolism and breakdown, and assist in the metabolism of carbohydrates and starch.<\/p>","gtin12":"602573098165","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/mrp-blueberry-1800x1800_1607611236-0.jpg"],"brand":"Core Nutritionals","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/26943\/core-nutritionals-core-mrp-blueberry-crumb-cake-3.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"49.99","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/26943\/core-nutritionals-core-mrp-blueberry-crumb-cake-3.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"Core Nutritionals MRP Cinnamon and Brown Sugar - 3 Lb","sku":"CU338","description":" At Core Nutritionals, a meal is well-balanced, nutritious, and most importantly delicious. Yet most \"meal supplements\" are full of filler carbohydrates, low-grade proteins, and chalky flavor mixtures that have little taste and even less nutrition. We would hate to see the \"meals\" these supplements are supposedly substituting.<\/p> Core MRP is a better solution - a true meal supplement, not a meal imposter. Grain-sourced carbohydrates, not fillers and high glycemic carbohydrates. Rich protein sources from high-quality whey and casein, not bottom-of-the-barrel powders. Premium flavors, digestive enzymes, and vitamins and minerals from real whole foods, not whatever else was lying around. Everything your body needs in an instantized, easy-mixing, convenient, and delicious blend.<\/p> Before we dive in to understand the complexity of Core MRP, let's back up and first understand exactly what's occurring when we consume carbohydrates on a daily basis \u2013 and in particular, when we consume around our workouts (peri-workout nutrition).<\/p> The consumption of carbohydrates, by its nature, results in an increase in the concentration of plasma glucose (or blood sugar) \u2013 and, in turn, insulin is released from the pancreas as a result. Insulin then initiates a number of signal transduction pathways related to both protein and glucose metabolism, with the upshot being increased glycolysis (breakdown of glucose to ATP), glucose oxidation in response to greater glucose availability in the cell, and glycogen synthesis (the stuff that essentially makes muscles \"pop\"). In other words, an entire host of both necessary and amazing things!<\/p> With that said, insulin does induce some negative effects, as well. This powerful hormone is responsible for a range of lipogenic (fat-creating) effects, including both adipocyte differentiation (turning what are known as pre-adipocytes into mature adipocytes, or fat cells), and proliferation (the expansion of cells). Insulin controls these processes by tightly regulating numerous signal transduction pathways, and is in fact one of the key hormones responsible for controlling how adipocytes function.<\/p> So, you have a hormone that, on the one hand, does a range of absolutely crucial things related to muscle and muscle cell metabolism, and on the other, does similarly crucial things related to fat and fat cell metabolism. How do we separate the good from the bad, then?<\/p> The easiest, most reliable way to ensure that these processes continue to work in favor of your body composition goals, is to very carefully and strategically select your carbohydrates sources. For us at Core, and specifically for Core MRP, this means choosing only low glycemic carbohydrates for inclusion in our everyday meal supplement.<\/p> Low-glycemic carbohydrates are ones that elicit a smaller, \"glycemic\" or glucose-releasing response in the body; meaning they also induce less of an insulinemic response, as well. The result is that low glycemic carbohydrates, as research indicates, not only cause enhanced fat oxidation (the literal burning of fat) when compared to high GI carbs, but also spare muscle glycogen. This result is the best of both worlds: your metabolic engine stays engaged, and the substance that gives your muscles their fullness, glycogen, is spared.<\/p> It is for the reasons above that high-quality, low-glycemic carbohydrates are such a crucial component to an excellent meal supplement. Unfortunately, that is simply not the industry trend: even a cursory glance at most, \"meal replacements\" reveals a litany of high-glycemic, insulin-inducing carbohydrates that, while they have their place, are completely inappropriate to include in an all-day, everyday meal replacement.<\/p> Core MRP is not like the rest. We are setting a new standard with the product that started it all. We have chosen only high-quality whole grain oat flour to include as your carbohydrate source. Oats offer a wide variety of benefits aside from just providing carbohydrates for the body. Some of these include:<\/p> If you have been following us for quite some time, we likely don't need to explain just how and why adequate protein intake is fundamental to achieving your goals. With that said, there may be some confusion as to what specific kinds of protein are going to benefit your goals and why.<\/p> Like we did with carbohydrates above, let's look into the specifics a little bit rather than just supplying a generic answer. We are anything but generic after all! The word \"protein,\" without any qualification, is perhaps the broadest term you can possibly use when speaking about biology \u2013 to the point where asking, \"How much protein should I consume, and which kind?\" renders itself useless. Considering proteins are more or less complex compositions of amino acids, and considering that amino acids have different functions, what we want to ask is something more specific like, \"Which kinds of protein have the amino acid composition best suited to my goals, and when should I consume them?\" A mouthful, but you get the point!<\/p> So, what does a \"good\" amino acid composition for a protein supplement look like? Well, while biologists would never use the term, \"good\", they describe more robust proteins \u2013 one with amino acid profiles that can best facilitate tissue growth \u2013 as, \"complete proteins.\" These proteins contain high amounts of essential amino acids, are rapidly digestible, and support the available amino acid profile over a long period of time.<\/p> Simply put, and if we use the definition above, Core MRP has one of the most complete amino acid profiles available in any supplement. We have included a blend of the most bioavailable and high-quality proteins to create a blend specifically catered to fuel your body's needs throughout an entire day, not to mention we have full transparency on our label too, so you know exactly how much of each protein you are getting.<\/p> Cold-processed undenatured whey protein concentrate: Whey protein concentrate is probably the most common form of whey protein you will find. However, how it is processed is where the benefit truly lies. This process of cold processed undenaturization preserves the molecular structure of the amino acid particles as well as the immune-boosting benefits that it contains. This undenatured protein is also a rich source of amino acids, including those needed for the synthesis of glutathione, which is an important antioxidant that can be depleted by stress (exercise stress included). This makes it a great foundation for your post-workout recovery nutrition.<\/p> Cross-flow microfiltered whey protein isolate: whey protein isolate is an extremely \"clean\" form of whey protein. It yields a higher amount of amino acids, half of which are from the essential amino acids (cannot be made by the body). Microfiltration eliminates a large majority of the fat and lactose from the whey, which makes it easily digestible and quickly absorbed into the body. This cross-flow process uses a highly intricate method to isolate the protein. It is not subjected to chemicals and is thus left in its most natural state.<\/p> Milk Protein Isolate: milk protein isolate is obtained through the partial removal of non-protein materials from skim milk (lactose and other minerals). What you are left with is a dry product that contains more than 90% protein by weight. This product contains both casein and whey proteins in their original proportions found in milk, without combining separately produced casein and whey proteins. It contains very little fat and lactose and also has a very high amino acid composition making it a perfect addition to this blend.<\/p> To both immediately increase the amino acid pool, and fuel your bodily processes (like protein synthesis) throughout the day, we've strategically included such a robust, multi-purpose blend using multiple forms of synergistic proteins that truly complement each other to positively impact your health and fitness.<\/p> The point of an excellent meal supplement is to cover all your bases, so you don't have to. Core MRP is like MJ with the ball with 5 seconds on the clock and The Bulls down by 1. Our multi-stage protein blend is ready to give you everything you need to maximize recovery, increase protein synthesis, and improve your health when you need it most. If your body needs it, Core MRP has it.<\/p> There are a lot of great things about Core MRP already, but what really makes it stand out from other meal supplements on the market is the complete and well-roundedness of this product. Our sources of carbohydrates are more superior, our blend of protein is unmatched, and last but not least, our completely whole food-based blend of micronutrients is second to none.<\/p> Listing each of our micronutrients in succession, along with all the benefits they pose to the human body, would require us to write a book \u2013 literally. We have included everything from A to Zinc in dosages needed that will truly make a difference. We have also added a specific and blend of key foods, like broccoli, kale, sweet potato, chlorella, and shiitake mushroom to name a few. This is the most complete meal supplement on the market.<\/p> In addition to our vitamin and mineral matrix, we have also included the digestive enzyme blend, DigeSEB\u2122, comprised by five of the most clinically-researched, critical function enzymes available. We have chosen this blend for its powerful synergistic properties and abilities to help aid in the breakdown of milk proteins and sugars, support healthy carbohydrate and fat metabolism and breakdown, and assist in the metabolism of carbohydrates and starch.<\/p>","gtin12":"658580070960","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/mrp-cinamon-brown-sug_1663015191-0.jpg"],"brand":"Core Nutritionals","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/32357\/core-nutritionals-mrp-cinnamon-brown-sugar-3-lb.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"49.99","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/32357\/core-nutritionals-mrp-cinnamon-brown-sugar-3-lb.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"Core Nutritionals MRP Double Chocolate Oatmeal Cookie - 3 Lb","sku":"CU290","description":" At Core Nutritionals, a meal is well-balanced, nutritious, and most importantly delicious. Yet most \"meal supplements\" are full of filler carbohydrates, low grade proteins, and chalky flavor mixtures that have little taste and even less nutrition. We would hate to see the \"meals\" these supplements are supposedly substituting.<\/p> Core MRP is a better solution - a true meal supplement, not a meal imposter. Grain-sourced carbohydrates, not fillers and high glycemic carbohydrates. Rich protein sources from high quality whey and casein, not bottom-of-the-barrel powders. Premium flavors, digestive enzymes, and vitamins and minerals from real whole foods, not whatever else was lying around. Everything your body needs in an instantized, easy-mixing, convenient, and delicious blend.<\/p> Before we dive in to understand the complexity of Core MRP, lets back up and first understand exactly what\u2019s occurring when we consume carbohydrates on a daily basis \u2013 and in particular, when we consume around our workouts (peri-workout nutrition).<\/p> The consumption of carbohydrates, by its nature, results in an increase in the concentration of plasma glucose (or blood sugar) \u2013 and, in turn, insulin is released from the pancreas as a result. Insulin then initiates a number of signal transduction pathways related to both protein and glucose metabolism, with the upshot being increased glycolysis (breakdown of glucose to ATP), glucose oxidation in response to greater glucose availability in the cell, and glycogen synthesis (the stuff that essentially makes muscles, \"pop\u201d). In other words, an entire host of both necessary and amazing things!<\/p> With that said, insulin does induce some negative effects, as well. This powerful hormone is responsible for a range of lipogenic (fat-creating) effects, including both adipocyte differentiation (turning what are known as pre-adipocytes into mature adipocytes, or fat cells), and proliferation (the expansion of cells). Insulin controls these processes by tightly regulating numerous signal transduction pathways, and is in fact one of the key hormones responsible for controlling how adipocytes function.<\/p> So, you have a hormone that, on the one hand, does a range of absolutely crucial things related to muscle and muscle cell metabolism, and on the other, does similarly crucial things related to fat and fat cell metabolism. How do we separate the good from the bad, then?<\/p> The easiest, most reliable way to ensure that these processes continue to work in favor of your body composition goals, is to very carefully and strategically select your carbohydrates sources. For us at Core, and specifically for Core MRP, this means choosing only low glycemic carbohydrates for inclusion in our everyday meal supplement.<\/p> Low-glycemic carbohydrates are ones that elicit a smaller, \"glycemic\u201d or glucose-releasing response in the body; meaning they also induce less of an insulinemic response, as well. The result is that low glycemic carbohydrates, as research indicates, not only cause enhanced fat oxidation (the literal burning of fat) when compared to high GI carbs, but also spare muscle glycogen. This result is the best of both worlds: your metabolic engine stays engaged, and the substance that gives your muscles their fullness, glycogen, is spared.<\/p> It is for the reasons above that high-quality, low-glycemic carbohydrates are such a crucial component to an excellent meal supplement. Unfortunately, that is simply not the industry trend: even a cursory glance at most, \"meal replacements\u201d reveals a litany of high-glycemic, insulin-inducing carbohydrates that, while they have their place, are completely inappropriate to include in an all-day, everyday meal replacement.<\/p> Core MRP is not like the rest. We are setting a new standard with the product that started it all. We have chosen only high-quality whole grain oat flour to include as your carbohydrate source. Oats offer a wide variety of benefits aside from just providing carbohydrates for the body. Some of these include:<\/p> If you have been following us for quite some time, we likely don\u2019t need to explain just how and why adequate protein intake is fundamental to achieving your goals. With that said, there may be some confusion as to what specific kinds of protein are going to benefit your goals and why.<\/p> Like we did with carbohydrates above, let\u2019s look into the specifics a little bit rather than just supplying a generic answer. We are anything but generic after all! The word \"protein,\u201d without any qualification, is perhaps the broadest term you can possibly use when speaking about biology \u2013 to the point where asking, \"How much protein should I consume, and which kind?\u201d renders itself useless. Considering proteins are more or less complex compositions of amino acids, and considering that amino acids have different functions, what we want to ask is something more specific like, \"Which kinds of protein have the amino acid composition best suited to my goals, and when should I consume them?\u201d A mouthful, but you get the point!<\/p> So, what does a, \"good\u201d amino acid composition for a protein supplement look like? Well, while biologists would never use the term, \"good\u201d, they describe more robust proteins \u2013 one with amino acid profiles that can best facilitate tissue growth \u2013 as, \"complete proteins.\u201d These proteins contain high amounts of essential amino acids, are rapidly digestible, and support the available amino acid profile over a long period of time.<\/p> Simply put, and if we use the definition above, Core MRP has one of the most complete amino acid profiles available in any supplement. We have included a blend of the most bioavailable and high quality proteins to create a blend specifically catered to fuel your body\u2019s need throughout an entire day, not to mention we have full transparency on our label too, so you know exactly how much of each protein you are getting.<\/p> Cold-processed undenatured whey protein concentrate: Whey protein concentrate is probably the most common form of whey protein you will find. However, how it is processed is where the benefit truly lies. This process of cold processed undenaturization preserves the molecular structure of the amino acid particles as well as the immune boosting benefits that it contains. This undenatured protein is also a rich source of amino acids, including those needed for the synthesis of glutathione, which is an important antioxidant that can be depleted by stress (exercise stress included). This makes it a great foundation for your post workout recovery nutrition.<\/p> Cross-flow microfiltered whey protein isolate: whey protein isolate is an extremely \"clean\u201d form of whey protein. It yields a higher amount of amino acids, half of which are from the essential amino acids (cannot be made by the body). Microfiltration eliminates a large majority of the fat and lactose from the whey, which makes it easily digestible and quickly absorbed into the body. This cross-flow process uses a highly intricate method to isolate the protein. It is not subjected to chemicals and is thus left in its most natural state.<\/p> Milk Protein Isolate: milk protein isolate is obtained through the partial removal of non-protein materials from skim milk (lactose and other minerals). What you are left with is a dry product that contains more than 90% protein by weight. This product contains both casein and whey proteins in their original proportions found in milk, without combining separately produced casein and whey proteins. It contains very little fat and lactose and also has a very high amino acid composition making it a perfect addition to this blend.<\/p> To both immediately increase the amino acid pool, and fuel your bodily processes (like protein synthesis) throughout the day, we\u2019ve strategically included such a robust, multi-purpose blend using multiple forms of synergistic proteins that truly complement each other to positively impact your health and fitness.<\/p> The point of an excellent meal supplement is to cover all your bases, so you don\u2019t have to. Core MRP in MJ with the ball with 5 seconds on the clock and The Bulls down by 1. Our multi-stage protein blend is ready to give you everything you need to maximize recovery, increase protein synthesis, and improve your health when you need it most. If your body needs it, Core MRP has it.<\/p> There are a lot of great things about Core MRP already, but what really makes it stand out from other meal supplements on the market is the complete and well-roundedness of this product. Our sources of carbohydrates are more superior, our blend of protein is unmatched, and last but not least, our completely whole food-based blend of micronutrients is second to none.<\/p> Listing each of our micronutrients in succession, along with all the benefits they pose to the human body, would require us to write a book \u2013 literally. We have included everything from A to Zinc in dosages needed that will truly make a difference. We have also added a specific and blend of key foods, like broccoli, kale, sweet potato, chlorella, and shiitake mushroom to name a few. This is the most complete meal supplement on the market.<\/p> In addition to our vitamin and mineral matrix, we have also included the digestive enzyme blend, DigeSEB\u2122, comprised by five of the most clinically-researched, critical function enzymes available. We have chosen this blend for its powerful synergistic properties and abilities to help aid in the breakdown of milk proteins and sugars, support healthy carbohydrate and fat metabolism and breakdown, and assist in the metabolism of carbohydrates and starch.<\/p>","gtin12":"672975009984","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/core-nutritionals-mrp-dou_2821-0.jpg"],"brand":"Core Nutritionals","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/30079\/core-nutritionals-mrp-double-chocolate-oatmeal.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"49.99","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/30079\/core-nutritionals-mrp-double-chocolate-oatmeal.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"Core Nutritionals MRP Peanut Butter Oatmeal Cookie - 3 Lb","sku":"CU023","description":" At Core Nutritionals, a meal is well-balanced, nutritious, and most importantly delicious. Yet most \"meal supplements\" are full of filler carbohydrates, low grade proteins, and chalky flavor mixtures that have little taste and even less nutrition. We would hate to see the \"meals\" these supplement are supposedly substituting.<\/p> Core MRP is a better solution - a true meal supplement, not a meal imposter. Grain-sourced carbohydrates, not fillers and high glycemic carbohydrates. Rich protein sources from high quality whey and casein, not bottom-of-the-barrel powders. Premium flavors, digestive enzymes, and vitamins and minerals from real whole foods, not whatever else was lying around. Everything your body needs in an instantized, easy-mixing, convenient, and delicious blend.<\/p> Before we dive in to understand the complexity of Core MRP, let's back up and first understand exactly what\u2019s occurring when we consume carbohydrates on a daily basis \u2013 and in particular, when we consume around our workouts (peri-workout nutrition).<\/p> The consumption of carbohydrates, by its nature, results in an increase in the concentration of plasma glucose (or blood sugar) \u2013 and, in turn, insulin is released from the pancreas as a result. Insulin then initiates a number of signal transduction pathways related to both protein and glucose metabolism, with the upshot being increased glycolysis (breakdown of glucose to ATP), glucose oxidation in response to greater glucose availability in the cell, and glycogen synthesis (the stuff that essentially makes muscles, \"pop\u201d). In other words, an entire host of both necessary and amazing things!<\/p> Low-glycemic carbohydrates are ones that elicit a smaller, \"glycemic\u201d or glucose-releasing response in the body; meaning they also induce less of an insulinemic response, as well. The result is that low glycemic carbohydrates, as research indicates, not only cause enhanced fat oxidation (the literal burning of fat) when compared to high GI carbs, but also spare muscle glycogen. This result is the best of both worlds: your metabolic engine stays engaged, and the substance that gives your muscles their fullness, glycogen, is spared.<\/p> It is for the reasons above that high-quality, low-glycemic carbohydrates are such a crucial component to an excellent meal supplement. Unfortunately, that is simply not the industry trend: even a cursory glance at most, \"meal replacements\u201d reveals a litany of high-glycemic, insulin-inducing carbohydrates that, while they have their place, are completely inappropriate to include in an all-day, everyday meal replacement.<\/p> Core MRP is not like the rest. We are setting a new standard with the product that started it all. We have chosen only high-quality whole grain oat flour to include as your carbohydrate source. Oats offer a wide variety of benefits aside from just providing carbohydrates for the body.<\/p> If you have been following us for quite some time, we likely don\u2019t need to explain just how and why adequate protein intake is fundamental to achieving your goals. With that said, there may be some confusion as to what specific kinds of protein are going to benefit your goals and why.<\/p> Like we did with carbohydrates above, let\u2019s look into the specifics a little bit rather than just supplying a generic answer. We are anything but generic after all! The word \"protein,\u201d without any qualification, is perhaps the broadest term you can possibly use when speaking about biology \u2013 to the point where asking, \"How much protein should I consume, and which kind?\u201d renders itself useless. Considering proteins are more or less complex compositions of amino acids, and considering that amino acids have different functions, what we want to ask is something more specific like, \"Which kinds of protein have the amino acid composition best suited to my goals, and when should I consume them?\u201d A mouthful, but you get the point!<\/p> So, what does a, \"good\u201d amino acid composition for a protein supplement look like? Well, while biologists would never use the term, \"good\u201d, they describe more robust proteins \u2013 one with amino acid profiles that can best facilitate tissue growth \u2013 as, \"complete proteins.\u201d These proteins contain high amounts of essential amino acids, are rapidly digestible, and support the available amino acid profile over a long period of time.<\/p> Simply put, and if we use the definition above, Core MRP has one of the most complete amino acid profiles available in any supplement. We have a included a blend of the most bioavailable and high quality proteins to create a blend specifically catered to fuel your body\u2019s need throughout an entire day, not to mention we have full transparency on our label too, so you know exactly how much of each protein you are getting.<\/p> Whey protein concentrate is probably the most common form of whey protein you will find. However, how it is processed is where the benefit truly lies. This process of cold processed undenaturization preserves the molecular structure of the amino acid particles as well as the immune boosting benefits that it contains. This undenatured protein is also a rich source of amino acids, including those needed for the synthesis of glutathione, which is an important antioxidant that can be depleted by stress (exercise stress included). This makes it a great foundation for your post workout recovery nutrition.<\/p> Whey protein isolate is an extremely \"clean\u201d form of whey protein. It yields a higher amount of amino acids, half of which are from the essential amino acids (cannot be made by the body). Microfiltration eliminates a large majority of the fat and lactose from the whey, which makes it easily digestible and quickly absorbed into the body. This cross-flow process uses a highly intricate method to isolate the protein. It is not subjected to chemicals and is thus left in its most natural state.<\/p> Milk protein isolate is obtained through the partial removal of non-protein materials from skim milk (lactose and other minerals). What you are left with is a dry product that contains more than 90% protein by weight. This product contains both casein and whey proteins in their original proportions found in milk, without combining separately produced casein and whey proteins. It contains very little fat and lactose and also has a very high amino acid composition making it a perfect addition to this blend.<\/p> To both immediately increase the amino acid pool, and fuel your bodily processes (like protein synthesis) throughout the day, we\u2019ve strategically included such a robust, multi-purpose blend using multiple forms of synergistic proteins that truly complement each other to positively impact your health and fitness.<\/p> The point of an excellent meal supplement is to cover all your bases, so you don\u2019t have to. Core MRP in MJ with the ball with 5 seconds on the clock and The Bulls down by 1. Our multi-stage protein blend is ready to give you everything you need to maximize recovery, increase protein synthesis, and improve your health when you need it most. If your body needs it, Core MRP has it.<\/p> There are a lot of great things about Core MRP already, but what really makes it stand out from other meal supplements on the market is the complete and well-roundedness of this product. Our sources of carbohydrates are more superior, our blend of protein is unmatched, and last but not least, our completely whole food-based blend of micronutrients is second to none.<\/p> Listing each of our micronutrients in succession, along with all the benefits they pose to the human body, would require us to write a book \u2013 literally. We have included everything from A to Zinc in dosages needed that will truly make a difference. We have also added a specific and blend of key foods, like broccoli, kale, sweet potato, chlorella, and shiitake mushroom to name a few. This is the most complete meal supplement on the market.<\/p> In addition to our vitamin and mineral matrix, we have also included the digestive enzyme blend, DigeSEB\u2122, comprised by five of the most clinically-researched, critical function enzymes available. We have chosen this blend for its powerful synergistic properties and abilities to help aid in the breakdown of milk proteins and sugars, support healthy carbohydrate and fat metabolism and breakdown, and assist in the metabolism of carbohydrates and starch.<\/p>","gtin12":"672975009977","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/core-nutritionals-mrp-pea_705-0.jpg"],"brand":"Core Nutritionals","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/15395\/core-nutritionals-core-mrp-peanut-butter-oatmeal.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"49.99","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/15395\/core-nutritionals-core-mrp-peanut-butter-oatmeal.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"Core Nutritionals MRP Vanilla Pound Cake - 3 Lb","sku":"CU022","description":" At Core Nutritionals, a meal is well-balanced, nutritious, and most importantly delicious. Yet most \"meal supplements\" are full of filler carbohydrates, low grade proteins, and chalky flavor mixtures that have little taste and even less nutrition. We would hate to see the \"meals\" these supplements are supposedly substituting.<\/p> Core MRP is a better solution - a true meal supplement, not a meal imposter. Grain-sourced carbohydrates, not fillers and high glycemic carbohydrates. Rich protein sources from high quality whey and casein, not bottom-of-the-barrel powders. Premium flavors, digestive enzymes, and vitamins and minerals from real whole foods, not whatever else was lying around. Everything your body needs in an instantized, easy-mixing, convenient, and delicious blend.<\/p> Before we dive in to understand the complexity of Core MRP, let's back up and first understand exactly what's occurring when we consume carbohydrates on a daily basis \u2013 and in particular, when we consume around our workouts (peri-workout nutrition).<\/p> The consumption of carbohydrates, by its nature, results in an increase in the concentration of plasma glucose (or blood sugar) \u2013 and, in turn, insulin is released from the pancreas as a result. Insulin then initiates a number of signal transduction pathways related to both protein and glucose metabolism, with the upshot being increased glycolysis (breakdown of glucose to ATP), glucose oxidation in response to greater glucose availability in the cell, and glycogen synthesis (the stuff that essentially makes muscles, \"pop\"). In other words, an entire host of both necessary and amazing things!<\/p> With that said, insulin does induce some negative effects, as well. This powerful hormone is responsible for a range of lipogenic (fat-creating) effects, including both adipocyte differentiation (turning what are known as pre-adipocytes into mature adipocytes, or fat cells), and proliferation (the expansion of cells). Insulin controls these processes by tightly regulating numerous signal transduction pathways, and is in fact one of the key hormones responsible for controlling how adipocytes function.<\/p> So, you have a hormone that, on the one hand, does a range of absolutely crucial things related to muscle and muscle cell metabolism, and on the other, does similarly crucial things related to fat and fat cell metabolism. How do we separate the good from the bad, then?<\/p> The easiest, most reliable way to ensure that these processes continue to work in favor of your body composition goals, is to very carefully and strategically select your carbohydrates sources. For us at Core, and specifically for Core MRP, this means choosing only low glycemic carbohydrates for inclusion in our everyday meal supplement.<\/p> Low-glycemic carbohydrates are ones that elicit a smaller, \"glycemic\" or glucose-releasing response in the body; meaning they also induce less of an insulinemic response, as well. The result is that low glycemic carbohydrates, as research indicates, not only cause enhanced fat oxidation (the literal burning of fat) when compared to high GI carbs, but also spare muscle glycogen. This result is the best of both worlds: your metabolic engine stays engaged, and the substance that gives your muscles their fullness, glycogen, is spared.<\/p> It is for the reasons above that high-quality, low-glycemic carbohydrates are such a crucial component to an excellent meal supplement. Unfortunately, that is simply not the industry trend: even a cursory glance at most, \"meal replacements\" reveals a litany of high-glycemic, insulin-inducing carbohydrates that, while they have their place, are completely inappropriate to include in an all-day, everyday meal replacement.<\/p> Core MRP is not like the rest. We are setting a new standard with the product that started it all. We have chosen only high-quality whole grain oat flour to include as your carbohydrate source. Oats offer a wide variety of benefits aside from just providing carbohydrates for the body. Some of these include:<\/p> If you have been following us for quite some time, we likely don\u2019t need to explain just how and why adequate protein intake is fundamental to achieving your goals. With that said, there may be some confusion as to what specific kinds of protein are going to benefit your goals and why.<\/p> Like we did with carbohydrates above, let\u2019s look into the specifics a little bit rather than just supplying a generic answer. We are anything but generic after all! The word \"protein,\" without any qualification, is perhaps the broadest term you can possibly use when speaking about biology \u2013 to the point where asking, \"How much protein should I consume, and which kind?\" renders itself useless. Considering proteins are more or less complex compositions of amino acids, and considering that amino acids have different functions, what we want to ask is something more specific like, \"Which kinds of protein have the amino acid composition best suited to my goals, and when should I consume them?\" A mouthful, but you get the point!<\/p> So, what does a, \"good\" amino acid composition for a protein supplement look like? Well, while biologists would never use the term, \"good\", they describe more robust proteins \u2013 one with amino acid profiles that can best facilitate tissue growth \u2013 as, \"complete proteins.\" These proteins contain high amounts of essential amino acids, are rapidly digestible, and support the available amino acid profile over a long period of time.<\/p> Simply put, and if we use the definition above, Core MRP has one of the most complete amino acid profiles available in any supplement. We have included a blend of the most bioavailable and high quality proteins to create a blend specifically catered to fuel your body\u2019s needs throughout an entire day, not to mention we have full transparency on our label too, so you know exactly how much of each protein you are getting.<\/p> Whey protein concentrate is probably the most common form of whey protein you will find. However, how it is processed is where the benefit truly lies. This process of cold processed undenaturization preserves the molecular structure of the amino acid particles as well as the immune boosting benefits that it contains. This undenatured protein is also a rich source of amino acids, including those needed for the synthesis of glutathione, which is an important antioxidant that can be depleted by stress (exercise stress included). This makes it a great foundation for your post workout recovery nutrition.<\/p> Whey protein isolate is an extremely \"clean\" form of whey protein. It yields a higher amount of amino acids, half of which are from the essential amino acids (cannot be made by the body). Microfiltration eliminates a large majority of the fat and lactose from the whey, which makes it easily digestible and quickly absorbed into the body. This cross-flow process uses a highly intricate method to isolate the protein. It is not subjected to chemicals and is thus left in its most natural state.<\/p> Milk protein isolate is obtained through the partial removal of non-protein materials from skim milk (lactose and other minerals). What you are left with is a dry product that contains more than 90% protein by weight. This product contains both casein and whey proteins in their original proportions found in milk, without combining separately produced casein and whey proteins. It contains very little fat and lactose and also has a very high amino acid composition making it a perfect addition to this blend.<\/p> To both immediately increase the amino acid pool and fuel your bodily processes (like protein synthesis) throughout the day, we\u2019ve strategically included such a robust, multi-purpose blend using multiple forms of synergistic proteins that truly complement each other to positively impact your health and fitness.<\/p> The point of an excellent meal supplement is to cover all your bases, so you don\u2019t have to. Core MRP in MJ with the ball with 5 seconds on the clock and The Bulls down by 1. Our multi-stage protein blend is ready to give you everything you need to maximize recovery, increase protein synthesis, and improve your health when you need it most. If your body needs it, Core MRP has it.<\/p> There are a lot of great things about Core MRP already, but what really makes it stand out from other meal supplements on the market is the complete and well-roundedness of this product. Our sources of carbohydrates are more superior, our blend of protein is unmatched, and last but not least, our completely whole food-based blend of micronutrients is second to none.<\/p> Listing each of our micronutrients in succession, along with all the benefits they pose to the human body, would require us to write a book \u2013 literally. We have included everything from A to Zinc in dosages needed that will truly make a difference. We have also added a specific and blend of key foods, like broccoli, kale, sweet potato, chlorella, and shiitake mushroom to name a few. This is the most complete meal supplement on the market.<\/p> In addition to our vitamin and mineral matrix, we have also included the digestive enzyme blend, DigeSEB\u2122, comprised by five of the most clinically-researched, critical function enzymes available. We have chosen this blend for its powerful synergistic properties and abilities to help aid in the breakdown of milk proteins and sugars, support healthy carbohydrate and fat metabolism and breakdown, and assist in the metabolism of carbohydrates and starch.<\/p>","gtin12":"672975009960","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/core-nutritionals-mrp-van_704-0.jpg"],"brand":"Core Nutritionals","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/15394\/core-nutritionals-core-mrp-vanilla-3-lb.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"49.99","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/15394\/core-nutritionals-core-mrp-vanilla-3-lb.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"Core Nutritionals Multi Multi Vitamin & Mineral - 120 Cap - 30 Day Supply","sku":"CU109","description":" Full Spectrum Multivitamin and Mineral Vegetable Caps Enhanced Absorption Efficacious Servings No Proprietary Blends Gluten Free<\/p> Nailing a completely balanced diet every day, one that contains the full spectrum of essential and non-essential vitamins and minerals alike, would be amazing. It would be even better if everyone did that. In that case, the often-quoted but little understood claim of many \"gurus\u201d that a vitamin supplement is unnecessary would be correct.<\/p> But that\u2019s not the case, not at all. In fact, research shows that most people \u2013 yes, even you, the fit person reading this \u2013 do not eat a balanced diet. Many people lack critical nutrients from their diet, either by absence (not eating them at all) or by over- or under-consuming other trace minerals or vitamins necessary for the original vitamin\u2019s homeostasis. The result, in either case, is a vitamin and mineral environment that could and can be optimized.<\/p> For that reason, we\u2019ve formulated Core MULTI. Like the typical diet, when we looked around the industry at existing multi-vitamin offerings, we found critical defects: too much of this, too little of that, and so on. So, we set out to alter that arrangement and formulate a multi with ingredients included in specific proportions to maximize synergy and minimize redundancy.<\/p> The result is a formula not only with 100% (and often more) of almost all your essential vitamins and minerals, but also a broad-spectrum antioxidant blend antioxidant blend (Spectra\u2122), berberine HCL, and numerous trademarked forms of vitamins and minerals. If you need a broad range of essential vitamins and minerals in sufficient amounts and in the most efficient forms, then Core MULTI is for you.<\/p> B vitamins are a group of eight essential vitamins with several critical functions in the body. Though both molecularly and physiologically distinct, they are also deeply interrelated in their effects, synthesis and metabolism. Among the B-complex\u2019s many critical roles are energy (protein, carbohydrates, and fat) metabolism, supporting and maintaining the healthy function of the adrenal glands, skeletal muscle function, and digestion.<\/p> While rates of metabolism and clearance differ between each B vitamin, all B vitamins are water-soluble and are thus not stored in fat. As a result, the body simply excretes excess B vitamins in the urine and requires replenishment (from food or supplements) in order to maintain the cell functions to which B vitamins contribute.<\/p> Beta carotene is itself not an essential vitamin but is rather the precursor to the fat-soluble and essential vitamin, vitamin A (Retinol). Like B vitamins, the term vitamin A refers to the compound class retinoids, comprised of retinol, retinal (also called retinaldehyde), retinoic acid, and provitamin A compounds such as beta carotene.<\/p> As their names suggest, retinoids are critical to the function of human eyes and therefore to the maintenance of circadian rhythms (our \"biological clock\u201d). Vitamin A combines with proteins in the eye to form light-sensing cells that both facilitate vision and regulate our sleep-wake cycles.<\/p> Beyond its role in sight, vitamin A is also essential for cellular growth and differentiation and the immune system.<\/p> Vitamin C is perhaps historically best-known for the treatment and prevention of scurvy, though it has many other roles in the body. For example, vitamin C catalyzes or is a cofactor in eight enzymatic reactions involved in the synthesis of collagen, the nutrient carnitine, and several neurotransmitters necessary for the proper function of the brain.<\/p> In the contemporary context, vitamin C is best known as a potent antioxidant. In addition to its intrinsic activity as an antioxidant, vitamin C has been shown in in vitro trials to regenerate alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E). As an antioxidant, vitamin C combats the detrimental effects of a group of compounds called radical oxygen species that, when produced, degrade the lipid membrane of the cell and may cause internal damage. By \"scavenging\u201d these free radicals, vitamin C and other antioxidants form a defense against excess cellular damage.<\/p> Vitamin D, in its various forms, is not an essential nutrient \u2013 as it is produced endogenously within the body, as a reaction to the skin\u2019s exposure to the sun \u2013 and thus not commonly considered a vitamin. Despite its technical classification, vitamin D (a hormone), is nevertheless an import and biologically-active compound, necessary for the calcium homeostasis and metabolism, along with increasing the absorption of magnesium and phosphate.<\/p> Vitamin E is another technical misnomer, as the term refers to a group of compounds known as tocopherols with eight biologically-active constituents: alpha-, beta-, gamma-, and delta-tocopherol and alpha-, beta-, gamma-, and delta-tocotrienol. Alpha-tocopherol is the principal bioactive in humans, though the presence of other tocopherols has been linked to beneficial effects.<\/p> As a result of its robust antioxidant activity, vitamin E assists in the maintenance and support of several physiological processes, though most notably sight and the immune system. Emerging research also suggests that the alpha-tocopherol form of vitamin E inhibits an enzyme known as protein kinase C, and therefore contributes to the healthy regulation of smooth muscle cell growth and differentiation.<\/p> Critically, we have used the natural version of vitamin E (technically d-alpha tocopherol) and not the synthetic (dl-alpha tocopherol). The difference is a meaningful one: the single isomer of d-alpha tocopherol is easier and more efficiently absorbed and used in the body as compared to the eight isomers in the dl analog.<\/p> While best-known as the main bioactive in milk, and a compound that contributes to strong bones, calcium has numerous physiological effects in the body \u2013 including mediating vascular contraction and vasodilatation, muscle function, nerve transmission, intracellular signaling, and hormonal secretion. Homeostatic regulation of calcium, which the body cannot produce, requires sufficient levels of vitamin D.<\/p> When present in sufficient amounts, calcium is necessary for the adequate formation, function, and remodeling of both bone and teeth. Insufficient levels of calcium are associated with degenerative bone and joint disorders such as osteoporosis, wherein bone accretion slows or stops; thereby reducing bone mass and density and decreasing bone strength.<\/p> Iodine is a trace element naturally present in certain foods, including kelp. Iodine is a critical component for fetal development, especially during early pregnancy, as maternal T4 (thyroxine) is the sole source of fetal thyroid hormone. After birth, especially if breast-feeding, iodine remains an important constituent of a balanced-diet to maintain adequate T3 (triiodothyronine) and T4 (thyroxine) levels in the mother and for the proper cognitive development in the child.<\/p> As implied, however, the most important of iodine\u2019s functions is assisting the body to produce and maintain healthy levels of both thyroid hormones and TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone, released by the pituitary). The thyroid hormones, in turn, regulate several critical biochemical reactions, including protein synthesis, and, along with norepinephrine\/epinephrine, largely determine the body\u2019s metabolic rate.<\/p> It is difficult to overstate the biological necessity of magnesium. Magnesium is a co-factor in over 300 enzymatic reactions that regulate essential physiological functions such as protein synthesis, glucose homeostasis, muscle and nerve function, and the maintenance and support of healthy blood pressure levels.<\/p> Magnesium is also required for the use of the body\u2019s energy currency, ATP. To become biologically active, ATP must be bound to magnesium to form Mg-ATP. In addition, magnesium is necessary for the proper function of cells with calcium and potassium gated ion channels such as heart and muscle cells.<\/p> In men, magnesium (along with zinc) is necessary for the maintenance of healthy levels of testosterone.<\/p> As an essential mineral, like magnesium, zinc is also involved in a wide-range of essential biological functions in the human body \u2013 and a requirement in the catalytic activity of over 100 enzymes.<\/p> Most notably, zinc is vital for immune function, protein synthesis, cellular division, and DNA synthesis. For immune function, zinc is required for the function of a group of immune cells known as neutrophils and macrophages, which eliminate pathological cells and their products from the body.<\/p> With magnesium, sufficient levels of zinc are also necessary for the production and maintenance of healthy levels of testosterone.<\/p> Copper is a trace element necessary for the production, function, and maintenance of a diverse range of compounds involved in physiological function.<\/p> The brain, the heart, bone, and connective tissue specifically require copper or the enzymes it catalyzes to properly grow and differentiate their various cell types. Like many of the ingredients in Core MULTI, copper is also required for the homeostasis of other minerals, specifically zinc.<\/p> Manganese is a required element for not only humans, but all living organisms. Manganese primarily acts as an antioxidant, specifically scavenging a radical oxygen species known as superoxide.<\/p> Chromium is an essential, though little understood, trace element found in certain foods and industrial compounds. Only one of chromium\u2019s two forms, the form used in Core MULTI, chromium 3+, is biologically active.<\/p> While not as well-defined as other trace elements, chromium\u2019s physiological actions nevertheless seem pivotal to the production and transmission of healthy levels of insulin. Emerging research also seems to suggest that chromium is directly involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates.<\/p> Molybdenum is an essential trace element, involved in at least four enzymatic reactions necessary for urea excretion and a number of other physiological functions.<\/p> There is extensive literature demonstrating that berberine is a potent AMPk agonist in skeletal muscle. Based on the pharmacological similarities between berberine and the anti-diabetic medicine metformin (with respect to AMPk activation), it is possible that berberine may promote an anti-catabolic state through increased expression of AMPk.<\/p> The human data \u2013 in both healthy and disease state populations \u2013 demonstrating berberine\u2019s other physiological effects are numerous. A 2012 meta-analysis examined 14 randomized trials, containing 1068 patients, and assessed berberine\u2019s efficacy in numerous biometrics, including resting plasma glucose levels, plasma insulin levels, body weight, body mass index, and reduction in fat mass and serum triglycerides and total cholesterol content. The aggregate data suggests that berberine performs at least as well as oral hypoglycemic agents (such as metformin) in these key metrics.<\/p> Boron is a mineral present in multiple fruits, vegetables, tubers, and drinking water, though it is not widely accepted as either an essential mineral or essential vitamin. Boron affects a few physiological functions in the body, particularly modulating hormonal homeostasis.<\/p> While still emerging, recent data suggest that boron may play a role in potentiating free testosterone levels in even healthy men. In one study, otherwise healthy men were provided an acute serving of boron and had their free and total levels of testosterone, alone with SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin) and DHT (dihydrotestosterone) levels measured. In that study, total testosterone was unaltered, but free testosterone was enhanced by 14%, while SHBG was significantly (9%) reduced.<\/p> Choline is an essential nutrient involved in numerous metabolic pathways, including DNA regulation and repair, protein function, and metabolism. Perhaps most importantly, the critical neurotransmitter acetylcholine is produced directly from free choline via cholinergic neurons. Acetylcholine is then responsible for a number of functions itself, most crucially as the compound which induces muscular contraction, and as the neuromodulator partially responsible for modulating risk\/reward, arousal, and enhancing memory.<\/p> Choline\u2019s essential role as a substrate for acetylcholine, and therefore brain development, is well documented in animal models. These studies demonstrate that levels of free maternal choline have a direct and fundamental impact on prenatal brain development, with the enhancements or deficits lasting into adulthood. Choline\u2019s enhancing effect is particularly prominent in the hippocampus. In humans, the hippocampus is primarily involved in the consolidation of memory (taking short, episodic memory and translating it into long-term memory) and the learning of new information. Acetylcholine is a critical component in these processes, as mentioned above, and choline may therefore play a potential role in these processes as well by providing the substrate for acetylcholine synthesis.<\/p> Spectra is the first scientifically validated formula of fruits, vegetables, and herbs shown to inhibit free radical production, optimize cellular metabolic activity, and increase nitric oxide levels within our bodies. Spectra\u2122 represents the latest evolution in the fight against potentially-damaging free radicals. For the first time anywhere, the biological effects of a natural supplement on the changes of oxidative and nitrosative stress markers, as well as cellular metabolic activity, have been clinically observed in the human body. Spectra\u2122 has been reported to decrease ROS, increase cellular oxygen consumption in blood and mitochondria, decrease extracellular H2O2, and reduce TNFa-induced inflammatory response in humans.<\/p>","gtin12":"672975009717","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/core-multi-1800x1800_1603125613-0.jpg"],"brand":"Core Nutritionals","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/28362\/core-nutritionals-core-multi-multi-vitamin-minera.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"34.99","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/28362\/core-nutritionals-core-multi-multi-vitamin-minera.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"Core Nutritionals OMEGA - 120 Softgels","sku":"CU092","description":" Oil derived from marine animals \u2013 commonly referred to as \"fish oils\u201d \u2013 are widely consumed for the high amounts of polyunsaturated fatty acids (such as DHA and EPA) that they contain and the potential health benefits that these fatty acids confer. Unfortunately, polyunsaturated fatty acids are notoriously unstable: they are composed of double-bonds between carbon atoms, a chemical structure that is notoriously susceptible to oxidation. (Oxidation is the process of producing oxygen species as a consequence of a compound\u2019s exposure to oxygen.)<\/p> For fish oil, oxidation has a number of deleterious effects \u2013 principally, the production of hydroperoxides (the first step in oxidation) and secondary oxygen products not only produce the rancid, \"fish\u201d smell typically associated with lower quality fish oil products; but perhaps more importantly, in breaking the double bond structure of the fish oil, these oxygen species degrade the integrity of the product and thus reduce their potential health benefits. The oxidation degradation is unfortunately widespread. One study found that 50% of 171 fish oil supplements in Canada exceeded the limits for at least one measure of oxidation, and 39% exceeded the international voluntary safety recommendations for total oxidation (TOTOX value).\u201d Another study found that approximately 29% of fish oil supplements in the United States similarly exceeded recommended values.<\/p> Luckily, research has shown that reducing the exposure of fish oils to oxygen and environmental factors (humidity and temperature fluctuations) during the production process can significantly mitigate oxidation. One of the most effective ways to reduce oxygen exposure is to blanket the oil, as soon as its processed and produced, in an inert gas such as argon or nitrogen \u2013 thereby preventing the fish oil from coming into contact with oxygen at all. While exact values will vary by product, research has shown that both primary oxidation (the production of hydroperoxides, measured in peroxide value, PV) and secondary oxidation (measured in TOTOX (total oxidation value) and a-nsidine values) are vastly reduced through a nitrogen blanket or barrier.<\/p> In sum, producing fish oils under a nitrogen blanket or barrier not only reduces the rancid smell typically associated with fish oil products; but vastly extends their shelf life and integrity.<\/p> We have established that how fish oils are produced may impact their viability as a dietary supplement. But the production process is not the only salient factor in fish oil efficacy and viability \u2013 the form that a fish oil takes is paramount, as well. Specifically, the differences between triglycerides and ethyl esters may be formative in how fish oils are absorbed and confer their potential health benefits.<\/p> First, a little primer on what triglycerides and ethyl esters are. Triglycerides are a molecular form common to almost all plant and animal species: a glycerol backbone with three fatty acids (in the case of fish oils, EPA and DHA) attached to them. For example, the \"stuff\u201d of human adipose (fat) tissue is triglycerides. Ethyl Esters, on the other hand, lack a glycerol backbone \u2013 they are a single fatty acid molecule attached to an ethanol molecule. Unlike triglycerides, ethyl esters are not a natural molecular form and formed solely through chemical synthesis.<\/p> While the difference between triglycerides and ethyl esters as applied to fish oil may seem academic, it in fact has profound implications for the absorption and bioavailability of these oils. In very condensed form, the issue is twofold: how the fish oil is taken up into the bloodstream (absorption) and how it is made available to cells once that has occurred (bioavailability). In both contexts, there is evidence that triglycerides are superior to the ethyl ester form.<\/p> For bioavailability, the issue is how the small intestine breaks down each form of fish oil. As a natural product, our bodies are intrinsically capable of breaking down triglycerides via bile salts and pancreatic lipase. Once ingested, pancreatic lipase and bile salts are released, and in the small intestine, the triglyceride is broken down into so-called emulsion droplets \u2013 which can then easily be broken up, detaching the two fatty acid molecules from the glycerol backbone. Not so with ethyl esters. Not only is pancreatic lipase (by some estimates) 50% less effective in breaking down ethyl esters; but once digested, ethyl esters must be converted into triglycerides through the liberated fatty acids attaching to a glycerol molecule. Essentially, your body must reverse the entire metabolism of ethyl esters, then go through the normal triglyceride metabolism.<\/p> The biochemical differences between triglycerides and ethyl esters have been demonstrated in trials examining bioavailability and absorption efficiency. One study found that, when ingested in triglyceride form, EPA and DHA levels were 340% and 271%, respectively, as compared to the ethyl ester form. Additional research has found a 25% increase in plasma EPA and DHA levels over a six month period; that ethyl esters are \"poorly absorbed\u201d by man; and that triglyceride form fish oils suffer less oxidation (on shelf) than the ethyl ester form.<\/p> Now that we know why producing fish oils under nitrogen barrier protects the integrity of fish oil, and why triglycerides are superior to ethyl esters, we have only one major question left: what benefits do fish oils (specifically, EPA and DHA) pose to humans?<\/p> Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and cocosahexaenoic acid (DHA) have myriad health benefits, but their best-studied (and approved by the FDA) use is to balance and maintain healthy triglyceride levels. Triglycerides, as we mentioned, are produced naturally by most animals. They are necessary for a wide range of physiological function, but their overabundance is implicated in a number of pathological conditions. As a consequence, ingesting external forms of triglycerides \u2013 such as fish oils \u2013 can help balance triglycerides and maintain healthy levels. In perhaps the most robust meta-analysis to date, researchers examined 11 randomized human trials, comprised of 485 total individuals with a mean age of 25 to 49. The meta-analysis found robust evidence that DHA, specifically, exerts a significant triglyceride lowering and balancing effect. A similar meta-analysis focused on EPA found that its effects were comparable to DHA.<\/p> Both of these polyunsaturated fatty acids are best known for their triglyceride-lowering function, each exerts other interesting effects as well. Significant evidence suggests that EPA and DHA may mitigate the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, molecules responsible for inducing the inflammation cascade in the body. Others studies suggest high levels of brain DHA are associated with verbal fluency and memory in healthy, normal adults \u2013 with one study finding that 6 months of DHA supplementation in young, healthy adults increased working memory assessed by recall.<\/p> One of fish oil\u2019s (specifically, EPA\u2019s) effects that may be of interest to fitness and physique athletes is its ability to induce AMPk (adenonsine monophosphoate kinase). AMPk, otherwise known as the \"master metabolic switch,\u201d is a heterotrimeric enzymes responsible for energy catabolism in muscle and fat cells. When activated, AMPk increases lipolytic (the catabolism of fat tissue) signaling as a means of energy provision. Several studies demonstrate that high levels of EPA indirectly stimulate AMPk activation via decreasing PPARy.<\/p> Though less well-studied or confirmed, emerging research suggests that DHA and EPA levels may be formative in maintaining healthy and normal moods, due to altering certain neurological proteins. These literature require follow-up and replication, but show promise in establishing a new purpose for DHA and EPA supplementation.<\/p>","gtin12":"672975009724","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/core-omega-1800x1800_1603201223-0.jpg"],"brand":"Core Nutritionals","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/27050\/core-nutritionals-omega-120-softgels.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"36.99","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/27050\/core-nutritionals-omega-120-softgels.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"Core Nutritionals POST Fruity Cereal - 20 Servings","sku":"CU227","description":" There are no secrets to recovery - no special tricks you can use. There are however, time-tested and critical components to growth, such as excellent post-workout nutrition, timed properly, in an effective delivery system. And to an end, there is the all new Core POST.<\/p> Our new matrix takes the premise behind the original Core PWO-combining fast-acting protein and carbohydrate sources-and improves on that idea in a massive way. We have the classic ingredients of cold-processed microfiltered whey protein isolate, pure dextrose, and Cluster Dextrin, a balanced-insulin response carb source with reducet bloat. Core POST also includes additional free from L-leucine and Velositol to further enhance protein synthesis. In addition to these, we have added Vitacherry to support optimal recovery, as well as Bioperine to enhance the efficient of the ingredients.<\/p> Together, our changes and these new ingredients have made the best post-workout recovery matrix even better.<\/p> Clinical research is clear that carbohydrates of this type, in combination with whey protein isolate, rapidly reverse high levels of cortisol and low levels of insulin that are associated with high intensity exercise. The rapid, but very beneficial, influx of glucose from oral carbohydrate supplementation quickly suppresses cortisol and the negative effect it has on the expression of metabolically critical proteins and growth factors \u2013 ensuring that myocytes (muscle cells) function in an ideal environment. In addition, these carbohydrates induce a beneficial insulin response, the effects of which include stimulating glycogen storage, the transport of glucose into muscle cell mitochondria, and an increase in amino acid utilization.<\/p> If the post-workout environment were a jungle, whey protein isolate would be the lion \u2013 its king. While it is difficult to overstate the critical role that post-exercise protein consumption plays in both a macro (body composition) and micro (small-scale, physiological changes) context, some ambiguity remains: what is the ideal form, frequency, timing, and amount of protein consumption post-exercise? Luckily for you, Core Nutritionals\u2019 research hounds have crunched the numbers and read the studies for you, and the result is a very precise amount of whey protein isolate included in Core POST.<\/p> In a statement that should not surprise a single athlete or casual weightlifter, intense resistance training has a profound effect on the function and structure of skeletal muscle and muscle proteins. Immediately following an intense bout of resistance exercise, a process known as muscle protein breakdown \u2013 with its sidekick, leucine oxidation \u2013 begin to literally tear down your skeletal muscle from the inside. While resistance training simultaneously increases a process known as protein synthesis, the fractional synthesis rate (how quickly the protein is synthesized) is often far exceeded by the rate of muscle protein breakdown and leucine oxidation. The result is that, in that absence of mitigating factors such as post-workout nutrition, your body is in a state of negative protein balance \u2013 i.e., catabolism.<\/p> In order to counteract a negative intramuscular protein balance, a number of things need to occur \u2013 mostly, a rapid increase in the availability of amino acids, and the optimization of several metabolically critical hormones (such as insulin). The combination of protein and carbohydrates contained in Core POST achieves precisely this balance, and research on whey protein and dextrose in combination demonstrates that this combination maximizes the stimulation of muscle protein synthesis and results in even greater muscle anabolism than either alone.<\/p> The branch-chained amino acids leucine, isoleucine, and valine are famous for their role in skeletal muscle protein synthesis and metabolism, and additionally comprise approximately one-third of all skeletal muscle protein. Of the three, leucine is both the most physiologically important with respect to muscle mass, and the most extensively studied. Data on leucine demonstrate this amino acid plays critical roles in stimulating skeletal muscle protein synthesis, and ribosomal biogenesis and assembly (the literal building of muscle tissue), along with playing a lesser role in insulin signaling and gluconeogenic processes. As a result of these diverse roles, leucine has been demonstrated to significantly stimulate skeletal muscle protein synthesis, and attenuate protein degradation, by both insulin-mediated and non-insulin mediated mechanisms.<\/p> Leucine\u2019s insulin-mediated effects are largely the result of its activation of the classical insulin receptor substrate (IRS)\/phosphatidylinositol (PI) 3-kinase (PI3K)\/Akt\/mTOR signal transduction pathway. In this pathway, the bonding of a substrate (Insulin activates a compound known as PI3K, which in turn activates, Akt. Once phosphorylated and activated, Akt signals the release of the famous mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR). mTOR then increases the translation of muscle-cell ribosomal proteins that increase ribosome biogenesis, which is the literal production of proteins. Leucine plays a critical role in all of this, creating the translation initiation factors that are the rate-limiting step in the production of the ribosomes spoken about above. Carbohydrates alone, other essential amino acids, and non-essential amino acids have not been shown to have the stimulatory effects on muscle protein synthesis \u2013 leucine alone has, highlighting is primacy as a muscle protein activator. Leucine has additionally been shown to positively regulate protein synthesis independent of insulin. In certain trials where rapamycin and leucine were co-administered, rapamycin showed only partial inhibition of leucine\u2019s effects on muscle protein synthesis. Rapamycin is also a critical component to the PI3K\/Akt\/mTOR pathway, as the mTOR (mammalian target of rapamycin) suggests. One of rapamycin\u2019s primary functions is to inhibit mTOR. So, if leucine-mediate protein synthesis is only partially blocked by rapamycin, but rapamycin fully inhibits mTOR, this suggests that leucine-mediate protein synthesis is only partially dependent on the PI3K pathway.<\/p> Velositol, a patented complex of amylopectin\/chromium, is a fascinating compound \u2013 with emerging clinical data to suggest that it is effective in significantly enhancing skeletal muscle protein synthesis when combined with whey protein (vs whey alone).<\/p> In a double-blind crossover study, featuring 10 exercise-trained adults, researchers combined Velositol with 6g of whey protein to measure what effects, if any, the compound would exert on skeletal muscle protein synthesis. (The control group consumed 6g of whey alone.) After collecting baseline muscle biopsies \u2013 to measure phenylalanine, a marker of muscle-building \u2013 the subjects performed eight reps of leg extensions. A final muscle biopsy was taken post-workout, to measure the changes in muscle protein synthesis between the study and control group.<\/p> The results were significant: the researchers found that muscle protein synthesis had nearly doubled in the Velositol group, compared to the control. The researchers hypothesized that the mechanism of action of Velositol is the stimulated uptake of leucine and other amino acids due to an influx of insulin (from the chromium).<\/p> While further study is warranted, the existing data on Velositol suggests it\u2019s a must-have addition to any recovery matrix.<\/p> Vitacherry, comprised of Montmorency tart cherries, is a highly studied ingredient that has been shown to aid in muscle recovery as well as protect against post-exercise soreness and fatigue. Vitacherry is filled with free radical fighting phytonutrients and compounds that work synergistically work together to reduce exercise induced inflammation. A 2016 study including 27 participants looked at the benefits of short-term supplementation with Montmorency tart cherries surrounding an endurance event showed positive results when it came to the benefits listed above. It was found was that supplementation in conjunction with a a vigorous exercise event had positive benefits towards:<\/p> BioPerine is a patented standardized extract from the fruit of Piper nigrum (black pepper). Its studied benefits have shown improvements in bioavailability of nutrients it is surrounded by. When it comes to post exercise nutrition, efficiency and speed with which nutrients can enter the system and get to their target is of the upmost importance. The 'window of opportunity' is much larger than what has been previously thought, but when your results weigh heavily on post-exercise nutrition, maximal absorption and use of nutrients is extremely important.<\/p> BioPerine primarily works through mechanisms and channels that can inhibit intestinal motility and dilate blood vessels of the intestines (where absorption of nutrients occurs). This physiological action may cause increased absorption and digestion of nutrients.<\/p> Several studies looking at BioPerine\u2019s impact on nutrient absorption have been done. One study looking at the efficacy of BioPerine on serum concentrations of curcumin showed bioavailability was improved by more than 500%. Therapeutic effectiveness of curcumin has often been exhibited as low. Another study conducted over the course of 6 weeks on BioPerine influence on serum selenium levels in humans showed an increase by 145% over the presupplementation value.<\/p> With promising research being done on the effects of BioPerine in the context of nutrient absorption and bioavailability, it is only fitting that we include it in Core POST, when post workout nutrition is King!<\/p>","gtin12":"672975315337","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/core-nutritionals-post-fr_2753-0.jpg"],"brand":"Core Nutritionals","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/29999\/core-nutritionals-post-fruity-cereal-20-servings.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"56.99","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/29999\/core-nutritionals-post-fruity-cereal-20-servings.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"Core Nutritionals PRO Sustained Release Protein Blend Blueberry - 5 Lb","sku":"CU232","description":" Sustained Release Protein Blend You want to recover. You don\u2019t want to gag while doing it.<\/p> We chose the protein blend and taste for Core PRO with that in mind. Our mix of proteins have a robust and complete amino acid profile that has been shown in research to increase lean muscle impact \u2013 while our flavoring tastes like a cheat!<\/p> What do you look for in a protein supplement? More importantly, what should you look for? Let\u2019s be honest: in 2020, taste is paramount to the experience. Amazing taste was our priority for the reformulation of Core PRO \u2013 and we succeeded beyond our wildest dreams, if we say so ourselves.<\/p> But this is Core Nutritionals, meaning that function must always match taste and form. Core PRO is no different. While the protein blend in Core PRO was always industry-leading, we have made it even better. Our blend of whey concentrate, whey isolate, and milk protein isolate delivers smooth texture, fast and slow-digesting proteins, and a complete amino acid profile that suits your needs. In other words, have perfected the marriage of TASTE AND PERFORMANCE, and the result is Core PRO.<\/p> Core PRO is a clinical-strength, sustained release protein formula, specifically designed to keep you fueled with the right growth\/recovery agents over extended periods of time. This innovative blend provides the perfect arrangement of both fast-uptake and sustained-release proteins, from superior cold-processed whey proteins and micellar casein-rich milk protein sources. This strong synergistic blend helps promote optimal growth and recovery by providing the vital building blocks your body needs, exactly when you need them most. Our superior protein blend contains a generous array of BCAAs (branched-chain amino acids) in their naturally-occurring biological ratios, to delay fatigue and expedite your recovery.<\/p> The benefits don\u2019t stop there. To make this the most effective recovery formula available, we\u2019ve enhanced it with a powerful digestive enzyme blend, including protein-digesting proteases, to improve absorption and accelerate nutrient uptake. The beneficial fatty acids from MCTs (medium chain triglycerides) in Core PRO help preserve lean mass while unleashing your body\u2019s natural metabolic potential. And unlike some formulas, you never have to worry about taking it at the wrong time. Staying fueled all day or overnight never tasted so good!<\/p> Here is a more complete breakdown of each protein source:<\/p> Whey protein concentrate is probably the most common form of whey protein you will find. However, how it is processed is where the benefit truly lies. This process of cold processed undenaturization preserves the molecular structure of the amino acid particles as well as the immune boosting benefits that it contains. This undenatured protein is also a rich source of amino acids, including those needed for the synthesis of glutathione, which is an important antioxidant that can be depleted by stress (exercise stress included). This makes it a great foundation for your post workout recovery nutrition.<\/p> Whey protein isolate is an extremely \u201cclean\u201d form of whey protein. It yields a higher amount of amino acids, half of which are from the essential amino acids (cannot be made by the body). Microfiltration eliminates a large majority of the fat and lactose from the whey, which makes it easily digestible and quickly absorbed into the body. This cross-flow process uses a highly intricate method to isolate the protein. It is not subjected to chemicals and is thus left in its most natural state.<\/p> Milk protein isolate is obtained through the partial removal of non-protein materials from skim milk (lactose and other minerals). What you are left with is a dry product that contains more than 90% protein by weight. This product contains both casein and whey proteins in their original proportions found in milk, without combining separately produced casein and whey proteins. It contains very little fat and lactose and also has a very high amino acid composition making it a perfect addition to this blend.<\/p> This blend has also been specifically configured to provide both rapid and sustained additions to your body\u2019s amino acid profile \u2013 meaning your recovery is not only supported immediately after a session but will also carry you to your next meal. On top of that, our flavors are out of this world! We\u2019ve also boosted this protein blend with digestive enzymes that will provide you with all of the confidence that those nutrients you just supplied your body with will do their part in your quest for the optimal result!<\/p> One can easily make the argument that dietary enzymes \u2013 and in particular, digestive enzymes \u2013 are the most consistently underrated and overlooked component to a supplementation regimen. These powerful little protein structures influence or outright control a vast, complex network of bodily functions. In a fitness-specific context, digestive enzymes play an absolutely crucial role in the breaking down of dietary carbohydrates, fats, and proteins into their constitutive parts, and therefore allow your body to use them in various processes (glycogenesis, protein synthesis, etc).<\/p> Despite their critical function, many supplement companies overlook the necessity of digestive enzymes and do not include sufficient levels (and kinds) of enzymes in their products. For a whey product, in particular \u2013 a compound that requires significant digestion and breakdown \u2013 this is madness.<\/p> As usual, we take a much more comprehensive, clinical approach than the average. In Core PRO, we have included a digestive enzyme blend called DigeSEB comprised by amylases, proteases, lactases, amylases, and cellulases, allowing for a full and complete breakdown of all PRO\u2019s components. Research suggests that whey absorption through the blood is heavily impacted by its gastric digestibility. Using DigeSEB ensures that the protein \u2013 along with its milk and whey sugars and fats \u2013 are completely broken down.<\/p> DigeSEB ensures that Core PRO not only provides gourmet taste and clinical ingredients within the protein itself, but that your protein also increases the effectiveness of your pre and post-workout nutrition in general.<\/p> Coconut oil made of 100% Medium chain triglycerides has been shown to have the greatest health benefits. MCTs are made up of a chemical structure that allows them to quickly and effectively bypass gastric uptake for transport directly to the liver for oxidation and then used for energy. Their unusual chemical structure and metabolic process has resulted in MCTs being a focus for a wide range of therapeutic and exercise supplement uses.<\/p> In the context of exercise science, recent research has shown that MCTs significantly (up to 65%) increase resting energy expenditure, along with dose-dependently reducing fatty acid deposition in adipose tissue. These results suggest that MCTs are effectively increasing the body\u2019s metabolic response to food intake.<\/p>","gtin12":"850051031313","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/corepro-5lb-blueberry_1692808088-0.jpg"],"brand":"Core Nutritionals","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/33399\/core-nutritionals-pro-sustained-release-protein.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"89.99","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/33399\/core-nutritionals-pro-sustained-release-protein.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"Core Nutritionals PRO Sustained Release Protein Blend Blueberry Muffin - 2 Lb","sku":"CU300","description":" You want to recover. You don\u2019t want to gag while doing it.<\/p> We chose the protein blend and taste for Core PRO with that in mind. Our mix of proteins have a robust and complete amino acid profile that has been shown in research to increase lean muscle impact \u2013 while our flavoring tastes like a cheat!<\/p> What do you look for in a protein supplement? More importantly, what should you look for? Let\u2019s be honest: in 2020, taste is paramount to the experience. Amazing taste was our priority for the reformulation of Core PRO \u2013 and we succeeded beyond our wildest dreams, if we say so ourselves.<\/p> But this is Core Nutritionals, meaning that function must always match taste and form. Core PRO is no different. While the protein blend in Core PRO was always industry-leading, we have made it even better. Our blend of whey concentrate, whey isolate, and milk protein isolate delivers smooth texture, fast and slow-digesting proteins, and a complete amino acid profile that suits your needs. In other words, have perfected the marriage of TASTE AND PERFORMANCE, and the result is Core PRO.<\/p> Core PRO is a clinical-strength, sustained release protein formula, specifically designed to keep you fueled with the right growth\/recovery agents over extended periods of time. This innovative blend provides the perfect arrangement of both fast-uptake and sustained-release proteins, from superior cold-processed whey proteins and micellar casein-rich milk protein sources. This strong synergistic blend helps promote optimal growth and recovery by providing the vital building blocks your body needs, exactly when you need them most. Our superior protein blend contains a generous array of BCAAs (branched-chain amino acids) in their naturally-occurring biological ratios, to delay fatigue and expedite your recovery.<\/p> The benefits don\u2019t stop there. To make this the most effective recovery formula available, we\u2019ve enhanced it with a powerful digestive enzyme blend, including protein-digesting proteases, to improve absorption and accelerate nutrient uptake. The beneficial fatty acids from MCTs (medium chain triglycerides) in Core PRO help preserve lean mass while unleashing your body\u2019s natural metabolic potential. And unlike some formulas, you never have to worry about taking it at the wrong time. Staying fueled all day or overnight never tasted so good!<\/p> We said above that protein powders need to \u2013 or at least should \u2013 have a purpose: to improve recovery times, and ultimately, body composition. But how does that occur? Or more specifically, what needs to happen in the body in order to recover from a workout, and subsequently improve body composition. To sum it up with one phrase, net protein balance needs to be positive.<\/p> When you vigorously train or exert yourself, a process called protein degradation (the breakdown of muscle protein) begins so that the body can fuel itself, and a process called muscle protein synthesis (the creation of muscle protein) slows down. Think of this like shutting off your engine (protein synthesis), in order to fuel your car (muscle protein breakdown). As this entire process plays out, the available pool of amino acids in skeletal muscle depletes, as they too are drawn in and broken down in the natural, catabolic process during exercise training.<\/p> While this situation is quite adequate during a training session, it\u2019s precisely the opposite of what we want afterwards. At that point, we want the available pool of amino acids to increase, protein degradation to slow or stop, and muscle protein synthesis to increase. Enter protein supplements. Protein powders are a quick, convenient way to rapidly increase the available pool of amino acids in skeletal muscle.<\/p> However, not all proteins are created equal when assessed within the matrix of molecular triggers, enzymes, and amino acids that constitute skeletal muscle protein synthesis. Low quality blends, fillers, masking agents, and the like reduce the net protein content of many protein products, ultimately reducing lean muscle impact.<\/p> A quality protein supplement not only contains a high amount of protein, but the protein sources from which it draws need to be themselves high quality \u2013 and the benefit a particular protein source has can be assessed by analyzing its amino acid profile. Human skeletal muscle makes the most use out of a few, particular amino acids (the BCAAs among them), and so a quality protein needs to have an amino acid profile that is optimal for this context.<\/p> We chose the protein blend for Core PRO with optimization in mind. Our mix of cold-processed undenatured whey protein concentrate, cross-flow microfiltered whey protein isolate, and milk protein isolate has a complete amino acid profile that has been shown in research to increase nitrogen retention, lean muscle impact, and satiating ability (the feeling of fullness). This blend has also been specifically configured to provide both rapid and sustained additions to your body\u2019s amino acid profile \u2013 meaning your recovery is not only supported immediately after a session, when you most need it, but over time as well.<\/p> Best of all, we have moved to a fully transparent label for Core PRO. Meaning that not only do we disclose the protein sources themselves and their specific yields, but we have also disclosed the entire formula\u2019s amino acid profile. You can see, for example, that each serving yields a full 2.6g of leucine \u2013 a leucine dose supported in the literature to maximally increase muscle protein synthesis.<\/p> Cold-processed undenatured whey protein concentrate: Whey protein concentrate is probably the most common form of whey protein you will find. However, how it is processed is where the benefit truly lies. This process of cold processed undenaturization preserves the molecular structure of the amino acid particles as well as the immune boosting benefits that it contains. This undenatured protein is also a rich source of amino acids, including those needed for the synthesis of glutathione, which is an important antioxidant that can be depleted by stress (exercise stress included). This makes it a great foundation for your post workout recovery nutrition.<\/p> Cross-flow microfiltered whey protein isolate: whey protein isolate is an extremely \"clean\u201d form of whey protein. It yields a higher amount of amino acids, half of which are from the essential amino acids (cannot be made by the body). Microfiltration eliminates a large majority of the fat and lactose from the whey, which makes it easily digestible and quickly absorbed into the body. This cross-flow process uses a highly intricate method to isolate the protein. It is not subjected to chemicals and is thus left in its most natural state.<\/p> Milk Protein Isolate: milk protein isolate is obtained through the partial removal of non-protein materials from skim milk (lactose and other minerals). What you are left with is a dry product that contains more than 90% protein by weight. This product contains both casein and whey proteins in their original proportions found in milk, without combining separately produced casein and whey proteins. It contains very little fat and lactose and also has a very high amino acid composition making it a perfect addition to this blend.<\/p> This blend has also been specifically configured to provide both rapid and sustained additions to your body\u2019s amino acid profile \u2013 meaning your recovery is not only supported immediately after a session but will also carry you to your next meal. On top of that, our flavors are out of this world! We\u2019ve also boosted this protein blend with digestive enzymes that will provide you with all of the confidence that those nutrients you just supplied your body with will do their part in your quest for the optimal result!<\/p> One can easily make the argument that dietary enzymes \u2013 and in particular, digestive enzymes \u2013 are the most consistently underrated and overlooked component to a supplementation regimen. These powerful little protein structures influence or outright control a vast, complex network of bodily functions. In a fitness-specific context, digestive enzymes play an absolutely crucial role in the breaking down of dietary carbohydrates, fats, and proteins into their constitutive parts, and therefore allow your body to use them in various processes (glycogenesis, protein synthesis, etc).<\/p> Despite their critical function, many supplement companies overlook the necessity of digestive enzymes and do not include sufficient levels (and kinds) of enzymes in their products. For a whey product, in particular \u2013 a compound that requires significant digestion and breakdown \u2013 this is madness.<\/p> As usual, we take a much more comprehensive, clinical approach than the average. In Core PRO, we have included a digestive enzyme blend called DigeSEB comprised by amylases, proteases, lactases, amylases, and cellulases, allowing for a full and complete breakdown of all PRO\u2019s components. Research suggests that whey absorption through the blood is heavily impacted by its gastric digestibility. Using DigeSEB ensures that the protein \u2013 along with its milk and whey sugars and fats \u2013 are completely broken down.<\/p> DigeSEB ensures that Core PRO not only provides gourmet taste and clinical ingredients within the protein itself, but that your protein also increases the effectiveness of your pre and post-workout nutrition in general.<\/p> Coconut oil made of 100% Medium chain triglycerides has been shown to have the greatest health benefits. MCTs are made up of a chemical structure that allows them to quickly and effectively bypass gastric uptake for transport directly to the liver for oxidation and then used for energy. Their unusual chemical structure and metabolic process has resulted in MCTs being a focus for a wide range of therapeutic and exercise supplement uses.<\/p> In the context of exercise science, recent research has shown that MCTs significantly (up to 65%) increase resting energy expenditure, along with dose-dependently reducing fatty acid deposition in adipose tissue. These results suggest that MCTs are effectively increasing the body\u2019s metabolic response to food intake.<\/p>","gtin12":"672975315733","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/pro-blueberry-2lb_1612040602-0.jpg"],"brand":"Core Nutritionals","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/30575\/core-nutritionals-pro-blueberry-muffin-2-lb.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"44.99","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/30575\/core-nutritionals-pro-blueberry-muffin-2-lb.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"Core Nutritionals PRO Sustained Release Protein Blend Chocolate Peanut Butter - 5 Lb","sku":"CU213","description":" Sustained Release Protein Blend<\/strong><\/p>\r\n You want to recover. You don’t want to gag while doing it.<\/p>\r\n We chose the protein blend and taste for Core PRO with that in mind. Our mix of proteins have a robust and complete amino acid profile that has been shown in research to increase lean muscle impact – while our flavoring tastes like a cheat!<\/p>\r\n What do you look for in a protein supplement? More importantly, what should you look for? Let’s be honest: in 2020, taste is paramount to the experience. Amazing taste was our priority for the reformulation of Core PRO – and we succeeded beyond our wildest dreams, if we say so ourselves.<\/p>\r\n But this is Core Nutritionals, meaning that function must always match taste and form. Core PRO is no different. While the protein blend in Core PRO was always industry-leading, we have made it even better. Our blend of whey concentrate, whey isolate, and milk protein isolate delivers smooth texture, fast and slow-digesting proteins, and a complete amino acid profile that suits your needs. In other words, have perfected the marriage of TASTE AND PERFORMANCE, and the result is Core PRO.<\/p>\r\n Core PRO is a clinical-strength, sustained release protein formula, specifically designed to keep you fueled with the right growth\/recovery agents over extended periods of time. This innovative blend provides the perfect arrangement of both fast-uptake and sustained-release proteins, from superior cold-processed whey proteins and micellar casein-rich milk protein sources. This strong synergistic blend helps promote optimal growth and recovery by providing the vital building blocks your body needs, exactly when you need them most. Our superior protein blend contains a generous array of BCAAs (branched-chain amino acids) in their naturally-occurring biological ratios, to delay fatigue and expedite your recovery.<\/p>\r\n The benefits don’t stop there. To make this the most effective recovery formula available, we’ve enhanced it with a powerful digestive enzyme blend, including protein-digesting proteases, to improve absorption and accelerate nutrient uptake. The beneficial fatty acids from MCTs (medium chain triglycerides) in Core PRO help preserve lean mass while unleashing your body’s natural metabolic potential. And unlike some formulas, you never have to worry about taking it at the wrong time. Staying fueled all day or overnight never tasted so good!<\/p>\r\n Here is a more complete breakdown of each protein source:<\/p>\r\n Cold-processed undenatured whey protein concentrate:<\/strong> <\/span>Whey protein concentrate is probably the most common form of whey protein you will find. However, how it is processed is where the benefit truly lies. This process of cold processed undenaturization preserves the molecular structure of the amino acid particles as well as the immune boosting benefits that it contains. This undenatured protein is also a rich source of amino acids, including those needed for the synthesis of glutathione, which is an important antioxidant that can be depleted by stress (exercise stress included). This makes it a great foundation for your post workout recovery nutrition.<\/p>\r\n Cross-flow microfiltered whey protein isolate:<\/strong> <\/span>whey protein isolate is an extremely “clean” form of whey protein. It yields a higher amount of amino acids, half of which are from the essential amino acids (cannot be made by the body). Microfiltration eliminates a large majority of the fat and lactose from the whey, which makes it easily digestible and quickly absorbed into the body. This cross-flow process uses a highly intricate method to isolate the protein. It is not subjected to chemicals and is thus left in its most natural state.<\/p>\r\n Milk Protein Isolate:<\/strong> <\/span>milk protein isolate is obtained through the partial removal of non-protein materials from skim milk (lactose and other minerals). What you are left with is a dry product that contains more than 90% protein by weight. This product contains both casein and whey proteins in their original proportions found in milk, without combining separately produced casein and whey proteins. It contains very little fat and lactose and also has a very high amino acid composition making it a perfect addition to this blend.<\/p>\r\n This blend has also been specifically configured to provide both rapid and sustained additions to your body’s amino acid profile – meaning your recovery is not only supported immediately after a session but will also carry you to your next meal. On top of that, our flavors are out of this world! We’ve also boosted this protein blend with digestive enzymes that will provide you with all of the confidence that those nutrients you just supplied your body with will do their part in your quest for the optimal result!<\/p>\r\n DigeSEB Digestive enzyme blend:<\/strong><\/p>\r\n One can easily make the argument that dietary enzymes – and in particular, digestive enzymes – are the most consistently underrated and overlooked component to a supplementation regimen. These powerful little protein structures influence or outright control a vast, complex network of bodily functions. In a fitness-specific context, digestive enzymes play an absolutely crucial role in the breaking down of dietary carbohydrates, fats, and proteins into their constitutive parts, and therefore allow your body to use them in various processes (glycogenesis, protein synthesis, etc).<\/p>\r\n Despite their critical function, many supplement companies overlook the necessity of digestive enzymes and do not include sufficient levels (and kinds) of enzymes in their products. For a whey product, in particular – a compound that requires significant digestion and breakdown – this is madness.<\/p>\r\n As usual, we take a much more comprehensive, clinical approach than the average. In Core PRO, we have included a digestive enzyme blend called DigeSEB comprised by amylases, proteases, lactases, amylases, and cellulases, allowing for a full and complete breakdown of all PRO’s components. Research suggests that whey absorption through the blood is heavily impacted by its gastric digestibility. Using DigeSEB ensures that the protein – along with its milk and whey sugars and fats – are completely broken down.<\/p>\r\n DigeSEB ensures that Core PRO not only provides gourmet taste and clinical ingredients within the protein itself, but that your protein also increases the effectiveness of your pre and post-workout nutrition in general.<\/p>\r\n Coconut Oil Creamer (Medium Chain Triglycerides):<\/strong><\/p>\r\n Coconut oil made of 100% Medium chain triglycerides has been shown to have the greatest health benefits. MCTs are made up of a chemical structure that allows them to quickly and effectively bypass gastric uptake for transport directly to the liver for oxidation and then used for energy. Their unusual chemical structure and metabolic process has resulted in MCTs being a focus for a wide range of therapeutic and exercise supplement uses.<\/p>\r\n In the context of exercise science, recent research has shown that MCTs significantly (up to 65%) increase resting energy expenditure, along with dose-dependently reducing fatty acid deposition in adipose tissue. These results suggest that MCTs are effectively increasing the body’s metabolic response to food intake.<\/p>\r\n <\/p>\r\n <\/p>","gtin12":"672975009816","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/core-nutritionals-pro-sus_2419-0.jpg"],"brand":"Core Nutritionals","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/29589\/core-nutritionals-pro-sustained-release-protein.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"89.99","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/29589\/core-nutritionals-pro-sustained-release-protein.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"Core Nutritionals PRO Sustained Release Protein Blend Cinnamon French Toast - 2 Lb","sku":"CU204","description":" You want to recover. You don\u2019t want to gag while doing it.<\/p> We chose the protein blend and taste for Core PRO with that in mind. Our mix of proteins have a robust and complete amino acid profile that has been shown in research to increase lean muscle impact \u2013 while our flavoring tastes like a cheat!<\/p> What do you look for in a protein supplement? More importantly, what should you look for? Let\u2019s be honest: in 2020, taste is paramount to the experience. Amazing taste was our priority for the reformulation of Core PRO \u2013 and we succeeded beyond our wildest dreams, if we say so ourselves.<\/p> But this is Core Nutritionals, meaning that function must always match taste and form. Core PRO is no different. While the protein blend in Core PRO was always industry-leading, we have made it even better. Our blend of whey concentrate, whey isolate, and milk protein isolate delivers smooth texture, fast and slow-digesting proteins, and a complete amino acid profile that suits your needs. In other words, have perfected the marriage of TASTE AND PERFORMANCE, and the result is Core PRO.<\/p> Core PRO is a clinical-strength, sustained release protein formula, specifically designed to keep you fueled with the right growth\/recovery agents over extended periods of time. This innovative blend provides the perfect arrangement of both fast-uptake and sustained-release proteins, from superior cold-processed whey proteins and micellar casein-rich milk protein sources. This strong synergistic blend helps promote optimal growth and recovery by providing the vital building blocks your body needs, exactly when you need them most. Our superior protein blend contains a generous array of BCAAs (branched-chain amino acids) in their naturally-occurring biological ratios, to delay fatigue and expedite your recovery.<\/p> The benefits don\u2019t stop there. To make this the most effective recovery formula available, we\u2019ve enhanced it with a powerful digestive enzyme blend, including protein-digesting proteases, to improve absorption and accelerate nutrient uptake. The beneficial fatty acids from MCTs (medium chain triglycerides) in Core PRO help preserve lean mass while unleashing your body\u2019s natural metabolic potential. And unlike some formulas, you never have to worry about taking it at the wrong time. Staying fueled all day or overnight never tasted so good!<\/p> We said above that protein powders need to \u2013 or at least should \u2013 have a purpose: to improve recovery times, and ultimately, body composition. But how does that occur? Or more specifically, what needs to happen in the body in order to recover from a workout, and subsequently improve body composition. To sum it up with one phrase, net protein balance needs to be positive.<\/p> When you vigorously train or exert yourself, a process called protein degradation (the breakdown of muscle protein) begins so that the body can fuel itself, and a process called muscle protein synthesis (the creation of muscle protein) slows down. Think of this like shutting off your engine (protein synthesis), in order to fuel your car (muscle protein breakdown). As this entire process plays out, the available pool of amino acids in skeletal muscle depletes, as they too are drawn in and broken down in the natural, catabolic process during exercise training.<\/p> While this situation is quite adequate during a training session, it\u2019s precisely the opposite of what we want afterwards. At that point, we want the available pool of amino acids to increase, protein degradation to slow or stop, and muscle protein synthesis to increase. Enter protein supplements. Protein powders are a quick, convenient way to rapidly increase the available pool of amino acids in skeletal muscle.<\/p> However, not all proteins are created equal when assessed within the matrix of molecular triggers, enzymes, and amino acids that constitute skeletal muscle protein synthesis. Low quality blends, fillers, masking agents, and the like reduce the net protein content of many protein products, ultimately reducing lean muscle impact.<\/p> A quality protein supplement not only contains a high amount of protein, but the protein sources from which it draws need to be themselves high quality \u2013 and the benefit a particular protein source has can be assessed by analyzing its amino acid profile. Human skeletal muscle makes the most use out of a few, particular amino acids (the BCAAs among them), and so a quality protein needs to have an amino acid profile that is optimal for this context.<\/p> We chose the protein blend for Core PRO with optimization in mind. Our mix of cold-processed undenatured whey protein concentrate, cross-flow microfiltered whey protein isolate, and milk protein isolate has a complete amino acid profile that has been shown in research to increase nitrogen retention, lean muscle impact, and satiating ability (the feeling of fullness). This blend has also been specifically configured to provide both rapid and sustained additions to your body\u2019s amino acid profile \u2013 meaning your recovery is not only supported immediately after a session, when you most need it, but over time as well.<\/p> Best of all, we have moved to a fully transparent label for Core PRO. Meaning that not only do we disclose the protein sources themselves and their specific yields, but we have also disclosed the entire formula\u2019s amino acid profile. You can see, for example, that each serving yields a full 2.6g of leucine \u2013 a leucine dose supported in the literature to maximally increase muscle protein synthesis.<\/p> Cold-processed undenatured whey protein concentrate: Whey protein concentrate is probably the most common form of whey protein you will find. However, how it is processed is where the benefit truly lies. This process of cold processed undenaturization preserves the molecular structure of the amino acid particles as well as the immune boosting benefits that it contains. This undenatured protein is also a rich source of amino acids, including those needed for the synthesis of glutathione, which is an important antioxidant that can be depleted by stress (exercise stress included). This makes it a great foundation for your post workout recovery nutrition.<\/p> Cross-flow microfiltered whey protein isolate: whey protein isolate is an extremely \"clean\u201d form of whey protein. It yields a higher amount of amino acids, half of which are from the essential amino acids (cannot be made by the body). Microfiltration eliminates a large majority of the fat and lactose from the whey, which makes it easily digestible and quickly absorbed into the body. This cross-flow process uses a highly intricate method to isolate the protein. It is not subjected to chemicals and is thus left in its most natural state.<\/p> Milk Protein Isolate: milk protein isolate is obtained through the partial removal of non-protein materials from skim milk (lactose and other minerals). What you are left with is a dry product that contains more than 90% protein by weight. This product contains both casein and whey proteins in their original proportions found in milk, without combining separately produced casein and whey proteins. It contains very little fat and lactose and also has a very high amino acid composition making it a perfect addition to this blend.<\/p> This blend has also been specifically configured to provide both rapid and sustained additions to your body\u2019s amino acid profile \u2013 meaning your recovery is not only supported immediately after a session but will also carry you to your next meal. On top of that, our flavors are out of this world! We\u2019ve also boosted this protein blend with digestive enzymes that will provide you with all of the confidence that those nutrients you just supplied your body with will do their part in your quest for the optimal result!<\/p> One can easily make the argument that dietary enzymes \u2013 and in particular, digestive enzymes \u2013 are the most consistently underrated and overlooked component to a supplementation regimen. These powerful little protein structures influence or outright control a vast, complex network of bodily functions. In a fitness-specific context, digestive enzymes play an absolutely crucial role in the breaking down of dietary carbohydrates, fats, and proteins into their constitutive parts, and therefore allow your body to use them in various processes (glycogenesis, protein synthesis, etc).<\/p> Despite their critical function, many supplement companies overlook the necessity of digestive enzymes and do not include sufficient levels (and kinds) of enzymes in their products. For a whey product, in particular \u2013 a compound that requires significant digestion and breakdown \u2013 this is madness.<\/p> As usual, we take a much more comprehensive, clinical approach than the average. In Core PRO, we have included a digestive enzyme blend called DigeSEB comprised by amylases, proteases, lactases, amylases, and cellulases, allowing for a full and complete breakdown of all PRO\u2019s components. Research suggests that whey absorption through the blood is heavily impacted by its gastric digestibility. Using DigeSEB ensures that the protein \u2013 along with its milk and whey sugars and fats \u2013 are completely broken down.<\/p> DigeSEB ensures that Core PRO not only provides gourmet taste and clinical ingredients within the protein itself, but that your protein also increases the effectiveness of your pre and post-workout nutrition in general.<\/p> Coconut oil made of 100% Medium chain triglycerides has been shown to have the greatest health benefits. MCTs are made up of a chemical structure that allows them to quickly and effectively bypass gastric uptake for transport directly to the liver for oxidation and then used for energy. Their unusual chemical structure and metabolic process has resulted in MCTs being a focus for a wide range of therapeutic and exercise supplement uses.<\/p> In the context of exercise science, recent research has shown that MCTs significantly (up to 65%) increase resting energy expenditure, along with dose-dependently reducing fatty acid deposition in adipose tissue. These results suggest that MCTs are effectively increasing the body\u2019s metabolic response to food intake.<\/p>","gtin12":"672975009762","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/core-nutritionals-pro-sus_2414-0.jpg"],"brand":"Core Nutritionals","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/29584\/core-nutritionals-pro-sustained-release-protein.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"44.99","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/29584\/core-nutritionals-pro-sustained-release-protein.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"Core Nutritionals PRO Sustained Release Protein Blend Cinnamon French Toast - 5 Lb","sku":"CU214","description":" Sustained Release Protein Blend<\/strong><\/p>\r\n You want to recover. You don’t want to gag while doing it.<\/p>\r\n We chose the protein blend and taste for Core PRO with that in mind. Our mix of proteins have a robust and complete amino acid profile that has been shown in research to increase lean muscle impact – while our flavoring tastes like a cheat!<\/p>\r\n What do you look for in a protein supplement? More importantly, what should you look for? Let’s be honest: in 2020, taste is paramount to the experience. Amazing taste was our priority for the reformulation of Core PRO – and we succeeded beyond our wildest dreams, if we say so ourselves.<\/p>\r\n But this is Core Nutritionals, meaning that function must always match taste and form. Core PRO is no different. While the protein blend in Core PRO was always industry-leading, we have made it even better. Our blend of whey concentrate, whey isolate, and milk protein isolate delivers smooth texture, fast and slow-digesting proteins, and a complete amino acid profile that suits your needs. In other words, have perfected the marriage of TASTE AND PERFORMANCE, and the result is Core PRO.<\/p>\r\n Core PRO is a clinical-strength, sustained release protein formula, specifically designed to keep you fueled with the right growth\/recovery agents over extended periods of time. This innovative blend provides the perfect arrangement of both fast-uptake and sustained-release proteins, from superior cold-processed whey proteins and micellar casein-rich milk protein sources. This strong synergistic blend helps promote optimal growth and recovery by providing the vital building blocks your body needs, exactly when you need them most. Our superior protein blend contains a generous array of BCAAs (branched-chain amino acids) in their naturally-occurring biological ratios, to delay fatigue and expedite your recovery.<\/p>\r\n The benefits don’t stop there. To make this the most effective recovery formula available, we’ve enhanced it with a powerful digestive enzyme blend, including protein-digesting proteases, to improve absorption and accelerate nutrient uptake. The beneficial fatty acids from MCTs (medium chain triglycerides) in Core PRO help preserve lean mass while unleashing your body’s natural metabolic potential. And unlike some formulas, you never have to worry about taking it at the wrong time. Staying fueled all day or overnight never tasted so good!<\/p>\r\n Here is a more complete breakdown of each protein source:<\/p>\r\n Cold-processed undenatured whey protein concentrate:<\/strong> <\/span>Whey protein concentrate is probably the most common form of whey protein you will find. However, how it is processed is where the benefit truly lies. This process of cold processed undenaturization preserves the molecular structure of the amino acid particles as well as the immune boosting benefits that it contains. This undenatured protein is also a rich source of amino acids, including those needed for the synthesis of glutathione, which is an important antioxidant that can be depleted by stress (exercise stress included). This makes it a great foundation for your post workout recovery nutrition.<\/p>\r\n Cross-flow microfiltered whey protein isolate:<\/strong> <\/span>whey protein isolate is an extremely “clean” form of whey protein. It yields a higher amount of amino acids, half of which are from the essential amino acids (cannot be made by the body). Microfiltration eliminates a large majority of the fat and lactose from the whey, which makes it easily digestible and quickly absorbed into the body. This cross-flow process uses a highly intricate method to isolate the protein. It is not subjected to chemicals and is thus left in its most natural state.<\/p>\r\n Milk Protein Isolate:<\/strong> <\/span>milk protein isolate is obtained through the partial removal of non-protein materials from skim milk (lactose and other minerals). What you are left with is a dry product that contains more than 90% protein by weight. This product contains both casein and whey proteins in their original proportions found in milk, without combining separately produced casein and whey proteins. It contains very little fat and lactose and also has a very high amino acid composition making it a perfect addition to this blend.<\/p>\r\n This blend has also been specifically configured to provide both rapid and sustained additions to your body’s amino acid profile – meaning your recovery is not only supported immediately after a session but will also carry you to your next meal. On top of that, our flavors are out of this world! We’ve also boosted this protein blend with digestive enzymes that will provide you with all of the confidence that those nutrients you just supplied your body with will do their part in your quest for the optimal result!<\/p>\r\n DigeSEB Digestive enzyme blend:<\/strong><\/p>\r\n One can easily make the argument that dietary enzymes – and in particular, digestive enzymes – are the most consistently underrated and overlooked component to a supplementation regimen. These powerful little protein structures influence or outright control a vast, complex network of bodily functions. In a fitness-specific context, digestive enzymes play an absolutely crucial role in the breaking down of dietary carbohydrates, fats, and proteins into their constitutive parts, and therefore allow your body to use them in various processes (glycogenesis, protein synthesis, etc).<\/p>\r\n Despite their critical function, many supplement companies overlook the necessity of digestive enzymes and do not include sufficient levels (and kinds) of enzymes in their products. For a whey product, in particular – a compound that requires significant digestion and breakdown – this is madness.<\/p>\r\n As usual, we take a much more comprehensive, clinical approach than the average. In Core PRO, we have included a digestive enzyme blend called DigeSEB comprised by amylases, proteases, lactases, amylases, and cellulases, allowing for a full and complete breakdown of all PRO’s components. Research suggests that whey absorption through the blood is heavily impacted by its gastric digestibility. Using DigeSEB ensures that the protein – along with its milk and whey sugars and fats – are completely broken down.<\/p>\r\n DigeSEB ensures that Core PRO not only provides gourmet taste and clinical ingredients within the protein itself, but that your protein also increases the effectiveness of your pre and post-workout nutrition in general.<\/p>\r\n Coconut Oil Creamer (Medium Chain Triglycerides):<\/strong><\/p>\r\n Coconut oil made of 100% Medium chain triglycerides has been shown to have the greatest health benefits. MCTs are made up of a chemical structure that allows them to quickly and effectively bypass gastric uptake for transport directly to the liver for oxidation and then used for energy. Their unusual chemical structure and metabolic process has resulted in MCTs being a focus for a wide range of therapeutic and exercise supplement uses.<\/p>\r\n In the context of exercise science, recent research has shown that MCTs significantly (up to 65%) increase resting energy expenditure, along with dose-dependently reducing fatty acid deposition in adipose tissue. These results suggest that MCTs are effectively increasing the body’s metabolic response to food intake.<\/p>\r\n <\/p>\r\n <\/p>","gtin12":"672975009823","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/core-nutritionals-pro-sus_2420-0.jpg"],"brand":"Core Nutritionals","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/29590\/core-nutritionals-pro-sustained-release-protein.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"89.99","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/29590\/core-nutritionals-pro-sustained-release-protein.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/OutOfStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"Core Nutritionals PRO Sustained Release Protein Blend Coconut Cream Pie - 2 Lb","sku":"CU140","description":" Sustained Release Protein Blend You want to recover. You don\u2019t want to gag while doing it.<\/p> We chose the protein blend and taste for Core PRO with that in mind. Our mix of proteins have a robust and complete amino acid profile that has been shown in research to increase lean muscle impact \u2013 while our flavoring tastes like a cheat!<\/p> What do you look for in a protein supplement? More importantly, what should you look for? Let\u2019s be honest: in 2020, taste is paramount to the experience. Amazing taste was our priority for the reformulation of Core PRO \u2013 and we succeeded beyond our wildest dreams, if we say so ourselves.<\/p> But this is Core Nutritionals, meaning that function must always match taste and form. Core PRO is no different. While the protein blend in Core PRO was always industry-leading, we have made it even better. Our blend of whey concentrate, whey isolate, and milk protein isolate delivers smooth texture, fast and slow-digesting proteins, and a complete amino acid profile that suits your needs. In other words, we have perfected the marriage of TASTE AND PERFORMANCE, and the result is Core PRO.<\/p> Core PRO is a clinical-strength, sustained release protein formula, specifically designed to keep you fueled with the right growth\/recovery agents over extended periods of time. This innovative blend provides the perfect arrangement of both fast-uptake and sustained-release proteins, from superior cold-processed whey proteins and micellar casein-rich milk protein sources. This strong synergistic blend helps promote optimal growth and recovery by providing the vital building blocks your body needs, exactly when you need them most. Our superior protein blend contains a generous array of BCAAs (branched-chain amino acids) in their naturally-occurring biological ratios, to delay fatigue and expedite your recovery.<\/p> The benefits don\u2019t stop there. To make this the most effective recovery formula available, we\u2019ve enhanced it with a powerful digestive enzyme blend, including protein-digesting proteases, to improve absorption and accelerate nutrient uptake. The beneficial fatty acids from MCTs (medium chain triglycerides) in Core PRO help preserve lean mass while unleashing your body\u2019s natural metabolic potential. And unlike some formulas, you never have to worry about taking it at the wrong time. Staying fueled all day or overnight never tasted so good!<\/p> We said above that protein powders need to \u2013 or at least should \u2013 have a purpose: to improve recovery times, and ultimately, body composition. But how does that occur? Or more specifically, what needs to happen in the body in order to recover from a workout, and subsequently improve body composition. To sum it up with one phrase, net protein balance needs to be positive.<\/p> When you vigorously train or exert yourself, a process called protein degradation (the breakdown of muscle protein) begins so that the body can fuel itself, and a process called muscle protein synthesis (the creation of muscle protein) slows down. Think of this like shutting off your engine (protein synthesis), in order to fuel your car (muscle protein breakdown). As this entire process plays out, the available pool of amino acids in skeletal muscle depletes, as they too are drawn in and broken down in the natural, catabolic process during exercise training.<\/p> While this situation is quite adequate during a training session, it\u2019s precisely the opposite of what we want afterwards. At that point, we want the available pool of amino acids to increase, protein degradation to slow or stop, and muscle protein synthesis to increase. Enter protein supplements. Protein powders are a quick, convenient way to rapidly increase the available pool of amino acids in skeletal muscle.<\/p> However, not all proteins are created equal when assessed within the matrix of molecular triggers, enzymes, and amino acids that constitute skeletal muscle protein synthesis. Low quality blends, fillers, masking agents, and the like reduce the net protein content of many protein products, ultimately reducing lean muscle impact.<\/p> A quality protein supplement not only contains a high amount of protein, but the protein sources from which it draws need to be themselves high quality \u2013 and the benefit a particular protein source has can be assessed by analyzing its amino acid profile. Human skeletal muscle makes the most use out of a few, particular amino acids (the BCAAs among them), and so a quality protein needs to have an amino acid profile that is optimal for this context.<\/p> We chose the protein blend for Core PRO with optimization in mind. Our mix of cold-processed undenatured whey protein concentrate, cross-flow microfiltered whey protein isolate, and milk protein isolate has a complete amino acid profile that has been shown in research to increase nitrogen retention, lean muscle impact, and satiating ability (the feeling of fullness). This blend has also been specifically configured to provide both rapid and sustained additions to your body\u2019s amino acid profile \u2013 meaning your recovery is not only supported immediately after a session, when you most need it, but over time as well.<\/p> Best of all, we have moved to a fully transparent label for Core PRO. Meaning that not only do we disclose the protein sources themselves and their specific yields, but we have also disclosed the entire formula\u2019s amino acid profile. You can see, for example, that each serving yields a full 2.6g of leucine \u2013 a leucine dose supported in the literature to maximally increase muscle protein synthesis.<\/p> Cold-processed undenatured whey protein concentrate: Whey protein concentrate is probably the most common form of whey protein you will find. However, how it is processed is where the benefit truly lies. This process of cold processed undenaturization preserves the molecular structure of the amino acid particles as well as the immune boosting benefits that it contains. This undenatured protein is also a rich source of amino acids, including those needed for the synthesis of glutathione, which is an important antioxidant that can be depleted by stress (exercise stress included). This makes it a great foundation for your post workout recovery nutrition.<\/p> Cross-flow microfiltered whey protein isolate: whey protein isolate is an extremely \"clean\u201d form of whey protein. It yields a higher amount of amino acids, half of which are from the essential amino acids (cannot be made by the body). Microfiltration eliminates a large majority of the fat and lactose from the whey, which makes it easily digestible and quickly absorbed into the body. This cross-flow process uses a highly intricate method to isolate the protein. It is not subjected to chemicals and is thus left in its most natural state.<\/p> Milk Protein Isolate: milk protein isolate is obtained through the partial removal of non-protein materials from skim milk (lactose and other minerals). What you are left with is a dry product that contains more than 90% protein by weight. This product contains both casein and whey proteins in their original proportions found in milk, without combining separately produced casein and whey proteins. It contains very little fat and lactose and also has a very high amino acid composition making it a perfect addition to this blend.<\/p> This blend has also been specifically configured to provide both rapid and sustained additions to your body\u2019s amino acid profile \u2013 meaning your recovery is not only supported immediately after a session but will also carry you to your next meal. On top of that, our flavors are out of this world! We\u2019ve also boosted this protein blend with digestive enzymes that will provide you with all of the confidence that those nutrients you just supplied your body with will do their part in your quest for the optimal result!<\/p> One can easily make the argument that dietary enzymes \u2013 and in particular, digestive enzymes \u2013 are the most consistently underrated and overlooked component to a supplementation regimen. These powerful little protein structures influence or outright control a vast, complex network of bodily functions. In a fitness-specific context, digestive enzymes play an absolutely crucial role in the breaking down of dietary carbohydrates, fats, and proteins into their constitutive parts, and therefore allow your body to use them in various processes (glycogenesis, protein synthesis, etc).<\/p> Despite their critical function, many supplement companies overlook the necessity of digestive enzymes and do not include sufficient levels (and kinds) of enzymes in their products. For a whey product, in particular \u2013 a compound that requires significant digestion and breakdown \u2013 this is madness.<\/p> As usual, we take a much more comprehensive, clinical approach than the average. In Core PRO, we have included a digestive enzyme blend called DigeSEB comprised by amylases, proteases, lactases, amylases, and cellulases, allowing for a full and complete breakdown of all PRO\u2019s components. Research suggests that whey absorption through the blood is heavily impacted by its gastric digestibility. Using DigeSEB ensures that the protein \u2013 along with its milk and whey sugars and fats \u2013 are completely broken down.<\/p> DigeSEB ensures that Core PRO not only provides gourmet taste and clinical ingredients within the protein itself, but that your protein also increases the effectiveness of your pre and post-workout nutrition in general.<\/p> Coconut oil made of 100% Medium chain triglycerides has been shown to have the greatest health benefits. MCTs are made up of a chemical structure that allows them to quickly and effectively bypass gastric uptake for transport directly to the liver for oxidation and then used for energy. Their unusual chemical structure and metabolic process has resulted in MCTs being a focus for a wide range of therapeutic and exercise supplement uses.<\/p> In the context of exercise science, recent research has shown that MCTs significantly (up to 65%) increase resting energy expenditure, along with dose-dependently reducing fatty acid deposition in adipose tissue. These results suggest that MCTs are effectively increasing the body\u2019s metabolic response to food intake.<\/p>","gtin12":"658580070465","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/core-pro-coconut-cream-pi_1633975291-0.jpg"],"brand":"Core Nutritionals","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/31382\/core-nutritionals-pro-sustained-release-protein.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"44.99","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/31382\/core-nutritionals-pro-sustained-release-protein.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"Core Nutritionals PRO Sustained Release Protein Blend Fruit Cereal - 5 Lb","sku":"CU216","description":" Sustained Release Protein Blend<\/strong><\/p>\r\n You want to recover. You don’t want to gag while doing it.<\/p>\r\n We chose the protein blend and taste for Core PRO with that in mind. Our mix of proteins have a robust and complete amino acid profile that has been shown in research to increase lean muscle impact – while our flavoring tastes like a cheat!<\/p>\r\n What do you look for in a protein supplement? More importantly, what should you look for? Let’s be honest: in 2020, taste is paramount to the experience. Amazing taste was our priority for the reformulation of Core PRO – and we succeeded beyond our wildest dreams, if we say so ourselves.<\/p>\r\n But this is Core Nutritionals, meaning that function must always match taste and form. Core PRO is no different. While the protein blend in Core PRO was always industry-leading, we have made it even better. Our blend of whey concentrate, whey isolate, and milk protein isolate delivers smooth texture, fast and slow-digesting proteins, and a complete amino acid profile that suits your needs. In other words, have perfected the marriage of TASTE AND PERFORMANCE, and the result is Core PRO.<\/p>\r\n Core PRO is a clinical-strength, sustained release protein formula, specifically designed to keep you fueled with the right growth\/recovery agents over extended periods of time. This innovative blend provides the perfect arrangement of both fast-uptake and sustained-release proteins, from superior cold-processed whey proteins and micellar casein-rich milk protein sources. This strong synergistic blend helps promote optimal growth and recovery by providing the vital building blocks your body needs, exactly when you need them most. Our superior protein blend contains a generous array of BCAAs (branched-chain amino acids) in their naturally-occurring biological ratios, to delay fatigue and expedite your recovery.<\/p>\r\n The benefits don’t stop there. To make this the most effective recovery formula available, we’ve enhanced it with a powerful digestive enzyme blend, including protein-digesting proteases, to improve absorption and accelerate nutrient uptake. The beneficial fatty acids from MCTs (medium chain triglycerides) in Core PRO help preserve lean mass while unleashing your body’s natural metabolic potential. And unlike some formulas, you never have to worry about taking it at the wrong time. Staying fueled all day or overnight never tasted so good!<\/p>\r\n Here is a more complete breakdown of each protein source:<\/p>\r\n Cold-processed undenatured whey protein concentrate:<\/strong> <\/span>Whey protein concentrate is probably the most common form of whey protein you will find. However, how it is processed is where the benefit truly lies. This process of cold processed undenaturization preserves the molecular structure of the amino acid particles as well as the immune boosting benefits that it contains. This undenatured protein is also a rich source of amino acids, including those needed for the synthesis of glutathione, which is an important antioxidant that can be depleted by stress (exercise stress included). This makes it a great foundation for your post workout recovery nutrition.<\/p>\r\n Cross-flow microfiltered whey protein isolate:<\/strong> <\/span>whey protein isolate is an extremely “clean” form of whey protein. It yields a higher amount of amino acids, half of which are from the essential amino acids (cannot be made by the body). Microfiltration eliminates a large majority of the fat and lactose from the whey, which makes it easily digestible and quickly absorbed into the body. This cross-flow process uses a highly intricate method to isolate the protein. It is not subjected to chemicals and is thus left in its most natural state.<\/p>\r\n Milk Protein Isolate:<\/strong> <\/span>milk protein isolate is obtained through the partial removal of non-protein materials from skim milk (lactose and other minerals). What you are left with is a dry product that contains more than 90% protein by weight. This product contains both casein and whey proteins in their original proportions found in milk, without combining separately produced casein and whey proteins. It contains very little fat and lactose and also has a very high amino acid composition making it a perfect addition to this blend.<\/p>\r\n This blend has also been specifically configured to provide both rapid and sustained additions to your body’s amino acid profile – meaning your recovery is not only supported immediately after a session but will also carry you to your next meal. On top of that, our flavors are out of this world! We’ve also boosted this protein blend with digestive enzymes that will provide you with all of the confidence that those nutrients you just supplied your body with will do their part in your quest for the optimal result!<\/p>\r\n DigeSEB Digestive enzyme blend:<\/strong><\/p>\r\n One can easily make the argument that dietary enzymes – and in particular, digestive enzymes – are the most consistently underrated and overlooked component to a supplementation regimen. These powerful little protein structures influence or outright control a vast, complex network of bodily functions. In a fitness-specific context, digestive enzymes play an absolutely crucial role in the breaking down of dietary carbohydrates, fats, and proteins into their constitutive parts, and therefore allow your body to use them in various processes (glycogenesis, protein synthesis, etc).<\/p>\r\n Despite their critical function, many supplement companies overlook the necessity of digestive enzymes and do not include sufficient levels (and kinds) of enzymes in their products. For a whey product, in particular – a compound that requires significant digestion and breakdown – this is madness.<\/p>\r\n As usual, we take a much more comprehensive, clinical approach than the average. In Core PRO, we have included a digestive enzyme blend called DigeSEB comprised by amylases, proteases, lactases, amylases, and cellulases, allowing for a full and complete breakdown of all PRO’s components. Research suggests that whey absorption through the blood is heavily impacted by its gastric digestibility. Using DigeSEB ensures that the protein – along with its milk and whey sugars and fats – are completely broken down.<\/p>\r\n DigeSEB ensures that Core PRO not only provides gourmet taste and clinical ingredients within the protein itself, but that your protein also increases the effectiveness of your pre and post-workout nutrition in general.<\/p>\r\n Coconut Oil Creamer (Medium Chain Triglycerides):<\/strong><\/p>\r\n Coconut oil made of 100% Medium chain triglycerides has been shown to have the greatest health benefits. MCTs are made up of a chemical structure that allows them to quickly and effectively bypass gastric uptake for transport directly to the liver for oxidation and then used for energy. Their unusual chemical structure and metabolic process has resulted in MCTs being a focus for a wide range of therapeutic and exercise supplement uses.<\/p>\r\n In the context of exercise science, recent research has shown that MCTs significantly (up to 65%) increase resting energy expenditure, along with dose-dependently reducing fatty acid deposition in adipose tissue. These results suggest that MCTs are effectively increasing the body’s metabolic response to food intake.<\/p>\r\n <\/p>\r\n <\/p>","gtin12":"672975009861","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/core-nutritionals-pro-sus_2422-0.jpg"],"brand":"Core Nutritionals","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/29592\/core-nutritionals-pro-sustained-release-protein.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"89.99","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/29592\/core-nutritionals-pro-sustained-release-protein.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"Core Nutritionals PRO Sustained Release Protein Blend Peanut Butter & Jelly - 2 Lb","sku":"CU141","description":" You want to recover. You don\u2019t want to gag while doing it.<\/p> We chose the protein blend and taste for Core PRO with that in mind. Our mix of proteins have a robust and complete amino acid profile that has been shown in research to increase lean muscle impact \u2013 while our flavoring tastes like a cheat!<\/p> What do you look for in a protein supplement? More importantly, what should you look for? Let\u2019s be honest: in 2020, taste is paramount to the experience. Amazing taste was our priority for the reformulation of Core PRO \u2013 and we succeeded beyond our wildest dreams, if we say so ourselves.<\/p> But this is Core Nutritionals, meaning that function must always match taste and form. Core PRO is no different. While the protein blend in Core PRO was always industry-leading, we have made it even better. Our blend of whey concentrate, whey isolate, and milk protein isolate delivers smooth texture, fast and slow-digesting proteins, and a complete amino acid profile that suits your needs. In other words, have perfected the marriage of TASTE AND PERFORMANCE, and the result is Core PRO.<\/p> Core PRO is a clinical-strength, sustained release protein formula, specifically designed to keep you fueled with the right growth\/recovery agents over extended periods of time. This innovative blend provides the perfect arrangement of both fast-uptake and sustained-release proteins, from superior cold-processed whey proteins and micellar casein-rich milk protein sources. This strong synergistic blend helps promote optimal growth and recovery by providing the vital building blocks your body needs, exactly when you need them most. Our superior protein blend contains a generous array of BCAAs (branched-chain amino acids) in their naturally-occurring biological ratios, to delay fatigue and expedite your recovery.<\/p> The benefits don\u2019t stop there. To make this the most effective recovery formula available, we\u2019ve enhanced it with a powerful digestive enzyme blend, including protein-digesting proteases, to improve absorption and accelerate nutrient uptake. The beneficial fatty acids from MCTs (medium chain triglycerides) in Core PRO help preserve lean mass while unleashing your body\u2019s natural metabolic potential. And unlike some formulas, you never have to worry about taking it at the wrong time. Staying fueled all day or overnight never tasted so good!<\/p> We said above that protein powders need to \u2013 or at least should \u2013 have a purpose: to improve recovery times, and ultimately, body composition. But how does that occur? Or more specifically, what needs to happen in the body in order to recover from a workout, and subsequently improve body composition. To sum it up with one phrase, net protein balance needs to be positive.<\/p> When you vigorously train or exert yourself, a process called protein degradation (the breakdown of muscle protein) begins so that the body can fuel itself, and a process called muscle protein synthesis (the creation of muscle protein) slows down. Think of this like shutting off your engine (protein synthesis), in order to fuel your car (muscle protein breakdown). As this entire process plays out, the available pool of amino acids in skeletal muscle depletes, as they too are drawn in and broken down in the natural, catabolic process during exercise training.<\/p> While this situation is quite adequate during a training session, it\u2019s precisely the opposite of what we want afterwards. At that point, we want the available pool of amino acids to increase, protein degradation to slow or stop, and muscle protein synthesis to increase. Enter protein supplements. Protein powders are a quick, convenient way to rapidly increase the available pool of amino acids in skeletal muscle.<\/p> However, not all proteins are created equal when assessed within the matrix of molecular triggers, enzymes, and amino acids that constitute skeletal muscle protein synthesis. Low quality blends, fillers, masking agents, and the like reduce the net protein content of many protein products, ultimately reducing lean muscle impact.<\/p> A quality protein supplement not only contains a high amount of protein, but the protein sources from which it draws need to be themselves high quality \u2013 and the benefit a particular protein source has can be assessed by analyzing its amino acid profile. Human skeletal muscle makes the most use out of a few, particular amino acids (the BCAAs among them), and so a quality protein needs to have an amino acid profile that is optimal for this context.<\/p> We chose the protein blend for Core PRO with optimization in mind. Our mix of cold-processed undenatured whey protein concentrate, cross-flow microfiltered whey protein isolate, and milk protein isolate has a complete amino acid profile that has been shown in research to increase nitrogen retention, lean muscle impact, and satiating ability (the feeling of fullness). This blend has also been specifically configured to provide both rapid and sustained additions to your body\u2019s amino acid profile \u2013 meaning your recovery is not only supported immediately after a session, when you most need it, but over time as well.<\/p> Best of all, we have moved to a fully transparent label for Core PRO. Meaning that not only do we disclose the protein sources themselves and their specific yields, but we have also disclosed the entire formula\u2019s amino acid profile. You can see, for example, that each serving yields a full 2.6g of leucine \u2013 a leucine dose supported in the literature to maximally increase muscle protein synthesis.<\/p> Cold-processed undenatured whey protein concentrate: Whey protein concentrate is probably the most common form of whey protein you will find. However, how it is processed is where the benefit truly lies. This process of cold processed undenaturization preserves the molecular structure of the amino acid particles as well as the immune boosting benefits that it contains. This undenatured protein is also a rich source of amino acids, including those needed for the synthesis of glutathione, which is an important antioxidant that can be depleted by stress (exercise stress included). This makes it a great foundation for your post workout recovery nutrition.<\/p> Cross-flow microfiltered whey protein isolate: whey protein isolate is an extremely \"clean\u201d form of whey protein. It yields a higher amount of amino acids, half of which are from the essential amino acids (cannot be made by the body). Microfiltration eliminates a large majority of the fat and lactose from the whey, which makes it easily digestible and quickly absorbed into the body. This cross-flow process uses a highly intricate method to isolate the protein. It is not subjected to chemicals and is thus left in its most natural state.<\/p> Milk Protein Isolate: milk protein isolate is obtained through the partial removal of non-protein materials from skim milk (lactose and other minerals). What you are left with is a dry product that contains more than 90% protein by weight. This product contains both casein and whey proteins in their original proportions found in milk, without combining separately produced casein and whey proteins. It contains very little fat and lactose and also has a very high amino acid composition making it a perfect addition to this blend.<\/p> This blend has also been specifically configured to provide both rapid and sustained additions to your body\u2019s amino acid profile \u2013 meaning your recovery is not only supported immediately after a session but will also carry you to your next meal. On top of that, our flavors are out of this world! We\u2019ve also boosted this protein blend with digestive enzymes that will provide you with all of the confidence that those nutrients you just supplied your body with will do their part in your quest for the optimal result!<\/p> One can easily make the argument that dietary enzymes \u2013 and in particular, digestive enzymes \u2013 are the most consistently underrated and overlooked component to a supplementation regimen. These powerful little protein structures influence or outright control a vast, complex network of bodily functions. In a fitness-specific context, digestive enzymes play an absolutely crucial role in the breaking down of dietary carbohydrates, fats, and proteins into their constitutive parts, and therefore allow your body to use them in various processes (glycogenesis, protein synthesis, etc).<\/p> Despite their critical function, many supplement companies overlook the necessity of digestive enzymes and do not include sufficient levels (and kinds) of enzymes in their products. For a whey product, in particular \u2013 a compound that requires significant digestion and breakdown \u2013 this is madness.<\/p> As usual, we take a much more comprehensive, clinical approach than the average. In Core PRO, we have included a digestive enzyme blend called DigeSEB comprised by amylases, proteases, lactases, amylases, and cellulases, allowing for a full and complete breakdown of all PRO\u2019s components. Research suggests that whey absorption through the blood is heavily impacted by its gastric digestibility. Using DigeSEB ensures that the protein \u2013 along with its milk and whey sugars and fats \u2013 are completely broken down.<\/p> DigeSEB ensures that Core PRO not only provides gourmet taste and clinical ingredients within the protein itself, but that your protein also increases the effectiveness of your pre and post-workout nutrition in general.<\/p> Coconut oil made of 100% Medium chain triglycerides has been shown to have the greatest health benefits. MCTs are made up of a chemical structure that allows them to quickly and effectively bypass gastric uptake for transport directly to the liver for oxidation and then used for energy. Their unusual chemical structure and metabolic process has resulted in MCTs being a focus for a wide range of therapeutic and exercise supplement uses.<\/p> In the context of exercise science, recent research has shown that MCTs significantly (up to 65%) increase resting energy expenditure, along with dose-dependently reducing fatty acid deposition in adipose tissue. These results suggest that MCTs are effectively increasing the body\u2019s metabolic response to food intake.<\/p>","gtin12":"672975315870","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/pro-pb-j-70cda353-539e-42_1633975249-0.jpg"],"brand":"Core Nutritionals","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/31381\/core-nutritionals-pro-sustained-release-protein.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"44.99","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/31381\/core-nutritionals-pro-sustained-release-protein.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"Core Nutritionals PRO Sustained Release Protein Blend Vanilla Toffee Gaintime - 2 Lb","sku":"CU309","description":" Sustained Release Protein Blend You want to recover. You don\u2019t want to gag while doing it.<\/p> We chose the protein blend and taste for Core PRO with that in mind. Our mix of proteins have a robust and complete amino acid profile that has been shown in research to increase lean muscle impact \u2013 while our flavoring tastes like a cheat!<\/p> What do you look for in a protein supplement? More importantly, what should you look for? Let\u2019s be honest: in 2020, taste is paramount to the experience. Amazing taste was our priority for the reformulation of Core PRO \u2013 and we succeeded beyond our wildest dreams, if we say so ourselves.<\/p> But this is Core Nutritionals, meaning that function must always match taste and form. Core PRO is no different. While the protein blend in Core PRO was always industry-leading, we have made it even better. Our blend of whey concentrate, whey isolate, and milk protein isolate delivers smooth texture, fast and slow-digesting proteins, and a complete amino acid profile that suits your needs. In other words, have perfected the marriage of TASTE AND PERFORMANCE, and the result is Core PRO.<\/p> Core PRO is a clinical-strength, sustained release protein formula, specifically designed to keep you fueled with the right growth\/recovery agents over extended periods of time. This innovative blend provides the perfect arrangement of both fast-uptake and sustained-release proteins, from superior cold-processed whey proteins and micellar casein-rich milk protein sources. This strong synergistic blend helps promote optimal growth and recovery by providing the vital building blocks your body needs, exactly when you need them most. Our superior protein blend contains a generous array of BCAAs (branched-chain amino acids) in their naturally-occurring biological ratios, to delay fatigue and expedite your recovery.<\/p> The benefits don\u2019t stop there. To make this the most effective recovery formula available, we\u2019ve enhanced it with a powerful digestive enzyme blend, including protein-digesting proteases, to improve absorption and accelerate nutrient uptake. The beneficial fatty acids from MCTs (medium chain triglycerides) in Core PRO help preserve lean mass while unleashing your body\u2019s natural metabolic potential. And unlike some formulas, you never have to worry about taking it at the wrong time. Staying fueled all day or overnight never tasted so good!<\/p> We said above that protein powders need to \u2013 or at least should \u2013 have a purpose: to improve recovery times, and ultimately, body composition. But how does that occur? Or more specifically, what needs to happen in the body in order to recover from a workout, and subsequently improve body composition. To sum it up with one phrase, net protein balance needs to be positive.<\/p> When you vigorously train or exert yourself, a process called protein degradation (the breakdown of muscle protein) begins so that the body can fuel itself, and a process called muscle protein synthesis (the creation of muscle protein) slows down. Think of this like shutting off your engine (protein synthesis), in order to fuel your car (muscle protein breakdown). As this entire process plays out, the available pool of amino acids in skeletal muscle depletes, as they too are drawn in and broken down in the natural, catabolic process during exercise training.<\/p> While this situation is quite adequate during a training session, it\u2019s precisely the opposite of what we want afterwards. At that point, we want the available pool of amino acids to increase, protein degradation to slow or stop, and muscle protein synthesis to increase. Enter protein supplements. Protein powders are a quick, convenient way to rapidly increase the available pool of amino acids in skeletal muscle.<\/p> However, not all proteins are created equal when assessed within the matrix of molecular triggers, enzymes, and amino acids that constitute skeletal muscle protein synthesis. Low quality blends, fillers, masking agents, and the like reduce the net protein content of many protein products, ultimately reducing lean muscle impact.<\/p> A quality protein supplement not only contains a high amount of protein, but the protein sources from which it draws need to be themselves high quality \u2013 and the benefit a particular protein source has can be assessed by analyzing its amino acid profile. Human skeletal muscle makes the most use out of a few, particular amino acids (the BCAAs among them), and so a quality protein needs to have an amino acid profile that is optimal for this context.<\/p> We chose the protein blend for Core PRO with optimization in mind. Our mix of cold-processed undenatured whey protein concentrate, cross-flow microfiltered whey protein isolate, and milk protein isolate has a complete amino acid profile that has been shown in research to increase nitrogen retention, lean muscle impact, and satiating ability (the feeling of fullness). This blend has also been specifically configured to provide both rapid and sustained additions to your body\u2019s amino acid profile \u2013 meaning your recovery is not only supported immediately after a session, when you most need it, but over time as well.<\/p> Best of all, we have moved to a fully transparent label for Core PRO. Meaning that not only do we disclose the protein sources themselves and their specific yields, but we have also disclosed the entire formula\u2019s amino acid profile. You can see, for example, that each serving yields a full 2.6g of leucine \u2013 a leucine dose supported in the literature to maximally increase muscle protein synthesis.<\/p> Cold-processed undenatured whey protein concentrate: Whey protein concentrate is probably the most common form of whey protein you will find. However, how it is processed is where the benefit truly lies. This process of cold processed undenaturization preserves the molecular structure of the amino acid particles as well as the immune boosting benefits that it contains. This undenatured protein is also a rich source of amino acids, including those needed for the synthesis of glutathione, which is an important antioxidant that can be depleted by stress (exercise stress included). This makes it a great foundation for your post workout recovery nutrition.<\/p> Cross-flow microfiltered whey protein isolate: whey protein isolate is an extremely \"clean\u201d form of whey protein. It yields a higher amount of amino acids, half of which are from the essential amino acids (cannot be made by the body). Microfiltration eliminates a large majority of the fat and lactose from the whey, which makes it easily digestible and quickly absorbed into the body. This cross-flow process uses a highly intricate method to isolate the protein. It is not subjected to chemicals and is thus left in its most natural state.<\/p> Milk Protein Isolate: milk protein isolate is obtained through the partial removal of non-protein materials from skim milk (lactose and other minerals). What you are left with is a dry product that contains more than 90% protein by weight. This product contains both casein and whey proteins in their original proportions found in milk, without combining separately produced casein and whey proteins. It contains very little fat and lactose and also has a very high amino acid composition making it a perfect addition to this blend.<\/p> This blend has also been specifically configured to provide both rapid and sustained additions to your body\u2019s amino acid profile \u2013 meaning your recovery is not only supported immediately after a session but will also carry you to your next meal. On top of that, our flavors are out of this world! We\u2019ve also boosted this protein blend with digestive enzymes that will provide you with all of the confidence that those nutrients you just supplied your body with will do their part in your quest for the optimal result!<\/p> One can easily make the argument that dietary enzymes \u2013 and in particular, digestive enzymes \u2013 are the most consistently underrated and overlooked component to a supplementation regimen. These powerful little protein structures influence or outright control a vast, complex network of bodily functions. In a fitness-specific context, digestive enzymes play an absolutely crucial role in the breaking down of dietary carbohydrates, fats, and proteins into their constitutive parts, and therefore allow your body to use them in various processes (glycogenesis, protein synthesis, etc).<\/p> Despite their critical function, many supplement companies overlook the necessity of digestive enzymes and do not include sufficient levels (and kinds) of enzymes in their products. For a whey product, in particular \u2013 a compound that requires significant digestion and breakdown \u2013 this is madness.<\/p> As usual, we take a much more comprehensive, clinical approach than the average. In Core PRO, we have included a digestive enzyme blend called DigeSEB comprised by amylases, proteases, lactases, amylases, and cellulases, allowing for a full and complete breakdown of all PRO\u2019s components. Research suggests that whey absorption through the blood is heavily impacted by its gastric digestibility. Using DigeSEB ensures that the protein \u2013 along with its milk and whey sugars and fats \u2013 are completely broken down.<\/p> DigeSEB ensures that Core PRO not only provides gourmet taste and clinical ingredients within the protein itself, but that your protein also increases the effectiveness of your pre and post-workout nutrition in general.<\/p> Coconut oil made of 100% Medium chain triglycerides has been shown to have the greatest health benefits. MCTs are made up of a chemical structure that allows them to quickly and effectively bypass gastric uptake for transport directly to the liver for oxidation and then used for energy. Their unusual chemical structure and metabolic process has resulted in MCTs being a focus for a wide range of therapeutic and exercise supplement uses.<\/p> In the context of exercise science, recent research has shown that MCTs significantly (up to 65%) increase resting energy expenditure, along with dose-dependently reducing fatty acid deposition in adipose tissue. These results suggest that MCTs are effectively increasing the body\u2019s metabolic response to food intake.<\/p>","gtin12":"672975315764","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/core-pro-vanilla-togge-ga_1626371795-0.jpg"],"brand":"Core Nutritionals","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/31129\/core-nutritionals-pro-sustained-release-protein.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"44.99","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/31129\/core-nutritionals-pro-sustained-release-protein.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"Core Nutritionals Prostate - 150 Capsules","sku":"CU318","description":" It is critical to maintain healthy, normal prostate function. As men age, maintaining this function becomes more difficult, at which point a robust supplement regimen can assist in promoting proper prostate health. Many supplements on the market now focus on single ingredients, ignoring that prostate health is a multi-faceted problem that requires a multi-faceted solution. In typical Core Nutritionals style, we scoured the research to find a constellation of ingredients that address every major pathway of prostate health. We are supremely confident that Core PROSTATE is the premier solution in maintaining normal, proper prostate health.<\/p> Pumpkin Seed Oil Powder (Cucurbita pepo)<\/p> Pumpkin seed has been used in the medical treatment realm for decades, especially for its noted benefits towards prostate health improvement. The fatty acids contained in pumpkin seeds, especially delta-7-sterols, tocopherols, and other micronutrients have shown specific promise in optimizing normal prostate function. A 2014 randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study looked at the effects of different administrations on subjects. Subjects were split and received either sweet potato starch, pumpkin seed oil, saw palmetto oil, and pumpkin seed oil with saw palmetto oil. What the results showed was that the group given pumpkin seed oil noticed improvements in quality of life and improvements in maximal urinary flow. These same improvements were also shown in the combined pumpkin seed oil and saw palmetto oil group making them both reputable complimentary products that can benefit the health of the prostate.<\/p> One of the primary mechanisms of action for pumpkin seeds is to block the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone, inhibiting the enzyme 5-\u03b1-reductase. Dihydrotestosterone is classified as a powerful metabolite of testosterone with critical functions as an androgen. While androgens can be beneficial for men, when they get too high, they can negatively affect certain parts of the human body, including the prostate, leading to issues such as less than optimal prostate function. Maintaining normal levels of dihydrotestosterone in the prostate is therefore a paramount property to maintaining the normal function of the prostate.<\/p> Zinc is also critical to normal prostate function. In fact, a normal functioning prostate has the highest levels of zinc in the body. A 2011 human study found an increase in urinary zinc excretion. Pumpkin seeds are naturally high in zinc, leading to their consumption could be beneficial to extract their prostate health improving properties.<\/p> Saw Palmetto Extract (Serenoa repens) (fruit) (85% Total Fatty Acids)<\/p> Saw Palmetto is a traditional herb that grows in the Southern coastal regions of the United States that has been often used to maintain normal, healthy prostate function. Growth of the prostate is believed to happen through the action of 5\u03b1-reductase, which catalyzes the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone. Dihydrotestosterone binds to nuclear androgen receptors and activates the transcription of androgen-regulated genes that are mitogenic to both epithelial and stromal cells. Due to the fact that the development and growth of the prostate gland depend on androgen stimulation, the mechanisms of action of saw palmetto include several antiandrogenic effects, such as inhibition of 5\u03b1-reductase I and II and inhibition of binding of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) to the cytosolic androgen receptors, anti-proliferative effects and anti-inflammatory effects. Several studies have shown that saw palmetto, and the mechanisms of action listed above may positively influence the prostate by helping to maintain its optimal size and function, which then equates to a healthy urinary flow and frequency.<\/p> Stinging Nettle Extract (Urtica dioica) (root) (20:1)<\/p> Stinging nettle has been widely used is traditional medicine for its benefits as a diuretic and to treat things like joint pain, eczema, arthritis, gout, and anemia. More recently, stinging nettle has been utilized for the purpose of maintaining normal urinary flow and contributing to a healthy, optimal functioning prostate. Stinging nettle has also showed effectiveness when used in combination with other herbs, like saw palmetto (above). Human studies have shown this effectiveness in these areas, like urinary flow maintenance, through their specific mechanisms of action, which were discussed in the paragraph above. The mechanism of action for stinging nettle is still somewhat unclear but it seems likely that sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), aromatase (the key enzyme in estrogen biosynthesis), epidermal growth factor and prostate steroid membrane receptors are involved in the anti-prostatic effect. While the mechanism of action may be unclear at the present moment, the success of stinging nettle in human studies makes it a promising application for maintaining normal prostate health and function.<\/p> Pygeum Bark Extract (Pygeum africanum) (3% Phytosterols)<\/p> The bark of Pygeum africanum, also known as the African prune tree native to tropical Africa, is a compound that has often been utilized for its benefits in maintaining prostate health. The mechanism of action for pygeum remains somewhat unclear. Studies utilizing pygeum bark have also shown promise in their benefits in support the maintenance of prostate health both in vitro and in vivo. In one in vitro study in particular, results showed that pygeum bark extract was able to inhibit the growth of PC-3 and LNCaP cells, as well as induce apoptosis and altered cell kinetics, and downregulated ERalpha and PKC-alpha protein. In vivo, utilizing TRAMP mice, the application of pygeum bark extract showed a significant reduction (35%) in prostate cancer incidence compared to mice fed another substance. Another analysis looking at 18 randomized controlled trials looked at the how pygeum africanum benefitted men and prostate health. Pygeum was shown to provide a large improvement in urinary function and flow measures when compared to other men in the study not administered pygeum. Men using pygeum africanum also noticed nocturia was reduced by 19%, residual volume of urine reduced by 24%, and peak urine flow increased by 23%. These results leave pygeum administration as a potentially beneficial application for those looking to maintain normal prostate function.<\/p> Beta-Sitosterol (40%)<\/p> \u03b2-sitosterol is the most abundant plant sterol in the human diet and is also the major component of several traditional medicines, including saw palmetto and devil\u2019s claw. It is believed to help maintain prostate function by aiding in the and ease of urinary flow. A few studies have been conducted on BS effectiveness on urinary system function and flow with promising results. One randomized placebo-controlled study on men showed promising results on these issues. Results revealed that men administered \u03b2-sitosterol noticed a more efficient flow measure and increased prostate function. While \u03b2-sitosterol can benefit from more studies, the current studies show promise and ability to work in synergy with the other components of Core\u2019s comprehensive prostate function formula.<\/p> Lycopene (Lycopersicon esculentum) (fruit)<\/p> Lycopene, a carotenoid found largely in tomato, pink grapefruit, and watermelon, is a natural and effective nutrient that has been able to show ability in supporting optimal prostate function. Several studies have been conducted showing lycopene\u2019s effectiveness in maintaining this prostate function in both in-vivo and in-vitro conditions. Results of these studies showed that lycopene was able to inhibit prostatic IGF-I signaling, IL-6 expression, and androgen signaling. Lycopene was also able to show improvements in gap-junctional communication and oxidative defense genes, which can be essential for maintaining prostate function.<\/p> Boron (as Albion\u00ae Boroganic Glycine)<\/p> Boron is a mineral present in multiple fruits, vegetables, tubers, and drinking water, though it is not widely accepted as either an essential mineral or essential vitamin. Boron affects a few physiological functions in the body, particularly modulating hormonal homeostasis.<\/p> While still emerging, recent data suggest that boron may play a role in potentiating free testosterone levels in healthy men. In one study, otherwise healthy men were provided an acute serving of boron and had their free and total levels of testosterone, alone with SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin) and DHT (dihydrotestosterone) levels measured. In that study, total testosterone was unaltered, but free testosterone was enhanced by 14%, while SHBG was significantly (9%) reduced. Boron has also shown substantial evidence in playing a role in supporting normal prostate function, specifically through lowering PSA (prostate specific antigen), which can be a marker for prostate abnormality advancement. Other studies have shown the effectiveness of adequate boron levels on optimizing prostate health. One human study concluded that men who ingested the greatest amount of boron in their diet were 54% less likely to be at risk of prostate related issues when compared to the lowest intake.<\/p>","gtin12":"658580070571","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/prostate1-1800x1800_1636213638-0.jpg"],"brand":"Core Nutritionals","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/31447\/core-nutritionals-prostate-90-cap.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"54.99","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/31447\/core-nutritionals-prostate-90-cap.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"Core Nutritionals PUDD'N Chocolate Moose Tracks - 17 Servings","sku":"CU346","description":" Raise your hand if you enjoyed single serving cups of PUDDN as a kid. Now... raise your hand if you want to enjoy PUDDN as an adult. Well, your wait is over. Introducing Core PUDDN!<\/p> With Core PUDDN, we chose the protein blend and flavors with your inner child in mind. Our mix of casein protein, whey concentrate, and milk protein isolate creates a robust and complete amino acid profile that has been shown in research to increase lean muscle growth. This specific protein blend along with added coconut oil creamer creates an amazingly smooth and velvety texture. Then we added decadent confectionary inclusions that will explode with flavor in every bite. You\u2019ll easily be thinking your cheating on your diet with this PUDDN.<\/p> We challenge you to find another night time protein blend that checks off all of these boxes. Texture, flavor, added inclusions\u2026 the last thing you want to do is have to choke down some rough tasting protein powder with a chalky texture just to ensure your body is nourished while you sleep. Well, now you can enjoy a decadent dessert like treat while you get ready to go dream about making gains! Grab yourself some Core PUDDN!!!<\/p> Casein protein is the protein primarily found in the curds of milk and is roughly 75-80% of all milk proteins. Casein provides all essential amino acids, except cysteine, and has a high digestibility and bioavailability, making it a high-quality protein source to ingest. While whey protein contains a higher proportion of leucine, isoleucine, and valine, casein contains a higher proportion of other non-essential amino acids making them great compliments when they are combined in consumption (which will be discussed below).<\/p> Casein exhibits a slow absorption and release of amino acids in to the body. This slow release contrasts the relatively efficient release of your standard whey protein concentrate. Due to this, casein has often been touted as the perfect \u201cbedtime protein\u201d so that the slow, yet steady release of amino acids can occur when the body is not in an active state for a lengthy period of time. The benefits of this allow for the body to remain satiated with amino acids through the night as well as increase muscle protein synthesis to maximize muscle recovery. Consumption of casein and whey protein before bed also has positive influence on the next morning resting metabolic rate. Several studies have demonstrated the positive benefits of consuming casein and post-exercise recovery. Although one can make the argument that any protein intake post exercise will increase recovery. The most important thing to remember is that any protein intake prior to sleep will be beneficial but the benefit of a slow releasing protein through the night can keep muscle satiated through the night when nutrients are needed for recovery.<\/p> Whey protein concentrate is probably the most common form of whey protein you will find. However, how it is processed is where the benefit truly lies. This process of cold processed undenaturization preserves the molecular structure of the amino acid particles as well as the immune boosting benefits that it contains. This undenatured protein is also a rich source of amino acids, including those needed for the synthesis of glutathione, which is an important antioxidant that can be depleted by stress (exercise stress included). This makes it a great foundation for your post workout recovery nutrition.<\/p> Coconut oil made of 100% Medium chain triglycerides has been shown to have the greatest health benefits. MCTs are made up of a chemical structure that allows them to quickly and effectively bypass gastric uptake for transport directly to the liver for oxidation and then used for energy. Their unusual chemical structure and metabolic process has resulted in MCTs being a focus for a wide range of therapeutic and exercise supplement uses.<\/p> In the context of exercise science, recent research has shown that MCTs significantly (up to 65%) increase resting energy expenditure, along with dose-dependently reducing fatty acid deposition in adipose tissue. These results suggest that MCTs are effectively increasing the body\u2019s metabolic response to food intake.<\/p> Milk protein isolate is obtained through the partial removal of non-protein materials from skim milk (lactose and other minerals). What you are left with is a dry product that contains more than 90% protein by weight. This product contains both casein and whey proteins in their original proportions found in milk, without combining separately produced casein and whey proteins. It contains very little fat and lactose and also has a very high amino acid composition making it a perfect addition to this blend.<\/p> This blend has also been specifically configured to provide both rapid and sustained additions to your body\u2019s amino acid profile \u2013 meaning your recovery is not only supported immediately after a session but will also carry you to your next meal. On top of that, our flavors are out of this world! We\u2019ve also boosted this protein blend with digestive enzymes that will provide you with all of the confidence that those nutrients you just supplied your body with will do their part in your quest for the optimal result!<\/p> One can easily make the argument that dietary enzymes \u2013 and in particular, digestive enzymes \u2013 are the most consistently underrated and overlooked component to a supplementation regimen. These powerful little protein structures influence or outright control a vast, complex network of bodily functions. In a fitness-specific context, digestive enzymes play an absolutely crucial role in the breaking down of dietary carbohydrates, fats, and proteins into their constitutive parts, and therefore allow your body to use them in various processes (glycogenesis, protein synthesis, etc.).<\/p> Despite their critical function, many supplement companies overlook the necessity of digestive enzymes and do not include sufficient levels (and kinds) of enzymes in their products. For a whey product, in particular \u2013 a compound that requires significant digestion and breakdown \u2013 this is madness.<\/p> As usual, we take a much more comprehensive, clinical approach than the average. In Core PUDDN, we have included a digestive enzyme blend called DigeSEB\u2122 comprised by amylases, proteases, lactases, amylases, and cellulases, allowing for a full and complete breakdown of all PRO\u2019s components. Research suggests that whey absorption through the blood is heavily impacted by its gastric digestibility. Using DigeSEB\u2122 ensures that the protein \u2013 along with its milk and whey sugars and fats \u2013 are completely broken down.<\/p> DigeSEB\u2122 ensures that Core PUDDN not only provides gourmet taste and clinical ingredients within the protein itself, but that your protein also increases the effectiveness of your pre and post-workout nutrition in general.<\/p> Label is for Rocky Road flavor. Other flavors might vary slightly.<\/p>","gtin12":"658580071479","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/choc-moose-track_1677621706-0.jpg"],"brand":"Core Nutritionals","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/32879\/core-nutritionals-puddn-chocolate-moose-tracks-27.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"44.99","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/32879\/core-nutritionals-puddn-chocolate-moose-tracks-27.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/OutOfStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"Core Nutritionals PUDD'N Cookie Dough'N Cream - 27 Servings","sku":"CU324","description":" Raise your hand if you enjoyed single serving cups of PUDDN as a kid. Now\u2026 raise your hand if you want to enjoy PUDDN as an adult. Well, your wait is over. Introducing Core PUDDN!<\/p> With Core PUDDN, we chose the protein blend and flavors with your inner child in mind. Our mix of casein protein, whey concentrate, and milk protein isolate creates a robust and complete amino acid profile that has been shown in research to increase lean muscle growth. This specific protein blend along with added coconut oil creamer creates an amazingly smooth and velvety texture. Then we added decadent confectionary inclusions that will explode with flavor in every bite. You\u2019ll easily be thinking your cheating on your diet with this PUDDN.<\/p> We challenge you to find another night time protein blend that checks off all of these boxes. Texture, flavor, added inclusions\u2026 the last thing you want to do is have to choke down some rough tasting protein powder with a chalky texture just to ensure your body is nourished while you sleep. Well, now you can enjoy a decadent dessert like treat while you get ready to go dream about making gains! Grab yourself some Core PUDDN!!!<\/p> Casein protein is the protein primarily found in the curds of milk and is roughly 75-80% of all milk proteins. Casein provides all essential amino acids, except cysteine, and has a high digestibility and bioavailability, making it a high-quality protein source to ingest. While whey protein contains a higher proportion of leucine, isoleucine, and valine, casein contains a higher proportion of other non-essential amino acids making them great compliments when they are combined in consumption (which will be discussed below).<\/p> Casein exhibits a slow absorption and release of amino acids in to the body. This slow release contrasts the relatively efficient release of your standard whey protein concentrate. Due to this, casein has often been touted as the perfect \u201cbedtime protein\u201d so that the slow, yet steady release of amino acids can occur when the body is not in an active state for a lengthy period of time. The benefits of this allow for the body to remain satiated with amino acids through the night as well as increase muscle protein synthesis to maximize muscle recovery. Consumption of casein and whey protein before bed also has positive influence on the next morning resting metabolic rate. Several studies have demonstrated the positive benefits of consuming casein and post-exercise recovery. Although one can make the argument that any protein intake post exercise will increase recovery. The most important thing to remember is that any protein intake prior to sleep will be beneficial but the benefit of a slow releasing protein through the night can keep muscle satiated through the night when nutrients are needed for recovery.<\/p> Whey protein concentrate is probably the most common form of whey protein you will find. However, how it is processed is where the benefit truly lies. This process of cold processed undenaturization preserves the molecular structure of the amino acid particles as well as the immune boosting benefits that it contains. This undenatured protein is also a rich source of amino acids, including those needed for the synthesis of glutathione, which is an important antioxidant that can be depleted by stress (exercise stress included). This makes it a great foundation for your post workout recovery nutrition.<\/p> Coconut oil made of 100% Medium chain triglycerides has been shown to have the greatest health benefits. MCTs are made up of a chemical structure that allows them to quickly and effectively bypass gastric uptake for transport directly to the liver for oxidation and then used for energy. Their unusual chemical structure and metabolic process has resulted in MCTs being a focus for a wide range of therapeutic and exercise supplement uses.<\/p> In the context of exercise science, recent research has shown that MCTs significantly (up to 65%) increase resting energy expenditure, along with dose-dependently reducing fatty acid deposition in adipose tissue. These results suggest that MCTs are effectively increasing the body\u2019s metabolic response to food intake.<\/p> Milk protein isolate is obtained through the partial removal of non-protein materials from skim milk (lactose and other minerals). What you are left with is a dry product that contains more than 90% protein by weight. This product contains both casein and whey proteins in their original proportions found in milk, without combining separately produced casein and whey proteins. It contains very little fat and lactose and also has a very high amino acid composition making it a perfect addition to this blend.<\/p> This blend has also been specifically configured to provide both rapid and sustained additions to your body\u2019s amino acid profile \u2013 meaning your recovery is not only supported immediately after a session but will also carry you to your next meal. On top of that, our flavors are out of this world! We\u2019ve also boosted this protein blend with digestive enzymes that will provide you with all of the confidence that those nutrients you just supplied your body with will do their part in your quest for the optimal result!<\/p> One can easily make the argument that dietary enzymes \u2013 and in particular, digestive enzymes \u2013 are the most consistently underrated and overlooked component to a supplementation regimen. These powerful little protein structures influence or outright control a vast, complex network of bodily functions. In a fitness-specific context, digestive enzymes play an absolutely crucial role in the breaking down of dietary carbohydrates, fats, and proteins into their constitutive parts, and therefore allow your body to use them in various processes (glycogenesis, protein synthesis, etc.).<\/p> Despite their critical function, many supplement companies overlook the necessity of digestive enzymes and do not include sufficient levels (and kinds) of enzymes in their products. For a whey product, in particular \u2013 a compound that requires significant digestion and breakdown \u2013 this is madness.<\/p> As usual, we take a much more comprehensive, clinical approach than the average. In Core PUDDN, we have included a digestive enzyme blend called DigeSEB\u2122 comprised by amylases, proteases, lactases, amylases, and cellulases, allowing for a full and complete breakdown of all PRO\u2019s components. Research suggests that whey absorption through the blood is heavily impacted by its gastric digestibility. Using DigeSEB\u2122 ensures that the protein \u2013 along with its milk and whey sugars and fats \u2013 are completely broken down.<\/p> DigeSEB\u2122 ensures that Core PUDDN not only provides gourmet taste and clinical ingredients within the protein itself, but that your protein also increases the effectiveness of your pre and post-workout nutrition in general.<\/p>","gtin12":"658580070601","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/puddn-cookie-dough-1800x1_1647275194-0.jpg"],"brand":"Core Nutritionals","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/31835\/core-nutritionals-puddn-cookie-doughn-cream-27.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"44.99","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/31835\/core-nutritionals-puddn-cookie-doughn-cream-27.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"Core Nutritionals PUDD'N Fluffernilla - 27 Servings","sku":"CU322","description":" Raise your hand if you enjoyed single serving cups of PUDDN as a kid. Now\u2026 raise your hand if you want to enjoy PUDDN as an adult. Well, your wait is over. Introducing Core PUDDN!<\/p> With Core PUDDN, we chose the protein blend and flavors with your inner child in mind. Our mix of casein protein, whey concentrate, and milk protein isolate creates a robust and complete amino acid profile that has been shown in research to increase lean muscle growth. This specific protein blend along with added coconut oil creamer creates an amazingly smooth and velvety texture. Then we added decadent confectionary inclusions that will explode with flavor in every bite. You\u2019ll easily be thinking your cheating on your diet with this PUDDN.<\/p> We challenge you to find another night time protein blend that checks off all of these boxes. Texture, flavor, added inclusions\u2026 the last thing you want to do is have to choke down some rough tasting protein powder with a chalky texture just to ensure your body is nourished while you sleep. Well, now you can enjoy a decadent dessert like treat while you get ready to go dream about making gains! Grab yourself some Core PUDDN!!!<\/p> Casein protein is the protein primarily found in the curds of milk and is roughly 75-80% of all milk proteins. Casein provides all essential amino acids, except cysteine, and has a high digestibility and bioavailability, making it a high-quality protein source to ingest. While whey protein contains a higher proportion of leucine, isoleucine, and valine, casein contains a higher proportion of other non-essential amino acids making them great compliments when they are combined in consumption (which will be discussed below).<\/p> Casein exhibits a slow absorption and release of amino acids in to the body. This slow release contrasts the relatively efficient release of your standard whey protein concentrate. Due to this, casein has often been touted as the perfect \u201cbedtime protein\u201d so that the slow, yet steady release of amino acids can occur when the body is not in an active state for a lengthy period of time. The benefits of this allow for the body to remain satiated with amino acids through the night as well as increase muscle protein synthesis to maximize muscle recovery. Consumption of casein and whey protein before bed also has positive influence on the next morning resting metabolic rate. Several studies have demonstrated the positive benefits of consuming casein and post-exercise recovery. Although one can make the argument that any protein intake post exercise will increase recovery. The most important thing to remember is that any protein intake prior to sleep will be beneficial but the benefit of a slow releasing protein through the night can keep muscle satiated through the night when nutrients are needed for recovery.<\/p> Whey protein concentrate is probably the most common form of whey protein you will find. However, how it is processed is where the benefit truly lies. This process of cold processed undenaturization preserves the molecular structure of the amino acid particles as well as the immune boosting benefits that it contains. This undenatured protein is also a rich source of amino acids, including those needed for the synthesis of glutathione, which is an important antioxidant that can be depleted by stress (exercise stress included). This makes it a great foundation for your post workout recovery nutrition.<\/p> Coconut oil made of 100% Medium chain triglycerides has been shown to have the greatest health benefits. MCTs are made up of a chemical structure that allows them to quickly and effectively bypass gastric uptake for transport directly to the liver for oxidation and then used for energy. Their unusual chemical structure and metabolic process has resulted in MCTs being a focus for a wide range of therapeutic and exercise supplement uses.<\/p> In the context of exercise science, recent research has shown that MCTs significantly (up to 65%) increase resting energy expenditure, along with dose-dependently reducing fatty acid deposition in adipose tissue. These results suggest that MCTs are effectively increasing the body\u2019s metabolic response to food intake.<\/p> milk protein isolate is obtained through the partial removal of non-protein materials from skim milk (lactose and other minerals). What you are left with is a dry product that contains more than 90% protein by weight. This product contains both casein and whey proteins in their original proportions found in milk, without combining separately produced casein and whey proteins. It contains very little fat and lactose and also has a very high amino acid composition making it a perfect addition to this blend.<\/p> This blend has also been specifically configured to provide both rapid and sustained additions to your body\u2019s amino acid profile \u2013 meaning your recovery is not only supported immediately after a session but will also carry you to your next meal. On top of that, our flavors are out of this world! We\u2019ve also boosted this protein blend with digestive enzymes that will provide you with all of the confidence that those nutrients you just supplied your body with will do their part in your quest for the optimal result!<\/p> One can easily make the argument that dietary enzymes \u2013 and in particular, digestive enzymes \u2013 are the most consistently underrated and overlooked component to a supplementation regimen. These powerful little protein structures influence or outright control a vast, complex network of bodily functions. In a fitness-specific context, digestive enzymes play an absolutely crucial role in the breaking down of dietary carbohydrates, fats, and proteins into their constitutive parts, and therefore allow your body to use them in various processes (glycogenesis, protein synthesis, etc.).<\/p> Despite their critical function, many supplement companies overlook the necessity of digestive enzymes and do not include sufficient levels (and kinds) of enzymes in their products. For a whey product, in particular \u2013 a compound that requires significant digestion and breakdown \u2013 this is madness.<\/p> As usual, we take a much more comprehensive, clinical approach than the average. In Core PUDDN, we have included a digestive enzyme blend called DigeSEB\u2122 comprised by amylases, proteases, lactases, amylases, and cellulases, allowing for a full and complete breakdown of all PRO\u2019s components. Research suggests that whey absorption through the blood is heavily impacted by its gastric digestibility. Using DigeSEB\u2122 ensures that the protein \u2013 along with its milk and whey sugars and fats \u2013 are completely broken down.<\/p> DigeSEB\u2122 ensures that Core PUDDN not only provides gourmet taste and clinical ingredients within the protein itself, but that your protein also increases the effectiveness of your pre and post-workout nutrition in general.<\/p> Label is for Rocky Road flavor. Other flavors might vary slightly.<\/p>","gtin12":"658580070618","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/puddn-fluffernilla-1800x1_1647275064-0.jpg"],"brand":"Core Nutritionals","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/31833\/core-nutritionals-puddn-fluffernilla-27-servings.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"44.99","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/31833\/core-nutritionals-puddn-fluffernilla-27-servings.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/OutOfStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"Core Nutritionals PUDD'N Original Moose Tracks - 17 Servings","sku":"CU347","description":" Raise your hand if you enjoyed single serving cups of PUDDN as a kid. Now\u2026 raise your hand if you want to enjoy PUDDN as an adult. Well, your wait is over. Introducing Core PUDDN!<\/p> With Core PUDDN, we chose the protein blend and flavors with your inner child in mind. Our mix of casein protein, whey concentrate, and milk protein isolate creates a robust and complete amino acid profile that has been shown in research to increase lean muscle growth. This specific protein blend along with added coconut oil creamer creates an amazingly smooth and velvety texture. Then we added decadent confectionary inclusions that will explode with flavor in every bite. You\u2019ll easily be thinking your cheating on your diet with this PUDDN.<\/p> We challenge you to find another night time protein blend that checks off all of these boxes. Texture, flavor, added inclusions\u2026 the last thing you want to do is have to choke down some rough tasting protein powder with a chalky texture just to ensure your body is nourished while you sleep. Well, now you can enjoy a decadent dessert like treat while you get ready to go dream about making gains! Grab yourself some Core PUDDN!!!<\/p> Casein protein is the protein primarily found in the curds of milk and is roughly 75-80% of all milk proteins. Casein provides all essential amino acids, except cysteine, and has a high digestibility and bioavailability, making it a high-quality protein source to ingest. While whey protein contains a higher proportion of leucine, isoleucine, and valine, casein contains a higher proportion of other non-essential amino acids making them great compliments when they are combined in consumption (which will be discussed below).<\/p> Casein exhibits a slow absorption and release of amino acids in to the body. This slow release contrasts the relatively efficient release of your standard whey protein concentrate. Due to this, casein has often been touted as the perfect \u201cbedtime protein\u201d so that the slow, yet steady release of amino acids can occur when the body is not in an active state for a lengthy period of time. The benefits of this allow for the body to remain satiated with amino acids through the night as well as increase muscle protein synthesis to maximize muscle recovery. Consumption of casein and whey protein before bed also has positive influence on the next morning resting metabolic rate. Several studies have demonstrated the positive benefits of consuming casein and post-exercise recovery. Although one can make the argument that any protein intake post exercise will increase recovery. The most important thing to remember is that any protein intake prior to sleep will be beneficial but the benefit of a slow releasing protein through the night can keep muscle satiated through the night when nutrients are needed for recovery.<\/p> Whey protein concentrate is probably the most common form of whey protein you will find. However, how it is processed is where the benefit truly lies. This process of cold processed undenaturization preserves the molecular structure of the amino acid particles as well as the immune boosting benefits that it contains. This undenatured protein is also a rich source of amino acids, including those needed for the synthesis of glutathione, which is an important antioxidant that can be depleted by stress (exercise stress included). This makes it a great foundation for your post workout recovery nutrition.<\/p> Coconut oil made of 100% Medium chain triglycerides has been shown to have the greatest health benefits. MCTs are made up of a chemical structure that allows them to quickly and effectively bypass gastric uptake for transport directly to the liver for oxidation and then used for energy. Their unusual chemical structure and metabolic process has resulted in MCTs being a focus for a wide range of therapeutic and exercise supplement uses.<\/p> In the context of exercise science, recent research has shown that MCTs significantly (up to 65%) increase resting energy expenditure, along with dose-dependently reducing fatty acid deposition in adipose tissue. These results suggest that MCTs are effectively increasing the body\u2019s metabolic response to food intake.<\/p> milk protein isolate is obtained through the partial removal of non-protein materials from skim milk (lactose and other minerals). What you are left with is a dry product that contains more than 90% protein by weight. This product contains both casein and whey proteins in their original proportions found in milk, without combining separately produced casein and whey proteins. It contains very little fat and lactose and also has a very high amino acid composition making it a perfect addition to this blend.<\/p> This blend has also been specifically configured to provide both rapid and sustained additions to your body\u2019s amino acid profile \u2013 meaning your recovery is not only supported immediately after a session but will also carry you to your next meal. On top of that, our flavors are out of this world! We\u2019ve also boosted this protein blend with digestive enzymes that will provide you with all of the confidence that those nutrients you just supplied your body with will do their part in your quest for the optimal result!<\/p> One can easily make the argument that dietary enzymes \u2013 and in particular, digestive enzymes \u2013 are the most consistently underrated and overlooked component to a supplementation regimen. These powerful little protein structures influence or outright control a vast, complex network of bodily functions. In a fitness-specific context, digestive enzymes play an absolutely crucial role in the breaking down of dietary carbohydrates, fats, and proteins into their constitutive parts, and therefore allow your body to use them in various processes (glycogenesis, protein synthesis, etc.).<\/p> Despite their critical function, many supplement companies overlook the necessity of digestive enzymes and do not include sufficient levels (and kinds) of enzymes in their products. For a whey product, in particular \u2013 a compound that requires significant digestion and breakdown \u2013 this is madness.<\/p> As usual, we take a much more comprehensive, clinical approach than the average. In Core PUDDN, we have included a digestive enzyme blend called DigeSEB\u2122 comprised by amylases, proteases, lactases, amylases, and cellulases, allowing for a full and complete breakdown of all PRO\u2019s components. Research suggests that whey absorption through the blood is heavily impacted by its gastric digestibility. Using DigeSEB\u2122 ensures that the protein \u2013 along with its milk and whey sugars and fats \u2013 are completely broken down.<\/p> DigeSEB\u2122 ensures that Core PUDDN not only provides gourmet taste and clinical ingredients within the protein itself, but that your protein also increases the effectiveness of your pre and post-workout nutrition in general.<\/p>","gtin12":"658580071462","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/orig-moose_1677621726-0.jpg"],"brand":"Core Nutritionals","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/32880\/core-nutritionals-puddn-original-moose-tracks-27.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"44.99","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/32880\/core-nutritionals-puddn-original-moose-tracks-27.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"Core Nutritionals PUDD'N Rocky Road - 27 Servings","sku":"CU323","description":" Raise your hand if you enjoyed single serving cups of PUDDN as a kid. Now\u2026 raise your hand if you want to enjoy PUDDN as an adult. Well, your wait is over. Introducing Core PUDDN!<\/p> With Core PUDDN, we chose the protein blend and flavors with your inner child in mind. Our mix of casein protein, whey concentrate, and milk protein isolate creates a robust and complete amino acid profile that has been shown in research to increase lean muscle growth. This specific protein blend along with added coconut oil creamer creates an amazingly smooth and velvety texture. Then we added decadent confectionary inclusions that will explode with flavor in every bite. You\u2019ll easily be thinking you're cheating on your diet with this PUDDN.<\/p> We challenge you to find another night time protein blend that checks off all of these boxes. Texture, flavor, added inclusions\u2026 the last thing you want to do is have to choke down some rough tasting protein powder with a chalky texture just to ensure your body is nourished while you sleep. Well, now you can enjoy a decadent dessert like treat while you get ready to go dream about making gains! Grab yourself some Core PUDDN!!!<\/p> Casein protein is the protein primarily found in the curds of milk and is roughly 75-80% of all milk proteins. Casein provides all essential amino acids, except cysteine, and has a high digestibility and bioavailability, making it a high-quality protein source to ingest. While whey protein contains a higher proportion of leucine, isoleucine, and valine, casein contains a higher proportion of other non-essential amino acids making them great complements when they are combined in consumption (which will be discussed below).<\/p> Casein exhibits a slow absorption and release of amino acids into the body. This slow release contrasts with the relatively efficient release of your standard whey protein concentrate. Due to this, casein has often been touted as the perfect \u201cbedtime protein\u201d so that the slow, yet steady release of amino acids can occur when the body is not in an active state for a lengthy period of time. The benefits of this allow for the body to remain satiated with amino acids through the night as well as increase muscle protein synthesis to maximize muscle recovery. Consumption of casein and whey protein before bed also has a positive influence on the next morning's resting metabolic rate. Several studies have demonstrated the positive benefits of consuming casein and post-exercise recovery. Although one can make the argument that any protein intake post exercise will increase recovery. The most important thing to remember is that any protein intake prior to sleep will be beneficial but the benefit of a slow-releasing protein through the night can keep muscle satiated through the night when nutrients are needed for recovery.<\/p> Whey protein concentrate is probably the most common form of whey protein you will find. However, how it is processed is where the benefit truly lies. This process of cold-processed undenaturization preserves the molecular structure of the amino acid particles as well as the immune-boosting benefits that it contains. This undenatured protein is also a rich source of amino acids, including those needed for the synthesis of glutathione, which is an important antioxidant that can be depleted by stress (exercise stress included). This makes it a great foundation for your post-workout recovery nutrition.<\/p> Coconut oil made of 100% Medium chain triglycerides has been shown to have the greatest health benefits. MCTs are made up of a chemical structure that allows them to quickly and effectively bypass gastric uptake for transport directly to the liver for oxidation and then used for energy. Their unusual chemical structure and metabolic process has resulted in MCTs being a focus for a wide range of therapeutic and exercise supplement uses.<\/p> In the context of exercise science, recent research has shown that MCTs significantly (up to 65%) increase resting energy expenditure, along with dose-dependently reducing fatty acid deposition in adipose tissue. These results suggest that MCTs are effectively increasing the body\u2019s metabolic response to food intake.<\/p> Milk protein isolate is obtained through the partial removal of non-protein materials from skim milk (lactose and other minerals). What you are left with is a dry product that contains more than 90% protein by weight. This product contains both casein and whey proteins in their original proportions found in milk, without combining separately produced casein and whey proteins. It contains very little fat and lactose and also has a very high amino acid composition making it a perfect addition to this blend.<\/p> This blend has also been specifically configured to provide both rapid and sustained additions to your body\u2019s amino acid profile \u2013 meaning your recovery is not only supported immediately after a session but will also carry you to your next meal. On top of that, our flavors are out of this world! We\u2019ve also boosted this protein blend with digestive enzymes that will provide you with all of the confidence that those nutrients you just supplied your body with will do their part in your quest for the optimal result!<\/p> One can easily make the argument that dietary enzymes \u2013 and in particular, digestive enzymes \u2013 are the most consistently underrated and overlooked component to a supplementation regimen. These powerful little protein structures influence or outright control a vast, complex network of bodily functions. In a fitness-specific context, digestive enzymes play an absolutely crucial role in the breaking down of dietary carbohydrates, fats, and proteins into their constitutive parts, and therefore allow your body to use them in various processes (glycogenesis, protein synthesis, etc.).<\/p> Despite their critical function, many supplement companies overlook the necessity of digestive enzymes and do not include sufficient levels (and kinds) of enzymes in their products. For a whey product, in particular \u2013 a compound that requires significant digestion and breakdown \u2013 this is madness.<\/p> As usual, we take a much more comprehensive, clinical approach than the average. In Core PUDDN, we have included a digestive enzyme blend called DigeSEB\u2122 comprised by amylases, proteases, lactases, amylases, and cellulases, allowing for a full and complete breakdown of all PRO\u2019s components. Research suggests that whey absorption through the blood is heavily impacted by its gastric digestibility. Using DigeSEB\u2122 ensures that the protein \u2013 along with its milk and whey sugars and fats \u2013 are completely broken down.<\/p> DigeSEB\u2122 ensures that Core PUDDN not only provides gourmet taste and clinical ingredients within the protein itself, but that your protein also increases the effectiveness of your pre and post-workout nutrition in general.<\/p> Label is for Rocky Road flavor. Other flavors might vary slightly.<\/p>","gtin12":"658580070625","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/puddn-rocky-road-1800x180_1647275206-0.jpg"],"brand":"Core Nutritionals","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/31834\/core-nutritionals-puddn-rocky-road-27-servings.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"44.99","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/31834\/core-nutritionals-puddn-rocky-road-27-servings.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"Core Nutritionals PUMP Black Lightning - 40 Scoops","sku":"CU223","description":" Non-stimulant pre-workouts typically have a single purpose: increase localized blood flow. That is, deliver a \"pump.\" The debate surrounding so-called \"pump products\" is a fair one: are there any physiological benefits to the products?<\/p> For Core PUMP, this debate is irrelevant \u2013 because Core PUMP is not merely a \"pump product.\" Hence the well-earned tagline, full-spectrum non-stimulant pre-workout.<\/p> Core PUMP\u2019s emphasis is what we call a \"performance pump\" \u2013 that is, increasing localized blood flow with a purpose. And the purpose is delivering real, measurable increases to key markers in exercise physiology, such as total time to exhaustion and peak power. We achieve the performance pump in Core PUMP by including ingredients that not only increase dilatory tone \u2013 and therefore elicit the \"pump\" effect \u2013 but do so while delivering real performance benefits.<\/p> Beta Alanine, for example, is well-established to increase endurance, stamina, and peak power output \u2013 but it additionally increases blood flow. L-Citrulline is well-established to increase blood flow, but it also increases peak power output. In other words, each ingredient in Core PUMP facilitates the dual purpose behind the performance pump: delivering you the gratifying feeling of a pump, but also servicing your goal of progression.<\/p> Beyond its demonstrable performance benefits, PUMP also tastes amazing. We taste tested literally dozens of rounds of PUMP for a flavor matrix that combined amazing taste \u2013 which is difficult, if you know the taste of these ingredients! \u2013 and a mouth feel that made PUMP eminently drinkable. We think you will agree that we found that combination. Black Lightning, Cherry Burst, and Tropic Thunder are potent enough to deliver the flavor you want, while subtle enough to be sipped and enjoyed \u2013 a quality fairly unique to the pump product category, where most products are choked down with a pinched nose.<\/p> In sum, the new Core PUMP represents the best the Core Nutritionals has to offer: amazing formula with a purpose, combined with great taste.<\/p> Citrulline is a non-essential, non-protein amino acid that forms during the urea cycle and forms ornithine when combined with carbon dioxide. Citrulline is also a critical source of endogenous (natural) arginine, as it is rapidly and efficiently converted to arginine in the vascular endothelium and other tissues.<\/p> Citrulline\u2019s benefits have been shown to be greater than its parent compound. While arginine undergoes direct hepatic (liver) metabolism through the enzyme arginase, citrulline bypasses hepatic metabolism entirely and it is delivered straight to the bloodstream. The result is that gut absorption and plasma (blood) bioavailability studies comparing citrulline and arginine have shown two things. First, that citrulline is less readily destroyed and has greater absorption than arginine. Second, that citrulline supplementation increases arginine levels more effectively than arginine supplementation itself.<\/p> This translates to promising results. For example, animal studies show a significant increase in anaerobic performance at a 250mg\/kg\/day serving of citrulline, while studies in humans implicate citrulline in both aerobic and anaerobic performance increases. As a critical part of the urea cycle, citrulline\u2019s performance benefits are thought to be a result of its role in ammonia clearance. Citrulline is implicated in reducing the oxygen cost of muscle processes, along with increasing the rate of post-exercise ATP and phosphocreatine replenishment. As ATP and phosphocreatine are the body\u2019s \u2018exercise fuel,\u2019 this may result in citrulline delaying time to exhaustion in aerobic and anaerobic exercise.<\/p> In combination with the HydroMax\u2122 found in Core PUMP, citrulline\u2019s potential endurance applications are significant.<\/p> Carnosine is a bit of an odd duck: we know that it is crucial for muscle function, and that dietary sources of caronsine are essential, but we don\u2019t know precisely how it\u2019s working. Moreover, for decades, we had no idea how to increase intramuscular concentrations, as exogenous carnosine sources degraded in the body so fast as to be effectively useless.<\/p> Enter beta-alanine. Simply a different iteration of one of the amino acids that comprises carnosine itself (alanine), beta-alanine has proven to be the most effective means of significantly increasing intramuscular concentrations of carnosine \u2013 and therefore of promoting all of carnosine\u2019s various beneficial effects on muscle performance. If that weren\u2019t enough, beta-alanine has also demonstrated beneficial physiological effects independent of its parent compound. In order to understand why, though, we need to first understand some of the basics behind carnosine itself.<\/p> Carnosine, a cytoplasmic dipeptide synthesized from the precursors L-histidine and l-alanine, is present in high concentrations in skeletal muscle and plays a pivotal role as a, \"chemical buffer\u201d in myocytes (muscle cells). It has long been known that carnosine concentrations are highest in glycolytic, rather than oxidative muscle fibers (roughly speaking, explosive vs., endurance muscle fibers, respectively), and thus long hypothesized that this amino acid is required for sustained performance during supramaximal exercise. Recent research demonstrates that carnosine exerts its physiological effects in long hypoxic (low oxygen) drives by functioning as a high-capacity pH buffer in skeletal muscle, preventing the pH ratio of plasma from dropping too low \u2013 and therefore preventing crucial pH-dependent processes such as protein synthesis from being inhibited by acidosis.<\/p> Despite its critical role in skeletal muscle anaerobic performance, intramyocellular synthesis of carnosine is rate-limited by the availability of l-alanine. Unfortunately, the majority of literature demonstrates that attempting to increase intramuscular levels of carnosine via either direct carnosine or alanine supplementation is largely ineffective due to carnosine\/alanine pharmacokinetics. Enter beta-alanine. Research with beta-alanine demonstrates consistent and dose-dependent increases to intramuscular carnosine concentrations with beta-alanine supplementation, with certain studies showing an increase of 40-60% with chronic administration. These same literature reveal a synergistic effect of exercise on beta-alanine supplementation, whereby the muscle adaptive changes associated with resistance training promote further intramuscular carnosine production in response to beta-alanine supplementation.<\/p> In simpler language, this essentially means that beta-alanine is a dietary supplement that promotes its own effects in combination with exercise. As you exercise, you simultaneously intensify beta-alanine\u2019s physiological actions \u2013 both directly, as well as in the production of intramuscular carnosine. Once ingested, beta-alanine\u2019s exercise-specific beneficial activity is well-established. Elevation of intramuscular caronsine content via beta-alanine supplementation has been shown to improve performance in the following ways.<\/p> Both acute and chronic increases in total work capacity, measured by total volume during exercise sessions.<\/p> Highly significant increases to TTE (total time to exhaustion), one of the most accurate and comprehensive measures of endurance. In various trials, beta-alanine supplementation has been shown to increase TTE by upwards of 20%.<\/p> Increases to total muscle power output in both acute and chronic trials, suggesting that beta-alanine\u2019s most significant benefit is to those engaging in power-dependent resistance training.<\/p> In total, a significant body of research exists to suggest that beta-alanine may significantly increase muscle power output, strength, training volume and output, overall performance in hypoxic (oxygen-deprived) conditions and peak VO2 max (oxygen holding capacity).<\/p> These myriad benefits make beta-alanine both one of the most-studied, and most well-rounded dietary supplements. Beta-alanine not only has direct, actionable physiological effects, but also promotes critical muscle physiologic adaptations that promote its own effects.<\/p> Betaine (trimethylglycine) is found naturally in most living organisms. It is well known to protect non-mammalian animal life in conditions of osmotic stress (a rapid change in the amount of solute surrounding a cell), in addition to functioning as an osmolyte in mammalian (including human) tissues. Betaine is formed in cells as an oxidation product of choline and can be obtained in the diet from foods such as spinach and beets.<\/p> Though data on betaine is limited, and recent, the available literature suggests that this compound may have effects in a number of areas. Studies on betaine using servings as little as 1.25g\/day and up to 5g\/day for up to 14 days have shown promising results. In one study, a 2.5g\/day serving was found to enhance endurance and total repetition volume for the squat, bench press, and jump squat in in healthy-exercised trained adults. A similar study using the same serving found that betaine use increased peak power and maximum peak power, along with force and the maintenance of both force and power in healthy, exercise-trained subjects.<\/p> Perhaps more interesting, however, is a study which examined betaine\u2019s effect on the endocrine system. This study revealed that betaine may exert an effect on several endocrine processes given the proper conditions, causing the authors to hypothesize that long(er) term betaine supplementation may increase the hypertrophic response to resistance training.<\/p> Pairing betaine with the patented nitrate (N03-T\u00ae) enhances nitric oxide production via the nitrate-nitrite pathway. Organic nitrate esters have a direct relaxant effect on vascular smooth muscles through non-nitric oxide synthase pathways, being directly converted first to nitrites and then to nitric oxide itself. (With attendant increases to guanylyl cyclase and then cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP), which relax the vasculature.) Pairing both nitric oxide synthase and non-nitric oxide synthase-dependent mechanisms of actions theoretically enhances total NO production, given that rate-limiting enzymatic pathways in either mechanisms do not determine total NO production.<\/p> In an absolute sense, both inorganic and organic nitrates also possess benefits beyond a secondary NO-production pathway. Studies in athletes have demonstrated that nitrate ingestion prior to both aerobic and anaerobic exercise meaningfully increases both delay to fatigue and total work capacity \u2013 likely a consequence of nitrate\u2019s activation in hypoxic (oxygen-deprived tissues). Nitrate effectively reduces the oxygen cost of muscular activity, making contractions more efficient.<\/p> PeakO2\u00ae is an organic-certified combination of six Ayurvedic mushroom strains extracted for their principal bioactives (Cordyceps militaris (Cordyceps), Ganoderma lucidim (Reishi), Pleurotus eryngii (King Trumpet), Lentinula edodes (Shiitake), Hericium erinaceus (Lions Mane), and Trametes versicolor (Turkey Tail).<\/p> The results of several human clinical trials on this compound suggest that it may meaningfully and dose-dependently impact several key metrics in exercise performance and physiology. A recent trial on 13 healthy, exercising adults consuming either 1.3 grams of PeakO2 or placebo, for example, demonstrated significant increases to oxygen kinetics, aerobic power and time to fatigue. In the adults receiving the 1.3g of PeakO2 for three weeks, VO2max (a measure of aerobic capacity) increased by 11% as compared to 1.8% in placebo; TTE (total time to exhaustion) increased by 8.2%; and peak power increased by 10%.<\/p> The results were similar in an additional study with 40 healthy adults, provided both low and high-dose PeakO2 for 28 days and compared with placebo. In this trial, participants receiving the mushroom extract experienced statistically significant increases to both VO2max and heart-rate economy \u2013 suggesting that PeakO2\u2019s effects are both systemic and cumulative. That is, not only does PeakO2 exert its effects on the entirety of the human cardiovascular system \u2013 likely due to the multiple mechanisms of action in the mushroom blend \u2013 but these effects accumulate over time.<\/p> Glycerol is a fascinating and highly useful compound that has achieved a somewhat cult status in the fitness community \u2013 while both peer-reviewed research and anecdotal reports centered on the endurance functions of glycerol are plentiful, its bodybuilding applications are not as widely lauded. Those who do use glycerol, however, are persistent in their belief that it provides some of the most noticeable, and effective, engorging (\"pump\u201d) effects possible.<\/p> Glycerol has been well-established as a so-called, \"hyperhydrating agent\u201d because of its ability to potently and positively affect plasma (blood) osmolality. As an incredibly powerful osmotic agent, and when combined with large quantities of water, glycerol induces the intracellular retention of fluid (not the extracellular kind, you do not want) that would otherwise be renally excreted. Various research has shown that glycerol\u2019s capacity to positively affect osmolality and expand fluid volume (an increase in total body water) has beneficial effects on performance and physiologic function.<\/p> Studies that administered glycerol before both moderate and high endurance fitness tests found that glycerol reduced increases to core temperature, caused athletes to exercise significantly longer before fatigue, reduced urinary elimination of water and increased total body water content, and, in several studies, significantly improved intramuscular water expansion. In less complex terms, this means glycerol has been demonstrated to keep your muscles hydrated, significantly increase the ever-desired, \"pump effect\u201d of muscle engorgement, and, maybe most importantly when it comes to a supplement formulation, deliver and keep more nutrients where they are needed (inside the muscle).<\/p> Until recently, however, most of these studies noted a significant drawback: the low glycerol concentration of market-available glycerol products forced researchers to test glycerol loads that were significantly higher than average use cases. Core PUMP uses HydroMax\u00ae to overcome precisely this problem.<\/p> HydroMax\u00ae is a highly-concentrated (65%) form of glycerol that offers greater water stability, and therefore potency, as compared to standard GMS (glycerol monostearate). Of particular interest to bodybuilders, HydroMax\u00ae\u2019s greater potency translates to even greater levels of intramuscular water retention \u2013 keyword, intramuscular, and therefore no bloat \u2013 over GMS.<\/p> Overall, supplementation with HydroMax\u00ae has been shown to:<\/p> Of the known choline pro-drugs or precursors, Alpha GPC appears to have exert the greatest influence on circulating choline levels. Choline is an essential nutrient involved in numerous metabolic pathways, including DNA regulation and repair, protein function, and metabolism. Perhaps most importantly, the critical neurotransmitter acetylcholine is produced directly from free choline via cholinergic neurons. Acetylcholine is then responsible for several functions itself, most crucially as the compound which induces muscular contraction, and as the neuromodulator partially responsible for modulating risk\/reward, arousal, and enhancing memory.<\/p> Choline\u2019s essential role as a substrate for acetylcholine, and therefore brain development, is well documented in animal models. These studies demonstrate that levels of free maternal choline have a direct and fundamental impact on prenatal brain development, with the enhancements or deficits lasting into adulthood. Choline\u2019s enhancing effect is particularly prominent in the hippocampus. In humans, the hippocampus is primarily involved in the consolidation of memory (taking short, episodic memory and translating it into long-term memory) and the learning of new information. Acetylcholine is a critical component in these processes, as mentioned above, and choline may therefore play a potential role in these processes as well by providing the substrate for acetylcholine synthesis.<\/p> Whether through these, or other independent mechanisms, a recent trial using Alpha GPC demonstrated a statistically significant increase to power output. In a placebo-controlled, double-blind, randomized trial, 14 healthy volunteers, split into an Alpha GPC or placebo group, were tested on various exercises. In comparison to the placebo group, the Alpha GPC group experienced a 14% increase to bench press. The researchers hypothesize that the peak power increase were the result of a substantial acute increase to growth hormone, one of the observed effects of Alpha GPC supplementation.<\/p>","gtin12":"672975009489","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/core-nutritionals-pump-bl_2505-0.jpg"],"brand":"Core Nutritionals","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/29695\/core-nutritionals-pump-black-lightning-40-scoops.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"49.99","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/29695\/core-nutritionals-pump-black-lightning-40-scoops.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"Core Nutritionals PUMP Fun Sweets Cotton Candy Cherry Berry - 40 Scoops","sku":"CU362","description":" Non-stimulant pre-workouts typically have a single purpose: increase localized blood flow. That is, deliver a \"pump.\" The debate surrounding so-called \"pump products\" is a fair one: are there any physiological benefits to the products?<\/p> For Core PUMP, this debate is irrelevant \u2013 because Core PUMP is not merely a \"pump product.\" Hence the well-earned tagline, full-spectrum non-stimulant pre-workout.<\/p> Core PUMP\u2019s emphasis is what we call a \"performance pump\u201d \u2013 that is, increasing localized blood flow with a purpose. And the purpose is delivering real, measurable increases to key markers in exercise physiology, such as total time to exhaustion and peak power. We achieve the performance pump in Core PUMP by including ingredients that not only increase dilatory tone \u2013 and therefore elicit the \"pump\u201d effect \u2013 but do so while delivering real performance benefits. Beta Alanine, for example, is well-established to increase endurance, stamina, and peak power output \u2013 but it additionally increases blood flow. L-Citrulline is well-established to increase blood flow, but it also increases peak power output. In other words, each ingredient in Core PUMP facilitates the dual purpose behind the performance pump: delivering you the gratifying feeling of a pump, but also servicing your goal of progression.<\/p> Beyond its demonstrable performance benefits, PUMP also tastes amazing. We taste tested literally dozens of rounds of PUMP for a flavor matrix that combined amazing taste \u2013 which is difficult, if you know the taste of these ingredients! \u2013 and a mouth feel that made PUMP eminently drinkable. We think you will agree that we found that combination. Black Lightning, Cherry Burst, and Tropic Thunder are potent enough to deliver the flavor you want, while subtle enough to be sipped and enjoyed \u2013 a quality fairly unique to the pump product category, where most products are choked down with a pinched nose.<\/p> In sum, the new Core PUMP represents the best the Core Nutritionals has to offer: amazing formula with a purpose, combined with great taste.<\/p> Citrulline is a non-essential, non-protein amino acid that forms during the urea cycle and forms ornithine when combined with carbon dioxide. Citrulline is also a critical source of endogenous (natural) arginine, as it is rapidly and efficiently converted to arginine in the vascular endothelium and other tissues.<\/p> Citrulline\u2019s benefits have been shown to be greater than its parent compound. While arginine undergoes direct hepatic (liver) metabolism through the enzyme arginase, citrulline bypasses hepatic metabolism entirely and it is delivered straight to the bloodstream. The result is that gut absorption and plasma (blood) bioavailability studies comparing citrulline and arginine have shown two things. First, that citrulline is less readily destroyed and has greater absorption than arginine. Second, that citrulline supplementation increases arginine levels more effectively than arginine supplementation itself.<\/p> This translates to promising results. For example, animal studies show a significant increase in anaerobic performance at a 250mg\/kg\/day serving of citrulline, while studies in humans implicate citrulline in both aerobic and anaerobic performance increases. As a critical part of the urea cycle, citrulline\u2019s performance benefits are thought to be a result of its role in ammonia clearance. Citrulline is implicated in reducing the oxygen cost of muscle processes, along with increasing the rate of post-exercise ATP and phosphocreatine replenishment. As ATP and phosphocreatine are the body\u2019s \u2018exercise fuel,\u2019 this may result in citrulline delaying time to exhaustion in aerobic and anaerobic exercise.<\/p> In combination with the HydroMax\u2122 found in Core PUMP, citrulline\u2019s potential endurance applications are significant.<\/p> Carnosine is a bit of an odd duck: we know that it is crucial for muscle function, and that dietary sources of caronsine are essential, but we don\u2019t know precisely how it\u2019s working. Moreover, for decades, we had no idea how to increase intramuscular concentrations, as exogenous carnosine sources degraded in the body so fast as to be effectively useless.<\/p> Enter beta-alanine. Simply a different iteration of one of the amino acids that comprises carnosine itself (alanine), beta-alanine has proven to be the most effective means of significantly increasing intramuscular concentrations of carnosine \u2013 and therefore of promoting all of carnosine\u2019s various beneficial effects on muscle performance. If that weren\u2019t enough, beta-alanine has also demonstrated beneficial physiological effects independent of its parent compound. In order to understand why, though, we need to first understand some of the basics behind carnosine itself.<\/p> Carnosine, a cytoplasmic dipeptide synthesized from the precursors L-histidine and l-alanine, is present in high concentrations in skeletal muscle and plays a pivotal role as a, \"chemical buffer\u201d in myocytes (muscle cells). It has long been known that carnosine concentrations are highest in glycolytic, rather than oxidative muscle fibers (roughly speaking, explosive vs., endurance muscle fibers, respectively), and thus long hypothesized that this amino acid is required for sustained performance during supramaximal exercise. Recent research demonstrates that carnosine exerts its physiological effects in long hypoxic (low oxygen) drives by functioning as a high-capacity pH buffer in skeletal muscle, preventing the pH ratio of plasma from dropping too low \u2013 and therefore preventing crucial pH-dependent processes such as protein synthesis from being inhibited by acidosis.<\/p> Despite its critical role in skeletal muscle anaerobic performance, intramyocellular synthesis of carnosine is rate-limited by the availability of l-alanine. Unfortunately, the majority of literature demonstrates that attempting to increase intramuscular levels of carnosine via either direct carnosine or alanine supplementation is largely ineffective due to carnosine\/alanine pharmacokinetics. Enter beta-alanine. Research with beta-alanine demonstrates consistent and dose-dependent increases to intramuscular carnosine concentrations with beta-alanine supplementation, with certain studies showing an increase of 40-60% with chronic administration. These same literature reveal a synergistic effect of exercise on beta-alanine supplementation, whereby the muscle adaptive changes associated with resistance training promote further intramuscular carnosine production in response to beta-alanine supplementation.<\/p> In simpler language, this essentially means that beta-alanine is a dietary supplement that promotes its own effects in combination with exercise. As you exercise, you simultaneously intensify beta-alanine\u2019s physiological actions \u2013 both directly, as well as in the production of intramuscular carnosine. Once ingested, beta-alanine\u2019s exercise-specific beneficial activity is well-established. Elevation of intramuscular caronsine content via beta-alanine supplementation has been shown to improve performance in the following ways.<\/p> Both acute and chronic increases in total work capacity, measured by total volume during exercise sessions.<\/p> Highly significant increases to TTE (total time to exhaustion), one of the most accurate and comprehensive measures of endurance. In various trials, beta-alanine supplementation has been shown to increase TTE by upwards of 20%.<\/p> Increases to total muscle power output in both acute and chronic trials, suggesting that beta-alanine\u2019s most significant benefit is to those engaging in power-dependent resistance training.<\/p> In total, a significant body of research exists to suggest that beta-alanine may significantly increase muscle power output, strength, training volume and output, overall performance in hypoxic (oxygen-deprived) conditions and peak VO2 max (oxygen holding capacity).<\/p> These myriad benefits make beta-alanine both one of the most-studied, and most well-rounded dietary supplements. Beta-alanine not only has direct, actionable physiological effects, but also promotes critical muscle physiologic adaptations that promote its own effects.<\/p> Betaine (trimethylglycine) is found naturally in most living organisms. It is well known to protect non-mammalian animal life in conditions of osmotic stress (a rapid change in the amount of solute surrounding a cell), in addition to functioning as an osmolyte in mammalian (including human) tissues. Betaine is formed in cells as an oxidation product of choline and can be obtained in the diet from foods such as spinach and beets.<\/p> Though data on betaine is limited, and recent, the available literature suggests that this compound may have effects in a number of areas. Studies on betaine using servings as little as 1.25g\/day and up to 5g\/day for up to 14 days have shown promising results. In one study, a 2.5g\/day serving was found to enhance endurance and total repetition volume for the squat, bench press, and jump squat in in healthy-exercised trained adults. A similar study using the same serving found that betaine use increased peak power and maximum peak power, along with force and the maintenance of both force and power in healthy, exercise-trained subjects.<\/p> Perhaps more interesting, however, is a study which examined betaine\u2019s effect on the endocrine system. This study revealed that betaine may exert an effect on several endocrine processes given the proper conditions, causing the authors to hypothesize that long(er) term betaine supplementation may increase the hypertrophic response to resistance training.<\/p> Pairing betaine with the patented nitrate (N03-T\u00ae) enhances nitric oxide production via the nitrate-nitrite pathway. Organic nitrate esters have a direct relaxant effect on vascular smooth muscles through non-nitric oxide synthase pathways, being directly converted first to nitrites and then to nitric oxide itself. (With attendant increases to guanylyl cyclase and then cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP), which relax the vasculature.) Pairing both nitric oxide synthase and non-nitric oxide synthase-dependent mechanisms of actions theoretically enhances total NO production, given that rate-limiting enzymatic pathways in either mechanisms do not determine total NO production.<\/p> In an absolute sense, both inorganic and organic nitrates also possess benefits beyond a secondary NO-production pathway. Studies in athletes have demonstrated that nitrate ingestion prior to both aerobic and anaerobic exercise meaningfully increases both delay to fatigue and total work capacity \u2013 likely a consequence of nitrate\u2019s activation in hypoxic (oxygen-deprived tissues). Nitrate effectively reduces the oxygen cost of muscular activity, making contractions more efficient.<\/p> As the mushrooms contained in this compound are also adaptagens, they will also increase the efficacy of the other ingredients in PUMP. Making the addition of PeakO2 both a physiological and economical decision.<\/p> Glycerol is a fascinating and highly useful compound that has achieved a somewhat cult status in the fitness community \u2013 while both peer-reviewed research and anecdotal reports centered on the endurance functions of glycerol are plentiful, its bodybuilding applications are not as widely lauded. Those who do use glycerol, however, are persistent in their belief that it provides some of the most noticeable, and effective, engorging (\"pump\u201d) effects possible.<\/p> Glycerol has been well-established as a so-called, \"hyperhydrating agent\u201d because of its ability to potently and positively affect plasma (blood) osmolality. As an incredibly powerful osmotic agent, and when combined with large quantities of water, glycerol induces the intracellular retention of fluid (not the extracellular kind, you do not want) that would otherwise be renally excreted. Various research has shown that glycerol\u2019s capacity to positively affect osmolality and expand fluid volume (an increase in total body water) has beneficial effects on performance and physiologic function.<\/p> Studies that administered glycerol before both moderate and high endurance fitness tests found that glycerol reduced increases to core temperature, caused athletes to exercise significantly longer before fatigue, reduced urinary elimination of water and increased total body water content, and, in several studies, significantly improved intramuscular water expansion. In less complex terms, this means glycerol has been demonstrated to keep your muscles hydrated, significantly increase the ever-desired, \"pump effect\u201d of muscle engorgement, and, maybe most importantly when it comes to a supplement formulation, deliver and keep more nutrients where they are needed (inside the muscle).<\/p> Until recently, however, most of these studies noted a significant drawback: the low glycerol concentration of market-available glycerol products forced researchers to test glycerol loads that were significantly higher than average use cases. Core PUMP uses HydroMax\u00ae to overcome precisely this problem.<\/p> HydroMax\u00ae is a highly-concentrated (65%) form of glycerol that offers greater water stability, and therefore potency, as compared to standard GMS (glycerol monostearate). Of particular interest to bodybuilders, HydroMax\u00ae\u2019s greater potency translates to even greater levels of intramuscular water retention \u2013 keyword, intramuscular, and therefore no bloat \u2013 over GMS.<\/p> Overall, supplementation with HydroMax\u00ae has been shown to:<\/p> Of the known choline pro-drugs or precursors, Alpha GPC appears to have exert the greatest influence on circulating choline levels. Choline is an essential nutrient involved in numerous metabolic pathways, including DNA regulation and repair, protein function, and metabolism. Perhaps most importantly, the critical neurotransmitter acetylcholine is produced directly from free choline via cholinergic neurons. Acetylcholine is then responsible for several functions itself, most crucially as the compound which induces muscular contraction, and as the neuromodulator partially responsible for modulating risk\/reward, arousal, and enhancing memory.<\/p> Choline\u2019s essential role as a substrate for acetylcholine, and therefore brain development, is well documented in animal models. These studies demonstrate that levels of free maternal choline have a direct and fundamental impact on prenatal brain development, with the enhancements or deficits lasting into adulthood. Choline\u2019s enhancing effect is particularly prominent in the hippocampus. In humans, the hippocampus is primarily involved in the consolidation of memory (taking short, episodic memory and translating it into long-term memory) and the learning of new information. Acetylcholine is a critical component in these processes, as mentioned above, and choline may therefore play a potential role in these processes as well by providing the substrate for acetylcholine synthesis.<\/p> Whether through these, or other independent mechanisms, a recent trial using Alpha GPC demonstrated a statistically significant increase to power output. In a placebo-controlled, double-blind, randomized trial, 14 healthy volunteers, split into an Alpha GPC or placebo group, were tested on various exercises. In comparison to the placebo group, the Alpha GPC group experienced a 14% increase to bench press. The researchers hypothesize that the peak power increase were the result of a substantial acute increase to growth hormone, one of the observed effects of Alpha GPC supplementation.<\/p>","gtin12":"850051031191","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/core-products-pump2_1692109772-0.jpg"],"brand":"Core Nutritionals","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/33379\/core-nutritionals-pump-fun-sweets-cotton-candy.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"49.99","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/33379\/core-nutritionals-pump-fun-sweets-cotton-candy.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"Core Nutritionals PUMP Pink Lemonade - 40 Scoops","sku":"CU368","description":" Non-stimulant pre-workouts typically have a single purpose: increase localized blood flow. That is, deliver a \"pump.\" The debate surrounding so-called \"pump products\" is a fair one: are there any physiological benefits to the products?<\/p> For Core PUMP, this debate is irrelevant \u2013 because Core PUMP is not merely a \"pump product.\" Hence the well-earned tagline, full-spectrum non-stimulant pre-workout.<\/p> Core PUMP\u2019s emphasis is what we call a \"performance pump\" \u2013 that is, increasing localized blood flow with a purpose. And the purpose is delivering real, measurable increases to key markers in exercise physiology, such as total time to exhaustion and peak power. We achieve the performance pump in Core PUMP by including ingredients that not only increase dilatory tone \u2013 and therefore elicit the \"pump\" effect \u2013 but do so while delivering real performance benefits. Beta Alanine, for example, is well-established to increase endurance, stamina, and peak power output \u2013 but it additionally increases blood flow. L-Citrulline is well-established to increase blood flow, but it also increases peak power output. In other words, each ingredient in Core PUMP facilitates the dual purpose behind the performance pump: delivering you the gratifying feeling of a pump, but also servicing your goal of progression.<\/p> Beyond its demonstrable performance benefits, PUMP also tastes amazing. We taste tested literally dozens of rounds of PUMP for a flavor matrix that combined amazing taste \u2013 which is difficult, if you know the taste of these ingredients! \u2013 and a mouth feel that made PUMP eminently drinkable. We think you will agree that we found that combination. Black Lightning, Cherry Burst, and Tropic Thunder are potent enough to deliver the flavor you want, while subtle enough to be sipped and enjoyed \u2013 a quality fairly unique to the pump product category, where most products are choked down with a pinched nose.<\/p> In sum, the new Core PUMP represents the best the Core Nutritionals has to offer: amazing formula with a purpose, combined with great taste.<\/p> Citrulline is a non-essential, non-protein amino acid that forms during the urea cycle and forms ornithine when combined with carbon dioxide. Citrulline is also a critical source of endogenous (natural) arginine, as it is rapidly and efficiently converted to arginine in the vascular endothelium and other tissues.<\/p> Citrulline\u2019s benefits have been shown to be greater than its parent compound. While arginine undergoes direct hepatic (liver) metabolism through the enzyme arginase, citrulline bypasses hepatic metabolism entirely and it is delivered straight to the bloodstream. The result is that gut absorption and plasma (blood) bioavailability studies comparing citrulline and arginine have shown two things. First, that citrulline is less readily destroyed and has greater absorption than arginine. Second, that citrulline supplementation increases arginine levels more effectively than arginine supplementation itself.<\/p> This translates to promising results. For example, animal studies show a significant increase in anaerobic performance at a 250mg\/kg\/day serving of citrulline, while studies in humans implicate citrulline in both aerobic and anaerobic performance increases. As a critical part of the urea cycle, citrulline\u2019s performance benefits are thought to be a result of its role in ammonia clearance. Citrulline is implicated in reducing the oxygen cost of muscle processes, along with increasing the rate of post-exercise ATP and phosphocreatine replenishment. As ATP and phosphocreatine are the body\u2019s \u2018exercise fuel,\u2019 this may result in citrulline delaying time to exhaustion in aerobic and anaerobic exercise.<\/p> In combination with the HydroMax\u2122 found in Core PUMP, citrulline\u2019s potential endurance applications are significant.<\/p> Carnosine is a bit of an odd duck: we know that it is crucial for muscle function, and that dietary sources of caronsine are essential, but we don\u2019t know precisely how it\u2019s working. Moreover, for decades, we had no idea how to increase intramuscular concentrations, as exogenous carnosine sources degraded in the body so fast as to be effectively useless.<\/p> Enter beta-alanine. Simply a different iteration of one of the amino acids that comprises carnosine itself (alanine), beta-alanine has proven to be the most effective means of significantly increasing intramuscular concentrations of carnosine \u2013 and therefore of promoting all of carnosine\u2019s various beneficial effects on muscle performance. If that weren\u2019t enough, beta-alanine has also demonstrated beneficial physiological effects independent of its parent compound. In order to understand why, though, we need to first understand some of the basics behind carnosine itself.<\/p> Carnosine, a cytoplasmic dipeptide synthesized from the precursors L-histidine and l-alanine, is present in high concentrations in skeletal muscle and plays a pivotal role as a, \"chemical buffer\" in myocytes (muscle cells). It has long been known that carnosine concentrations are highest in glycolytic, rather than oxidative muscle fibers (roughly speaking, explosive vs., endurance muscle fibers, respectively), and thus long hypothesized that this amino acid is required for sustained performance during supramaximal exercise. Recent research demonstrates that carnosine exerts its physiological effects in long hypoxic (low oxygen) drives by functioning as a high-capacity pH buffer in skeletal muscle, preventing the pH ratio of plasma from dropping too low \u2013 and therefore preventing crucial pH-dependent processes such as protein synthesis from being inhibited by acidosis.<\/p> Despite its critical role in skeletal muscle anaerobic performance, intramyocellular synthesis of carnosine is rate-limited by the availability of l-alanine. Unfortunately, the majority of literature demonstrates that attempting to increase intramuscular levels of carnosine via either direct carnosine or alanine supplementation is largely ineffective due to carnosine\/alanine pharmacokinetics. Enter beta-alanine. Research with beta-alanine demonstrates consistent and dose-dependent increases to intramuscular carnosine concentrations with beta-alanine supplementation, with certain studies showing an increase of 40-60% with chronic administration. These same literature reveal a synergistic effect of exercise on beta-alanine supplementation, whereby the muscle adaptive changes associated with resistance training promote further intramuscular carnosine production in response to beta-alanine supplementation.<\/p> In simpler language, this essentially means that beta-alanine is a dietary supplement that promotes its own effects in combination with exercise. As you exercise, you simultaneously intensify beta-alanine\u2019s physiological actions \u2013 both directly, as well as in the production of intramuscular carnosine. Once ingested, beta-alanine\u2019s exercise-specific beneficial activity is well-established. Elevation of intramuscular caronsine content via beta-alanine supplementation has been shown to improve performance in the following ways.<\/p> Both acute and chronic increases in total work capacity, measured by total volume during exercise sessions.<\/p> Highly significant increases to TTE (total time to exhaustion), one of the most accurate and comprehensive measures of endurance. In various trials, beta-alanine supplementation has been shown to increase TTE by upwards of 20%.<\/p> Increases to total muscle power output in both acute and chronic trials, suggesting that beta-alanine\u2019s most significant benefit is to those engaging in power-dependent resistance training.<\/p> In total, a significant body of research exists to suggest that beta-alanine may significantly increase muscle power output, strength, training volume and output, overall performance in hypoxic (oxygen-deprived) conditions and peak VO2 max (oxygen holding capacity).<\/p> These myriad benefits make beta-alanine both one of the most-studied, and most well-rounded dietary supplements. Beta-alanine not only has direct, actionable physiological effects, but also promotes critical muscle physiologic adaptations that promote its own effects.<\/p> Betaine (trimethylglycine) is found naturally in most living organisms. It is well known to protect non-mammalian animal life in conditions of osmotic stress (a rapid change in the amount of solute surrounding a cell), in addition to functioning as an osmolyte in mammalian (including human) tissues. Betaine is formed in cells as an oxidation product of choline and can be obtained in the diet from foods such as spinach and beets.<\/p> Though data on betaine is limited, and recent, the available literature suggests that this compound may have effects in a number of areas. Studies on betaine using servings as little as 1.25g\/day and up to 5g\/day for up to 14 days have shown promising results. In one study, a 2.5g\/day serving was found to enhance endurance and total repetition volume for the squat, bench press, and jump squat in in healthy-exercised trained adults. A similar study using the same serving found that betaine use increased peak power and maximum peak power, along with force and the maintenance of both force and power in healthy, exercise-trained subjects.<\/p> Perhaps more interesting, however, is a study which examined betaine\u2019s effect on the endocrine system. This study revealed that betaine may exert an effect on several endocrine processes given the proper conditions, causing the authors to hypothesize that long(er) term betaine supplementation may increase the hypertrophic response to resistance training.<\/p> Pairing betaine with the patented nitrate (N03-T\u00ae) enhances nitric oxide production via the nitrate-nitrite pathway. Organic nitrate esters have a direct relaxant effect on vascular smooth muscles through non-nitric oxide synthase pathways, being directly converted first to nitrites and then to nitric oxide itself. (With attendant increases to guanylyl cyclase and then cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP), which relax the vasculature.) Pairing both nitric oxide synthase and non-nitric oxide synthase-dependent mechanisms of actions theoretically enhances total NO production, given that rate-limiting enzymatic pathways in either mechanisms do not determine total NO production.<\/p> In an absolute sense, both inorganic and organic nitrates also possess benefits beyond a secondary NO-production pathway. Studies in athletes have demonstrated that nitrate ingestion prior to both aerobic and anaerobic exercise meaningfully increases both delay to fatigue and total work capacity \u2013 likely a consequence of nitrate\u2019s activation in hypoxic (oxygen-deprived tissues). Nitrate effectively reduces the oxygen cost of muscular activity, making contractions more efficient.<\/p> As the mushrooms contained in this compound are also adaptagens, they will also increase the efficacy of the other ingredients in PUMP. Making the addition of PeakO2 both a physiological and economical decision.<\/p> Glycerol is a fascinating and highly useful compound that has achieved a somewhat cult status in the fitness community \u2013 while both peer-reviewed research and anecdotal reports centered on the endurance functions of glycerol are plentiful, its bodybuilding applications are not as widely lauded. Those who do use glycerol, however, are persistent in their belief that it provides some of the most noticeable, and effective, engorging (\"pump\") effects possible.<\/p> Glycerol has been well-established as a so-called, \"hyperhydrating agent\" because of its ability to potently and positively affect plasma (blood) osmolality. As an incredibly powerful osmotic agent, and when combined with large quantities of water, glycerol induces the intracellular retention of fluid (not the extracellular kind, you do not want) that would otherwise be renally excreted. Various research has shown that glycerol\u2019s capacity to positively affect osmolality and expand fluid volume (an increase in total body water) has beneficial effects on performance and physiologic function.<\/p> Studies that administered glycerol before both moderate and high endurance fitness tests found that glycerol reduced increases to core temperature, caused athletes to exercise significantly longer before fatigue, reduced urinary elimination of water and increased total body water content, and, in several studies, significantly improved intramuscular water expansion. In less complex terms, this means glycerol has been demonstrated to keep your muscles hydrated, significantly increase the ever-desired, \"pump effect\" of muscle engorgement, and, maybe most importantly when it comes to a supplement formulation, deliver and keep more nutrients where they are needed (inside the muscle).<\/p> Until recently, however, most of these studies noted a significant drawback: the low glycerol concentration of market-available glycerol products forced researchers to test glycerol loads that were significantly higher than average use cases. Core PUMP uses HydroMax\u00ae to overcome precisely this problem.<\/p> HydroMax\u00ae is a highly-concentrated (65%) form of glycerol that offers greater water stability, and therefore potency, as compared to standard GMS (glycerol monostearate). Of particular interest to bodybuilders, HydroMax\u2019\u00ae greater potency translates to even greater levels of intramuscular water retention \u2013 keyword, intramuscular, and therefore no bloat \u2013 over GMS.<\/p> Overall, supplementation with HydroMax\u00ae has been shown to: Keep athletes hyperhydrated for extended periods of time. Reduce post-workout urine volume (more efficient fluid use). Lower heart rate and improve endurance time. Enhance plasma and intramuscular volume expansion.<\/p> Of the known choline pro-drugs or precursors, Alpha GPC appears to have exert the greatest influence on circulating choline levels. Choline is an essential nutrient involved in numerous metabolic pathways, including DNA regulation and repair, protein function, and metabolism. Perhaps most importantly, the critical neurotransmitter acetylcholine is produced directly from free choline via cholinergic neurons. Acetylcholine is then responsible for several functions itself, most crucially as the compound which induces muscular contraction, and as the neuromodulator partially responsible for modulating risk\/reward, arousal, and enhancing memory.<\/p> Choline\u2019s essential role as a substrate for acetylcholine, and therefore brain development, is well documented in animal models. These studies demonstrate that levels of free maternal choline have a direct and fundamental impact on prenatal brain development, with the enhancements or deficits lasting into adulthood. Choline\u2019s enhancing effect is particularly prominent in the hippocampus. In humans, the hippocampus is primarily involved in the consolidation of memory (taking short, episodic memory and translating it into long-term memory) and the learning of new information. Acetylcholine is a critical component in these processes, as mentioned above, and choline may therefore play a potential role in these processes as well by providing the substrate for acetylcholine synthesis.<\/p> Whether through these, or other independent mechanisms, a recent trial using Alpha GPC demonstrated a statistically significant increase to power output. In a placebo-controlled, double-blind, randomized trial, 14 healthy volunteers, split into an Alpha GPC or placebo group, were tested on various exercises. In comparison to the placebo group, the Alpha GPC group experienced a 14% increase to bench press. The researchers hypothesize that the peak power increase were the result of a substantial acute increase to growth hormone, one of the observed effects of Alpha GPC supplementation.<\/p>","gtin12":"850051031122","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/core-products-pump-1800x1_1699469584-0.jpg"],"brand":"Core Nutritionals","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/33559\/core-nutritionals-pump-pink-lemonade-40-scoops.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"49.99","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/33559\/core-nutritionals-pump-pink-lemonade-40-scoops.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/OutOfStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"Core Nutritionals PUMP Tropic Thunder - 40 Scoops","sku":"CU224","description":" Non-stimulant pre-workouts typically have a single purpose: increase localized blood flow. That is, deliver a \"pump.\u201d The debate surrounding so-called \"pump products\u201d is a fair one: are there any physiological benefits to the products?<\/p> For Core PUMP, this debate is irrelevant \u2013 because Core PUMP is not merely a \"pump product.\u201d Hence the well-earned tagline, full-spectrum non-stimulant pre-workout.<\/p> Core PUMP\u2019s emphasis is what we call a \"performance pump\u201d \u2013 that is, increasing localized blood flow with a purpose. And the purpose is delivering real, measurable increases to key markers in exercise physiology, such as total time to exhaustion and peak power. We achieve the performance pump in Core PUMP by including ingredients that not only increase dilatory tone \u2013 and therefore elicit the \"pump\u201d effect \u2013 but do so while delivering real performance benefits. Beta Alanine, for example, is well-established to increase endurance, stamina, and peak power output \u2013 but it additionally increases blood flow. L-Citrulline is well-established to increase blood flow, but it also increases peak power output. In other words, each ingredient in Core PUMP facilitates the dual purpose behind the performance pump: delivering you the gratifying feeling of a pump, but also servicing your goal of progression.<\/p> Beyond its demonstrable performance benefits, PUMP also tastes amazing. We taste tested literally dozens of rounds of PUMP for a flavor matrix that combined amazing taste \u2013 which is difficult, if you know the taste of these ingredients! \u2013 and a mouth feel that made PUMP eminently drinkable. We think you will agree that we found that combination. Black Lightning, Cherry Burst, and Tropic Thunder are potent enough to deliver the flavor you want, while subtle enough to be sipped and enjoyed \u2013 a quality fairly unique to the pump product category, where most products are choked down with a pinched nose.<\/p> In sum, the new Core PUMP represents the best the Core Nutritionals has to offer: amazing formula with a purpose, combined with great taste.<\/p> Citrulline is a non-essential, non-protein amino acid that forms during the urea cycle and forms ornithine when combined with carbon dioxide. Citrulline is also a critical source of endogenous (natural) arginine, as it is rapidly and efficiently converted to arginine in the vascular endothelium and other tissues.<\/p> Citrulline\u2019s benefits have been shown to be greater than its parent compound. While arginine undergoes direct hepatic (liver) metabolism through the enzyme arginase, citrulline bypasses hepatic metabolism entirely and it is delivered straight to the bloodstream. The result is that gut absorption and plasma (blood) bioavailability studies comparing citrulline and arginine have shown two things. First, that citrulline is less readily destroyed and has greater absorption than arginine. Second, that citrulline supplementation increases arginine levels more effectively than arginine supplementation itself.<\/p> This translates to promising results. For example, animal studies show a significant increase in anaerobic performance at a 250mg\/kg\/day serving of citrulline, while studies in humans implicate citrulline in both aerobic and anaerobic performance increases. As a critical part of the urea cycle, citrulline\u2019s performance benefits are thought to be a result of its role in ammonia clearance. Citrulline is implicated in reducing the oxygen cost of muscle processes, along with increasing the rate of post-exercise ATP and phosphocreatine replenishment. As ATP and phosphocreatine are the body\u2019s \u2018exercise fuel,\u2019 this may result in citrulline delaying time to exhaustion in aerobic and anaerobic exercise.<\/p> In combination with the HydroMax\u2122 found in Core PUMP, citrulline\u2019s potential endurance applications are significant.<\/p> Carnosine is a bit of an odd duck: we know that it is crucial for muscle function, and that dietary sources of caronsine are essential, but we don\u2019t know precisely how it\u2019s working. Moreover, for decades, we had no idea how to increase intramuscular concentrations, as exogenous carnosine sources degraded in the body so fast as to be effectively useless.<\/p> Enter beta-alanine. Simply a different iteration of one of the amino acids that comprises carnosine itself (alanine), beta-alanine has proven to be the most effective means of significantly increasing intramuscular concentrations of carnosine \u2013 and therefore of promoting all of carnosine\u2019s various beneficial effects on muscle performance. If that weren\u2019t enough, beta-alanine has also demonstrated beneficial physiological effects independent of its parent compound. In order to understand why, though, we need to first understand some of the basics behind carnosine itself.<\/p> Carnosine, a cytoplasmic dipeptide synthesized from the precursors L-histidine and l-alanine, is present in high concentrations in skeletal muscle and plays a pivotal role as a, \"chemical buffer\u201d in myocytes (muscle cells). It has long been known that carnosine concentrations are highest in glycolytic, rather than oxidative muscle fibers (roughly speaking, explosive vs., endurance muscle fibers, respectively), and thus long hypothesized that this amino acid is required for sustained performance during supramaximal exercise. Recent research demonstrates that carnosine exerts its physiological effects in long hypoxic (low oxygen) drives by functioning as a high-capacity pH buffer in skeletal muscle, preventing the pH ratio of plasma from dropping too low \u2013 and therefore preventing crucial pH-dependent processes such as protein synthesis from being inhibited by acidosis.<\/p> Despite its critical role in skeletal muscle anaerobic performance, intramyocellular synthesis of carnosine is rate-limited by the availability of l-alanine. Unfortunately, the majority of literature demonstrates that attempting to increase intramuscular levels of carnosine via either direct carnosine or alanine supplementation is largely ineffective due to carnosine\/alanine pharmacokinetics. Enter beta-alanine. Research with beta-alanine demonstrates consistent and dose-dependent increases to intramuscular carnosine concentrations with beta-alanine supplementation, with certain studies showing an increase of 40-60% with chronic administration. These same literature reveal a synergistic effect of exercise on beta-alanine supplementation, whereby the muscle adaptive changes associated with resistance training promote further intramuscular carnosine production in response to beta-alanine supplementation.<\/p> In simpler language, this essentially means that beta-alanine is a dietary supplement that promotes its own effects in combination with exercise. As you exercise, you simultaneously intensify beta-alanine\u2019s physiological actions \u2013 both directly, as well as in the production of intramuscular carnosine. Once ingested, beta-alanine\u2019s exercise-specific beneficial activity is well-established. Elevation of intramuscular caronsine content via beta-alanine supplementation has been shown to improve performance in the following ways.<\/p> Betaine (trimethylglycine) is found naturally in most living organisms. It is well known to protect non-mammalian animal life in conditions of osmotic stress (a rapid change in the amount of solute surrounding a cell), in addition to functioning as an osmolyte in mammalian (including human) tissues\\. Betaine is formed in cells as an oxidation product of choline and can be obtained in the diet from foods such as spinach and beets.<\/p> Though data on betaine is limited, and recent, the available literature suggests that this compound may have effects in a number of areas. Studies on betaine using servings as little as 1.25g\/day and up to 5g\/day for up to 14 days have shown promising results. In one study, a 2.5g\/day serving was found to enhance endurance and total repetition volume for the squat, bench press, and jump squat in in healthy-exercised trained adults. A similar study using the same serving found that betaine use increased peak power and maximum peak power, along with force and the maintenance of both force and power in healthy, exercise-trained subjects.<\/p> Perhaps more interesting, however, is a study which examined betaine\u2019s effect on the endocrine system. This study revealed that betaine may exert an effect on several endocrine processes given the proper conditions, causing the authors to hypothesize that long(er) term betaine supplementation may increase the hypertrophic response to resistance training.<\/p> Pairing betaine with the patented nitrate (N03-T\u00ae) enhances nitric oxide production via the nitrate-nitrite pathway. Organic nitrate esters have a direct relaxant effect on vascular smooth muscles through non-nitric oxide synthase pathways, being directly converted first to nitrites and then to nitric oxide itself. (With attendant increases to guanylyl cyclase and then cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP), which relax the vasculature.) Pairing both nitric oxide synthase and non-nitric oxide synthase-dependent mechanisms of actions theoretically enhances total NO production, given that rate-limiting enzymatic pathways in either mechanisms do not determine total NO production.<\/p> In an absolute sense, both inorganic and organic nitrates also possess benefits beyond a secondary NO-production pathway. Studies in athletes have demonstrated that nitrate ingestion prior to both aerobic and anaerobic exercise meaningfully increases both delay to fatigue and total work capacity \u2013 likely a consequence of nitrate\u2019s activation in hypoxic (oxygen-deprived tissues). Nitrate effectively reduces the oxygen cost of muscular activity, making contractions more efficient.<\/p> As the mushrooms contained in this compound are also adaptagens, they will also increase the efficacy of the other ingredients in PUMP. Making the addition of PeakO2 both a physiological and economical decision.<\/p> Glycerol is a fascinating and highly useful compound that has achieved a somewhat cult status in the fitness community \u2013 while both peer-reviewed research and anecdotal reports centered on the endurance functions of glycerol are plentiful, its bodybuilding applications are not as widely lauded. Those who do use glycerol, however, are persistent in their belief that it provides some of the most noticeable, and effective, engorging (\"pump\u201d) effects possible.<\/p> Glycerol has been well-established as a so-called, \"hyperhydrating agent\u201d because of its ability to potently and positively affect plasma (blood) osmolality. As an incredibly powerful osmotic agent, and when combined with large quantities of water, glycerol induces the intracellular retention of fluid (not the extracellular kind, you do not want) that would otherwise be renally excreted. Various research has shown that glycerol\u2019s capacity to positively affect osmolality and expand fluid volume (an increase in total body water) has beneficial effects on performance and physiologic function.<\/p> Studies that administered glycerol before both moderate and high endurance fitness tests found that glycerol reduced increases to core temperature, caused athletes to exercise significantly longer before fatigue, reduced urinary elimination of water and increased total body water content, and, in several studies, significantly improved intramuscular water expansion. In less complex terms, this means glycerol has been demonstrated to keep your muscles hydrated, significantly increase the ever-desired, \"pump effect\u201d of muscle engorgement, and, maybe most importantly when it comes to a supplement formulation, deliver and keep more nutrients where they are needed (inside the muscle).<\/p> Until recently, however, most of these studies noted a significant drawback: the low glycerol concentration of market-available glycerol products forced researchers to test glycerol loads that were significantly higher than average use cases. Core PUMP uses HydroMax\u00ae to overcome precisely this problem.<\/p> HydroMax\u00ae is a highly-concentrated (65%) form of glycerol that offers greater water stability, and therefore potency, as compared to standard GMS (glycerol monostearate). Of particular interest to bodybuilders, HydroMax\u00ae\u2019s greater potency translates to even greater levels of intramuscular water retention \u2013 keyword, intramuscular, and therefore no bloat \u2013 over GMS.<\/p> Overall, supplementation with HydroMax\u00ae has been shown to:<\/p> Of the known choline pro-drugs or precursors, Alpha GPC appears to have exert the greatest influence on circulating choline levels. Choline is an essential nutrient involved in numerous metabolic pathways, including DNA regulation and repair, protein function, and metabolism. Perhaps most importantly, the critical neurotransmitter acetylcholine is produced directly from free choline via cholinergic neurons. Acetylcholine is then responsible for several functions itself, most crucially as the compound which induces muscular contraction, and as the neuromodulator partially responsible for modulating risk\/reward, arousal, and enhancing memory.<\/p> Choline\u2019s essential role as a substrate for acetylcholine, and therefore brain development, is well documented in animal models. These studies demonstrate that levels of free maternal choline have a direct and fundamental impact on prenatal brain development, with the enhancements or deficits lasting into adulthood. Choline\u2019s enhancing effect is particularly prominent in the hippocampus. In humans, the hippocampus is primarily involved in the consolidation of memory (taking short, episodic memory and translating it into long-term memory) and the learning of new information. Acetylcholine is a critical component in these processes, as mentioned above, and choline may therefore play a potential role in these processes as well by providing the substrate for acetylcholine synthesis.<\/p> Whether through these, or other independent mechanisms, a recent trial using Alpha GPC demonstrated a statistically significant increase to power output. In a placebo-controlled, double-blind, randomized trial, 14 healthy volunteers, split into an Alpha GPC or placebo group, were tested on various exercises. In comparison to the placebo group, the Alpha GPC group experienced a 14% increase to bench press. The researchers hypothesize that the peak power increase were the result of a substantial acute increase to growth hormone, one of the observed effects of Alpha GPC supplementation.<\/p>","gtin12":"672975009496","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/core-nutritionals-pump-tr_2506-0.jpg"],"brand":"Core Nutritionals","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/29696\/core-nutritionals-pump-tropic-thunder-40-scoops.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"49.99","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/29696\/core-nutritionals-pump-tropic-thunder-40-scoops.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/OutOfStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"Core Nutritionals SEAR - 84 Capsules Non-Stimulant Thermogenic and Recomposition Agent","sku":"CU295","description":" Why do we call it \u201cburning fat\u201d? It is a strange turn of phrase, as the body does not \u201cburn\u201d the adipose tissue (the technical name for \u201cfat\u201d). Of course, heat is involved in the base process of fat metabolism, hydrolysis, but the average person of course does not have these in mind. What the common phrasing captures is that the adipose tissue is now being used for fuel \u2013 burned up, as gasoline is burned up in a combustion engine as fuel for the vehicle. In this sense, the phrase \u201cburning fat\u201d captures something essential about the mechanisms of adipose metabolism. One mechanism of increasing this process overall is increasing the conversion of WAT (white adipose tissue) to BAT (brown adipose tissue) \u2013 known as the \u201cbrowning\u201d of fat.<\/p> It is precisely this mechanism that Core SEAR affects. There are many pathways to enhance lipolysis, the process by which stored triglycerides \u2013 the \u201cstuff\u201d of fat tissue \u2013 are broken down to release their potential energy into actual energy. One of the most effective is modulating the enzymes that interconvert WAT (white adipose tissue, which stores energy) to BAT (brown adipose tissue, which releases energy) and the chemical and enzymatic cascades that induce lipolysis. SEAR addresses both. Sinetrol XPur\u00ae, a blend of citrus fruit extracts, and MitoBurn\u2122, a metabolite of L-valine, have been demonstrated to increase white-to-brown adipose tissue conversion and therefore the resultant energy expenditure increase. Meanwhile, Coleus forskholli and Paradoxine\u00ae have been shown to heavily influence cellular communication and enzymatic pathways involved in lipolysis, specifically the cAMP and AMPk pathways.<\/p> Together, this simple but incredibly powerful formula earns its name: searing white into brown adipose tissue and increasing your body\u2019s energy expenditure due to fat metabolism.<\/p>","gtin12":"672975315597","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/core-sear_1609864381-0.jpg"],"brand":"Core Nutritionals","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/30481\/84-cap.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"45.99","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/30481\/84-cap.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"Core Nutritionals SHRED Pineapple Strawberry - 56 Servings","sku":"CU104","description":" It\u2019s late evening and you need to crush your workout \u2013 worst of all, you\u2019re deep in a diet. You haven\u2019t taken your thermogenic yet, you know you need to, but you also know that downing a few hundred milligrams of stimulants at 8 PM is not conducive to healthy sleep patterns. So, what do you do?<\/p> 1 scoop per serving. 56 servings per container. Healthy thyroid support.<\/p> It\u2019s late evening and you need to crush your workout \u2013 worst of all, you\u2019re deep in a diet. You haven\u2019t taken your thermogenic yet, you know you need to, but you also know that downing a few hundred milligrams of stimulants at 8 PM is not conducive to healthy sleep patterns. So, what do you do?<\/p> Prior to now, you sucked it up and chugged your ultra-potent and effective stimulant-based thermogenic (such as BURN or BURN Ultra!) and dealt with the consequences. But as of now, you take a scoop of the ultra-potent and equally effective, non-stimulant-based thermogenic Core SHRED.<\/p> We\u2019ve taken our typical approach to product formulation \u2013 proven ingredients at clinically-effective and clinically-proven serving sizes \u2013 and applied it to creating a comprehensive, multiple-pathway non-stimulant thermogenic product. The result is a product covering major pathways of lipolysis in multiple, non-redundant, and synergistic ways, all without any neurological stimulation whatsoever.<\/p> Whether you\u2019re taking a break from stimulants, are stimulant sensitive, or simply want a non-stimulant thermogenic to stack with our excellent stimulant-based offerings, Core SHRED is the perfect solution. Use it anytime, night or day, to help crush your regular exercise program and consistent diet!<\/p> L-carnitine is a derivative of the amino acid lysine and, as certain conditions outpace the body\u2019s ability to produce it, l-carnitine is considered a conditionally essential amino acid. While endogenous biosynthesis of l-carnitine from the amino acids lysine and methionine is sufficient for essential processes \u2013 along with dietary sources of carnitine from protein-rich red meat, for example \u2013 dietary supplementation of carnitine may pose benefits in certain physiological conditions. Unfortunately, due to excess metabolism of l-carnitine by microorganisms in the small intestine, exogenous supplementation with oral l-carnitine has proved ineffective. ALCAR, an acetylated version of l-carnitine, has considerably higher oral bioavailability, due likely to only partial hydrolytic metabolism. Once in the bloodstream, ALCAR plays a fundamental role in the production of energy, acting as the catalyst for the beta-oxidation of long chain fatty acids by the mitochondria; regulating the CoA to Acyl-CoA ratio (necessary for the production of ATP); and the metabolism of carbohydrates. ALCAR also is an excitatory agent for neurons, increases neuronal transmission, and increases the production of neurotransmitters and neurohormones such as dopamine and serotonin.<\/p> Olea europaea, more commonly known as the olive, is a species of a small tree in the family Oleaceae, native to the coastal areas of southeastern Europe, western Asia and northern Africa, as well as northern Iran at the south end of the Caspian Sea. As the fruits, oils, and extracts of Olea europaea L. are a dietary component for a significant portion of the world\u2019s population, the plant has become associated with a wide-range of physiologic and metabolic benefits. These properties are largely attributed to the phenolic compounds of olive leaves, including: caffeic acid, verbascoside, oleuropein, luteolin 7-O-glucoside, rutin, apigenin 7-Oglucoside, and luteolin 4'-O-glucoside. Collectively, these olive polyphenols are responsible for a wide-range of postulated health benefits.<\/p> Oleuropein, in particular, is purported to have several pharmacological properties including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-atherogenic, and anti-microbial effects. Recent research inanimals has also demonstrated that oleuropein may potentiate the response of 5'-deiodinase, the enzyme responsible for the irreversible conversion of thyroxine (T4) into triiodothyronine (T3), the active thyroid hormone.<\/p> Coleus forskohlii is a small perennial endemic to various tropical regions in the world, including South America, sub-Saharan Africa, and India. While the West has recently taken interest in the plant due to the pharmacological properties of its primary bioactive, forskolin, Coleus forskholii preparations and tinctures have been used in both South American and African traditional folk medicinal systems, as well as extensively within Ayurveda. Due to the ever-increasing interest in the plant\u2019s verifiable pharmacological and physiological effects, however, Coleus forksholii and its extracted constituents have been the subject of numerous animal and human clinical trials in the past decade. These trials have demonstrated the plant to have various effects and applications, including as a lipolytic and anti-lipogenic, and as a powerful antioxidant.<\/p> A recent double-blind, randomized, and placebo-controlled human clinical trial featuring obese men found that the daily implementation of Coleus forskholii, for twelve weeks, led to significantly better weight loss outcomes as compared to controls. Overweight men in the forskolin group experienced not only improved body composition (as measured by both body fat percentage and total fat mass), but also statistically significant increases in lean body mass. Coleus forskholii \u2013 and more specifically, forskolin \u2013 achieves this effect by rapidly, potently, and dose-dependently increasing an important metabolic enzyme known as adenylate cyclase. Adenylate cyclase is an enzyme responsible for catalyzing the formation of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) from adenosine triphosphate (ATP). This increase in cAMP formation eventually leads to the activation of an enzyme, protein kinase A, which in turn will phosphorylate and hence activate the enzyme, Hormone Sensitive Lipase (HSL) \u2013 the rate-limiting enzyme necessary for stored triglycerides within adipocytes to be released as free fatty acids and utilized for energy. In more basic terms, this means that forskolin quite literally frees up more fatty acids to be used as fuel for exercise \u2013 more or less the perfect scenario in a product such as Core SHRED!<\/p> CapsiAtra\u00ae is a dihydrocapsiate compound naturally found in CH-19 Sweet peppers. Like several other capsinoids identified and extracted from pepper species, CapsiAtra\u00ae has demonstrated potent effects on several physiological pathways \u2013 most notably, those related to energy expenditure and lipid utilization.<\/p> The thermogenic and lipolytic effects of capsinoids, like capsaicin itself, are mediated by the Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid 1 (TRPV1) receptors in the mouth and throughout the gastrointestinal tract. TRPV1 receptors in the gut are linked with the sympathetic nervous system (SNS). When activated, they increase SNS activity (the figure below). TRPV1 receptors present on the tongue and in the oral cavity are responsible for, among other things, detection of thermal heat. When capsaicin binds to oral TRPV1 sites, one feels the sensation of heat and pungency. Capsinoids also stimulate TRPV1 receptors, but their effect is primarily on receptors in the throat and gut, not the mouth. Owing to the structural differences from capsaicin, the capsinoids are unable to reach the TRPV1 receptors on the tongue, which are located slightly below the mucosal surface. As a result, capsinoids do not produce the oral sensation of heat or the pungent taste associated with chili peppers, but they do produce the capsaicin-like SNS response once they bind to TRPV1 receptors in the throat and gut.<\/p> The capsinoids have multiple biological functionalities. The sports nutrition properties are directly linked to their use in energy manipulation. The capsinoids have three principal mechanisms of action. First, they up-regulate UCP-3 (Mitcohondrial Uncoupling Protein-3) in muscle cells. This causes ATP production to be dissociated with the respiration occurring in the mitochondria. This energy is then released as heat: an effect that is mirrored in caloric restriction as a means to economize energy. Second, they up-regulate UCP-1 (Uncoupling Protein-1, aka Thermogenin). This protein is only expressed in brown adipose tissue and is used to generate non-shivering thermogenesis; a process that evolved to protect against hypothermia. The up-regulation of UCP-1 can positively affect fat utilization and improve insulin sensitivity of tissues. Third, the capsinoids stimulate lipolysis via hydrolysis of triglycerides into glycerol plus three fatty acids. The release of these free fatty acids into the circulation is key to the energy regulating properties of the compound. Allowing these to become readily available as energy sources during exercise means that oxidation of muscle glycogen can be delayed, resulting in significant improvements in endurance.<\/p> Aframomum melegueta, more commonly known as Grains of Paradise, or the alligator pepper, is a plant in the Ginger (Zingiberaceae) family. While complete compositional analysis have not been performed on Grains of Paradise, preliminary assays demonstrate its structural and chemical similarity to ginger \u2013 principally in that both ginger and grains of paradise contains a range of pungent bioactives, one of which is 6-paradol.<\/p> Along with 6-shogaol, 6-paradol appears to be the most bioactive of the approximately 14 pungent compounds identified in ginger. Both compounds appear to potently and dose-dependently mediate the PI3K (phosphoinositide 3-kinase)\/PKB (protein kinase B), leading specifically to an increase in AMPk phosphorylation. Known as the \u2018master regulatory switch,\u2019 AMPk is responsible for balancing endergonic (energy absorbing) and exogenic (energy liberating) processes in the body\u2019s response to energy demands. AMPk is therefore heavily involved in adipocyte (fat cell) differentiation, proliferation, and hypertrophy, via regulating both enzymatic action (11B-HSD1, HSL, SREBP-1) and downstream lipogenic genes such as PPARy2.<\/p> In the case of gingerols such as 6-paradol, increased phosphorylation of AMPk in adipocytes appears to have a mitigating effect on hypertrophy by reducing lipid synthesis. 6-paradol appears to increase AMPk, which in turn decreases the mRNA expression of the downstream PPARy2 (peroxisome proliferate activated receptor gamma 2), a nuclear receptor gene principally responsible for lipid accumulation. In other words, the gingerols control a compound (AMPk) which, in turn, controls fat mass metabolism.<\/p>","gtin12":"672975315092","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/shred-pinneapple-strawber_1603125523-0.jpg"],"brand":"Core Nutritionals","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/27947\/core-nutritionals-shred-pineapple-strawberry-28.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"44.99","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/27947\/core-nutritionals-shred-pineapple-strawberry-28.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"Core Nutritionals SOOTHE - 180 Capsules","sku":"CU317","description":" Inflammation, aches and pains are an inescapable reality for anyone seriously engaged in bodybuilding or fitness. After all, building muscle literally involves tearing your own muscle fibers apart, forcing the body to respond with inflammation and pain. Yet the body doesn't always provide a proportional response and occasionally allows inflammation and pain to kick into overdrive. For some, the best approach to this is to be patient, let the body heal on its own time while dealing with the nagging injuries, aches and pain. For others, well, let's just say that some of us are unwilling to let anything stand in the way of our fitness goals. For those noble few, it's about pushing through the soreness as one more challenge to overcome, lest they miss out on further gains or fall behind the rest of the pack.<\/p> It goes without saying that rest is essential for growth and repair, however, you can\u2019t stop living your life - especially if your goal is to CRUSH IT on the daily basis. To help ensure you lead that lifestyle day in and day out, you need to provide your body with certain nutrients capable of providing an additional layer of protection against the rigors of pain and inflammation.<\/p> This is exactly what Core SOOTHE offers - an additional layer of relief and protection. Formulated with clinically researched ingredients that have proven time and time again to support tissue repair, like those seen from Cissus quadragularis, antioxidant support, from Phyto-C\u2122; and inflammatory suppression, from Boswellia, Curcumin and Ginger Extract. The synergistic nature of these ingredients is unmatched by any product that we have ever seen, as far as suppressing harmful free radical advancement, and aiding in strengthening vital supporting structures is concerned. That's what led us to developing this blend, and that's why you need Core SOOTHE.<\/p> Cissus quadrangularis (CQ) is a plant with a long history of use in traditional and folk medicinal systems, including thousands of years of documented use in the Siddha and Ayurvedic traditions. While the specific use of Cissus in these systems varied, the most common traditional preparations related to analgesia, general tonics, and bone fracture healing. More recent research has developed physiological explanations for CQ\u2019s traditional efficacy, including the reduction of pro-inflammatory cytokines, modulation of the glucocorticoid system (in animal trials), and the proliferation of osteoblast (bone-forming cell) DNA.<\/p> Specific to bone formation, there is strong data to suggest that CQ increases the accumulation of compounds known as mucopolysaccharides \u2013 long chain sugar molecules that precede mineralization in the process of bone formation. Think of these compounds sort of like the wet newspaper before it becomes paper mache. As stated, separate research also suggests that extracts of CQ stimulated osteoblastogenesis, the process of forming bone cells.<\/p> In relation to its positive effects toward certain inflammatory markers, which are key factors that contribute to osteoarthritis and bone damage, CQ (along with Withania somnifera) showed promise as a remedy in some animal studies. When the model was placed under an overabundance of oxidative stress and toxicity and cell death was high, the administration of CQ inhibited the gene expression of cytokines and matrix metalloproteinases, which are known to cause bone damage and cartilage aggravation. Additionally, CQ and the combination of W. somnifera, was shown to enhance cartilage tissue formation and positively impact osteoarthritis markers. These results provide positive validation to Cissus quadrangularis effectiveness in suppressing damaging inflammatory markers and being a potential therapeutic remedy for rheumatic and other joint disorders and conditions.<\/p> There have also been several human studies performed to validate CQ effectiveness. One study conducted on exercise trained men with joint pain showed that the administration of CQ was able to suppress inflammatory responses as well as improve markers of osteoarthritis.<\/p> Boswellia is a tree resin extract that is a traditional part of Indian medicine. In modern clinical trials the active agent, boswellic acid, and the gum resin it contains possesses monoterpenes, diterpenes, triterpenes, tetracyclic triterpenic acids, and four pentacyclic triterpenic acids, which are responsible for the inhibition of pro-inflammatory enzymes. Out of the four pentracyclic triterpenic acids, acetyl-11-keto-\u03b2-boswellic acid is the most potent inhibitor of 5-lipoxygenase, an enzyme responsible for inflammation. In human studies, Boswellia has shown effectiveness in the management of osteoarthritis and other joint related conditions. Several studies proved that Boswellia extract was effective at reducing pain and stiffness, increasing pain threshold, as well as improving overall joint function when compared to placebo. Similarly, to curcumin, boswellic acids have demonstrated a significant attenuation of NF-kB production in various animal and in vitro assays. Curcumin and Boswellia in combination as a treatment method for osteoarthritis has also showed beneficial results. One clinical human trial showed that this combination was able to increase the efficacy of osteoarthritis treatments due to its synergistic effects on oxidative stress reduction.<\/p> Curcumin, the primary polyphenol found in turmeric (a root known for its spice), has been the basis of many clinical studies for its therapeutic properties and ability to modulate multiple cells signaling pathways in certain inflammatory diseases known to humans.<\/p> Numerous studies seem to suggest that curcumin powerfully inhibits the enzymes that synthesize inflammatory compounds such as prostaglandins and leukotrienes. In particular, basic research and molecular studies have now firmly established curcumin\u2019s ability to dose-dependently and potently inhibit a transcription factor known as NF\u2013kB \u2013 a molecule involved in the proliferation of pro-inflammatory cytokines, soft tissue destruction, and autoimmune responses. Conditions where curcumin can provide benefit is in the management of certain metabolic diseases, anxiety, arthritis, and exercise induced inflammation that contributes to muscle damage and soreness. Most of curcumin's benefits stem from its inflammation suppressing qualities along with potent antioxidant activity.<\/p> Studies have shown that low quality curcumin has low bioavailability and benefit, which is why we have used a high standard curcumin with 95% curcuminoids and have also included the trademarked Bioperine\u00ae in this formula. These two ingredients have a largely cohesive impact that can drastically improve the health benefit. Studies have shown that Bioperine\u00ae significantly improved curcumin uptake by upwards of 2000% at doses that proved to be clinically beneficial.<\/p> Ginger is a flowering plant from the Zingiberaceae family with a lengthy history of culinary and medicinal use largely attributed to the therapeutic value of its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.<\/p> Modern clinical trials have attributed the therapeutic benefits of ginger to its unique phytochemical substances (the biologically active organic compounds created by the plant) and its overall chemical composition. Ginger derives its anti-inflammatory effects from the non-volatile components found within the plant, specifically gingerols, shogaols, paradols, and zingerone. Studies have shown that these non-volatile compounds have anti-inflammatory properties with the potential to provide therapeutic relief for degenerative disorders such as arthritis and joint disorders, digestive distress, cardiovascular disorders, and other ailments. Likewise, the potent antioxidative properties of the non-volatile compounds found within ginger help alleviate age-related oxidative stress markers and have been shown to protect against ethanol-induced hepatotoxicity through suppression of oxidative stresses.<\/p> Research has also shown that ginger serves an effective inflammatory mediator able to decrease swelling, pain, and other inflammatory markers, especially through the actions of [6]-gingerol. Here, data suggests that the anti-inflammatory action of ginger occurs through the inhibition of macrophage and neutrophil activation, as well as negatively affecting monocyte and leukocyte migration. According to the results of a study conducted on rats, there was a marked decrease in inflammatory cells infiltration and swelling, as well as an increase in antioxidant capacity, after the administration of ginger and its bioactive components. Core Nutritionals has chosen to use the patented Gingever\u00ae as its source of Ginger for Life Line\u2019s Soothe as it is a highly potent extract consisting of 10% of these beneficial gingerols.<\/p> Phyto-C\u2122 is a trademarked complex blend of antioxidant rich superfoods clinically formulated to deliver a host of immune system supporting benefits. Combining ingredients such as blueberries, acai, tart cherry, kale, broccoli, green tea, turmeric, and others, you are ensuring that your body is being provided clinically proven and laboratory tested superfoods that will protect against free radicals and other cell destroying compounds. This neutralization of free radicals can protect vital cells, prevent illnesses, and reduce overall inflammation. Inflammation can disrupt normal cell processes thus leading to cell damage and disease. Inflammatory cells produce mediators such as cytokines, arachidonic acid, and other factors, which can precipitate a cascading negative reaction within the body. If this inflammation is not addressed in a reasonable manner, potentially permanent cell damage can occur. The key is to reach a point of equilibrium between free radical formation and antioxidant defense mechanisms. As a potent antioxidant source, Phyto-C\u2122 can provide beneficial antioxidants for the body that can aid in this equilibrium and work to boost the immune system and overall health of the human body.<\/p> BioPerine\u00ae is a patented standardized extract from the fruit of Piper nigrum (black pepper). Its studied benefits have shown improvements in bioavailability of neighboring nutrients. When suppressing inflammation, overall efficiency and rapid delivery to the targeted cells have a multiplicative impact that enhances the overall therapeutic value of the administered compounds and nutrients. BioPerine\u00ae helps to increases the bioavailability and absorption of the aforementioned ingredients within Core Soothe.<\/p> BioPerine\u00ae primarily works through mechanisms and channels that can inhibit intestinal motility and dilate blood vessels of the intestines (where absorption of nutrients occurs). This physiological action may cause increased absorption and digestion of nutrients. Several studies looking at BioPerine\u00ae and its impact on nutrient absorption have been conducted with promising results. One study looking at the efficacy of BioPerine\u00ae on serum concentrations of curcumin showed bioavailability was improved by more than 500%. Therapeutic effectiveness of curcumin has often been exhibited as low. Another study conducted over the course of 6 weeks on BioPerine\u00ae influence on serum selenium levels in humans showed an increase by 145% over the presupplementation value.<\/p> With promising research being done on the effects of BioPerine\u00ae in the context of nutrient absorption and bioavailability, it is only fitting that we include it in Core Life Line\u2019s inflammation suppressing product, Core Soothe.<\/p>","gtin12":"658580070588","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/soothe1-650x_1636213274-0.jpg"],"brand":"Core Nutritionals","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/31446\/core-nutritionals-soothe-90-cap.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"54.99","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/31446\/core-nutritionals-soothe-90-cap.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"Core Nutritionals TEST Black Lightning - 28 Servings","sku":"CU117","description":" Being at your best, your peak, isn\u2019t a subjective state of mind or a feeling one has \u2013 it\u2019s a physiological state, a confluence of metabolic factors that result in the best, most peak, most alpha version of you stepping out into the world and into the gym every day. Are you doing what\u2019s necessary to be there?<\/p> If not, then Core has your back with the newest evolution in healthy testosterone and male support: Core TEST. By now, you already know the drill: we take the best ingredients, backed by clinical research, and include them in serving sizes actually reflected in the literature. Core TEST is no different.<\/p> We\u2019ve scoured the literature, alpha and beta tested more formulas than you can count, and eventually created a formula packed with actually effective ingredients targeting multiple pathways of healthy testosterone support. Calcium DAA, one of the best known support supplements on the market, backed by clinical research in humans. KSM66, an ingredient with a long history of use in traditional medicine now backed by an unimpeachable record of cortisol reduction, healthy testosterone support, and hormone optimization. We could\u2019ve given you KSM66 and left it at that \u2013 the ingredient is that good. But we didn\u2019t. We included Bulbine natalensis, Tongkat Ali, and a potent estrogen modulator in Pine extract to cap off the savagery. This is the best, most comprehensive, multi-pathway testosterone support product on the market.<\/p> All in all, we have created a formula that you\u2019ll know is working. If you don\u2019t know your best yet, you\u2019ll certainly know it when Core TEST helps you reach it.<\/p> D-Aspartic Acid, the d isomer form of the amino acid aspartate, is an amino acid that is found naturally in several endocrine glands, including the testes and pituitary. While the correlation between DAA and testosterone production has been clinically documented, research indicates several possible mechanisms for these effects.<\/p> It\u2019s likely that DAA acts as a neuromodulator influencing several pathways that govern the reproductive system, particularly testosterone production. Some studies indicate that DAA\u2019s concentrated presence in the hypothalamus, pituitary, and testes identify this protein as an up-regulator of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), luteinizing hormone (LH) and testosterone. Some studies have found that DAA also stimulates a protein called StAR. StAR is necessary for the cholesterol transport in the cell that is needed for testosterone production. Further, its role in modulating the sexual drive implicates DAA assists nootropic activity, supporting health levels of dopamine and serotonin. Balanced levels of dopamine and serotonin have a range of significant benefits.<\/p> The existing research in human males suggests these mechanisms of action have plausible, real world activity. A six-month trial in average men, for example, saw increases to circulating testosterone of 30-60%. The increase over baseline persisted for the entirety of the trial in certain subjects, suggesting that DAA does not lose its effects over time or with repeated administration.<\/p> Withania somnifera Dunal, colloquially known as Winter Cherry or Indian Ginseng, is an herb that features prominently in the traditional Indian medicinal system of Ayurveda. Known as Ashwagandha in Ayurveda, Withania somnifera is a critical ingredient in various Ayurvedic tonics and tinctures prepared as a traditional remedy for the treatment of various ailments.<\/p> Recently identified as a potent adaptogenic and target for therapeutic applications, Ashwagandha has been the subject of numerous animal, pre-clinical, and clinical trials designed to examine its potential effects as an antioxidant, anti-carcinogenic, anxiolytic, antibacterial, antifungal, and immunomodulating compound. Ashwagandha\u2019s broad therapeutic potential is hypothesized to be the result of its robust phytochemical profile, including a wide swath of alkaloids, sitoindosides, and the highly biologically active withanolide group. As the principally biologically active compounds within Ashwagandha, withanolides such as withanone, withaferine A, withanolides A, D, and G have been identified, isolated, and extensively studied in the various applications noted above.<\/p> In recognition of the potential physiological benefits of withanolides, Core Nutritionals selected KSM-66\u00ae to include in its HARD formula. KSM-66\u00ae is a full-spectrum Ashwagandha extract, standardized for 5% withanolides \u2013 meaning that KSM-66\u00ae not only includes the full range of biologically active compounds within Ashwagandha, but also that it contains the highest currently available concentration of the principally active withanolides (5%).<\/p> The high concentrations of withanolides within KSM-66\u00ae has resulted in encouraging results in a number of human, clinical trials \u2013 particularly considering many of these trials were conducted using the methodological gold standard of randomization, double-blind delivery, and placebo control. Amongst the most impressive results contained in these trials:<\/p> Bulbine natalensis is a herb endemic to Southern Africa that has historically been used as an aphrodisiac in traditional medicine preparations. Recent animal research has demonstrated that the herb has healthy testosterone supporting effects in rats and may also elicit positive effects on cognition.<\/p> While Bulbine natalensis\u2019 method of action is not certain, research conducted on rats suggests its testosterone-support functions stem from an increase in LH (luteinizing hormone). Luteinizing hormone is a hormone released by the pituitary gland to signal the Leydig cells in the testes to produce testosterone. The animal trial demonstrating an increase in LH also demonstrated an increase in rat testosterone levels at 14 days. The study revealed an increase in circulating testosterone of 40%.<\/p> In these same trials, an aqueous extract of the herb was found to dose-dependently lower estrogen levels in male rats. Research has not established whether the estrogen-lowering effects of Bulbine natalensis are a cause or consequence of its ability to support healthy testosterone levels.<\/p> The name Eurycoma longifolia is probably familiar to most within the bodybuilding and fitness community, as it has a long history of use as an aphrodisiac supplement. Also known as Tongkat Ali, Malaysian Ginseng, and Longjack, the herb is found in temperate regions of SouthEast Asia and has been used for centuries as an aphrodisiac in medicinal systems local to those regions.<\/p> Western research has begun to establish that Eurycoma longifolia does in fact have an effect on libido, at least in animal trials. Trials in rats have demonstrated Tongkat Ali increased measures of sexuality (mounting frequency, latency to ejaculation and partner selection), while in vitro assays have identified pro-erectile bioactive compounds.<\/p> Though more research is required to establish Tongkat\u2019s aphrodisiac and\/or pro-erectile effects in humans, the existing animal research is fairly consistent in suggesting the herb\u2019s effects in these areas.<\/p> Abieta-8,11,13-trien-18-oic acid, more commonly known as Dehydroabietc acid or DHAA, is a terpene compound isolated from several plants and trees, including certain species of Pine. Certain assays have also isolated DHAA from resin of Commiphora myrrha.<\/p> While limited in amount, the research that exists on DHAA is promising. Prior to discussing this research, it may be useful to explain the research term IC50. IC50 is a measurement in estrogenic assays that describes the amount of a given aromatase-inhibiting compound needed to reduce half (or 50%) of the aromatase enzyme. The aromatase enzyme, in turn, is the enzyme responsible for converting testosterone to estrogen. The prescription drug Formestane, for example, has an IC50 value of 0.6 mu \u2013 with a lower value indicating a more potent compound. (The less compound needed to reduce aromatase by 50%, the more powerful it is).<\/p> DHAA\u2019s IC50 value \u2013 according to the available research \u2013 is 0.3 mu, suggesting that it has potent activity against the aromatase enzyme. While the research exhibiting DHAA\u2019s precise IC50 value is in vitro, animal research does exist to suggest a practical, real-world effect. Agricultural studies in fish examining DHAA as an environmental factor suggest that DHAA significantly and level-dependently reduces circulating estrogen in certain fish species.<\/p>","gtin12":"672975315030","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/core-test-black-lightning_1607611566-0.jpg"],"brand":"Core Nutritionals","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/28926\/core-nutritionals-core-test-blackberry-lemonade-2.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"56.99","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/28926\/core-nutritionals-core-test-blackberry-lemonade-2.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"Core Nutritionals Transformers Allspark Megatron Blood Orange - 30 Servings","sku":"CU377","description":" Transformers Allspark<\/strong><\/p>\r\n Vitamin C (as ascorbic acid)<\/p>\r\n Vitamin C is historically best-known for the treatment and prevention of scurvy, though it has many other roles in the body. For example, vitamin C catalyzes or is a cofactor in eight enzymatic reactions involved in the synthesis of collagen, the nutrient carnitine, and several neurotransmitters necessary for the proper function of the brain.<\/p>\r\n In the contemporary context, vitamin C is best known as a potent antioxidant. In addition to its intrinsic activity as an antioxidant, vitamin C has been shown in in vitro trials to regenerate alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E). As an antioxidant, vitamin C combats the detrimental effects of a group of compounds called radical oxygen species that, when produced, degrade the lipid membrane of the cell and may cause internal damage. By “scavenging” these free radicals, vitamin C and other antioxidants form a defense against excess cellular damage.<\/p>\r\n Calcium (as calcium carbonate, calcium citrate, dicalcium malate (DimaCal®)<\/p>\r\n While best-known as the main bioactive in milk, and a compound that contributes to strong bones, calcium has numerous physiological effects in the body. As a key electrolyte it is responsible for mediating vascular contraction and vasodilatation, muscle function, nerve transmission, intracellular signaling, and hormonal secretion. Homeostatic regulation of calcium, which the body cannot produce, also requires sufficient levels of vitamin D. In the context of muscular contraction and relaxation, if calcium is required for strong contractions, magnesium is required for efficient relaxation of those muscle fibers.<\/p>\r\n DimaCal® is a trademarked form of dicalcium malate, which is calcium bonded with malic acid. It has been shown in studies to be a much better absorbed form of calcium and can maintain serum calcium levels for a much longer period. This can lead to a better maintained electrolyte level and greater performance where calcium is required.<\/p>\r\n Magnesium (as magnesium carbonate, magnesium citrate, magnesium bisglycinate chelate, magnesium chloride, magnesium lysinate glycinate chelate)<\/p>\r\n Magnesium, an often-overlooked electrolyte, is the second most abundant intracellular cation (after potassium). It is a cofactor to over three hundred enzymatic reactions in the body and is required for cellular energy metabolism, functioning of the sodium\/potassium adenosine triphosphatase pump, nerve conduction, and ion transport. Magnesium is also required for the use of the body’s energy currency, ATP. To become biologically active, ATP must be bound to magnesium to form Mg-ATP. In addition, magnesium is necessary for the proper function of cells with calcium and potassium gated ion channels such as heart and muscle cells. Working alongside calcium, magnesium plays a crucial role in the body by regulating muscular contractions as well as cramp prevention. In the context of muscle health and rehydration, the longer and more intense a bout of physical activity is, the more magnesium is lost primarily through sweat and urine. This loss of electrolyte balance requires its replenishment so that physical performance can remain at its peak throughout the duration of the activity reducing the risk of injury or bodily harm. Regardless of the type of sport or exercise, muscular contractions and energy production could not occur consistently without the presence of magnesium.<\/p>\r\n Zinc (as zinc bisglycinate chelate)<\/p>\r\n As an essential mineral, like magnesium, zinc is also involved in a wide range of essential biological functions in the human body – and a requirement in the catalytic activity of over one hundred enzymes.<\/p>\r\n Most notably, zinc is vital for immune function, protein synthesis, cellular division, and DNA synthesis. For immune function, zinc is required for the function of a group of immune cells known as neutrophils and macrophages, which eliminate pathological cells and their products from the body.<\/p>\r\n With magnesium, sufficient levels of zinc are also necessary for the production and maintenance of healthy levels of testosterone.<\/p>\r\n Chloride (as magnesium chloride)<\/p>\r\n Chloride is one of the most important electrolytes in the human body. Like sodium and potassium, which will be discussed below, chloride creates specific channels in cell membranes which help to carry out different vital tasks. It is responsible for balancing the fluids on the inside of the cells with the fluids on the outside of the cells, as well as maintaining proper blood volume, blood pressure, and fluid pH. Chloride is also important for muscle and heart contraction as well as to aid in the carrying of nerve impulses between our nerve cells and our brain and the rest of the body. Additionally, chloride is needed to help red blood cells exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide in the lungs as well as playing a role in the digestion of foods by supporting hydrochloric acid production in the stomach. We often lose chloride through sweat and perspiration, which comes in the form of water and salt. Replenishment of chloride can come from utilizing salt (often found as sodium-chloride, or table salt), cheese, canned fish, and some processed meats. Overconsumption of some of these foods may not be beneficial for some individuals, so supplementation may be the best way for these individuals to replenish chloride in their bodies.<\/p>\r\n Sodium (as sodium citrate, sodium bicarbonate)<\/p>\r\n Sodium, like chloride above, is one of the most essential electrolytes for our body to utilize. As sodium is often found bound to chloride as sodium-chloride (salt), their function and benefits are going to be very similar in nature. Sodium helps to keep the water (amount of fluid outside of the body’s cells) and electrolyte balance of the body, while also aiding in the contraction and relaxation of muscles as well as conducting nerve impulses. While only 500mg of sodium is needed per day for these functions to occur, we as active individuals need far more sodium to maintain these functions. We mostly lose sodium through sweat and urine, so the more active we are\/the more we sweat and the more we urinate, the more sodium is lost. Acquiring enough sodium through food and drink is crucial to establishing equilibrium again to maintain proper functioning and electrolyte balance within the body. The standard American diet is often overloaded with sodium and coupled with inactivity, which can lead to poor health and dysfunction. It is important to engage in physical activity of some kind most days and to eat a diet that is balanced in nutrients to maintain proper health.<\/p>\r\n Potassium (as potassium citrate, coconut water concentrate, potassium glycinate complex)<\/p>\r\n Potassium, as sodium’s counterpart, acts as a critical electrolyte primarily by helping to maintain normal levels of fluids inside of our cells. Additionally, it helps muscles to contract and relax, aid in strong nerve function, as well as support normal blood pressure. It works very closely with sodium to create the membrane potential needed for the electrical currents that generate these functions to pass from one cell to the next. While the potassium levels in our body are regulated carefully, a diet lacking enough potassium (especially when combined with excess sodium) or one that contains too much potassium can eventually lead to certain types of dysfunctions and poor health status. When potassium levels in the body increase, the adrenal glands release the hormone aldosterone, which causes the kidneys to excrete excess potassium through the urine. When potassium levels are too low, aldosterone levels are suppressed, which can lead to conservation of potassium thus interfering with balance and negatively affecting transport channels that affect vital bodily functions. Potassium can be gotten from the diet in the form of fresh fruits and vegetables, such as sweet potatoes, beans, tomatoes, spinach and broccoli but supplementing can be an essential application as well to support an active lifestyle where excretion is higher than can be replenished through diet.<\/p>\r\n Vegan Fermented BCAA\/EAA Blend (5g)<\/p>\r\n If one were to think of the body as a construction project, amino acids would be the most basic building materials: raw lumber, mortar, bricks, and so on. While the assembly of these building blocks is of course critically important to the function of the building – and one of the amino acids, leucine, controls its own assembly – the quality and availability of the materials themselves is more important. Not enough concrete? The foundation cracks and the building falls.<\/p>\r\n Your body is the exact same way. It is comprised of various amino acids, both essential and non-essential, that comprise the cellular basis of each cell in your body. When it comes down to skeletal muscle, the most important are the EAAs – or essential chained amino acids. Comprised of nine amino acids, these compounds effectively control the rate at which your muscle grows (hypertrophies), its contractile force, its endurance, and so on – to say they are massively important is an understatement. For this reason, they form the basis of any competently designed supplement protocol.<\/p>\r\n Collectively, as stated above, the essential amino acids are famous for their role in skeletal muscle protein synthesis and metabolism. Of the nine, leucine is both the most physiologically important with respect to muscle mass, and the most extensively studied. Data on leucine demonstrate this amino acid plays critical roles in stimulating skeletal muscle protein synthesis, and ribosomal biogenesis and assembly (the literal building of muscle tissue), along with playing a lesser role in insulin signaling and gluconeogenic processes. As a result of these diverse roles, leucine has been demonstrated to significantly stimulate skeletal muscle protein synthesis, and attenuate protein degradation, by both insulin-mediated and non-insulin mediated mechanisms.<\/p>\r\n Leucine’s insulin-mediated effects are the result of its activation of the classical insulin receptor substrate (IRS)\/phosphatidylinositol (PI) 3-kinase (PI3K)\/Akt\/mTOR signal transduction pathway. In this pathway, the bonding of a substrate (glucose) eventually activates a compound known as Akt. Once phosphorylated and activated, Akt signals the release of the famous mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR). mTOR then increases the translation of muscle-cell ribosomal proteins that increase ribosome biogenesis, which is the literal production of proteins. Leucine has additionally been shown to positively regulate protein synthesis independent of insulin. In certain trials where rapamycin and leucine were co-administered, rapamycin showed only partial inhibition of leucine’s effects on muscle protein synthesis.<\/p>\r\n In more practical terms, there is a significant body of evidence demonstrating the positive effect of amino acids on athletic performance. Extensive studies in exercise-trained populations reveal that, collectively, amino acids may:<\/p>\r\n Reduce total muscle soreness after intense resistance training, and\/or further delay its onset.<\/p>\r\n Decrease muscle recovery time between bouts of intense resistance exercise training.<\/p>\r\n Increase lean body mass when used daily, in conjunction with diet and exercise.<\/p>\r\n L-Taurine<\/p>\r\n Through traditionally referred to as an amino acid due to its chemical structure, taurine is not an amino acid in the sense that leucine, alanine, or glutamine are. Its chemical status aside, taurine is considered one of the body’s most essential chemical compounds, as cardiovascular function, muscle development and function, along with optical and nervous systems in the body depend on its abundance. While data on taurine typically occurs with taurine in supplement combinations (with caffeine and other amino acids), these data nevertheless suggest that dietary supplementation with taurine may have beneficial effects on mental focus and alertness and may assist during times of increased physical exertion.<\/p>\r\n Coconut Water Concentrate (Cocos nucifera)<\/p>\r\n Coconut water, like the name implies, is the liquid that is found within the coconut itself. Often having a slightly sweet, nutty flavor, it also contains an adequate number of vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes like potassium, sodium, and magnesium. All these electrolytes, like discussed in sections above, can help to boost hydration status and replenish nutrients lost through exercise or rigorous everyday activities. Potassium is the highest concentration in coconut water at 600mg per cup (16% DV), which as discussed about it has a vital role in optimally functioning kidneys and strong muscle contractions. Potassium can also work to keep fluid levels and other electrolytes balanced during exercise. The high concentration of potassium in coconut water specifically can balance our sodium’s effects on blood pressure, and even lower blood pressure slightly, which can have its own benefits towards training and overall health and circulatory health. In addition to the added electrolytes that coconut water can provide, it also can provide a potent number of antioxidants that can aid in the neutralization of free radicals that can rapidly take over during intense training. By eliminating these free radicals, muscles will be able to perform longer and more efficiently, as well as be able to recover adequately. While general water consumption can be adequate as well, the added electrolytes coconut water can supply provides an added benefit that can improve performance and overall recovery.<\/p>\r\n ElevATP® (Ancient Peat Extract and Apple Extract)<\/p>\r\n Adenosine triphosphate and other ATP metabolites are involved in a number of biological processes including cardiac function, blood flow, muscle contraction and neurotransmission. ATP is the primary molecule that acts as a carrier for energy within cells. It has also often been studied that increased levels of ATP have shown increases in health and performance. Supplementation with exogenous ATP has often shown its ability to increase ATP concentrations in blood. Oral supplementation with ancient peat and apple extracts have exhibited their ability to increase intracellular and intramuscular ATP levels. ElevATP® is a blend these specific polyphenols that can work to increase endogenous ATP levels without a simultaneous increase in serum lactate. The significance of this is that usually with an increase in endogenous ATP there is an increase in intracellular free radicals. When these free radicals are not present, oxidative stress is mitigated and there is more potential for the beneficial increases in ATP to take center stage. These increases of ATP are essential as when available energy is increased it can have positive benefits in terms of increased power, strength, and overall exercise performance. One study looked at dosing ElevATP® against placebo and showed that the group who received ElevATP® saw a blood ATP increase of 45% on average along with no increase in oxidative blood glucose. This type of result has been shown repeatedly in studies and has given ElevATP® the reputation to be a beneficial compound for the goals of improving endurance, strength, power, and other training specific adaptations.<\/p>\r\n Ionic Trace Minerals (as Concentrace® AC)<\/p>\r\n Our bodies are high functioning machines and require a lot of support to continue to perform at a high-level day in and day out. A lot of these needs are difficult to be acquired by diet alone, so supplementation is critical. Minerals are included in these daily needs and are vital to the body’s many processes. ConcenTrace® AC is a high-quality trace mineral complex providing a comprehensive blend of nutrients that are often hard to acquire from diet alone. Its manufacturing process makes it up to 26x more concentrated than other colloidal trace minerals, adding to its benefits. These minerals contained in the product are catalysts for all the vitamins and other nutrients our body requires to function at an optimal level and maintain health. Some of these functions include electrolyte replacement, maintaining pH balance in the body, nourishing hair and skin, strengthening bones and joints, regulating the digestive system, and improving athletic performance.<\/p>\r\n AstraGin® (Astragalus membranaceous and Panax notoginseng root extracts)<\/p>\r\n AstraGin® is a trademarked combination of Astragalus membranaceous and Panax notoginseng that has been widely used in the supplement manufacturing industry for due to its clinically studied benefits for improving absorption of nutrients, peptides, and amino acids. Some statistics include increased absorption of creatine, leucine, citrulline, and other peptides by up to 67%, increased curcumin absorption by 92%, increases polyunsaturated fatty acids (from flax and fish oil) by 58% and 100% respectively, as well as can increase ATP production in the liver by 18%. AstraGin® has been shown capable of increasing muscle protein synthesis and increased mTOR through enhanced leucine absorption, which has an influence on improved glucose metabolism and mitochondrial functions. In addition to this benefit, AstraGin’s® ability to enhance polyunsaturated fatty acid absorption while also inhibiting saturated fatty acid absorption, thus reducing the risk of impaired glucose metabolism and mitochondrial function, can enhance ATP synthesis through mitochondrial respiration, and increase oxidative phosphorylation.<\/p>\r\n It has been further studied how Astragalus and Panax notoginseng specifically can protect mitochondria and enhance their function towards anti-aging. The proposed mechanism leads to Astragalus acting as a free radical scavenger, which can inhibit mitochondrial permeability transition and increase the activity of antioxidants against the peroxidation of membrane lipids. Panax notoginseng also works in a similar fashion through decreased free radical production. This lipid peroxidation has been shown to be a major cause of decreases in mitochondrial function. In addition to this, ensuring a highly permeable environment around the mitochondrial membrane is crucial for maintaining mitochondrial functions. This permeability allows for the passage of key electro chemicals to cross the gradient allowing for the process of energy development for the cells.<\/p>\r\n <\/p>\r\n <\/p>","gtin12":"850057789430","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/transformers-allspark-blo_1734204301-0.jpg","https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/allspark-label2_1734204572-0.jpg"],"brand":"Core Nutritionals","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/34751\/core-nutritionals-transformers-allspark-megatron.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"44.99","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/34751\/core-nutritionals-transformers-allspark-megatron.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"Core Nutritionals Transformers Allspark Optimus Prime Mixed Berry - 30 Servings","sku":"CU378","description":" Transformers Allspark<\/strong><\/p>\r\n Vitamin C (as ascorbic acid)<\/p>\r\n Vitamin C is historically best-known for the treatment and prevention of scurvy, though it has many other roles in the body. For example, vitamin C catalyzes or is a cofactor in eight enzymatic reactions involved in the synthesis of collagen, the nutrient carnitine, and several neurotransmitters necessary for the proper function of the brain.<\/p>\r\n In the contemporary context, vitamin C is best known as a potent antioxidant. In addition to its intrinsic activity as an antioxidant, vitamin C has been shown in in vitro trials to regenerate alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E). As an antioxidant, vitamin C combats the detrimental effects of a group of compounds called radical oxygen species that, when produced, degrade the lipid membrane of the cell and may cause internal damage. By “scavenging” these free radicals, vitamin C and other antioxidants form a defense against excess cellular damage.<\/p>\r\n Calcium (as calcium carbonate, calcium citrate, dicalcium malate (DimaCal®)<\/p>\r\n While best-known as the main bioactive in milk, and a compound that contributes to strong bones, calcium has numerous physiological effects in the body. As a key electrolyte it is responsible for mediating vascular contraction and vasodilatation, muscle function, nerve transmission, intracellular signaling, and hormonal secretion. Homeostatic regulation of calcium, which the body cannot produce, also requires sufficient levels of vitamin D. In the context of muscular contraction and relaxation, if calcium is required for strong contractions, magnesium is required for efficient relaxation of those muscle fibers.<\/p>\r\n DimaCal® is a trademarked form of dicalcium malate, which is calcium bonded with malic acid. It has been shown in studies to be a much better absorbed form of calcium and can maintain serum calcium levels for a much longer period. This can lead to a better maintained electrolyte level and greater performance where calcium is required.<\/p>\r\n Magnesium (as magnesium carbonate, magnesium citrate, magnesium bisglycinate chelate, magnesium chloride, magnesium lysinate glycinate chelate)<\/p>\r\n Magnesium, an often-overlooked electrolyte, is the second most abundant intracellular cation (after potassium). It is a cofactor to over three hundred enzymatic reactions in the body and is required for cellular energy metabolism, functioning of the sodium\/potassium adenosine triphosphatase pump, nerve conduction, and ion transport. Magnesium is also required for the use of the body’s energy currency, ATP. To become biologically active, ATP must be bound to magnesium to form Mg-ATP. In addition, magnesium is necessary for the proper function of cells with calcium and potassium gated ion channels such as heart and muscle cells. Working alongside calcium, magnesium plays a crucial role in the body by regulating muscular contractions as well as cramp prevention. In the context of muscle health and rehydration, the longer and more intense a bout of physical activity is, the more magnesium is lost primarily through sweat and urine. This loss of electrolyte balance requires its replenishment so that physical performance can remain at its peak throughout the duration of the activity reducing the risk of injury or bodily harm. Regardless of the type of sport or exercise, muscular contractions and energy production could not occur consistently without the presence of magnesium.<\/p>\r\n Zinc (as zinc bisglycinate chelate)<\/p>\r\n As an essential mineral, like magnesium, zinc is also involved in a wide range of essential biological functions in the human body – and a requirement in the catalytic activity of over one hundred enzymes.<\/p>\r\n Most notably, zinc is vital for immune function, protein synthesis, cellular division, and DNA synthesis. For immune function, zinc is required for the function of a group of immune cells known as neutrophils and macrophages, which eliminate pathological cells and their products from the body.<\/p>\r\n With magnesium, sufficient levels of zinc are also necessary for the production and maintenance of healthy levels of testosterone.<\/p>\r\n Chloride (as magnesium chloride)<\/p>\r\n Chloride is one of the most important electrolytes in the human body. Like sodium and potassium, which will be discussed below, chloride creates specific channels in cell membranes which help to carry out different vital tasks. It is responsible for balancing the fluids on the inside of the cells with the fluids on the outside of the cells, as well as maintaining proper blood volume, blood pressure, and fluid pH. Chloride is also important for muscle and heart contraction as well as to aid in the carrying of nerve impulses between our nerve cells and our brain and the rest of the body. Additionally, chloride is needed to help red blood cells exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide in the lungs as well as playing a role in the digestion of foods by supporting hydrochloric acid production in the stomach. We often lose chloride through sweat and perspiration, which comes in the form of water and salt. Replenishment of chloride can come from utilizing salt (often found as sodium-chloride, or table salt), cheese, canned fish, and some processed meats. Overconsumption of some of these foods may not be beneficial for some individuals, so supplementation may be the best way for these individuals to replenish chloride in their bodies.<\/p>\r\n Sodium (as sodium citrate, sodium bicarbonate)<\/p>\r\n Sodium, like chloride above, is one of the most essential electrolytes for our body to utilize. As sodium is often found bound to chloride as sodium-chloride (salt), their function and benefits are going to be very similar in nature. Sodium helps to keep the water (amount of fluid outside of the body’s cells) and electrolyte balance of the body, while also aiding in the contraction and relaxation of muscles as well as conducting nerve impulses. While only 500mg of sodium is needed per day for these functions to occur, we as active individuals need far more sodium to maintain these functions. We mostly lose sodium through sweat and urine, so the more active we are\/the more we sweat and the more we urinate, the more sodium is lost. Acquiring enough sodium through food and drink is crucial to establishing equilibrium again to maintain proper functioning and electrolyte balance within the body. The standard American diet is often overloaded with sodium and coupled with inactivity, which can lead to poor health and dysfunction. It is important to engage in physical activity of some kind most days and to eat a diet that is balanced in nutrients to maintain proper health.<\/p>\r\n Potassium (as potassium citrate, coconut water concentrate, potassium glycinate complex)<\/p>\r\n Potassium, as sodium’s counterpart, acts as a critical electrolyte primarily by helping to maintain normal levels of fluids inside of our cells. Additionally, it helps muscles to contract and relax, aid in strong nerve function, as well as support normal blood pressure. It works very closely with sodium to create the membrane potential needed for the electrical currents that generate these functions to pass from one cell to the next. While the potassium levels in our body are regulated carefully, a diet lacking enough potassium (especially when combined with excess sodium) or one that contains too much potassium can eventually lead to certain types of dysfunctions and poor health status. When potassium levels in the body increase, the adrenal glands release the hormone aldosterone, which causes the kidneys to excrete excess potassium through the urine. When potassium levels are too low, aldosterone levels are suppressed, which can lead to conservation of potassium thus interfering with balance and negatively affecting transport channels that affect vital bodily functions. Potassium can be gotten from the diet in the form of fresh fruits and vegetables, such as sweet potatoes, beans, tomatoes, spinach and broccoli but supplementing can be an essential application as well to support an active lifestyle where excretion is higher than can be replenished through diet.<\/p>\r\n Vegan Fermented BCAA\/EAA Blend (5g)<\/p>\r\n If one were to think of the body as a construction project, amino acids would be the most basic building materials: raw lumber, mortar, bricks, and so on. While the assembly of these building blocks is of course critically important to the function of the building – and one of the amino acids, leucine, controls its own assembly – the quality and availability of the materials themselves is more important. Not enough concrete? The foundation cracks and the building falls.<\/p>\r\n Your body is the exact same way. It is comprised of various amino acids, both essential and non-essential, that comprise the cellular basis of each cell in your body. When it comes down to skeletal muscle, the most important are the EAAs – or essential chained amino acids. Comprised of nine amino acids, these compounds effectively control the rate at which your muscle grows (hypertrophies), its contractile force, its endurance, and so on – to say they are massively important is an understatement. For this reason, they form the basis of any competently designed supplement protocol.<\/p>\r\n Collectively, as stated above, the essential amino acids are famous for their role in skeletal muscle protein synthesis and metabolism. Of the nine, leucine is both the most physiologically important with respect to muscle mass, and the most extensively studied. Data on leucine demonstrate this amino acid plays critical roles in stimulating skeletal muscle protein synthesis, and ribosomal biogenesis and assembly (the literal building of muscle tissue), along with playing a lesser role in insulin signaling and gluconeogenic processes. As a result of these diverse roles, leucine has been demonstrated to significantly stimulate skeletal muscle protein synthesis, and attenuate protein degradation, by both insulin-mediated and non-insulin mediated mechanisms.<\/p>\r\n Leucine’s insulin-mediated effects are the result of its activation of the classical insulin receptor substrate (IRS)\/phosphatidylinositol (PI) 3-kinase (PI3K)\/Akt\/mTOR signal transduction pathway. In this pathway, the bonding of a substrate (glucose) eventually activates a compound known as Akt. Once phosphorylated and activated, Akt signals the release of the famous mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR). mTOR then increases the translation of muscle-cell ribosomal proteins that increase ribosome biogenesis, which is the literal production of proteins. Leucine has additionally been shown to positively regulate protein synthesis independent of insulin. In certain trials where rapamycin and leucine were co-administered, rapamycin showed only partial inhibition of leucine’s effects on muscle protein synthesis.<\/p>\r\n In more practical terms, there is a significant body of evidence demonstrating the positive effect of amino acids on athletic performance. Extensive studies in exercise-trained populations reveal that, collectively, amino acids may:<\/p>\r\n Reduce total muscle soreness after intense resistance training, and\/or further delay its onset.<\/p>\r\n Decrease muscle recovery time between bouts of intense resistance exercise training.<\/p>\r\n Increase lean body mass when used daily, in conjunction with diet and exercise.<\/p>\r\n L-Taurine<\/p>\r\n Through traditionally referred to as an amino acid due to its chemical structure, taurine is not an amino acid in the sense that leucine, alanine, or glutamine are. Its chemical status aside, taurine is considered one of the body’s most essential chemical compounds, as cardiovascular function, muscle development and function, along with optical and nervous systems in the body depend on its abundance. While data on taurine typically occurs with taurine in supplement combinations (with caffeine and other amino acids), these data nevertheless suggest that dietary supplementation with taurine may have beneficial effects on mental focus and alertness and may assist during times of increased physical exertion.<\/p>\r\n Coconut Water Concentrate (Cocos nucifera)<\/p>\r\n Coconut water, like the name implies, is the liquid that is found within the coconut itself. Often having a slightly sweet, nutty flavor, it also contains an adequate number of vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes like potassium, sodium, and magnesium. All these electrolytes, like discussed in sections above, can help to boost hydration status and replenish nutrients lost through exercise or rigorous everyday activities. Potassium is the highest concentration in coconut water at 600mg per cup (16% DV), which as discussed about it has a vital role in optimally functioning kidneys and strong muscle contractions. Potassium can also work to keep fluid levels and other electrolytes balanced during exercise. The high concentration of potassium in coconut water specifically can balance our sodium’s effects on blood pressure, and even lower blood pressure slightly, which can have its own benefits towards training and overall health and circulatory health. In addition to the added electrolytes that coconut water can provide, it also can provide a potent number of antioxidants that can aid in the neutralization of free radicals that can rapidly take over during intense training. By eliminating these free radicals, muscles will be able to perform longer and more efficiently, as well as be able to recover adequately. While general water consumption can be adequate as well, the added electrolytes coconut water can supply provides an added benefit that can improve performance and overall recovery.<\/p>\r\n ElevATP® (Ancient Peat Extract and Apple Extract)<\/p>\r\n Adenosine triphosphate and other ATP metabolites are involved in a number of biological processes including cardiac function, blood flow, muscle contraction and neurotransmission. ATP is the primary molecule that acts as a carrier for energy within cells. It has also often been studied that increased levels of ATP have shown increases in health and performance. Supplementation with exogenous ATP has often shown its ability to increase ATP concentrations in blood. Oral supplementation with ancient peat and apple extracts have exhibited their ability to increase intracellular and intramuscular ATP levels. ElevATP® is a blend these specific polyphenols that can work to increase endogenous ATP levels without a simultaneous increase in serum lactate. The significance of this is that usually with an increase in endogenous ATP there is an increase in intracellular free radicals. When these free radicals are not present, oxidative stress is mitigated and there is more potential for the beneficial increases in ATP to take center stage. These increases of ATP are essential as when available energy is increased it can have positive benefits in terms of increased power, strength, and overall exercise performance. One study looked at dosing ElevATP® against placebo and showed that the group who received ElevATP® saw a blood ATP increase of 45% on average along with no increase in oxidative blood glucose. This type of result has been shown repeatedly in studies and has given ElevATP® the reputation to be a beneficial compound for the goals of improving endurance, strength, power, and other training specific adaptations.<\/p>\r\n Ionic Trace Minerals (as Concentrace® AC)<\/p>\r\n Our bodies are high functioning machines and require a lot of support to continue to perform at a high-level day in and day out. A lot of these needs are difficult to be acquired by diet alone, so supplementation is critical. Minerals are included in these daily needs and are vital to the body’s many processes. ConcenTrace® AC is a high-quality trace mineral complex providing a comprehensive blend of nutrients that are often hard to acquire from diet alone. Its manufacturing process makes it up to 26x more concentrated than other colloidal trace minerals, adding to its benefits. These minerals contained in the product are catalysts for all the vitamins and other nutrients our body requires to function at an optimal level and maintain health. Some of these functions include electrolyte replacement, maintaining pH balance in the body, nourishing hair and skin, strengthening bones and joints, regulating the digestive system, and improving athletic performance.<\/p>\r\n AstraGin® (Astragalus membranaceous and Panax notoginseng root extracts)<\/p>\r\n AstraGin® is a trademarked combination of Astragalus membranaceous and Panax notoginseng that has been widely used in the supplement manufacturing industry for due to its clinically studied benefits for improving absorption of nutrients, peptides, and amino acids. Some statistics include increased absorption of creatine, leucine, citrulline, and other peptides by up to 67%, increased curcumin absorption by 92%, increases polyunsaturated fatty acids (from flax and fish oil) by 58% and 100% respectively, as well as can increase ATP production in the liver by 18%. AstraGin® has been shown capable of increasing muscle protein synthesis and increased mTOR through enhanced leucine absorption, which has an influence on improved glucose metabolism and mitochondrial functions. In addition to this benefit, AstraGin’s® ability to enhance polyunsaturated fatty acid absorption while also inhibiting saturated fatty acid absorption, thus reducing the risk of impaired glucose metabolism and mitochondrial function, can enhance ATP synthesis through mitochondrial respiration, and increase oxidative phosphorylation.<\/p>\r\n It has been further studied how Astragalus and Panax notoginseng specifically can protect mitochondria and enhance their function towards anti-aging. The proposed mechanism leads to Astragalus acting as a free radical scavenger, which can inhibit mitochondrial permeability transition and increase the activity of antioxidants against the peroxidation of membrane lipids. Panax notoginseng also works in a similar fashion through decreased free radical production. This lipid peroxidation has been shown to be a major cause of decreases in mitochondrial function. In addition to this, ensuring a highly permeable environment around the mitochondrial membrane is crucial for maintaining mitochondrial functions. This permeability allows for the passage of key electro chemicals to cross the gradient allowing for the process of energy development for the cells.<\/p>\r\n <\/p>\r\n <\/p>","gtin12":"850057789416","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/transformers-allspark-mix_1734204432-0.jpg","https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/allspark-label2_1734204587-0.jpg"],"brand":"Core Nutritionals","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/34752\/core-nutritionals-transformers-allspark-optimus.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"44.99","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/34752\/core-nutritionals-transformers-allspark-optimus.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"Core Nutritionals Transformers Energon Pre Workout Megatron Blood Orange - 30 Servings","sku":"CU380","description":" Transformers® Energon<\/strong><\/p>\r\n Enfinity® Paraxanthine<\/strong> Senactiv®<\/strong> VasoDrive-AP®<\/strong> L-Citrulline<\/p>\r\n Citrulline is a non-essential, non-protein amino acid that forms during the urea cycle and forms ornithine when combined with carbon dioxide. Citrulline is also a critical source of endogenous (natural) arginine, as it is rapidly and efficiently converted to arginine in the vascular endothelium and other tissues.<\/p>\r\n Citrulline’s benefits have been shown to be greater than its parent compound. While arginine undergoes direct hepatic (liver) metabolism through the enzyme arginase, citrulline bypasses hepatic metabolism entirely and it is delivered straight to the bloodstream. The result is that gut absorption and plasma (blood) bioavailability studies comparing citrulline and arginine have shown two things. First, citrulline is less readily destroyed and has greater absorption than arginine. Second, citrulline supplementation increases arginine levels more effectively than arginine supplementation itself.<\/p>\r\n This translates to promising results. For example, animal studies show a significant increase in anaerobic performance at a 250mg\/kg\/day serving of citrulline, while studies in humans implicate citrulline in both aerobic and anaerobic performance increases. As a critical part of the urea cycle, citrulline’s performance benefits are thought to be a result of its role in ammonia clearance. Citrulline is implicated in reducing the oxygen cost of muscle processes, along with increasing the rate of post-exercise ATP and phosphocreatine replenishment. As ATP and phosphocreatine are the body’s ‘exercise fuel,’ this may result in citrulline delaying time to exhaustion in aerobic and anaerobic exercise.<\/p>\r\n Beta Alanine<\/p>\r\n Carnosine is a bit of an odd duck: we know that it is crucial for muscle function, and that dietary sources of carnosine are essential, but we don’t know precisely how it works. Moreover, for decades, we had no idea how to increase intramuscular concentrations, as exogenous carnosine sources degraded in the body so fast as to be effectively useless.<\/p>\r\n Enter beta-alanine. Simply a different iteration of one of the amino acids that comprises carnosine itself (alanine), beta-alanine has proven to be the most effective means of significantly increasing intramuscular concentrations of carnosine – and therefore of promoting all of carnosine’s various beneficial effects on muscle performance. If that weren’t enough, beta-alanine has also demonstrated beneficial physiological effects independent of its parent compound. To understand why, though, we need to first understand some of the basics behind carnosine itself.<\/p>\r\n Carnosine, a cytoplasmic dipeptide synthesized from the precursors L-histidine and l-alanine, is present in high concentrations in skeletal muscle and plays a pivotal role as a “chemical buffer” in myocytes (muscle cells). It has long been known that carnosine concentrations are highest in glycolytic, rather than oxidative muscle fibers (roughly speaking, explosive vs., endurance muscle fibers, respectively), and thus long hypothesized that this amino acid is required for sustained performance during supramaximal exercise. Recent research demonstrates that carnosine exerts its physiological effects in long hypoxic (low oxygen) drives by functioning as a high-capacity pH buffer in skeletal muscle, preventing the pH ratio of plasma from dropping too low – and therefore preventing crucial pH-dependent processes such as protein synthesis from being inhibited by acidosis.<\/p>\r\n Despite its critical role in skeletal muscle anaerobic performance, intramyocellular synthesis of carnosine is rate-limited by the availability of l-alanine. Unfortunately, the majority of literature demonstrates that attempting to increase intramuscular levels of carnosine via either direct carnosine or alanine supplementation is largely ineffective due to carnosine\/alanine pharmacokinetics. Enter beta-alanine. Research with beta-alanine demonstrates consistent and dose-dependent increases to intramuscular carnosine concentrations with beta-alanine supplementation, with certain studies showing an increase of 40-60% with chronic administration. These same literatures reveal a synergistic effect of exercise on beta-alanine supplementation, whereby the muscle adaptive changes associated with resistance training promote further intramuscular carnosine production in response to beta-alanine supplementation.<\/p>\r\n In simpler language, this essentially means that beta-alanine is a dietary supplement that promotes its own effects in combination with exercise. As you exercise, you simultaneously intensify beta-alanine’s physiological actions – both directly, as well as in the production of intramuscular carnosine. Once ingested, beta-alanine’s exercise-specific beneficial activity is well-established. Elevation of intramuscular carnosine content via beta-alanine supplementation has been shown to improve performance in the following ways.<\/p>\r\n Both acute and chronic increases in total work capacity, measured by total volume during exercise sessions. In total, a significant body of research exists to suggest that beta-alanine may significantly increase muscle power output, strength, training volume and output, overall performance in hypoxic (oxygen-deprived) conditions and peak VO2 max (oxygen holding capacity).<\/p>\r\n These myriad benefits make beta-alanine both one of the most-studied, and most well-rounded dietary supplements. Beta-alanine not only has direct, actionable physiological effects, but also promotes critical muscle physiologic adaptations that promote its own effects.<\/p>\r\n Betaine Anhydrous<\/p>\r\n Betaine (trimethyl glycine) is found naturally in most living organisms. It is well known to protect non-mammalian animal life in conditions of osmotic stress (a rapid change in the amount of solute surrounding a cell), in addition to functioning as an osmolyte in mammalian (including human) tissues. Betaine is formed in cells as an oxidation product of choline and can be obtained in the diet from foods such as spinach and beets.<\/p>\r\n Though data on betaine is limited, and recent, the available literature suggests that this compound may have effects in a few areas. Studies on betaine using servings as little as 1.25g\/day and up to 5g\/day for up to 14 days have shown promising results. In one study, a 2.5g\/day serving was found to enhance endurance and total repetition volume for the squat, bench press, and jump squat in healthy-exercised trained adults. A similar study using the same serving found that betaine use increased peak power and maximum peak power, along with force and the maintenance of both force and power in healthy, exercise-trained subjects.<\/p>\r\n Perhaps more interesting, however, is a study which examined betaine’s effect on the endocrine system. This study revealed that betaine may exert an effect on several endocrine processes given the proper conditions, causing the authors to hypothesize that long(er) term betaine supplementation may increase the hypertrophic response to resistance training.<\/p>\r\n N-Acetyl L-Carnitine<\/p>\r\n L-carnitine is a derivative of the amino acid lysine and, as certain conditions outpace the body’s ability to produce it, l-carnitine is considered a conditionally essential amino acid. While endogenous biosynthesis of l-carnitine from the amino acids lysine and methionine is sufficient for essential processes – along with dietary sources of carnitine from protein-rich red meat, for example – dietary supplementation of carnitine may pose benefits in certain physiological conditions.<\/p>\r\n Unfortunately, due to excess metabolism of l-carnitine by microorganisms in the small intestine, exogenous supplementation with oral l-carnitine has proved ineffective. ALCAR, an acetylated version of l-carnitine, has considerably higher oral bioavailability, due likely to only partial hydrolytic metabolism. Once in the bloodstream, ALCAR plays a fundamental role in the production of energy, acting as the catalyst for the beta-oxidation of long chain fatty acids by the mitochondria; regulating the CoA to Acyl-CoA ratio (necessary for the production of ATP); and the metabolism of carbohydrates. ALCAR also is an excitatory agent for neurons, increases neuronal transmission, and increases the production of neurotransmitters and neurohormones such as dopamine and serotonin.<\/p>\r\n Enfinity® Paraxanthine<\/p>\r\n Caffeine is widely known as being the world’s most popular dietary supplement ingredient. It provides energy and wakefulness through a process of inhibiting phosphodiesterase and adenosine. What most people don’t know however is, is that caffeine is made up of three powerful metabolites one metabolized by the liver, Theobromine, Theophylline, and Paraxanthine. Paraxanthine is the star of the show here as it does a large majority of the heavy lifting for caffeine’s felt effects, such as lipolysis, as well as the actual dopamine upregulation and feel-good effects we experience when taking caffeine. Paraxanthine also has stronger binding potencies for adenosine as well as can increase processing speed, improve response time, and promote more sustained attention during activities.<\/p>\r\n One of the most attractive qualities about paraxanthine is that it has a substantially shorter half-life than both theophylline and theobromine. At 3.1 hours, it’s less than half of the half-life, which leads to caffeine’s general half-life being around 4.1 hours. The one thing about caffeine in general is that its metabolism varies across genetic and ethnic distributions, so not everybody is going to react the same to the same amount of caffeine at the same time taken. In fact, there are fast, medium, and slow metabolizers of caffeine. From person to person, this can mean that caffeine’s half-life can vary anywhere from 1.5-10.5 hours. However, some research has shown that caffeine clearance can vary as much as 40x between consumers. What anecdotal evidence shows when all these individuals ingest paraxanthine, is that it leads to a much smoother and consistent experience for everyone. The shorter half-life works great for slow metabolizers too, especially without them having to worry about the consequences of theobromine and theophylline lingering around. Although studies on paraxanthine are preliminary, the evidence thus far points to the substance being a reliable replacement to traditional caffeine for those who are widely affected by caffeine’s addictive and often negative side effects.<\/p>\r\n VasoDrive-AP® (Isoleucyl-prolyl-proline (IPP) and Valyl-prolyl-proline (VPP) (from hydrolyzed milk casein)<\/p>\r\n VasoDrive-AP® is a proprietary ingredient derived from fermented casein. The fermentation process produces two lactotripeptides, Valyl-Prolyl-Proline (VPP) and Isoleucyl-Prolyl-Proline (IPP). Based on the available clinical evidence, these tri-peptides work together to reduce angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE).<\/p>\r\n In a recent meta-analysis researchers found 30 studies – all of which were randomized and some of which were double-blind – wherein Valyl-Prolyl-Proline (VPP) and Isoleucyl-Prolyl-Proline (IPP), either alone or in combination, exerted a statistically significant effect on improving endothelial function. In one of the analyzed studies, 25 men were challenged with casein hydrolysate standardized for tri-peptides in a randomized and placebo-controlled design. At the conclusion of the study, forearm blood flow, a key measure of endothelial function, was found to be increased by 33%. The researchers in this and other studies demonstrate that the tri-peptides that constitute VasoDrive-AP® exert an inhibitory effect on ACE. ACE, in turn, is a critical component of the renin-angiotensin (RAS) system, which regulates hemodynamics by controlling plasma fluid volume. While the precise mechanism has not been elucidated, researchers believe that the lactotripeptides in VasoDrive-AP® competitively inhibit ACE, thus decreasing the metabolism of bradykinin and systematically dilating the arteries and veins.<\/p>\r\n Cognizin® Citicoline<\/p>\r\n Choline is an essential nutrient involved in numerous metabolic pathways, including DNA regulation and repair, protein function, and metabolism. Perhaps most importantly, the critical neurotransmitter acetylcholine is produced directly from free choline via cholinergic neurons. Acetylcholine is then responsible for several functions itself, most crucially as the compound which induces muscular contraction, and as the neuromodulator partially responsible for modulating risk\/reward, arousal, and enhancing memory.<\/p>\r\n Choline’s essential role as a substrate for acetylcholine, and therefore brain development, is well documented in animal models. These studies demonstrate that levels of free maternal choline have a direct and fundamental impact on prenatal brain development, with the enhancements or deficits lasting into adulthood. Choline’s enhancing effect is particularly prominent in the hippocampus. In humans, the hippocampus is primarily involved in the consolidation of memory (taking short, episodic memory and translating it into long-term memory) and the learning of new information. Acetylcholine is a critical component in these processes, as mentioned above, and choline may therefore play a potential role in these processes as well by providing the substrate for acetylcholine synthesis.<\/p>\r\n Citicoline (Cytidine 5’-diphosphocoline), also known as CDP-choline, is a potentially superior form of choline due to its ability to cross the blood brain barrier. In fact, most studies with neurological or nootropic effects used this form. In that regard, studies in otherwise healthy, normal adults demonstrated meaningful and statistically significant impacts on working memory, recall, and attention. We have chosen to use the clinically tested, Cognizin®, in this premium formula as our primary choline source. Unlike other synthetic stimulants that can cause a rapid decline in effectiveness after an initial burst of energy, Cognizin® can offer critical nutritional support for the brain that can help support needed focus and attention.<\/p>\r\n Senactiv® (Panax notoginseng (Root) & Rosa roxburghii (Fruit))<\/p>\r\n Senactiv®, derived from extracts of Panax notoginseng and Rosa roxburghii, has been shown to act in a few pathways to reenergize and rejuvenate cells within the body that take a beating daily. Ultimately this product falls within a category known as senolytics, or compounds that primarily work to induce cell death. This may not sound ideal as we need our cells to function, but the key is to ensure that these compounds are working on the right kinds of cells. The human body does contain many senescent cells, which are old cells and can deteriorate. How these senolytics work to promote health is by speeding up the breakdown of these older cells as well as encouraging the grow of new, vibrant cells. The other benefit of Senactiv® and its ingredients is its ability to protect against muscle damage. Ginseng has been shown to help reduce the proinflammatory state that is associated with rigorous training. Where this is going to benefit is to reduce inflammation and jumpstart the recovery process of torn down muscle fibers so these cells can begin to scar and grow stronger. The other benefit that ginseng has been able to show is it has been shown to improve VO2 max by about 20% when compared to a control group in studies. This improvement can significantly improve oxygen uptake to increase delivery to muscle cells for the ability to push harder and longer.<\/p>\r\n On another angle of recovery, Senactiv® has been shown to improve the rate of glycogen storage after exercise. When glycogen can be stored efficiently post exercise it could attenuate the structural damage associated with training by allowing those carbohydrates and sugars to go towards recovery.<\/p>\r\n Senactiv® is a unique blend of ingredients but with sound research and application behind but with its benefits towards improved cell regeneration, VO2 max, and recovery, it is a great addition to this hydration product.<\/p>\r\n Huperzia serrata Extract (1% Huperzine A)<\/p>\r\n Huperzia serrata is a compound found in the plant families of Huperziaceae, Lycopodiaceae, and Selaginella and is endemic to China. The Lycopodium alkaloid Huperizine-A, found in UNMATCHED DISSIDENT, was first isolated from a folk medicinal preparation in 1984.<\/p>\r\n Due to the potent anticholinesterase activities of Huperzine A, the compound has been evaluated in numerous in vitro, in vivo, and human trials. These data suggest that Huperzine’s Ache activities are most potent in the cortex, hippocampus, and striatum (at least in rats) – key regions in the brain responsible for forming, coordinating, and recalling memory. These effects are assisted by Huperzine A’s high oral bioavailability. Studies using microdialysis technique in rats, for example, showed that the response to Huperzine A was dose-dependent and substantially lowered the level of ACh in cortex.<\/p>\r\n Huperzine A has also shown promise in humans. Used as a reversible inhibitor of acetylcholinesterase, Huperzine A has shown positive benefits on cognition and as a therapy for individuals suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease. This is partly due to its inhibitory factors on acetylcholine but also its neuroprotective properties. In another study on memory and learning performance, 34 pairs of middle school students complaining of memory inadequacy were given a small dose of Huperzine A. The students were then match paired along several vectors and provided tests on working memory. The results of this study exhibited that HupA markedly improved the memory function of adolescent students.<\/p>\r\n <\/p>\r\n <\/p>","gtin12":"850057789409","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/transformers-energon-blod_1734204896-0.jpg","https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/energon-slc-sfp-1800x1800_1734204899-0.jpg"],"brand":"Core Nutritionals","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/34754\/core-nutritionals-transformers-allspark-megatron.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"54.99","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/34754\/core-nutritionals-transformers-allspark-megatron.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"Core Nutritionals Transformers Energon Pre Workout Optimus Prime Mixed Berry Kiwi - 20 Servings","sku":"CU379","description":" Transformers® Energon<\/strong><\/p>\r\n Enfinity® Paraxanthine<\/strong> Senactiv®<\/strong> VasoDrive-AP®<\/strong> L-Citrulline<\/p>\r\n Citrulline is a non-essential, non-protein amino acid that forms during the urea cycle and forms ornithine when combined with carbon dioxide. Citrulline is also a critical source of endogenous (natural) arginine, as it is rapidly and efficiently converted to arginine in the vascular endothelium and other tissues.<\/p>\r\n Citrulline’s benefits have been shown to be greater than its parent compound. While arginine undergoes direct hepatic (liver) metabolism through the enzyme arginase, citrulline bypasses hepatic metabolism entirely and it is delivered straight to the bloodstream. The result is that gut absorption and plasma (blood) bioavailability studies comparing citrulline and arginine have shown two things. First, citrulline is less readily destroyed and has greater absorption than arginine. Second, citrulline supplementation increases arginine levels more effectively than arginine supplementation itself.<\/p>\r\n This translates to promising results. For example, animal studies show a significant increase in anaerobic performance at a 250mg\/kg\/day serving of citrulline, while studies in humans implicate citrulline in both aerobic and anaerobic performance increases. As a critical part of the urea cycle, citrulline’s performance benefits are thought to be a result of its role in ammonia clearance. Citrulline is implicated in reducing the oxygen cost of muscle processes, along with increasing the rate of post-exercise ATP and phosphocreatine replenishment. As ATP and phosphocreatine are the body’s ‘exercise fuel,’ this may result in citrulline delaying time to exhaustion in aerobic and anaerobic exercise.<\/p>\r\n Beta Alanine<\/p>\r\n Carnosine is a bit of an odd duck: we know that it is crucial for muscle function, and that dietary sources of carnosine are essential, but we don’t know precisely how it works. Moreover, for decades, we had no idea how to increase intramuscular concentrations, as exogenous carnosine sources degraded in the body so fast as to be effectively useless.<\/p>\r\n Enter beta-alanine. Simply a different iteration of one of the amino acids that comprises carnosine itself (alanine), beta-alanine has proven to be the most effective means of significantly increasing intramuscular concentrations of carnosine – and therefore of promoting all of carnosine’s various beneficial effects on muscle performance. If that weren’t enough, beta-alanine has also demonstrated beneficial physiological effects independent of its parent compound. To understand why, though, we need to first understand some of the basics behind carnosine itself.<\/p>\r\n Carnosine, a cytoplasmic dipeptide synthesized from the precursors L-histidine and l-alanine, is present in high concentrations in skeletal muscle and plays a pivotal role as a “chemical buffer” in myocytes (muscle cells). It has long been known that carnosine concentrations are highest in glycolytic, rather than oxidative muscle fibers (roughly speaking, explosive vs., endurance muscle fibers, respectively), and thus long hypothesized that this amino acid is required for sustained performance during supramaximal exercise. Recent research demonstrates that carnosine exerts its physiological effects in long hypoxic (low oxygen) drives by functioning as a high-capacity pH buffer in skeletal muscle, preventing the pH ratio of plasma from dropping too low – and therefore preventing crucial pH-dependent processes such as protein synthesis from being inhibited by acidosis.<\/p>\r\n Despite its critical role in skeletal muscle anaerobic performance, intramyocellular synthesis of carnosine is rate-limited by the availability of l-alanine. Unfortunately, the majority of literature demonstrates that attempting to increase intramuscular levels of carnosine via either direct carnosine or alanine supplementation is largely ineffective due to carnosine\/alanine pharmacokinetics. Enter beta-alanine. Research with beta-alanine demonstrates consistent and dose-dependent increases to intramuscular carnosine concentrations with beta-alanine supplementation, with certain studies showing an increase of 40-60% with chronic administration. These same literatures reveal a synergistic effect of exercise on beta-alanine supplementation, whereby the muscle adaptive changes associated with resistance training promote further intramuscular carnosine production in response to beta-alanine supplementation.<\/p>\r\n In simpler language, this essentially means that beta-alanine is a dietary supplement that promotes its own effects in combination with exercise. As you exercise, you simultaneously intensify beta-alanine’s physiological actions – both directly, as well as in the production of intramuscular carnosine. Once ingested, beta-alanine’s exercise-specific beneficial activity is well-established. Elevation of intramuscular carnosine content via beta-alanine supplementation has been shown to improve performance in the following ways.<\/p>\r\n Both acute and chronic increases in total work capacity, measured by total volume during exercise sessions. In total, a significant body of research exists to suggest that beta-alanine may significantly increase muscle power output, strength, training volume and output, overall performance in hypoxic (oxygen-deprived) conditions and peak VO2 max (oxygen holding capacity).<\/p>\r\n These myriad benefits make beta-alanine both one of the most-studied, and most well-rounded dietary supplements. Beta-alanine not only has direct, actionable physiological effects, but also promotes critical muscle physiologic adaptations that promote its own effects.<\/p>\r\n Betaine Anhydrous<\/p>\r\n Betaine (trimethyl glycine) is found naturally in most living organisms. It is well known to protect non-mammalian animal life in conditions of osmotic stress (a rapid change in the amount of solute surrounding a cell), in addition to functioning as an osmolyte in mammalian (including human) tissues. Betaine is formed in cells as an oxidation product of choline and can be obtained in the diet from foods such as spinach and beets.<\/p>\r\n Though data on betaine is limited, and recent, the available literature suggests that this compound may have effects in a few areas. Studies on betaine using servings as little as 1.25g\/day and up to 5g\/day for up to 14 days have shown promising results. In one study, a 2.5g\/day serving was found to enhance endurance and total repetition volume for the squat, bench press, and jump squat in healthy-exercised trained adults. A similar study using the same serving found that betaine use increased peak power and maximum peak power, along with force and the maintenance of both force and power in healthy, exercise-trained subjects.<\/p>\r\n Perhaps more interesting, however, is a study which examined betaine’s effect on the endocrine system. This study revealed that betaine may exert an effect on several endocrine processes given the proper conditions, causing the authors to hypothesize that long(er) term betaine supplementation may increase the hypertrophic response to resistance training.<\/p>\r\n N-Acetyl L-Carnitine<\/p>\r\n L-carnitine is a derivative of the amino acid lysine and, as certain conditions outpace the body’s ability to produce it, l-carnitine is considered a conditionally essential amino acid. While endogenous biosynthesis of l-carnitine from the amino acids lysine and methionine is sufficient for essential processes – along with dietary sources of carnitine from protein-rich red meat, for example – dietary supplementation of carnitine may pose benefits in certain physiological conditions.<\/p>\r\n Unfortunately, due to excess metabolism of l-carnitine by microorganisms in the small intestine, exogenous supplementation with oral l-carnitine has proved ineffective. ALCAR, an acetylated version of l-carnitine, has considerably higher oral bioavailability, due likely to only partial hydrolytic metabolism. Once in the bloodstream, ALCAR plays a fundamental role in the production of energy, acting as the catalyst for the beta-oxidation of long chain fatty acids by the mitochondria; regulating the CoA to Acyl-CoA ratio (necessary for the production of ATP); and the metabolism of carbohydrates. ALCAR also is an excitatory agent for neurons, increases neuronal transmission, and increases the production of neurotransmitters and neurohormones such as dopamine and serotonin.<\/p>\r\n Enfinity® Paraxanthine<\/p>\r\n Caffeine is widely known as being the world’s most popular dietary supplement ingredient. It provides energy and wakefulness through a process of inhibiting phosphodiesterase and adenosine. What most people don’t know however is, is that caffeine is made up of three powerful metabolites one metabolized by the liver, Theobromine, Theophylline, and Paraxanthine. Paraxanthine is the star of the show here as it does a large majority of the heavy lifting for caffeine’s felt effects, such as lipolysis, as well as the actual dopamine upregulation and feel-good effects we experience when taking caffeine. Paraxanthine also has stronger binding potencies for adenosine as well as can increase processing speed, improve response time, and promote more sustained attention during activities.<\/p>\r\n One of the most attractive qualities about paraxanthine is that it has a substantially shorter half-life than both theophylline and theobromine. At 3.1 hours, it’s less than half of the half-life, which leads to caffeine’s general half-life being around 4.1 hours. The one thing about caffeine in general is that its metabolism varies across genetic and ethnic distributions, so not everybody is going to react the same to the same amount of caffeine at the same time taken. In fact, there are fast, medium, and slow metabolizers of caffeine. From person to person, this can mean that caffeine’s half-life can vary anywhere from 1.5-10.5 hours. However, some research has shown that caffeine clearance can vary as much as 40x between consumers. What anecdotal evidence shows when all these individuals ingest paraxanthine, is that it leads to a much smoother and consistent experience for everyone. The shorter half-life works great for slow metabolizers too, especially without them having to worry about the consequences of theobromine and theophylline lingering around. Although studies on paraxanthine are preliminary, the evidence thus far points to the substance being a reliable replacement to traditional caffeine for those who are widely affected by caffeine’s addictive and often negative side effects.<\/p>\r\n VasoDrive-AP® (Isoleucyl-prolyl-proline (IPP) and Valyl-prolyl-proline (VPP) (from hydrolyzed milk casein)<\/p>\r\n VasoDrive-AP® is a proprietary ingredient derived from fermented casein. The fermentation process produces two lactotripeptides, Valyl-Prolyl-Proline (VPP) and Isoleucyl-Prolyl-Proline (IPP). Based on the available clinical evidence, these tri-peptides work together to reduce angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE).<\/p>\r\n In a recent meta-analysis researchers found 30 studies – all of which were randomized and some of which were double-blind – wherein Valyl-Prolyl-Proline (VPP) and Isoleucyl-Prolyl-Proline (IPP), either alone or in combination, exerted a statistically significant effect on improving endothelial function. In one of the analyzed studies, 25 men were challenged with casein hydrolysate standardized for tri-peptides in a randomized and placebo-controlled design. At the conclusion of the study, forearm blood flow, a key measure of endothelial function, was found to be increased by 33%. The researchers in this and other studies demonstrate that the tri-peptides that constitute VasoDrive-AP® exert an inhibitory effect on ACE. ACE, in turn, is a critical component of the renin-angiotensin (RAS) system, which regulates hemodynamics by controlling plasma fluid volume. While the precise mechanism has not been elucidated, researchers believe that the lactotripeptides in VasoDrive-AP® competitively inhibit ACE, thus decreasing the metabolism of bradykinin and systematically dilating the arteries and veins.<\/p>\r\n Cognizin® Citicoline<\/p>\r\n Choline is an essential nutrient involved in numerous metabolic pathways, including DNA regulation and repair, protein function, and metabolism. Perhaps most importantly, the critical neurotransmitter acetylcholine is produced directly from free choline via cholinergic neurons. Acetylcholine is then responsible for several functions itself, most crucially as the compound which induces muscular contraction, and as the neuromodulator partially responsible for modulating risk\/reward, arousal, and enhancing memory.<\/p>\r\n Choline’s essential role as a substrate for acetylcholine, and therefore brain development, is well documented in animal models. These studies demonstrate that levels of free maternal choline have a direct and fundamental impact on prenatal brain development, with the enhancements or deficits lasting into adulthood. Choline’s enhancing effect is particularly prominent in the hippocampus. In humans, the hippocampus is primarily involved in the consolidation of memory (taking short, episodic memory and translating it into long-term memory) and the learning of new information. Acetylcholine is a critical component in these processes, as mentioned above, and choline may therefore play a potential role in these processes as well by providing the substrate for acetylcholine synthesis.<\/p>\r\n Citicoline (Cytidine 5’-diphosphocoline), also known as CDP-choline, is a potentially superior form of choline due to its ability to cross the blood brain barrier. In fact, most studies with neurological or nootropic effects used this form. In that regard, studies in otherwise healthy, normal adults demonstrated meaningful and statistically significant impacts on working memory, recall, and attention. We have chosen to use the clinically tested, Cognizin®, in this premium formula as our primary choline source. Unlike other synthetic stimulants that can cause a rapid decline in effectiveness after an initial burst of energy, Cognizin® can offer critical nutritional support for the brain that can help support needed focus and attention.<\/p>\r\n Senactiv® (Panax notoginseng (Root) & Rosa roxburghii (Fruit))<\/p>\r\n Senactiv®, derived from extracts of Panax notoginseng and Rosa roxburghii, has been shown to act in a few pathways to reenergize and rejuvenate cells within the body that take a beating daily. Ultimately this product falls within a category known as senolytics, or compounds that primarily work to induce cell death. This may not sound ideal as we need our cells to function, but the key is to ensure that these compounds are working on the right kinds of cells. The human body does contain many senescent cells, which are old cells and can deteriorate. How these senolytics work to promote health is by speeding up the breakdown of these older cells as well as encouraging the grow of new, vibrant cells. The other benefit of Senactiv® and its ingredients is its ability to protect against muscle damage. Ginseng has been shown to help reduce the proinflammatory state that is associated with rigorous training. Where this is going to benefit is to reduce inflammation and jumpstart the recovery process of torn down muscle fibers so these cells can begin to scar and grow stronger. The other benefit that ginseng has been able to show is it has been shown to improve VO2 max by about 20% when compared to a control group in studies. This improvement can significantly improve oxygen uptake to increase delivery to muscle cells for the ability to push harder and longer.<\/p>\r\n On another angle of recovery, Senactiv® has been shown to improve the rate of glycogen storage after exercise. When glycogen can be stored efficiently post exercise it could attenuate the structural damage associated with training by allowing those carbohydrates and sugars to go towards recovery.<\/p>\r\n Senactiv® is a unique blend of ingredients but with sound research and application behind but with its benefits towards improved cell regeneration, VO2 max, and recovery, it is a great addition to this hydration product.<\/p>\r\n Huperzia serrata Extract (1% Huperzine A)<\/p>\r\n Huperzia serrata is a compound found in the plant families of Huperziaceae, Lycopodiaceae, and Selaginella and is endemic to China. The Lycopodium alkaloid Huperizine-A, found in UNMATCHED DISSIDENT, was first isolated from a folk medicinal preparation in 1984.<\/p>\r\n Due to the potent anticholinesterase activities of Huperzine A, the compound has been evaluated in numerous in vitro, in vivo, and human trials. These data suggest that Huperzine’s Ache activities are most potent in the cortex, hippocampus, and striatum (at least in rats) – key regions in the brain responsible for forming, coordinating, and recalling memory. These effects are assisted by Huperzine A’s high oral bioavailability. Studies using microdialysis technique in rats, for example, showed that the response to Huperzine A was dose-dependent and substantially lowered the level of ACh in cortex.<\/p>\r\n Huperzine A has also shown promise in humans. Used as a reversible inhibitor of acetylcholinesterase, Huperzine A has shown positive benefits on cognition and as a therapy for individuals suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease. This is partly due to its inhibitory factors on acetylcholine but also its neuroprotective properties. In another study on memory and learning performance, 34 pairs of middle school students complaining of memory inadequacy were given a small dose of Huperzine A. The students were then match paired along several vectors and provided tests on working memory. The results of this study exhibited that HupA markedly improved the memory function of adolescent students.<\/p>\r\n <\/p>\r\n <\/p>","gtin12":"850057789386","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/transformers-energon-mixe_1734204987-0.jpg","https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/energon-slc-sfp-1800x1800_1734204816-0.jpg"],"brand":"Core Nutritionals","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/34753\/core-nutritionals-transformers-energon-optimus.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"54.99","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/34753\/core-nutritionals-transformers-energon-optimus.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"Core Nutritionals VEGAN Protein Chocolate Brownie Batter - 2 Lb","sku":"CU208","description":" Finding balance for a vegan protein is difficult. Often, you are sacrificing either taste or a quality amino acid profile to achieve the other.<\/p> Core VEGAN solves this problem. To ensure you receive a complete protein with every serving of our pea and brown rice protein blend, we add fermented vegan BCAAs to every scoop. To ensure maximum digestibility, we also add the digestive blend DigeSEB\u2122, an exact mixture of amylases, lactase, proteases, lipase, and cellulase.<\/p> Finally, the taste. We get it: vegan proteins do not typically taste great. Core VEGAN does. We worked relentlessly to nail down a flavor profile and creamy texture that rivals any animal-based protein. Our testers called it the best-tasting plant-based protein on the market. Yes, that good.<\/p> In our space, the word \u201cvegan\u201d was once considered pejorative. No longer. An emerging consensus demonstrates that it is possible to combine vegan and athletic lifestyles, with purpose-built solutions allowing vegans to consume the necessary range of macro-and micronutrients. Vegan protein rose quickly to the fore. As those who follow a vegan diet or lifestyle cannot consume dairy, the traditional protein source of whey is closed off to them\u2013resulting in a range of plant-based proteins. There was a problem, however: they tasted disgusting and felt even worse drinking.<\/p> With Core VEGAN it is easy to hit your protein goals without choking down some leafy sludge. Our optimized blend of pea and brown rice proteins has an optimal amino acid profile far superior to any other plant protein source. To supplement these protein sources, we add fermented, vegan-friendly BCAAs\u2013abundant in animal protein sources but often lacking in a strictly vegan diet. BCAAs are the powerhouse behind repair and recovery from the everyday labors that your body endures.<\/p> On top of our protein blend and BCAAs, we added DigeSEB\u2122 \u2013 a complex blend of digestive enzymes to ensure optimal gut digestibility and nutrient absorption. While other vegan proteins may leave you bloated and gassy, DigeSEB helps eliminate this discomfort so you can enjoy your protein and benefit entirely from it too!<\/p> In all, Core VEGAN represents the elusive perfect balance for a plant-based protein: a complete protein source with AMAZING TASTE and mouth feel. Compromise is no longer the \u201cname of the game\u201d with plant-based proteins.<\/p> Label below is for PB pie flavor. Other flavors may vary slightly<\/p> Finding balance for a vegan protein is difficult. Often, you are sacrificing either taste or a quality amino acid profile to achieve the other.<\/p> Core VEGAN solves this problem. To ensure you receive a complete protein with every serving of our pea and brown rice protein blend, we add fermented vegan BCAAs to every scoop. To ensure maximum digestibility, we also add the digestive blend DigeSEB\u2122, an exact mixture of amylases, lactase, proteases, lipase, and cellulase.<\/p> Finally, the taste. We get it: vegan proteins do not typically taste great. Core VEGAN does. We worked relentlessly to nail down a flavor profile and creamy texture that rivals any animal-based protein. Our testers called it the best-tasting plant-based protein on the market. Yes, that good.<\/p> In our space, the word \u201cvegan\u201d was once considered pejorative. No longer. An emerging consensus demonstrates that it is possible to combine vegan and athletic lifestyles, with purpose-built solutions allowing vegans to consume the necessary range of macro-and micronutrients. Vegan protein rose quickly to the fore. As those who follow a vegan diet or lifestyle cannot consume dairy, the traditional protein source of whey is closed off to them\u2013resulting in a range of plant-based proteins. There was a problem, however: they tasted disgusting and felt even worse drinking.<\/p> With Core VEGAN it is easy to hit your protein goals without choking down some leafy sludge. Our optimized blend of pea and brown rice proteins has an optimal amino acid profile far superior to any other plant protein source. To supplement these protein sources, we add fermented, vegan-friendly BCAAs\u2013 abundant in animal protein sources but often lacking in a strictly vegan diet. BCAAs are the powerhouse behind repair and recovery from the everyday labors that your body endures.<\/p> On top of our protein blend and BCAAs, we added DigeSEB\u2122 \u2013 a complex blend of digestive enzymes to ensure optimal gut digestibility and nutrient absorption. While other vegan proteins may leave you bloated and gassy, DigeSEB helps eliminate this discomfort so you can enjoy your protein and benefit entirely from it too!<\/p> In all, Core VEGAN represents the elusive perfect balance for a plant-based protein: a complete protein source with AMAZING TASTE and mouth feel. Compromise is no longer the \u201cname of the game\u201d with plant-based proteins.<\/p> Label below is for PB pie flavor. Other flavors may vary slightly.<\/p>","gtin12":"658580070632","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/vegan-frosted-cinamon-bun_1650473556-0.jpg"],"brand":"Core Nutritionals","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/31949\/core-nutritionals-vegan-protein-chocolate-brownie.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"44.99","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/31949\/core-nutritionals-vegan-protein-chocolate-brownie.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"Core Nutritionals VEGAN Protein Peanut Butter Pie - 2 Lb","sku":"CU294","description":" Finding balance for a vegan protein is difficult. Often, you are sacrificing either taste or a quality amino acid profile to achieve the other.<\/p> Core VEGAN solves this problem. To ensure you receive a complete protein with every serving of our pea and brown rice protein blend, we add fermented vegan BCAAs to every scoop. To ensure maximum digestibility, we also add the digestive blend DigeSEB\u2122, an exact mixture of amylases, lactase, proteases, lipase, and cellulase.<\/p> Finally, the taste. We get it: vegan proteins do not typically taste great. Core VEGAN does. We worked relentlessly to nail down a flavor profile and creamy texture that rivals any animal-based protein. Our testers called it the best-tasting plant-based protein on the market. Yes, that good.<\/p> In our space, the word \u201cvegan\u201d was once considered pejorative. No longer. An emerging consensus demonstrates that it is possible to combine vegan and athletic lifestyles, with purpose-built solutions allowing vegans to consume the necessary range of macro-and micronutrients. Vegan protein rose quickly to the fore. As those who follow a vegan diet or lifestyle cannot consume dairy, the traditional protein source of whey is closed off to them\u2013resulting in a range of plant-based proteins. There was a problem, however: they tasted disgusting and felt even worse drinking.<\/p> With Core VEGAN it is easy to hit your protein goals without choking down some leafy sludge. Our optimized blend of pea and brown rice proteins has an optimal amino acid profile far superior to any other plant protein source. To supplement these protein sources, we add fermented, vegan-friendly BCAAs\u2013 abundant in animal protein sources but often lacking in a strictly vegan diet. BCAAs are the powerhouse behind repair and recovery from the everyday labors that your body endures.<\/p> On top of our protein blend and BCAAs, we added DigeSEB\u2122 \u2013 a complex blend of digestive enzymes to ensure optimal gut digestibility and nutrient absorption. While other vegan proteins may leave you bloated and gassy, DigeSEB helps eliminate this discomfort so you can enjoy your protein and benefit entirely from it too!<\/p> In all, Core VEGAN represents the elusive perfect balance for a plant-based protein: a complete protein source with AMAZING TASTE and mouth feel. Compromise is no longer the \u201cname of the game\u201d with plant-based proteins.<\/p> Label below is for PB pie flavor. Other flavors may vary slightly.<\/p> Put recovery at the top of your list by putting Core ZZZ at the center of your supplement lineup.<\/p> Core ZZZ is a perfectly-designed product with a single goal in mind: maximizing your recovery. We have included only the best and most effective recovery agents, at the proper serving sizes, to take the guesswork out of a good night\u2019s rest.<\/p> Put recovery at the top of your list by putting Core ZZZ at the center of your supplement lineup.<\/p> Core ZZZ is a perfectly-designed product with a single goal in mind: maximizing your recovery. We have included only the best and most effective recovery agents, at the proper serving sizes, to take the guesswork out of a good night's rest.<\/p>\r\n
Phosphatidylserine (50%)<\/h6>
KSM-66\u00ae Full-spectrum Ashwagandha root extract (5% Withanolides)<\/h6>
3,3'-Diindolylmethane (DIM)<\/h6>
Supplement Facts<\/h6>
Amount Per 3 Caps<\/h6>
Other Ingredients<\/h6>
Core HARD Extreme<\/h5>
Physiological Properties and Effects:<\/h5>
Phosphatidylserine (50%)<\/h5>
Pomegranate Extract (Punica granatum) (hull) (ellagic acid 40%)<\/h5>
White Button Mushroom Extract (Agaricus blazei) (fruit) (30% polysaccharides)<\/h5>
3,3'-Diindolylmethane (DIM)<\/h5>
Bergamot - healthy cholesterol support.
Resveratrol - enhanced overall cardiovascular function<\/p>\r\nVitamin C (as ascorbic acid)<\/h5>
Calcium (as calcium carbonate, calcium citrate, dicalcium malate (DimaCal\u00ae))<\/h5>
Magnesium (as magnesium carbonate, magnesium bisglycinate chelate (TRAACS\u00ae), magnesium citrate, magnesium glycinate glutamine chelate (TRAACS\u00ae))<\/h5>
Zinc (as zinc bisglycinate chelate (TRAACS\u00ae))<\/h5>
Chloride (as sodium chloride, potassium chloride)<\/h5>
Sodium (as sodium chloride, sodium citrate, sodium bicarbonate)<\/h5>
Potassium (as potassium citrate, coconut water concentrate, potassium chloride, potassium glycinate chelate (TRAACS\u00ae))<\/h5>
Coconut Water Concentrate (Cocos nucifera)<\/h5>
ElevATP\u00ae (Ancient Peat and Apple Extract)<\/h5>
ConcenTrace\u00ae AC (Trace Mineral Complex)<\/h5>
Senactiv\u00ae (Panax notoginseng (root) and Rosa roxburghii (fruit)) Extracts<\/h5>
Vitamin C (as ascorbic acid)<\/h5>
Calcium (as calcium carbonate, calcium citrate, dicalcium malate (DimaCal\u00ae))<\/h5>
Magnesium (as magnesium carbonate, magnesium bisglycinate chelate (TRAACS\u00ae), magnesium citrate, magnesium glycinate glutamine chelate (TRAACS\u00ae))<\/h5>
Zinc (as zinc bisglycinate chelate (TRAACS\u00ae))<\/h5>
Chloride (as sodium chloride, potassium chloride)<\/h5>
Sodium (as sodium chloride, sodium citrate, sodium bicarbonate)<\/h5>
Potassium (as potassium citrate, coconut water concentrate, potassium chloride, potassium glycinate chelate (TRAACS\u00ae))<\/h5>
Coconut Water Concentrate (Cocos nucifera)<\/h5>
ElevATP\u00ae (Ancient Peat and Apple Extract)<\/h5>
ConcenTrace\u00ae AC (Trace Mineral Complex)<\/h5>
Senactiv\u00ae (Panax notoginseng (root) and Rosa roxburghii (fruit)) Extracts<\/h5>
Core ISO<\/h5>
Physiological Properties and Effects:<\/h5>
Label below is for Chocolate flavor. Other flavors may vary slightly<\/h5>","gtin12":"658580070939","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/iso-cappuccino_1663016077-0.jpg"],"brand":"Core Nutritionals","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/32358\/core-nutritionals-iso-cappucino-2-lb.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"49.99","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/32358\/core-nutritionals-iso-cappucino-2-lb.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"Core Nutritionals ISO Chocolate Decadence - 2 Lb","sku":"CU133","description":"
Physiological Properties and Effects:<\/h5>
Whey Protein Isolate (WPI):<\/h6>
Core ISO<\/h5>
Physiological Properties and Effects<\/h5>
Whey Protein Isolate (WPI)<\/h6>
What is clear whey?<\/h5>
Core ISO<\/h5>
Physiological Properties and Effects:<\/h5>
Whey Protein Isolate (WPI):<\/h6>
Core ISO<\/h5>
Physiological Properties and Effects<\/h5>
Whey Protein Isolate (WPI)<\/h6>
Core ISO<\/h5>
Physiological Properties and Effects:<\/h5>
Whey Protein Isolate (WPI):<\/h6>
Core ISO<\/h5>
Physiological Properties and Effects<\/h5>
Milk Thistle Extract (Silybum marianum) (seed) (80% silymarin)<\/h5>
Katuki Extract (Picrorhiza kurroa) (rhizome and root)<\/h5>
Setria\u00ae Glutathione<\/h5>
TUDCA (Tauroursodeoxycholic Acid)<\/h5>
Bioperine\u00ae (Black Pepper Extract) (Piper nigrum) (fruit) (std. 95% piperine)<\/h5>
Full Spectrum Meal Replacement<\/h5>
Carbohydrate Blend:<\/h5>
Whole Grain Oats:<\/h6>
Protein Blend:<\/h5>
Whole Food Based Vitamins and Minerals:<\/h5>
Full Spectrum Meal Replacement<\/h5>
Carbohydrate Blend<\/h5>
Whole Grain Oats<\/h5>
Protein Blend<\/h5>
Cold-processed undenatured whey protein concentrate<\/h6>
Cross-flow microfiltered whey protein isolate<\/h6>
Milk Protein Isolate<\/h6>
Whole Food Based Vitamins and Minerals<\/h5>
Full Spectrum Meal Replacement<\/h5>
Carbohydrate Blend<\/h5>
Whole Grain Oats<\/h6>
Protein Blend<\/h5>
Whole Food Based Vitamins and Minerals<\/h5>
Full Spectrum Meal Replacement<\/h5>
Carbohydrate Blend<\/h5>
Whole Grain Oats<\/h6>
Protein Blend<\/h5>
Whole Food Based Vitamins and Minerals<\/h5>
Full Spectrum Meal Replacement<\/h5>
Carbohydrate Blend:<\/h5>
Whole Grain Oats:<\/h6>
Protein Blend:<\/h5>
Whole Food Based Vitamins and Minerals:<\/h5>
Full Spectrum Meal Replacement<\/h5>
Carbohydrate Blend<\/h5>
Whole Grain Oats<\/h6>
Protein Blend<\/h5>
Cold-processed undenatured whey protein concentrate<\/h6>
Cross-flow microfiltered whey protein isolate<\/h6>
Milk Protein Isolate<\/h6>
Whole Food Based Vitamins and Minerals<\/h5>
Full Spectrum Meal Replacement<\/h5>
Carbohydrate Blend<\/h5>
Whole Grain Oats<\/h6>
Protein Blend<\/h5>
Cold-processed undenatured whey protein concentrate<\/h6>
Cross-flow microfiltered whey protein isolate<\/h6>
Milk Protein Isolate<\/h6>
Whole Food Based Vitamins and Minerals<\/h5>
Core MULTI<\/h5>
B Vitamins (Thiamine, Riboflavin, Niacin, B6 [Pyridoxine], Folic Acid, B12, Biotin, and Pantothenic acid)<\/h5>
Vitamin A (as Beta Carotene)<\/h5>
Vitamin C (as Ascorbic Acid)<\/h5>
Vitamin D3 (as Cholecalciferol)<\/h5>
Vitamin E (as Mixed Tocopherols)<\/h5>
Calcium (as Calcium Carbonate)<\/h5>
Iodine (As Kelp (Ascophyllum nodosum))<\/h5>
Magnesium (as Albion\u00ae Di-Magnesium Malate)<\/h5>
Zinc (as Zinc Aspartate)<\/h5>
Copper (as TRAACS\u00ae Copper Bisglycinate Chelate)<\/h5>
Manganese (Manganese Citrate)<\/h5>
Chromium (as Chromium Picolinate)<\/h5>
Molybdenum (as TRAACS\u00ae Molybdenum Glycinate Chelate)<\/h5>
Berberine HCL<\/h5>
Boron Citrate<\/h5>
Choline (as Choline Bitartrate)<\/h5>
Nitrogen Barrier Production<\/h5>
Triglycerides vs Ethyl Ester Forms<\/h5>
EPA and DHA<\/h5>
Core POST<\/h5>
Physiological Properties and Effects:<\/h5>
Recovery Carb Blend (Dextrose and Cluster Dextrin):<\/h6>
Cold-Processed Microfiltered Non-GMO Whey Protein Isolate:<\/h6>
Free Form Vegan Leucine:<\/h6>
Sustained Release Protein Blend<\/h5>
Cold-processed undenatured whey protein concentrate:<\/h6>
Cross-flow microfiltered whey protein isolate:<\/h6>
Milk Protein Isolate:<\/h6>
DigeSEB Digestive enzyme blend:<\/h6>
Coconut Oil Creamer (Medium Chain Triglycerides):<\/h6>
Sustained Release Protein Blend<\/h5>
Scientific breakdown:<\/h5>
Here is a more complete breakdown of each protein source:<\/h5>
DigeSEB Digestive enzyme blend:<\/h5>
Coconut Oil Creamer (Medium Chain Triglycerides):<\/h5>
Sustained Release Protein Blend<\/span><\/b><\/h2>\r\n
Sustained Release Protein Blend<\/h5>
Scientific breakdown:<\/h5>
Here is a more complete breakdown of each protein source:<\/h6>
DigeSEB Digestive enzyme blend:<\/h6>
Coconut Oil Creamer (Medium Chain Triglycerides):<\/h6>
Sustained Release Protein Blend<\/span><\/b><\/h2>\r\n
Scientific breakdown:<\/h5>
Here is a more complete breakdown of each protein source:<\/h6>
DigeSEB Digestive enzyme blend:<\/h6>
Coconut Oil Creamer (Medium Chain Triglycerides):<\/h6>
Sustained Release Protein Blend<\/span><\/b><\/h2>\r\n
Sustained Release Protein Blend<\/h5>
Scientific breakdown:<\/h5>
Here is a more complete breakdown of each protein source:<\/h5>
DigeSEB Digestive enzyme blend:<\/h5>
Coconut Oil Creamer (Medium Chain Triglycerides):<\/h5>
Scientific breakdown:<\/h5>
Here is a more complete breakdown of each protein source:<\/h5>
DigeSEB Digestive enzyme blend:<\/h5>
Coconut Oil Creamer (Medium Chain Triglycerides):<\/h5>
Micellar Casein<\/h5>
Cold Processed Undenatured Whey Protein Concentrate<\/h5>
Coconut Oil Creamer<\/h5>
Milk Protein Isolate<\/h5>
DigeSEB\u2122 (Digestive Enzyme Blend: Amylases, Lactase, Proteases, Lipase, Cellulase)<\/h5>
Micellar Casein<\/h5>
Cold Processed Undenatured Whey Protein Concentrate<\/h5>
Coconut Oil Creamer<\/h5>
Milk Protein Isolate<\/h5>
DigeSEB\u2122 (Digestive Enzyme Blend: Amylases, Lactase, Proteases, Lipase, Cellulase)<\/h5>
Micellar Casein<\/h5>
Cold Processed Undenatured Whey Protein Concentrate<\/h5>
Coconut Oil Creamer<\/h5>
Milk Protein Isolate<\/h5>
DigeSEB\u2122 (Digestive Enzyme Blend: Amylases, Lactase, Proteases, Lipase, Cellulase)<\/h5>
Micellar Casein<\/h5>
Cold Processed Undenatured Whey Protein Concentrate<\/h5>
Coconut Oil Creamer<\/h5>
Milk Protein Isolate<\/h5>
DigeSEB\u2122 (Digestive Enzyme Blend: Amylases, Lactase, Proteases, Lipase, Cellulase)<\/h5>
Micellar Casein<\/h5>
Cold Processed Undenatured Whey Protein Concentrate<\/h5>
Coconut Oil Creamer<\/h5>
Milk Protein Isolate<\/h5>
DigeSEB\u2122 (Digestive Enzyme Blend: Amylases, Lactase, Proteases, Lipase, Cellulase)<\/h5>
Physiological Properties and Effects:<\/h5>
Betaine Nitrate (as N03-T\u00ae)<\/h6>
Hydromax\u00ae (65% glycerol)<\/h6>
Alpha-GPC (Alpha-glycerophosphocholine)<\/h6>
Physiological Properties and Effects<\/h5>
Betaine Nitrate (as N03-T\u00ae)<\/h6>
Hydromax\u00ae (65% glycerol)<\/h6>
Alpha-GPC (Alpha-glycerophosphocholine)<\/h6>
Physiological Properties and Effects:<\/h5>
Betaine Nitrate (as N03-T\u00ae)<\/h6>
Hydromax\u00ae (65% glycerol)<\/h6>
Alpha-GPC (Alpha-glycerophosphocholine)<\/h6>
Physiological Properties and Effects:<\/h5>
Betaine Nitrate (as N03-T\u00ae)<\/h6>
Hydromax\u00ae (65% glycerol)<\/h6>
Alpha-GPC (Alpha-glycerophosphocholine)<\/h6>
Non-Stimulant Thermogenic and Recomposition Agent<\/h5>
Non-Stimulant Thermogenic Powder<\/h5>
Olive Extract (Oleaeuropaeai) (leaf) (20% oleuropein):<\/h5>
Coleus forskohlii root extract (20% forskolin):<\/h5>
Grains of Paradise Extract (12.5% 6-paradol)<\/h5>
Cissus Quadrangularis Extract (stem) (5% ketosterones)<\/h5>
Boswellia Extract (Boswellia serrate) (Gum resin) (65% boswellic acids)<\/h5>
Curcumin (Curcuma longa) (95% Curcuminoids)<\/h5>
Gingever\u00ae (Zingiber officinale) (root) (Ginger Extract 10%)<\/h5>
Phyto-C\u2122 (Acerola extract, blueberry, strawberry, maqui berry, acai, tart cherry, kale, broccoli, green tea extract, green coffee bean extract, turmeric extract)<\/h5>
Bioperine\u00ae (Black Pepper Extract) (Piper nigrum) (fruit) (std. to 95% Piperine)<\/h5>
Healthy Testosterone Support<\/h5>
Calcium D-Aspartic Acid<\/h5>
KSM-66\u00ae Full-spectrum Ashwagandha root extract (5% Withanolides)<\/h5>
Bulbine natalensis (stem) Extract (10:1)<\/h5>
Eurycoma longifolia (root) Extract (100:1)<\/h5>
Pine Extract (rosin) (97% abieta-8,11,13-trien-18-oic acid)<\/h5>
Euphoric energy and focus with no crash.*<\/strong><\/p>\r\n
Enhances endurance, Increases muscle energy and stimulates muscle cell renewal.*<\/strong><\/p>\r\n
Enhanced muscle pumps and performance.*<\/strong><\/p>\r\n
Highly significant increases to TTE (total time to exhaustion), one of the most accurate and comprehensive measures of endurance. In various trials, beta-alanine supplementation has been shown to increase TTE by upwards of 20%.
Increases to total muscle power output in both acute and chronic trials, suggesting that beta-alanine’s most significant benefit is to those engaging in power-dependent resistance training.<\/p>\r\n
Euphoric energy and focus with no crash.*<\/strong><\/p>\r\n
Enhances endurance, Increases muscle energy and stimulates muscle cell renewal.*<\/strong><\/p>\r\n
Enhanced muscle pumps and performance.*<\/strong><\/p>\r\n
Highly significant increases to TTE (total time to exhaustion), one of the most accurate and comprehensive measures of endurance. In various trials, beta-alanine supplementation has been shown to increase TTE by upwards of 20%.
Increases to total muscle power output in both acute and chronic trials, suggesting that beta-alanine’s most significant benefit is to those engaging in power-dependent resistance training.<\/p>\r\nGourmet Plant-Based Protein Blend<\/h5>
Gourmet Plant-Based Protein Blend<\/h5>
Gourmet Plant-Based Protein Blend<\/h5>
Night-Time Recovery & Sleep Support<\/h5>
Night-Time Recovery & Sleep Support<\/h5>