\/p>","gtin12":"860001176841","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/xpg-lipoderm-x-f_1725903439-0.jpg"],"brand":"XPG Xtreme Performance Gels","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/34474\/xpg-xtreme-performance-gels-lipoderm-xreme-100-ml.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"42.95","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/34474\/xpg-xtreme-performance-gels-lipoderm-xreme-100-ml.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"XPG Xtreme Performance Gels Lipoderm Xtreme - 2 x 100 ML Bottles TWINPACK","sku":"XP2016","description":"
Fast Acting, Maximum Strength Slimming Gel <\/strong><\/p> \r\n Targeted Topical Defining Matrix <\/strong><\/p>\r\n <\/p>\r\n Powered by:<\/p>\r\n Glycyrrhetinic Acid, Theophylline, Caffeine, Yohimbine, Synephrine, Raspberry Ketones, <\/strong><\/p>\r\n L-Carnitine, Ascorbyl Palmitate, CaloriBurn GP, & More <\/strong><\/p>\r\n Lipoderm Xtreme – the Return of a Legend!<\/p>\r\n Lipoderm Xtreme is a fast acting, maximum strength slimming gel that is designed to be applied to stubborn fat areas such as the stomach region, lower back, love handles, glutes, and hamstring areas.<\/p>\r\n Lipoderm Xtreme Highlights\/Supports:<\/p>\r\n <\/p>\r\n Ask Yourself a Few Questions:<\/p>\r\n <\/p>\r\n If you answer yes to any of the above questions, you may be interested in Lipoderm Xtreme.<\/p>\r\n Lipoderm Xtreme – The Return of a Legend <\/strong><\/p>\r\n The original Lipoderm, Napalm, and Ab-Solved by Avant Labs revolutionized the category of topical fat loss products.<\/p>\r\n Xtreme Performance Gels has already brought back an updated version of Ab-Solved, which contains the ingredients of the original plus much more and utilizes the legendary Avant Labs carrier.<\/p>\r\n For those that remember the original Lipoderm, their first thought seeing this product besides having the excitement of a kid at Christmastime, is likely either – “The leanest I ever got was with Lipoderm Ultra” or “Oh yeah, it’s that time again”.<\/p>\r\n Now, the wait is over – the new Lipoderm Xtreme is here and utilizes the Avant Labs delivery system and contains all the power of the original version and is updated to include ingredients that weren’t available at the time.<\/p>\r\n Lipoderm Ultra started the revolution. Lipoderm Xtreme is the evolution.<\/p>\r\n <\/p>\r\n Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): <\/strong><\/p>\r\n What is Lipoderm Xtreme?<\/p>\r\n Lipoderm Xtreme is a fast acting, maximum strength slimming gel that is designed to be applied to stubborn fat areas such as the stomach region, lower back, love handles, glutes, and hamstring areas.<\/p>\r\n Lipoderm Xtreme is designed to target fat loss through various physiological pathways in order to help you target stubborn body-fat that doesn’t want to go away fast enough.<\/p>\r\n Where can I apply Lipoderm Xtreme?<\/p>\r\n You can apply Lipoderm Xtreme to almost any area that you would like to target for fat loss, except for sensitive areas like the face for example.<\/p>\r\n Common areas for application include the abdominals (stomach region), lower back, love handles, glutes, and hamstring areas.<\/p>\r\n When do I apply Lipoderm Xtreme?<\/p>\r\n Apply 2 to 4 pumps (2 to 4 ml) to dry clean skin by gently rubbing gel into the desired stubborn fatty area. Use 1 to 2 pumps on the desired left body area and 1 to 2 pumps for the desired right body area per application. Use 1 to 2 times per day.<\/p>\r\n Do not exceed 4 ml per day.<\/p>\r\n <\/p>\r\n Will Lipoderm Xtreme stimulate me?<\/p>\r\n No, it won’t stimulate you. Lipoderm Xtreme uses the famous Avant Labs localized carrier, which is designed to keep the ingredients where they need to be – the area where you applied Lipoderm Xtreme.<\/p>\r\n <\/p>\r\n Who is Lipoderm Xtreme designed for?<\/strong><\/p>\r\n Lipoderm Xtreme is designed for people that want to primarily target subcutaneous fat.<\/p>\r\n Subcutaneous fat is the fat that sits under the skin. It’s the fat that you can ‘pinch’ and if you’re lucky, you can only pinch an inch, but for a lot of people, it can be a lot more.<\/p>\r\n Subcutaneous fat can be stored almost anywhere on the body, but is most commonly associated with the thighs, glutes, stomach, and love handles.<\/p>\r\n <\/p>\r\n Can Lipoderm Xtreme be stacked with Napalm Xtreme?<\/strong><\/p>\r\n Absolutely. Napalm Xtreme & Lipoderm Xtreme make for a very powerful stack.<\/p>\r\n Lipoderm Xtreme is designed to primarily target subcutaneous fat.<\/p>\r\n Napalm Xtreme is designed to target both subcutaneous and visceral fat.<\/p>\r\n Lipoderm Xtreme makes for a great stack with Napalm Xtreme for people that want to place an even greater emphasis on targeting subcutaneous fat.<\/p>\r\n Some people will choose to rotate application areas and others may want to target different areas with each product. Here are a couple of examples:<\/p>\r\n In the simplest of terms, one could think of Lipoderm Xtreme as primarily targeting subcutaneous fat, Ab-Solved as primarily targeting visceral fat, and Napalm Xtreme as targeting both.<\/p>\r\n There’s a lot more science to that, but it would take a series of articles to fully explore, as it’s way more in depth than what could be written about in a write up.<\/p>\r\n Are You Ready to Stop Reading & Start Burning Fat?<\/p>\r\n It’s Time to get Xtreme – Lipoderm Xtreme!<\/p>\r\n <\/p> <\/p>","gtin12":"860001176841","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/lipo-2_1726857859-0.jpg"],"brand":"XPG Xtreme Performance Gels","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/34535\/xpg-xtreme-performance-gels-lipoderm-xtreme-2-x.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"78.92","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/34535\/xpg-xtreme-performance-gels-lipoderm-xtreme-2-x.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"XPG Xtreme Performance Gels MitoBurn Gel - 100 ml.","sku":"XP010","description":" MitoBurn\u00ae Gel is a topical MitoBurn\u00ae (L-BAIBA) product that contains 125 mg. per ml. (12.5 grams per bottle) plus added CaloriBurn GP\u00ae (Aframomum\/Grains of Paradise) for improved synergistic fat incinerating results.<\/p> MitoBurn\u00ae is a revolutionary fat loss ingredient & natural exercise mimetic and is the first clinically tested and verified form of L-BAIBA.<\/p> MitoBurn\u00ae is commonly used to help promote fat loss and burn stubborn body-fat.<\/p>","gtin12":"860001176889","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/xpg-mitoburn-f-1688834141_1692803591-0.jpg"],"brand":"XPG Xtreme Performance Gels","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/33283\/xpg-extreme-gels-mitoburn-gel-100-ml.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"30.58","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/33283\/xpg-extreme-gels-mitoburn-gel-100-ml.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"XPG Xtreme Performance Gels MitoBurn Gel - 2 x 100 ml Bottles TWINPACK","sku":"XP2010","description":" Maximum Strength Slimming Gel<\/p> MitoBurn\u00ae (L-BAIBA) Skin Gel<\/p> MitoBurn\u00ae Gel is a topical MitoBurn\u00ae (L-BAIBA) product that contains 125 mg. per ml. (12.5 grams per bottle) plus added CaloriBurn GP\u00ae (Aframomum\/Grains of Paradise) for improved synergistic fat incinerating results.<\/p> MitoBurn\u00ae is a revolutionary fat loss ingredient &amp; natural exercise mimetic and is the first clinically tested and verified form of L-BAIBA.<\/p> MitoBurn\u00ae is commonly used to help promote fat loss and burn stubborn body-fat.<\/p>","gtin12":"860001176889","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/2mitoburn-f-1688834141-0_1689167837-0.jpg"],"brand":"XPG Xtreme Performance Gels","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/33287\/xpg-xtreme-gels-mitoburn-gel-2-x-100-ml.-bottles.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"52.49","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/33287\/xpg-xtreme-gels-mitoburn-gel-2-x-100-ml.-bottles.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"XPG Xtreme Performance Gels Napalm Xtreme - 100 ML","sku":"XP017","description":" Xtreme Maximum Strength Slimming Gel<\/strong><\/p>\r\n Targeted Topical Defining Matrix <\/strong><\/p>\r\n <\/strong><\/p>\r\n Powered by:<\/p>\r\n MitoBurn, Glycyrrhetinic Acid, 7-OXO DHEA, Cocoabuterol, CaloriBurn GP, & More<\/strong><\/p>\r\n <\/p>\r\n Napalm Xtreme is a an Xtreme Strength Slimming Gel that is designed to be applied to stubborn fat areas such as the stomach region, lower back, love handles, glutes, and hamstring areas.<\/p>\r\n Napalm Xtreme is the perfect weapon in the war on body-fat and allows you to attack stubborn fat areas around the midsection such as the stomach and love handles, resulting in increased thermogenesis in subcutaneous and visceral fat alike.<\/p>\r\n Napalm Xtreme Highlights\/Supports: <\/strong><\/p>\r\n <\/p>\r\n Ask Yourself a Few Questions: <\/strong><\/p>\r\n If you answer yes to any of the above questions, you may be interested in Napalm Xtreme.<\/p>\r\n Napalm Xtreme – The Evolution of Topical Fat Loss Products: <\/strong><\/p>\r\n The original Lipoderm, Napalm, and Ab-Solved by Avant Labs revolutionized the category of topical fat loss products.<\/p>\r\n Xtreme Performance Gels has already brought back an updated version of Ab-Solved, which contains the ingredients of the original plus much more and utilizes the legendary Avant Labs carrier.<\/p>\r\n Now, the wait is over – not only is Napalm back, but Napalm has evolved. Welcome Napalm Xtreme.<\/p>\r\n Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): <\/strong><\/p>\r\n <\/p>\r\n What is Napalm Xtreme?<\/strong><\/p>\r\n Are you ready to declare war on your fat cells?<\/strong><\/p>\r\n Napalm Xtreme is a unique mixture of ingredients that is designed to help make quick work on enemy fat cells in your war on body-fat.<\/p>\r\n By applying it to specific areas of your body, such as your stomach region, lower back, love handles, glutes, or thighs, this scientific concoction is designed to work together through different physiological pathways to help you take out stubborn body-fat that doesn’t go away fast enough.<\/p>\r\n Where can I apply Napalm Xtreme?<\/strong><\/p>\r\n You can apply Napalm Xtreme to almost any area that you would like to target for fat loss, except for sensitive areas like the face for example.<\/p>\r\n Common areas for application include the abdominals (stomach region), lower back, love handles, glutes, and hamstring areas.<\/p>\r\n When do I apply Napalm Xtreme?<\/strong><\/p>\r\n Apply 2 to 4 pumps (2 to 4 ml) to dry clean skin by gently rubbing gel into the desired stubborn fatty area. Use 1 to 2 pumps on the desired left body area and 1 to 2 pumps for the desired right body area per application. Use 1 to 2 times per day.<\/p>\r\n Do not exceed 4 ml per day.<\/strong><\/p>\r\n Will Napalm Xtreme stimulate me?<\/strong><\/p>\r\n No, it won’t stimulate you. Napalm Xtreme uses the famous Avant Labs localized carrier, which is designed to keep the ingredients where they need to be – the area where you applied Napalm Xtreme.<\/p>\r\n Who is Napalm Xtreme designed for?<\/strong><\/p>\r\n Napalm Xtreme is designed for people that want to target both subcutaneous and visceral fat.<\/p>\r\n Subcutaneous fat is the fat that sits under the skin as opposed to visceral fat that sits around the organs. Examples of stubborn subcutaneous areas in many people include the stomach and love handles.<\/p>\r\n Visceral fat is the body fat stored around the abdominal area around the organs, under the abdominal muscles and is commonly referred to as the most unhealthy type of body-fat. It is both unsightly and unhealthy and is linked to inflammation and a large variety of other health issues including insulin resistance, metabolic syndromes, cardiovascular issues, and more.<\/p>\r\n Visceral fat is sometimes described as the ‘beer belly’ appearance although that isn’t a completely fair comparison. Although many people that do drink alcohol in excess tend to store fat in this area, many people that don’t drink store it there as well and in many people it’s the last stubborn area of fat that just doesn’t seem to want to come off.<\/p>\r\n Ever seen someone that has reasonable to good definition in their abdominal muscles, but their waistline is still not small or looks bloated or puffed out? Visceral fat is one of the possible causes.<\/p>\r\n Declare war on subcutaneous and visceral fat with Napalm Xtreme.<\/p>\r\n <\/p>\r\n Can Napalm Xtreme be stacked with Lipoderm Xtreme?<\/p>\r\n Absolutely. Napalm Xtreme & Lipoderm Xtreme make for a very powerful stack.<\/p>\r\n Napalm Xtreme is designed to target both subcutaneous and visceral fat.<\/p>\r\n <\/p>\r\n Lipoderm Xtreme makes for a great stack with Napalm Xtreme for people that want to place an even greater emphasis on targeting subcutaneous fat.<\/p>\r\n <\/p>\r\n Some people will choose to rotate application areas and others may want to target different areas with each product. Here are a couple of examples:<\/p>\r\n In the simplest of terms, one could think of Lipoderm Xtreme as primarily targeting subcutaneous fat, Ab-Solved as primarily targeting visceral fat, and Napalm Xtreme as targeting both.<\/p>\r\n There’s a lot more science to that, but it would take a series of articles to fully explore, as it’s way more in depth than what could be written about in a write up.<\/p>\r\n <\/p>\r\n Declare War on Your Fat Cells <\/strong><\/p>\r\n It’s Time to Get Xtreme – Napalm Xtreme<\/strong><\/p>\r\n <\/strong><\/p>","gtin12":"850005844853","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/xpg-napalm-xtreme-green_1725903485-0.jpg"],"brand":"XPG Xtreme Performance Gels","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/34475\/xpg-xtreme-performance-gels-napalm-xtreme-100-ml.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"52.95","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/34475\/xpg-xtreme-performance-gels-napalm-xtreme-100-ml.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"XPG Xtreme Performance Gels Napalm Xtreme - 2 x 100 ML Bottles TWINPACK","sku":"XP2017","description":" Xtreme Maximum Strength Slimming Gel<\/strong><\/p> \r\n Targeted Topical Defining Matrix <\/strong><\/p>\r\n <\/strong><\/p>\r\n Powered by:<\/p>\r\n MitoBurn, Glycyrrhetinic Acid, 7-OXO DHEA, Cocoabuterol, CaloriBurn GP, & More<\/strong><\/p>\r\n <\/p>\r\n Napalm Xtreme is a an Xtreme Strength Slimming Gel that is designed to be applied to stubborn fat areas such as the stomach region, lower back, love handles, glutes, and hamstring areas.<\/p>\r\n Napalm Xtreme is the perfect weapon in the war on body-fat and allows you to attack stubborn fat areas around the midsection such as the stomach and love handles, resulting in increased thermogenesis in subcutaneous and visceral fat alike.<\/p>\r\n Napalm Xtreme Highlights\/Supports: <\/strong><\/p>\r\n <\/p>\r\n Ask Yourself a Few Questions: <\/strong><\/p>\r\n If you answer yes to any of the above questions, you may be interested in Napalm Xtreme.<\/p>\r\n Napalm Xtreme – The Evolution of Topical Fat Loss Products: <\/strong><\/p>\r\n The original Lipoderm, Napalm, and Ab-Solved by Avant Labs revolutionized the category of topical fat loss products.<\/p>\r\n Xtreme Performance Gels has already brought back an updated version of Ab-Solved, which contains the ingredients of the original plus much more and utilizes the legendary Avant Labs carrier.<\/p>\r\n Now, the wait is over – not only is Napalm back, but Napalm has evolved. Welcome Napalm Xtreme.<\/p>\r\n Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): <\/strong><\/p>\r\n <\/p>\r\n What is Napalm Xtreme?<\/strong><\/p>\r\n Are you ready to declare war on your fat cells?<\/strong><\/p>\r\n Napalm Xtreme is a unique mixture of ingredients that is designed to help make quick work on enemy fat cells in your war on body-fat.<\/p>\r\n By applying it to specific areas of your body, such as your stomach region, lower back, love handles, glutes, or thighs, this scientific concoction is designed to work together through different physiological pathways to help you take out stubborn body-fat that doesn’t go away fast enough.<\/p>\r\n Where can I apply Napalm Xtreme?<\/strong><\/p>\r\n You can apply Napalm Xtreme to almost any area that you would like to target for fat loss, except for sensitive areas like the face for example.<\/p>\r\n Common areas for application include the abdominals (stomach region), lower back, love handles, glutes, and hamstring areas.<\/p>\r\n When do I apply Napalm Xtreme?<\/strong><\/p>\r\n Apply 2 to 4 pumps (2 to 4 ml) to dry clean skin by gently rubbing gel into the desired stubborn fatty area. Use 1 to 2 pumps on the desired left body area and 1 to 2 pumps for the desired right body area per application. Use 1 to 2 times per day.<\/p>\r\n Do not exceed 4 ml per day.<\/strong><\/p>\r\n Will Napalm Xtreme stimulate me?<\/strong><\/p>\r\n No, it won’t stimulate you. Napalm Xtreme uses the famous Avant Labs localized carrier, which is designed to keep the ingredients where they need to be – the area where you applied Napalm Xtreme.<\/p>\r\n Who is Napalm Xtreme designed for?<\/strong><\/p>\r\n Napalm Xtreme is designed for people that want to target both subcutaneous and visceral fat.<\/p>\r\n Subcutaneous fat is the fat that sits under the skin as opposed to visceral fat that sits around the organs. Examples of stubborn subcutaneous areas in many people include the stomach and love handles.<\/p>\r\n Visceral fat is the body fat stored around the abdominal area around the organs, under the abdominal muscles and is commonly referred to as the most unhealthy type of body-fat. It is both unsightly and unhealthy and is linked to inflammation and a large variety of other health issues including insulin resistance, metabolic syndromes, cardiovascular issues, and more.<\/p>\r\n Visceral fat is sometimes described as the ‘beer belly’ appearance although that isn’t a completely fair comparison. Although many people that do drink alcohol in excess tend to store fat in this area, many people that don’t drink store it there as well and in many people it’s the last stubborn area of fat that just doesn’t seem to want to come off.<\/p>\r\n Ever seen someone that has reasonable to good definition in their abdominal muscles, but their waistline is still not small or looks bloated or puffed out? Visceral fat is one of the possible causes.<\/p>\r\n Declare war on subcutaneous and visceral fat with Napalm Xtreme.<\/p>\r\n <\/p>\r\n Can Napalm Xtreme be stacked with Lipoderm Xtreme?<\/p>\r\n Absolutely. Napalm Xtreme & Lipoderm Xtreme make for a very powerful stack.<\/p>\r\n Napalm Xtreme is designed to target both subcutaneous and visceral fat.<\/p>\r\n <\/p>\r\n Lipoderm Xtreme makes for a great stack with Napalm Xtreme for people that want to place an even greater emphasis on targeting subcutaneous fat.<\/p>\r\n <\/p>\r\n Some people will choose to rotate application areas and others may want to target different areas with each product. Here are a couple of examples:<\/p>\r\n In the simplest of terms, one could think of Lipoderm Xtreme as primarily targeting subcutaneous fat, Ab-Solved as primarily targeting visceral fat, and Napalm Xtreme as targeting both.<\/p>\r\n There’s a lot more science to that, but it would take a series of articles to fully explore, as it’s way more in depth than what could be written about in a write up.<\/p>\r\n <\/p>\r\n Declare War on Your Fat Cells <\/strong><\/p>\r\n It’s Time to Get Xtreme – Napalm Xtreme<\/strong><\/p>\r\n <\/strong><\/p>","gtin12":"850005844853","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/napalm-2_1726855904-0.jpg"],"brand":"XPG Xtreme Performance Gels","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/34534\/xpg-xtreme-performance-gels-napalm-xtreme-2-x-100.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"97.95","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/34534\/xpg-xtreme-performance-gels-napalm-xtreme-2-x-100.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"XPG Xtreme Performance Gels Pregnenolone Gel - 100 ML","sku":"XP015","description":" Pregnenolone Gel<\/p>\r\n <\/p>\r\n","gtin12":"850005844884","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/xpg-pregnenolone-gel-ren_1716503024-0.jpg"],"brand":"XPG Xtreme Performance Gels","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/34131\/xpg-xtreme-performance-gels-pregnenolone-gel-100.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"32.33","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/34131\/xpg-xtreme-performance-gels-pregnenolone-gel-100.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"XPG Xtreme Performance Gels Pregnenolone Gel - 200 ML (2 x 100 ML Bottles) TWINPACK","sku":"XP2015","description":" Pregnenolone Gel<\/p>\r\n <\/p>\r\n","gtin12":"850005844884","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/xp2015_1716559144-0.jpg"],"brand":"XPG Xtreme Performance Gels","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/34139\/xpg-xtreme-performance-gels-pregnenolone-gel-200.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"60.36","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/34139\/xpg-xtreme-performance-gels-pregnenolone-gel-200.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"XPG Xtreme Performance Gels PUMP Gel - 100 ML","sku":"XP011","description":" Triacetyl Adenosine (TAA) Skin Gel<\/p> 75 mg. per ml 7.5 Grams Per Bottle<\/p> Pump Gel is a topical Triacetyl Adenosine (TAA) product that contains 75 mg. per ml. (7.5 grams per bottle), plus Amentoflavone for improved synergistic results.<\/p> Pump Gel Highlights\/Supports:<\/p> Adenosine is a naturally occurring compound used by the body for cellular energy. The Triacetyl form of adenosine is a form of adenosine that is thought to provide for better absorption & utilization in the body.<\/p> Triacetyl Adenosine is a naturally occurring compound that is commonly used to support enhanced cellular energy and to promote increases in pumps, vascularity, and enhanced muscle fullness and definition.<\/p> Amentoflavone is a popular ingredient that has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and is commonly used to help enhance muscle pumps and vascularity, aid in fat loss during dieting, increase muscular strength and endurance, and improve erection quality.<\/p> Apply 1 to 2 pumps to desired areas once or twice daily. Workout Days: Apply 1 to 2 pumps to desired areas 30 minutes prior to working out and an additional 1 to 2 pumps spaced out approximately 8 to 12 hours apart, if desired.<\/p> Apply 1 to 2 pumps to desired areas once or twice daily, spaced out approximately 8 to 12 hours apart. Use daily for best results.<\/p>","gtin12":"850005844815","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/pumpgel-1_1692803538-0.jpg"],"brand":"XPG Xtreme Performance Gels","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/33396\/xpg-xtreme-gels-pump-gel-100-ml.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"41.99","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/33396\/xpg-xtreme-gels-pump-gel-100-ml.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"XPG Xtreme Performance Gels PUMP Gel - 2 x 100 ML Bottles TWINPACK","sku":"XP2011","description":" Triacetyl Adenosine (TAA) Skin Gel Triacetyl Adenosine (TAA): 75 mg. per ml 7.5 Grams Per Bottle<\/p> Pump Gel is a topical Triacetyl Adenosine (TAA) product that contains 75 mg. per ml. (7.5 grams per bottle), plus Amentoflavone for improved synergistic results.<\/p> Pump Gel Highlights\/Supports:<\/p> What is Triacetyl Adenosine? Adenosine is a naturally occurring compound used by the body for cellular energy. The Triacetyl form of adenosine is a form of adenosine that is thought to provide for better absorption & utilization in the body.<\/p> What is Triacetyl Adenosine commonly used for? Triacetyl Adenosine is a naturally occurring compound that is commonly used to support enhanced cellular energy and to promote increases in pumps, vascularity, and enhanced muscle fullness and definition.<\/p> Amentoflavone: Amentoflavone is a popular ingredient that has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and is commonly used to help enhance muscle pumps and vascularity, aid in fat loss during dieting, increase muscular strength and endurance, and improve erection quality.<\/p> Apply 1 to 2 pumps to desired areas once or twice daily. Workout Days: Apply 1 to 2 pumps to desired areas 30 minutes prior to working out and an additional 1 to 2 pumps spaced out approximately 8 to 12 hours apart, if desired. Non-Workout Days: Apply 1 to 2 pumps to desired areas once or twice daily, spaced out approximately 8 to 12 hours apart. Use daily for best results.<\/p>","gtin12":"850005844815","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/pumpgel-2_1692801473-0.jpg"],"brand":"XPG Xtreme Performance Gels","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/33397\/xpg-xtreme-gels-pump-gel-100-ml.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"78.95","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/33397\/xpg-xtreme-gels-pump-gel-100-ml.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"XPG Xtreme Performance Gels Suppress-C Advanced Cortisol Control - 2 x 3.4 oz Bottles TWINPACK","sku":"XP2002","description":" Topical Defining & Lean Muscle Matrix<\/p> Suppress-C contains B-Androstenetriol, a naturally occurring DHEA metabolite that is commonly associated with reducing cortisol levels. Cortisol is a stress hormone that is commonly associated with increased fat storage (especially in the abdominal area and love handles) and with being catabolic (breaking down muscle tissue).<\/p> People that answer yes to any of the above questions may be interested in B-Androstenetriol. Note: Suppress-C contains approximately 25 mg. B-Androstenetriol per 1 ml.<\/p> The name Suppress-C was at one time synonymous with topical cortisol control products. So much so that Xtreme Performance Gels purchased the naming rights to Suppress-C to bring back this legendary name. If that isn't exciting enough, Xtreme Performance Gels has acquired the rights to another legendary topical name\/formulation and will be reintroducing it as well in the coming months.<\/p> You often hear about how stress can make you gain weight. In today's world, how many of us can really say that we aren't under a lot of stress?<\/p> At first glance, many people tend to think when they hear about stress making you gain weight that this is referring to people that tend to eat more or eat poorly as a means of coping with stress, but that isn't always the case. To understand how stress can contribute to fat storage, one has to understand the basics of cortisol.<\/p> Cortisol is considered to be a stress hormone and is released by the adrenal glands. When the body is under stress (either physical or psychological), the body may produce excess cortisol to try to help combat the stress. The body's way of helping combat the stressors is by liberating energy stores and cortisol assists in that process by breaking down muscle protein into amino acids as fuel sources for the body. This process can be detrimental to overall body composition because it can lead to increased fat storage and decreased lean muscle tissue.<\/p> It is important to note that while cortisol has negative effects on overall body composition, it isn't entirely negative as it does have some useful applications which is why its important to think of cortisol in terms of controlling it rather than eliminating it.<\/p> Cortisol breaks down muscle protein into amino acids for use as a fuel source. In layman's terms this means that cortisol breaks down your hard earned muscle tissue. By helping suppress cortisol levels, it may allow one to keep more of their hard earned muscle gains.<\/p> Cortisol assists in breaking down stored body-fat into fatty acids so that the body can have an immediate energy source to help combat stressors. At first, this may sound like a good thing but the long-term effect of this action is these fatty acids being stored as the most easily accessible type of body-fat for the same future use \u2013 visceral fat. Visceral fat is the type of fat that is located around the internal organs and most commonly associated with a variety of health conditions. Also, by altering fat distribution from subcutaneous fat to more cortisol sensitive areas, this may have detrimental effects on physical appearance. For example, cortisol sensitive areas include the abdominal \u2018pot belly' appearance, excess facial fat storage, etc.<\/p>","gtin12":"860001176827","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/supress-2_1729002123-0.jpg"],"brand":"XPG Xtreme Performance Gels","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/34601\/xpg-xtreme-performance-gels-suppress-c-advanced.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"66.99","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/34601\/xpg-xtreme-performance-gels-suppress-c-advanced.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"XPG Xtreme Performance Gels Suppress-C Advanced Cortisol Control - 3.4 oz","sku":"XP002","description":" Topical Defining & Lean Muscle Matrix<\/p> Suppress-C contains B-Androstenetriol, a naturally occurring DHEA metabolite that is commonly associated with reducing cortisol levels. Cortisol is a stress hormone that is commonly associated with increased fat storage (especially in the abdominal area and love handles) and with being catabolic (breaking down muscle tissue).<\/p> People that answer yes to any of the above questions may be interested in B-Androstenetriol. Note: Suppress-C contains approximately 25 mg. B-Androstenetriol per 1 ml.<\/p> The name Suppress-C was at one time synonymous with topical cortisol control products. So much so that Xtreme Performance Gels purchased the naming rights to Suppress-C to bring back this legendary name. If that isn't exciting enough, Xtreme Performance Gels has acquired the rights to another legendary topical name\/formulation and will be reintroducing it as well in the coming months.<\/p> You often hear about how stress can make you gain weight. In today's world, how many of us can really say that we aren't under a lot of stress?<\/p> At first glance, many people tend to think when they hear about stress making you gain weight that this is referring to people that tend to eat more or eat poorly as a means of coping with stress, but that isn't always the case. To understand how stress can contribute to fat storage, one has to understand the basics of cortisol.<\/p> Cortisol is considered to be a stress hormone and is released by the adrenal glands. When the body is under stress (either physical or psychological), the body may produce excess cortisol to try to help combat the stress. The body's way of helping combat the stressors is by liberating energy stores and cortisol assists in that process by breaking down muscle protein into amino acids as fuel sources for the body. This process can be detrimental to overall body composition because it can lead to increased fat storage and decreased lean muscle tissue.<\/p> It is important to note that while cortisol has negative effects on overall body composition, it isn't entirely negative as it does have some useful applications which is why its important to think of cortisol in terms of controlling it rather than eliminating it.<\/p> Cortisol breaks down muscle protein into amino acids for use as a fuel source. In layman's terms this means that cortisol breaks down your hard earned muscle tissue. By helping suppress cortisol levels, it may allow one to keep more of their hard earned muscle gains.<\/p> Cortisol assists in breaking down stored body-fat into fatty acids so that the body can have an immediate energy source to help combat stressors. At first, this may sound like a good thing but the long-term effect of this action is these fatty acids being stored as the most easily accessible type of body-fat for the same future use \u2013 visceral fat. Visceral fat is the type of fat that is located around the internal organs and most commonly associated with a variety of health conditions. Also, by altering fat distribution from subcutaneous fat to more cortisol sensitive areas, this may have detrimental effects on physical appearance. For example, cortisol sensitive areas include the abdominal \u2018pot belly' appearance, excess facial fat storage, etc.<\/p>","gtin12":"860001176827","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/xtreme-performance-gels-s_2011-0.jpg"],"brand":"XPG Xtreme Performance Gels","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/28950\/xtreme-performance-gels-suppress-c-3.4-oz.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"34.95","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/28950\/xtreme-performance-gels-suppress-c-3.4-oz.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"XPG Xtreme Performance Gels TWINPACK 1 each: Ab-Solved + Suppress-C","sku":"XP004","description":" Ab-Solved is an advanced maximum strength slimming gel designed to be applied on stubborn fat areas around the midsection such as the stomach and love handles.<\/p> Ab-Solved is the perfect weapon that allows you to directly attack stubborn fat areas around the midsection such as the stomach and love handles, resulting in increased thermogenesis in subcutaneous and visceral fat alike, although it is designed to have more of an emphasis on visceral fat.<\/p> People that answer yes to any of the above questions may be interested in Ab-Solved.<\/p> Visceral fat is the body fat stored around the abdominal area around the organs, under the abdominal muscles and is commonly referred to as the most unhealthy type of body-fat. It is both unsightly and unhealthy and is linked to inflammation and a large variety of other health issues including insulin resistance, metabolic syndromes, cardiovascular issues, and more.<\/p> Visceral fat is sometimes described as the \u2018beer belly' appearance although that isn't a completely fair comparison. Although many people that do drink alcohol in excess tend to store fat in this area, many people that don't drink store it there as well and in many people it's the last stubborn are of fat that just doesn't seem to want to come off.<\/p> Ab-Solved was the name of the original localized topical fat loss product that many found to be truly effective and was at one time synonymous with topical fat loss. It was also the original topical 7-OXO-DHEA product. Xtreme Performance Gels obtained the naming rights to Ab-Solved to bring back this legendary name and has kept the original formula intact + added newer exciting ingredients to it!<\/p> Ever seen someone that has reasonable to good definition in their abdominal muscles but their waistline is still not small or looks bloated or puffed out? Visceral fat is one of the possible causes.<\/p> Subcutaneous fat sits under the skin as opposed to visceral fat that sits around the organs. Examples of stubborn subcutaneous areas in many people include the stomach and love handles.<\/p> Ab-Solved is designed for a localized effect on visceral and subcutaneous adipose tissue while offering a variety of direct and indirect methods of action to increase thermogenesis in both visceral and subcutaneous fat.<\/p> There is so much that could be written on the aspects in which 7-OXO-DHEA could effect the above systems that it would requires a series of articles and go well beyond what could be covered in the scope of a product writeup. In short, 7-OXO-DHEA is a great ingredient inclusion and the foundation of Ab-Solved.<\/p> Pomegranate Seed Oil is becoming increasingly popular due to the wide variety of benefits it may offer, especially its anti-inflammatory and metabolic properties; many of which are attributed to its active Punicic Acid content. The Pomegranate Seed Oil used in Ab-Solved is standardized to a minimum 78% Punicic Acid content.<\/p> Pomegranate Seed Oil\/Punicic Acid may support fat loss through a wide variety of complex mechanisms including by acting as a PPAR-alpha, gamma, and delta agonist and increasing fatty acid utilization and oxidation. It has also been shown to exert positive blood sugar effects via multiple channels such as improving insulin sensitivity, reducing inflammatory cytokines, modulating glucose homeostasis, and antioxidant properties.<\/p> Trans-Resveratrol is a very unique ingredient that promotes fat loss through a variety of complicated pathways, including acting as a PPAR-alpha agonist, improving fatty acid oxidation, increasing fatty acid thermogenesis, increasing brown adipocyte formation, decreasing triglyceride accumulation in fat cells, increasing thermogenesis in adipose tissue via AMPK, activating PGC-1alpha which increases fatty acid oxidative capacity, and more.<\/p> Phosphatidylserine is a very popular fat loss ingredient that is commonly associated with cortisol control. However, in addition to its cortisol control benefits, Phosphatidylserine may also be useful for HPA dysfunction (adrenal fatigue).<\/p> The HPA axis is your body's hormonal response system to chronic stress. Hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis dysfunction (HPA dysfunction), also known as adrenal fatigue, is a major underlying cause of many seemingly unrelated, often misdiagnosed health issues and can lead to increased fat storage &\/or reduced ability to lose body-fat.<\/p> Suppress-C contains B-Androstenetriol, a naturally occurring DHEA metabolite that is commonly associated with reducing cortisol levels. Cortisol is a stress hormone that is commonly associated with increased fat storage (especially in the abdominal area and love handles) and with being catabolic (breaking down muscle tissue).<\/p> People that answer yes to any of the above questions may be interested in B-Androstenetriol.<\/p> Note: Suppress-C contains approximately 25 mg. B-Androstenetriol per 1 ml.<\/p> The name Suppress-C was at one time synonymous with topical cortisol control products. So much so that Xtreme Performance Gels purchased the naming rights to Suppress-C to bring back this legendary name. If that isn't exciting enough, Xtreme Performance Gels has acquired the rights to another legendary topical name\/formulation and will be reintroducing it as well in the coming months.<\/p> You often hear about how stress can make you gain weight. In today's world, how many of us can really say that we aren't under a lot of stress?<\/p> At first glance, many people tend to think when they hear about stress making you gain weight that this is referring to people that tend to eat more or eat poorly as a means of coping with stress, but that isn't always the case. To understand how stress can contribute to fat storage, one has to understand the basics of cortisol.<\/p> Cortisol is considered to be a stress hormone and is released by the adrenal glands. When the body is under stress (either physical or psychological), the body may produce excess cortisol to try to help combat the stress. The body's way of helping combat the stressors is by liberating energy stores and cortisol assists in that process by breaking down muscle protein into amino acids as fuel sources for the body. This process can be detrimental to overall body composition because it can lead to increased fat storage and decreased lean muscle tissue.<\/p> It is important to note that while cortisol has negative effects on overall body composition, it isn't entirely negative as it does have some useful applications which is why its important to think of cortisol in terms of controlling it rather than eliminating it.<\/p> Cortisol breaks down muscle protein into amino acids for use as a fuel source. In layman's terms this means that cortisol breaks down your hard earned muscle tissue. By helping suppress cortisol levels, it may allow one to keep more of their hard earned muscle gains.<\/p> Cortisol assists in breaking down stored body-fat into fatty acids so that the body can have an immediate energy source to help combat stressors. At first, this may sound like a good thing but the long-term effect of this action is these fatty acids being stored as the most easily accessible type of body-fat for the same future use \u2013 visceral fat. Visceral fat is the type of fat that is located around the internal organs and most commonly associated with a variety of health conditions. Also, by altering fat distribution from subcutaneous fat to more cortisol sensitive areas, this may have detrimental effects on physical appearance. For example, cortisol sensitive areas include the abdominal \u2018pot belly' appearance, excess facial fat storage, etc.<\/p>","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/xtreme-performance-gels-t_2271-0.jpg"],"brand":"XPG Xtreme Performance Gels","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/29357\/xtreme-performance-gels-ab-solved-suppress-c.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"55.99","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/29357\/xtreme-performance-gels-ab-solved-suppress-c.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"XPG Xtreme Performance Gels Ursa-Gel - 2 x 3.4 Oz Bottles TWINPACK","sku":"XP2006","description":" 70 mg. per ml\/100 servings per bottle 7 grams Ursolic Acid (from Sodium Ursolate) per bottle Ursa-Gel is a topical Ursolic Acid product that contains 70 mg. per ml. (7 grams per bottle). What is Ursolic Acid? Ursolic Acid is a naturally occurring triterpenoid found in apples, rosemary, basil, certain berries, and some other plants.<\/p> What is Ursolic Acid commonly used for? Ursolic Acid is commonly used to support body-recomposition benefits including promoting a more fit and athletic appearance and to support building or retaining lean muscle while burning fat.<\/p> Ursa-Gel is 70 mg. per ml and 100 ml per bottle whereas the competing product is 50 mg. per ml.<\/p> 70 mg. per ml\/100 servings per bottle 7 grams Ursolic Acid (from Sodium Ursolate) per bottle Ursa-Gel is a topical Ursolic Acid product that contains 70 mg. per ml. (7 grams per bottle). What is Ursolic Acid? Ursolic Acid is a naturally occurring triterpenoid found in apples, rosemary, basil, certain berries, and some other plants. What is Ursolic Acid commonly used for? Ursolic Acid is commonly used to support body-recomposition benefits including promoting a more fit and athletic appearance and to support building or retaining lean muscle while burning fat.<\/p> Ursa-Gel is 70 mg. per ml and 100 ml per bottle whereas the competing product is 50 mg. per ml.<\/p>\r\n
Maximum Strength Slimming Gel<\/h5>
MitoBurn\u00ae (L-BAIBA) Skin Gel<\/h5>
What is MitoBurn Gel?<\/h5>
What is MitoBurn\u00ae?<\/h5>
What is MitoBurn\u00ae commonly used for?<\/h5>
What is MitoBurn Gel?<\/h5>
What is MitoBurn\u00ae?<\/h5>
What is MitoBurn\u00ae commonly used for?<\/h5>
25 mg. Per ML\/100 Ml. Per Bottle<\/p>\r\n\r\n
Pregnenolone is commonly used to support cognitive function, positive mood, vitality, improved sense
of well-being, energy, and more.<\/p>\r\n
Pregnenolone Gel can be stacked with DHEA-50 Gel, L-Carnitine Gel, Alpha Gel, Ursa-Gel, Ab-Solved, or a
variety of other Xtreme Performance Gels products.<\/p>\r\n
25 mg. Per ML\/100 Ml. Per Bottle<\/p>\r\n\r\n
Pregnenolone is commonly used to support cognitive function, positive mood, vitality, improved sense
of well-being, energy, and more.<\/p>\r\n
Pregnenolone Gel can be stacked with DHEA-50 Gel, L-Carnitine Gel, Alpha Gel, Ursa-Gel, Ab-Solved, or a
variety of other Xtreme Performance Gels products.<\/p>\r\nPumps, Vascularity, & Muscle Definition Gel<\/h5>
Triacetyl Adenosine (TAA):<\/h5>
What is Triacetyl Adenosine?<\/h5>
What is Triacetyl Adenosine commonly used for?<\/h5>
Non-Workout Days:<\/h5>
Pumps, Vascularity, & Muscle Definition Gel<\/h5>
Advanced Cortisol Control Gel<\/h5>
B-Androstenetriol Highlights:<\/h5>
Ask yourself a few questions:<\/h5>
Does the name Suppress-C sound familiar?<\/h5>
More Information on Stress, Cortisol, Fat Storage, & Muscle Loss:<\/h5>
Stress & Fat Storage:<\/h6>
What is Cortisol?<\/h6>
Cortisol \u2013 Potential Effect on Lean Muscle:<\/h6>
Cortisol \u2013 Effect on Fat Storage:<\/h6>
Advanced Cortisol Control Gel<\/h5>
B-Androstenetriol Highlights:<\/h5>
Ask yourself a few questions:<\/h5>
Does the name Suppress-C sound familiar?<\/h5>
More Information on Stress, Cortisol, Fat Storage, & Muscle Loss:<\/h5>
Stress & Fat Storage:<\/h6>
What is Cortisol?<\/h6>
Cortisol \u2013 Potential Effect on Lean Muscle:<\/h6>
Cortisol \u2013 Effect on Fat Storage:<\/h6>
Targeted Topical Defining Matrix<\/h5>
Advanced Maximum Strength Slimming Gel<\/h5>
Ab-Solved Highlights:<\/h5>
Ask yourself a few questions:<\/h5>
What is Visceral Adipose Tissue (VAT)?<\/h5>
Does the name Ab-Solved sound familiar?<\/h5>
What is Subcutaneous Fat?<\/h5>
What makes Ab-Solved different than most other topical fat loss products\/slimming gels?<\/h5>
Key Ingredients:<\/h5>
Pomegranate Seed Oil (Std. to min. 78% Punicic Acid):<\/h6>
Advanced Cortisol Control Gel<\/h5>
Topical Defining & Lean Muscle Matrix<\/h5>
B-Androstenetriol Highlights:<\/h5>
Ask yourself a few questions:<\/h5>
Does the name Suppress-C sound familiar?<\/h5>
More Information on Stress, Cortisol, Fat Storage, & Muscle Loss:<\/h5>
Stress & Fat Storage:<\/h6>
What is Cortisol?<\/h6>
Cortisol \u2013 Potential Effect on Lean Muscle:<\/h6>
Cortisol \u2013 Effect on Fat Storage:<\/h6>
Ursolic Acid Skin Gel<\/h5>
Ursolic Acid Skin Gel<\/h5>
XPG Xtreme Performance Gels