
Growth Factor XT isn’t just another product that falls into an existing category of anti-aging, growth hormone, or hormone optimizing products. Growth Factor XT raises the bar for all of these categories and is so advanced that it creates its own, advanced unique product category all to itself.<\/p>\r\n
Growth Factor XT contains a precise combination of ingredients that deliver such a huge variety of benefits that it is almost unheard of in a single product. This exciting formula doesn’t stop with giving you one, two, or even three incredible ingredients – it gives you 9 exciting ingredients all in one extraordinary formula. And on top of the fantastic variety of benefits from these as standalone ingredients, there is the incredible synergy of some of these ingredients working together to lead to even better results.<\/p>\r\n
Growth Factor XT delivers an insane number of potential benefits from one product!<\/p>\r\n
^^^ If you answered yes to any of these questions, Growth Factor XT may be right for you.<\/p>\r\n
Growth Factor XT is an exciting, revolutionary anti-aging product that is designed to help you look better, feel better, and perform better.<\/p>\r\n
Growth Factor XT isn’t just another product that falls into an existing category of supplements. Most supplements are normally designed to do one, maybe two things – but not Growth Factor XT. Growth Factor XT delivers an insane number of potential benefits from one product!<\/p>\r\n
Growth Factor XT isn’t just another product that falls into an existing category of anti-aging, growth hormone, or hormone optimizing products. Growth Factor XT raises the bar for all of these categories and is so advanced that it creates its own, advanced unique product category all to itself.<\/p>\r\n
Growth Factor XT contains a precise combination of ingredients that delivers such a huge variety of benefits that it is almost unheard of in a single product. This exciting formula doesn’t stop with giving you one, two, or even three incredible ingredients – it gives you 9 exciting ingredients all in one extraordinary formula. And on top of the fantastic variety of benefits from these as standalone ingredients, there is the incredible synergy of some of these ingredients working together to lead to even better results.<\/p>\r\n
Even more great news – in spite of Growth Factor XT having such a wide range of benefits and being such a unique product in the anti-aging, longevity, GH, and hormone optimization categories, it is still more cost effective than most products in any of even one of those product classes.<\/p>\r\n
Growth Factor XT can be used by both men and women.<\/p>\r\n
It can be used by almost anyone and is an excellent supplement for anyone that is looking to optimize hormone levels in order to help them look better, feel better, and perform better.<\/p>\r\n
Anti-Aging and Longevity mean different things to different people, but one thing that most people can agree on is that when they think of those terms, they think of things that help them look better, feel better, perform better, and improve their quality of life.<\/p>\r\n
As we age, our hormones and neurotransmitters can change in a lot of ways that aren’t so kind to our body in the sense of how we look, feel, and view ourselves. The chief culprits can oftentimes be our growth hormone levels and testosterone levels (in men) declining, our prolactin levels getting too high, and sometimes our dopamine levels getting too low.<\/p>\r\n
All of these things can change due to a variety of reasons including aging, overall health, diet, exercise or the lack thereof, environmental factors, and one thing that seems to be more and more prevalent in day to day life now days, stress.<\/p>\r\n
Growth Factor XT is a very comprehensive multi-faceted anti-aging and longevity supplement that helps optimize hormone levels in order to help improve quality of life and help you look better, feel better, and perform better.<\/p>\r\n
There are a wide variety of benefits associated with improved growth hormone levels:<\/p>\r\n
Growth Factor XT contains multiple ingredients that have been clinically researched and shown to help support increases in natural growth hormone levels.<\/p>\r\n
Growth Factor XT contains ingredients that have been shown to help support increases in natural testosterone levels and libido in men.<\/p>\r\n
Chlorophytum Borivilanum is an Ayurvedic herb has been shown to support increases in natural testosterone levels and has been used for centuries in Ayurveda for its aphrodisiac properties and has been commonly marketed in India to help with improved erections.<\/p>\r\n
Mucuna Pruriens is commonly used to support increases in natural growth hormone and natural testosterone levels and for enhanced libido and improved refractory period. (The refractory period is the ‘recovery time’ after an orgasm before a person can achieve arousal again).<\/p>\r\n
Important Note:<\/strong><\/p>\r\n Growth Factor XT CAN be used by women.<\/p>\r\n The ingredients that support increases in natural testosterone levels in males in Growth Factor XT have also been studied in women for other purposes and are safe to use by women. <\/strong><\/p>\r\n Prolactin is a hormone that can become elevated for a variety of reasons including, but not limited to certain medical conditions, chronic kidney disease, an underactive thyroid, and as a side effect of certain medications or performance enhancers. Prolactin levels can also increase as a response to stress.<\/p>\r\n High levels of prolactin are linked to a wide variety of negative health consequences.<\/p>\r\n There are a variety of negative health ramifications that are associated with high prolactin levels, and some are specific to men, some are specific to women, and then the majority carry over to both.<\/p>\r\n High Prolactin Levels in Women:<\/strong><\/p>\r\n In women, too much prolactin can cause menstrual problems and infertility.<\/p>\r\n High Prolactin Levels in Men:<\/strong><\/p>\r\n In men, too much prolactin can lead to a loss of interest in sex, low testosterone levels, infertility, and problems achieving or maintaining an erection.<\/p>\r\n High prolactin levels in men may also be associated with loss of muscle, a decrease in facial and body hair, and enlarged breasts.<\/p>\r\n In the past, it has been very common for men to make the mistake of thinking that they were experiencing the symptoms of high estrogen levels when it was actually high prolactin levels.<\/p>\r\n Mood & Behavioral Effects of High Prolactin:<\/strong><\/p>\r\n High prolactin levels are commonly associated with anxiety, hostility, irritability, and moodiness.<\/p>\r\n High levels of prolactin have been linked to certain mood disorders and a 2021 study found that people with major depressive disorder had higher prolactin levels than those without the condition. Studies have also shown that high levels of prolactin can be associated with an increase in anxiety and hostility.<\/p>\r\n The Metabolic Role of High Prolactin:<\/strong><\/p>\r\n High prolactin levels have been shown to promote weight gain, obesity, metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, and have a negative impact on lipid profiles.<\/p>\r\n Growth Factor XT contains ingredients that have been shown in clinical studies to help support a reduction in prolactin levels. (More details on this in the ‘Let’s Examine the Ingredients’ section below).<\/p>\r\n Growth Factor XT is an exciting, revolutionary anti-aging product that can help you make the most out of your workouts while helping you minimize the fatigue of everyday life.<\/p>\r\n Growth Factor XT helps support building lean muscle, fat loss, and improved body-composition.<\/p>\r\n Growth Factor XT works through a wide variety of different pathways – many of which are discussed in this section and then some more that are discussed in the ‘Let’s Examine the Ingredients’ section below. Since they are discussed in detail throughout, it may be redundant to go into details in this section, but it is important to emphasize Growth Factor XT’s ability to support these different facets.<\/p>\r\n Growth Factor XT contains ingredients that have been shown in multiple studies to help improve sleep quality and restful sleep.<\/p>\r\n Growth Factor XT is NOT designed to knock you out or make you tired. It is designed to help you relax in order to help you go to sleep and stay asleep and wake up feeling more refreshed and invigorated and ready to take on your day.<\/p>\r\n It is because of this unique relaxation without sedation that some people choose to take the full dosage of four capsules of Growth Factor XT before bedtime where others prefer to take two capsules earlier in the day for improved mood and relaxation and then the other two capsules before bedtime.<\/p>\r\n Growth Factor XT helps support positive mood and improved sense of well-being in a variety of different ways. This can be important at any age, but especially as we age because there can be many reasons why our mood, sense of well-being, and overall energy levels can decline with age.<\/p>\r\n Natural Hormone Support:<\/strong><\/p>\r\n Our hormone levels change with age – and along with that can come a lot of unwanted changes that can make us feel like we’re not ourselves anymore.<\/p>\r\n Growth Factor XT helps tackle this in a variety of ways, some of which are listed in this section in greater detail, such as helping support increased natural growth hormone levels, improved natural testosterone levels, and by helping reduce prolactin levels.<\/p>\r\n All of these things can support improvements in a positive mood and sense of well-being and also help us feel more refreshed and invigorated.<\/p>\r\n Neurotransmitter Support:<\/strong><\/p>\r\n Dopamine is a neurotransmitter made in your brain. It plays a role as a “reward center” and in many bodily functions including memory, movement, motivation, mood, attention and more.<\/p>\r\n A person with the right amount of dopamine may feel happy, motivated, alert, and focused.<\/p>\r\n A person with too low a level of dopamine may feel tired, unmotivated, unhappy, and have a hard time focusing. They may also suffer from memory loss, mood swings, sleep problems, issues with concentration, and a low sex drive.<\/p>\r\n The key with dopamine isn’t or shouldn’t be trying to increase it as much as possible, it should be to attempt to increase it just enough to find the right level at which one feels happy, motivated, alert, focused, and just overall feels better.<\/p>\r\n Growth Factor XT contains ingredients that have been shown in studies to support healthy increases in dopamine levels.<\/p>\r\n Improved Recovery from Working Out and Daily Activity:<\/strong><\/p>\r\n Let’s face it – as we age, our body just doesn’t recover like it used to. Whether it be from working out or from activities associated with day to day life, it becomes more difficult to recover as we age. This lessened recovery ability can manifest itself as increased soreness, weakness, tiredness, lack of motivation, loss of libido, or in a variety of other unpleasant ways.<\/p>\r\n Growth Factor XT helps support improved recovery through helping optimize natural hormone levels and through supporting improved sleep quality and restful sleep, in order to help you feel more rejuvenated and invigorated and ready to face your day and life in general.<\/p>\r\n Body-Composition and Self Image:<\/strong><\/p>\r\n The way we see ourselves and whether we are happy with ourselves can have a lot to do with our mood and how we feel about life in general. For many people, their self confidence and self image can be dramatically affected by how good or bad of shape that they are in or view themselves as being.<\/p>\r\n There is no magic pill or magic way to change ourselves and our appearance, but we can do things to support building muscle, losing fat, and being in better shape. Among these things include a healthy diet and exercise, but certain supplements can also help us achieve better results.<\/p>\r\n Growth Factor XT helps support building lean muscle, fat loss, and improved body-composition.<\/p>\r\n Growth Factor XT contains multiple ingredients that have been shown in studies to help support vivid dreams and improved dream recall.<\/p>\r\n The study aspects of these individual ingredients is great, but there haven’t been studies combining these ingredients together, so what’s been even better is the real world feedback of using them together and they seem to have a truly synergistic effect of making each other work even better.<\/p>\r\n This is an aspect of the original Growth Factor XT that many people loved and it became one of the things that many people used it for. When formulating the new version of Growth Factor XT, this was an extremely important aspect that we wanted to keep the same or improve upon and we had a lot of people that loved the original formula try out the new version to make sure they liked the new version as much or more than the original.<\/p>\r\n Here are some of the customer testimonials related to vivid dreaming and dream recall:<\/p>\r\n “Growth Factor XT makes dreaming fun.”<\/em><\/p>\r\n “I always dreaded going to sleep because I have so much to do, but since using Growth Factor XT I love going to sleep because it makes sleeping fun because I love the vivid dreams. They’re like an escape from reality and from the stress of day-to-day life. And it’s awesome to wake up feeling refreshed and like I’m actually ready to get up.”<\/em><\/p>\r\n “I’ve had the coolest dreams I’ve ever had since starting Growth Factor XT. I’ve had dreams that seemed so real and other dreams where I felt like I was even in control of my dreams and could lead them in certain directions. I’ve never experienced anything like this and I love it.”<\/em><\/p>\r\n Chlorophytum Borivilanum (also known as Safed Musli) is an Ayurvedic herb that has been most commonly known in Ayurveda for its aphrodisiac activity and has been commonly marketed in India as an all-natural version of popular erectile dysfunction medications.<\/p>\r\n Over the last 15 years, there have been numerous studies conducted on its effects.<\/p>\r\n Chlorophytum Borivilanum has been shown to support increases in natural testosterone levels and to potentially enhance male reproductive capability, including improved semen volume.<\/p>\r\n It has also been shown to have numerous anti-stress benefits and to support improved immune function, promote healthy skin, and have potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.<\/p>\r\n Chlorophytum Borivilanum & Mucuna Pruriens together:<\/span><\/strong><\/p>\r\n As exciting as Chlorophytum Borivilanum is on its own, this is where things get even more exciting in that there have been numerous clinical studies on Chlorophytum Borivilanum with Mucuna Pruriens, which is another ingredient included in Growth Factor XT.<\/p>\r\n Sleep:<\/strong><\/p>\r\n A clinical study that was conducted on 18 healthy active men and women on sleep quality using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) showed that the combination of Chlorophytum Borivilanum and Mucuna Pruriens improved sleep quality on every category on the PSI questionnaire, with most category scores improving by 50% or more.<\/p>\r\n Here is the wording from the study results:<\/p>\r\n Sleep quality was influenced by the supplement, as evidenced by an improvement in every category of the PSQI questionnaire with most category scores improving approximately 50% from pre to post intervention. No adverse outcomes were noted with use of the supplement, as indicated by no change in resting heart rate, blood pressure, or any bloodborne parameter. (https:\/\/www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov\/pmc\/articles\/PMC3388003\/)<\/em><\/p>\r\n Growth Hormone Levels:<\/strong><\/p>\r\n Clinical studies have found that supplementing with Chlorophytum Borivilanum and Mucuna Pruriens together led to increased levels of circulating growth hormone in exercise trained men.<\/p>\r\n In one study, the combination was given to 15 exercise trained men and the men were tested for growth hormone response at multiple intervals for up to 2 hours post ingestion. When the data was pooled, the GH response over the two-hour post ingestion period was significant.<\/p>\r\n To recap, Chlorophytum Borivilanum supports improved:<\/p>\r\n EZGABA™ is a tingle-free, groundbreaking GABA ingredient that offers relaxation and stress reduction without the tingling sensation associated with traditional GABA products. GABA, a neurotransmitter renowned for its soothing properties, is now accessible without discomfort. What sets EZGABA™ apart is its sustained release technology, allowing users to experience the calming effects comfortably without feeling “the tingle”. Furthermore, EZGABA™ explores the gut-brain connection, highlighting the positive influence of a healthy gut on brain health. With EZGABA, you can embrace relaxation without compromise.<\/p>\r\n In addition to the relaxation and restful sleep promoting aspects of EZGABA™, GABA has long been researched for its role in supporting increases in natural growth hormone levels.<\/p>\r\n L-Carnitine is a popular amino acid that is commonly used to increase daily energy levels and fat loss.<\/p>\r\n L-Carnitine is one of the most widely used stimulant free fat loss ingredients on the market and works through transporting fatty acids into the mitochondria of cells (where energy is produced) to be burned off and used for energy to fuel the body and keep you going throughout the day (think cellular energy instead of stimulant like energy). In simple terms, L-Carnitine helps convert fat to energy.<\/p>\r\n Without adequate carnitine, most dietary fats can’t get into the mitochondria and be burned for fuel.<\/p>\r\n L-Carnitine L-Tartrate is a form of L-Carnitine that in addition to the above benefits, may also help boost androgen receptors, which can play a role in muscle recovery.<\/p>\r\n Green Tea Extract, primarily through its active constituent EGCG (Epigallocatechin gallate), is perhaps one of the most widely known fat burning ingredients on the market. It has a variety of well-established fat loss effects including reducing the absorption of dietary lipids (fat) and modulating their subsequent metabolism, increasing glucose utilization, increased oxidization of fatty acids, and lipolysis (releasing stored fat).<\/p>\r\n If you drink green tea, you may be asking yourself why you haven’t seen much, if any fat loss? The reason for this is likely two-fold. One, you would have to drink a lot of green tea to get the amount of EGCG possible through supplementation. Two, many people that drink green tea sweeten it with a variety of sugar-based sweeteners and the increased calories and sugars offset the potential fat loss benefits.<\/p>\r\n Growth Factor XT helps solve this problem by providing you with 250 mg. of Green Tea standardized to 95% polyphenols and a minimum 50% EGCG.<\/p>\r\n Also, in addition to its potential fat loss properties, Green Tea Extract has also been shown to help support a healthy immune system and may help reduce muscle oxidative stress and inflammation, which may lead to improved recovery.<\/p>\r\n Apigenin is an exciting natural muscle building, general health, anti-aging, & longevity phytonutrient.<\/p>\r\n Apigenin is a natural flavonoid found in parsley, celery, chamomile, and citrus fruits and is similar to Quercetin, Hesperidin, Luteolin, and Kaempferol. However, even though its structure is very similar to these compounds, Apigenin has some very different effects in the body than those related substances.<\/p>\r\n Apigenin has a natural anabolic effect, as first discovered by researchers at the Korea Food Research Institute. Researchers found that it has the unique ability to inhibit 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (17β-HSD) and animal studies have shown it to support muscle protein synthesis and muscle growth via increased phosphorylation of several key players in the mTOR pathway including Akt, S6K1, & 4E-BP1.<\/p>\r\n In the initial study that led to Apigenin’s popularity for building muscle, scientists began experimenting with his flavone with mice and the mice receiving the Apigenin had significant muscle mass gains over the mice not receiving it. The greater the dosage of Apigenin the mice took, the larger the quad increase!<\/p>\r\n Even before the research showing its natural anabolic benefits, Apigenin was already regarded as a very exciting compound due to its wide variety of overall health benefits including its anti-inflammatory benefits as well as its potential prostate, neuroprotective, and cardioprotective properties.<\/p>\r\n Another very exciting aspect of Apigenin is its ability to enhance autophagy. Autophagy is a natural cellular mechanism by which by which the cells in our body degrade unnecessary or damaged components within the cell. The process of autophagy helps maintain normal functioning (homeostasis) in the cell. (If you’re familiar with what defragging a computer means, think of that as a good comedic analogy to this process by the cells).<\/p>\r\n Apigenin has also been shown to support relaxation and restful sleep, which makes it an ideal inclusion into the Growth Factor XT formula. Also, a lot of individuals that use high doses of Apigenin before bedtime also report an increased number of vivid dreams and improved dream recall, which is something that a lot of people loved about the original Growth Factor XT formula.<\/p>\r\n Mucuna Pruriens is a complex herb that is so exciting that it’s hard to fit all of the information into one write up. For space constraints, this write up will focus on just a couple of the most exciting aspects of this incredible herb that led to its inclusion in Growth Factor XT.<\/p>\r\n Growth Hormone Levels:<\/strong><\/p>\r\n Mucuna Pruriens, also known as Velvet Bean, is an adaptogenic herb that supports an increase in levels of growth hormone (GH) production and circulating levels of GH in the body.<\/p>\r\n Clinical studies have shown that supplementing with Chlorophytum Borivilanum and Mucuna Pruriens (both of which are included in Growth Factor XT) together led to increased levels of circulating growth hormone in exercise trained men.<\/p>\r\n In one study, the combination was given to 15 exercise trained men and the men were tested for growth hormone response at multiple intervals for up to 2 hours post ingestion. When the data was pooled, the GH response over the two-hour post ingestion period was significant.<\/p>\r\n Prolactin:<\/strong><\/p>\r\n Mucuna Pruriens is a plant known for its high concentrations of levodopa (L-Dopa), the precursor to the neurotransmitter dopamine. Unlike dopamine, L-Dopa penetrates the blood brain barrier where it exerts its positive effects on hormones, especially prolactin. L-Dopa has been shown to significantly inhibit prolactin release from the anterior pituitary, meaning that supplementation with Mucuna Pruriens may help combat many of the negative issues associated with high prolactin levels.<\/p>\r\n Natural Testosterone, Libido, & Sexual Health:<\/strong><\/p>\r\n Mucuna Pruriens is commonly used to support increases in natural growth hormone and natural testosterone levels and for enhanced libido and improved refractory period.<\/p>\r\n Mucuna Pruriens has long been used as a libido booster, but it wasn’t until within the last 15 years that researchers uncovered just how this amazing herb exerts its effects. Researchers found that men taking Mucuna Pruriens experienced increases in testosterone and luteinizing hormone (LH), which can produce a favorable hormonal environment for bodybuilding, sex life, and overall sense of well-being.<\/p>\r\n Mucuna Pruriens is also commonly usd to help reduce the refractory period associated with sexual activity. The refractory period is the ‘recovery time’ after an orgasm before a person can achieve arousal again.<\/p>\r\n Positive Mood & Improved Sense of Well-Being:<\/strong><\/p>\r\n Mucuna Pruriens contains levodopa (L-Dopa), which is an essential precursor for the neurotransmitter dopamine, which contributes to brain and nervous system health. Dopamine plays an important role in behavior, cognition, sleep, mood, working memory, and learning.<\/p>\r\n Mucuna Pruriens is commonly used to help support positive mood, improved sense of well-being, and healthy stress management.<\/p>\r\n Mucuna Pruriens and Chlorophytum Borivilanum together:<\/span><\/strong><\/p>\r\n Please see the section of the Chlorophytum Borivilanum in the above write up for very detailed information about how these ingredients have been shown in studies to have very complimentary and synergistic effects.<\/p>\r\n L-Theanine is a calming, relaxing amino acid that is found naturally occurring in tea, especially in green tea. Due to its ability to affect brain function, it is considered to be a nootropic (cognitive enhancing) amino acid and is also considered to be an adaptogen. Adaptogens are ingredients that can help increase the body’s ability to handle stress and resist the damaging effect of stress and to promote or restore normal physiological functioning.<\/p>\r\n L-Theanine is commonly associated with reduced feelings of stress and anxiety, improved mental focus, clarity, & concentration (less brain fog), increased motivation and energy, improved sense of well-being, positive mood, & much more.<\/p>\r\n L-Theanine is included in Growth Factor XT for its nootropic (cognitive enhancing), adaptogenic (stress relieving), mood support, and relaxation benefits.<\/p>\r\n A nice additional bonus is that L-Theanine helps support appetite control in many people, which can be very useful for helping combat both daytime and nighttime cravings.<\/p>\r\n Pyridoxal-5’-Phosphate is the metabolically active form of vitamin B6 and is involved in numerous processes in the body.<\/p>\r\n Vitamin B6 is an essential nutrient for synthesizing GABA, tryptophan, and serotonin, all of which can impact sleep duration and sleep quality. Studies have shown that taking Vitamin B6 before bedtime may help you fall asleep faster and decrease the number of times you wake up during the night. It may also help you sleep for a longer period of time.<\/p>\r\n Supplementing with Vitamin B6 before bed has also been shown to enhance dream vividness and recall.<\/p>\r\n Pyridoxal-5’-Phosphate has been shown to increase growth hormone levels after exercise and have a supporting role in reducing prolactin levels. A combination of Pyridoxal-5’-Phosphate and L-Dopa may lead to a greater decrease in prolactin than either ingredient alone.<\/p>\r\n Bioperine® is a standardized extract from the fruit of Piper nigrum L (Black Pepper) containing 95% piperine. Piperine has been shown to enhance the oral bioavailability of many supplements.<\/p>\r\n Growth Factor XT can be stacked with Anabolic XT, Optimize-T, Pepti-Plex, Phosphatidic Acid XT, VasoForce XT, Focus XT, Recomp20, Anacyclus XT, or a wide variety of other SNS products to help you reach your health and fitness goals.<\/p>\r\n * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.<\/p>\r\n<\/div>","gtin12":"899773000023","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/growthfactorxt-front_1698678615-0.jpg"],"brand":"SNS Serious Nutrition Solutions","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/16914\/sns-serious-nutrition-solutions-growth-factor-xt.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"32.99","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/16914\/sns-serious-nutrition-solutions-growth-factor-xt.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"SNS Serious Nutrition Solutions Growth Factor XT - 2 x 120 Capsule Bottles TWINPACK *New Improved Formula","sku":"SN2090","description":" Highlights\/Supports:<\/p> Growth Factor XT isn\u2019t just another product that falls into an existing category of anti-aging, growth hormone, or hormone optimizing products. Growth Factor XT raises the bar for all of these categories and is so advanced that it creates its own, advanced unique product category all to itself.<\/p> Growth Factor XT contains a precise combination of ingredients that deliver such a huge variety of benefits that it is almost unheard of in a single product. This exciting formula doesn\u2019t stop with giving you one, two, or even three incredible ingredients \u2013 it gives you 9 exciting ingredients all in one extraordinary formula. And on top of the fantastic variety of benefits from these as standalone ingredients, there is the incredible synergy of some of these ingredients working together to lead to even better results.<\/p> Growth Factor XT delivers an insane number of potential benefits from one product!<\/p> ^^^ If you answered yes to any of these questions, Growth Factor XT may be right for you.<\/p> Growth Factor XT can be used by both men and women. It can be used by almost anyone and is an excellent supplement for anyone that is looking to optimize hormone levels in order to help them look better, feel better, and perform better.<\/p> Anti-Aging and Longevity mean different things to different people, but one thing that most people can agree on is that when they think of those terms, they think of things that help them look better, feel better, perform better, and improve their quality of life.<\/p> As we age, our hormones and neurotransmitters can change in a lot of ways that aren\u2019t so kind to our body in the sense of how we look, feel, and view ourselves. The chief culprits can oftentimes be our growth hormone levels and testosterone levels (in men) declining, our prolactin levels getting too high, and sometimes our dopamine levels getting too low.<\/p> All of these things can change due to a variety of reasons including aging, overall health, diet, exercise or the lack thereof, environmental factors, and one thing that seems to be more and more prevalent in day to day life now days, stress.<\/p> Growth Factor XT is a very comprehensive multi-faceted anti-aging and longevity supplement that helps optimize hormone levels in order to help improve quality of life and help you look better, feel better, and perform better.<\/p> Growth Factor XT contains multiple ingredients that have been clinically researched and shown to help support increases in natural growth hormone levels.<\/p> Growth Factor XT CAN be used by women. The ingredients that support increases in natural testosterone levels in males in Growth Factor XT have also been studied in women for other purposes and are safe to use by women.<\/p> Prolactin is a hormone that can become elevated for a variety of reasons including, but not limited to certain medical conditions, chronic kidney disease, an underactive thyroid, and as a side effect of certain medications or performance enhancers. Prolactin levels can also increase as a response to stress.<\/p> High levels of prolactin are linked to a wide variety of negative health consequences.<\/p> There are a variety of negative health ramifications that are associated with high prolactin levels, and some are specific to men, some are specific to women, and then the majority carry over to both.<\/p> High Prolactin Levels in Women: In women, too much prolactin can cause menstrual problems and infertility. High Prolactin Levels in Men: In men, too much prolactin can lead to a loss of interest in sex, low testosterone levels, infertility, and problems achieving or maintaining an erection. High prolactin levels in men may also be associated with loss of muscle, a decrease in facial and body hair, and enlarged breasts. In the past, it has been very common for men to make the mistake of thinking that they were experiencing the symptoms of high estrogen levels when it was actually high prolactin levels. Mood & Behavioral Effects of High Prolactin: High prolactin levels are commonly associated with anxiety, hostility, irritability, and moodiness.<\/p> High levels of prolactin have been linked to certain mood disorders and a 2021 study found that people with major depressive disorder had higher prolactin levels than those without the condition. Studies have also shown that high levels of prolactin can be associated with an increase in anxiety and hostility.<\/p> The Metabolic Role of High Prolactin: High prolactin levels have been shown to promote weight gain, obesity, metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, and have a negative impact on lipid profiles.<\/p> Growth Factor XT contains ingredients that have been shown in clinical studies to help support a reduction in prolactin levels. (More details on this in the \u2018Let\u2019s Examine the Ingredients\u2019 section below).<\/p> Growth Factor XT is an exciting, revolutionary anti-aging product that can help you make the most out of your workouts while helping you minimize the fatigue of everyday life. Growth Factor XT helps support building lean muscle, fat loss, and improved body-composition.<\/p> Growth Factor XT works through a wide variety of different pathways \u2013 many of which are discussed in this section and then some more that are discussed in the \u2018Let\u2019s Examine the Ingredients\u2019 section below. Since they are discussed in detail throughout, it may be redundant to go into details in this section, but it is important to emphasize Growth Factor XT\u2019s ability to support these different facets.<\/p> Growth Factor XT contains ingredients that have been shown in multiple studies to help improve sleep quality and restful sleep.<\/p> Growth Factor XT is NOT designed to knock you out or make you tired. It is designed to help you relax in order to help you go to sleep and stay asleep and wake up feeling more refreshed and invigorated and ready to take on your day.<\/p> It is because of this unique relaxation without sedation that some people choose to take the full dosage of four capsules of Growth Factor XT before bedtime where others prefer to take two capsules earlier in the day for improved mood and relaxation and then the other two capsules before bedtime.<\/p> Growth Factor XT helps support positive mood and improved sense of well-being in a variety of different ways. This can be important at any age, but especially as we age because there can be many reasons why our mood, sense of well-being, and overall energy levels can decline with age.<\/p> Natural Hormone Support: Our hormone levels change with age \u2013 and along with that can come a lot of unwanted changes that can make us feel like we\u2019re not ourselves anymore.<\/p> Growth Factor XT helps tackle this in a variety of ways, some of which are listed in this section in greater detail, such as helping support increased natural growth hormone levels, improved natural testosterone levels, and by helping reduce prolactin levels.<\/p> All of these things can support improvements in a positive mood and sense of well-being and also help us feel more refreshed and invigorated. Neurotransmitter Support: Dopamine is a neurotransmitter made in your brain. It plays a role as a \u201creward center\u201d and in many bodily functions including memory, movement, motivation, mood, attention and more. A person with the right amount of dopamine may feel happy, motivated, alert, and focused.<\/p> A person with too low a level of dopamine may feel tired, unmotivated, unhappy, and have a hard time focusing. They may also suffer from memory loss, mood swings, sleep problems, issues with concentration, and a low sex drive.<\/p> The key with dopamine isn\u2019t or shouldn\u2019t be trying to increase it as much as possible, it should be to attempt to increase it just enough to find the right level at which one feels happy, motivated, alert, focused, and just overall feels better.<\/p> Growth Factor XT contains ingredients that have been shown in studies to support healthy increases in dopamine levels.<\/p> Let\u2019s face it \u2013 as we age, our body just doesn\u2019t recover like it used to. Whether it be from working out or from activities associated with day to day life, it becomes more difficult to recover as we age. This lessened recovery ability can manifest itself as increased soreness, weakness, tiredness, lack of motivation, loss of libido, or in a variety of other unpleasant ways.<\/p> Growth Factor XT helps support improved recovery through helping optimize natural hormone levels and through supporting improved sleep quality and restful sleep, in order to help you feel more rejuvenated and invigorated and ready to face your day and life in general.<\/p> Body-Composition and Self Image:<\/p> The way we see ourselves and whether we are happy with ourselves can have a lot to do with our mood and how we feel about life in general. For many people, their self confidence and self image can be dramatically affected by how good or bad of shape that they are in or view themselves as being.<\/p> There is no magic pill or magic way to change ourselves and our appearance, but we can do things to support building muscle, losing fat, and being in better shape. Among these things include a healthy diet and exercise, but certain supplements can also help us achieve better results.<\/p> Growth Factor XT helps support building lean muscle, fat loss, and improved body-composition.<\/p> Here are some of the customer testimonials related to vivid dreaming and dream recall:<\/p> \u201cGrowth Factor XT makes dreaming fun.\u201d<\/p> \u201cI always dreaded going to sleep because I have so much to do, but since using Growth Factor XT I love going to sleep because it makes sleeping fun because I love the vivid dreams. They\u2019re like an escape from reality and from the stress of day-to-day life. And it\u2019s awesome to wake up feeling refreshed and like I\u2019m actually ready to get up.\u201d<\/p> \u201cI\u2019ve had the coolest dreams I\u2019ve ever had since starting Growth Factor XT. I\u2019ve had dreams that seemed so real and other dreams where I felt like I was even in control of my dreams and could lead them in certain directions. I\u2019ve never experienced anything like this and I love it.\u201d<\/p> SNS Inhibit-P contains a precision blended Prolactin Control Complex that may help lower prolactin, increase dopamine, and improve feelings of well-being.<\/p> Is Inhibit-P for you?<\/p> Inhibit-P's precision blended Prolactin Control Complex is a comprehensive all-in-one solution designed to help:<\/p> SNS uses only the finest, clinically backed ingredients in the formulation of Inhibit-P.<\/p> Let's examine them more closely:<\/p> Mucuna Pruriens, also known as Velvet Bean, is a plant known for its high concentrations of levodopa (L-Dopa), the precursor to the neurotransmitter dopamine. Unlike dopamine, L-Dopa easily penetrates the blood-brain barrier where it exerts its positive effects on hormones, especially prolactin. In fact, L-Dopa has been shown to significantly inhibit prolactin release from the anterior pituitary (1,2) meaning that the nasty issues associated with high prolactin levels may be relieved through the proper use of Mucuna Pruriens because the L-Dopa found in Mucuna Pruriens boost your brain's dopamine levels, and dopamine is a key inhibitor of prolactin (3).<\/p> In addition to its powerful role in the reduction of prolactin, Mucuna Pruriens has also been known as a libido aid (4) but it wasn't until a few years ago that researchers uncovered just how this amazing herb exerts its effects. Men taking Mucuna Pruriens experienced increases in testosterone and luteinizing hormone (LH) (5), which can produce a favorable hormonal environment for bodybuilding, sex life, and overall sense of well-being.<\/p> Finally, it should be noted that Mucuna Pruriens is rich in serotonin and opioid receptor ligands, which along with L-Dopa may contribute profoundly to mood improvements (6). This, along with strong anecdotal feedback regarding L-Dopa's ability to reduce the refractory period associated with sexual activity gives Mucuna Pruriens very strong potential for helping increase pleasure and enjoyment.<\/p> P5P is the bioactive form of vitamin B6 and offers enhanced absorption and bioavailability and far improved effects over other inferior forms of vitamin B6. P5P is an important cofactor in the synthesis of dopamine, which as mentioned above, is the prime neuroendocrine inhibitor of prolactin release. In addition to helping control prolactin, P5P has a host of other benefits including optimizing amino acid metabolism, boosting immune function, facilitating neurotransmitter balance and brain function, and much, much more!<\/p> Vitex Agnus Castus, also known as Chaste berry, has long been used as a treatment for sexual disorders and insufficiency. However, it wasn't until recently that scientists examined the compounds in the plant and discovered that many of them can reduce prolactin as much as dopamine itself (7). Other human trials have confirmed that Vitex Agnus Castus is a strong inhibitor of prolactin (8). The key is dosing it properly, and Inhibit-P does just that (9).<\/p> As an added bonus, Vitex Agnus Castus has also been shown to significantly improve acne conditions in a large clinical trial (9)!<\/p> SNS Inhibit-P's Provides Consumers With A Precision Blended Top Quality Prolactin Control Complex At a Cost Effective Price.<\/p> The Goals of the Serious Nutrition Solutions Baseline Series are simple ones \u2013 to provide top quality products at the most cost effective prices, and to provide a straightforward approach to the consumer about what the products are, and what they are used for.<\/p> Straightforward, Top Quality, Cost Effective Sports Nutrition<\/p> As a dietary supplement, take 1 capsule 1 to 2 times per day, preferably with a meal.<\/p> This product is for healthy adults over 18 years of age. Do not use if you are pregnant or nursing a baby. Consult with your physician before use if you are taking any medication(s), or suffer from any health condition. Keep stored in a cool, dry place away from children.<\/p>","gtin12":"899773000115","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/inhibitp-twin_1703967132-0.jpg"],"brand":"SNS Serious Nutrition Solutions","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/33679\/sns-serious-nutrition-solutions-inhibit-p-2-x-60.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"36.79","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/33679\/sns-serious-nutrition-solutions-inhibit-p-2-x-60.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"SNS Serious Nutrition Solutions Inhibit-P - 60 Capsules","sku":"SN079","description":" SNS Inhibit-P contains a precision blended Prolactin Control Complex that may help lower prolactin, increase dopamine, and improve feelings of well-being.<\/p> Ask yourself:<\/p> Inhibit-P's precision blended Prolactin Control Complex is a comprehensive all-in-one solution designed to help: SNS uses only the finest, clinically backed ingredients in the formulation of Inhibit-P.<\/p> Mucuna Pruriens, also known as Velvet Bean, is a plant known for its high concentrations of levodopa (L-Dopa), the precursor to the neurotransmitter dopamine. Unlike dopamine, L-Dopa easily penetrates the blood-brain barrier where it exerts its positive effects on hormones, especially prolactin. In fact, L-Dopa has been shown to significantly inhibit prolactin release from the anterior pituitary meaning that the nasty issues associated with high prolactin levels may be relieved through the proper use of Mucuna Pruriens because the L-Dopa found in Mucuna Pruriens boosts your brain's dopamine levels, and dopamine is a key inhibitor of prolactin.<\/p> In addition to its powerful role in the reduction of prolactin, Mucuna Pruriens has also been known as a libido aid but it wasn't until a few years ago that researchers uncovered just how this amazing herb exerts its effects. Men taking Mucuna Pruriens experienced increases in testosterone and luteinizing hormone (LH), which can produce a favorable hormonal environment for bodybuilding, sex life, and overall sense of well-being.<\/p> Finally, it should be noted that Mucuna Pruriens is rich in serotonin and opioid receptor ligands, which along with L-Dopa may contribute profoundly to mood improvements. This, along with strong anecdotal feedback regarding L-Dopa's ability to reduce the refractory period associated with sexual activity gives Mucuna Pruriens very strong potential for helping increase pleasure and enjoyment.<\/p> P5P is the bioactive form of vitamin B6 and offers enhanced absorption and bioavailability and far improved effects over other inferior forms of vitamin B6. P5P is an important cofactor in the synthesis of dopamine, which as mentioned above, is the prime neuroendocrine inhibitor of prolactin release. In addition to helping control prolactin, P5P has a host of other benefits including optimizing amino acid metabolism, boosting immune function, facilitating neurotransmitter balance and brain function, and much, much more!<\/p> Vitex Agnus Castus, also known as Chaste berry, has long been used as a treatment for sexual disorders and insufficiency. However, it wasn't until recently that scientists examined the compounds in the plant and discovered that many of them can reduce prolactin as much as dopamine itself. Other human trials have confirmed that Vitex Agnus Castus is a strong inhibitor of prolactin. The key is dosing it properly, and Inhibit-P does just that.<\/p> As an added bonus, Vitex Agnus Castus has also been shown to significantly improve acne conditions in a large clinical trial!<\/p> SNS Inhibit-P's Provides Consumers With A Precision Blended Top Quality Prolactin Control Complex At a Cost Effective Price.<\/p> The Goals of the Serious Nutrition Solutions Baseline Series are simple ones \u2013 to provide top quality products at the most cost effective prices, and to provide a straightforward approach to the consumer about what the products are, and what they are used for.<\/p> Serious Nutrition Solutions \u2013 Baseline Series Straight Forward, Top Quality, Cost Effective Sports Nutrition<\/p> As a dietary supplement, take 1 capsule 1 to 2 times per day, preferably with a meal.<\/p> This product is for healthy adults over 18 years of age. Do not use if you are pregnant or nursing a baby. Consult with your physician before use if you are taking any medication(s), or suffer from any health condition. Keep stored in a cool, dry place away from children.<\/p>","gtin12":"899773000115","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/inhibit-p-render-copy_1606321360-0.jpg"],"brand":"SNS Serious Nutrition Solutions","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/14342\/serious-nutrition-solutions-inhibit-p-60-cap.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"18.99","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/14342\/serious-nutrition-solutions-inhibit-p-60-cap.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@context":"https:\/\/schema.org","@type":"WebSite","name":"DPS Nutrition","image":"https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/imgs\/04\/dpslogo_1595279419-0.jpg","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/","potentialAction":{"@type":"SearchAction","target":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/search?q={search_term_string}","query-input":"required name=search_term_string"},"sameAs":["https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/DPSNutrition","https:\/\/twitter.com\/DpsNutrition","https:\/\/instagram.com\/dpsnutrition"]},{"@context":"https:\/\/schema.org","@type":"Organization","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/","logo":"https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/imgs\/04\/dpslogo_1595279419-0.jpg","image":"https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/imgs\/04\/dpslogo_1595279419-0.jpg","name":"DPS Nutrition","legalName":"DPS Nutrition","telephone":"1-800-697-4969","address":{"@type":"PostalAddress","addressLocality":"Taylor","addressRegion":"PA","postalCode":"18517","streetAddress":"29 Stauffer Industrial Park"}}]}
\r\nProlactin Control Support:<\/span><\/h3>\r\n
\r\nLean Muscle, Strength, Fat Loss, & Improved Body-Composition: <\/span><\/h3>\r\n
\r\nImproved Sleep Quality & Restful Sleep: <\/span><\/h3>\r\n
\r\nPositive Mood & Improved Sense of Well-Being:<\/span><\/h3>\r\n
\r\nVivid Dreams and Dream Recall: <\/span><\/h3>\r\n
\r\nExcited Enough Yet? You Should Be.<\/strong><\/span><\/h4>\r\n
But there’s more – Check out these Ingredient Summaries.<\/strong><\/span><\/h4>\r\n
\r\nLet’s Examine the Ingredients: <\/span><\/h3>\r\n
\r\nChlorophytum Borivilanum (Safed Musli) (as ChloroSap™) – 1,000 mg.<\/span><\/strong><\/h4>\r\n
\r\nEZGABA™ – 750 mg.<\/span><\/strong><\/h4>\r\n
\r\nL-Carnitine L-Tartrate – 500 mg.<\/span><\/strong><\/h4>\r\n
\r\nGreen Tea Extract – 250 mg.<\/span><\/strong><\/h4>\r\n
\r\nApigenin (as ApiPure™) – 200 mg.<\/span><\/strong><\/h4>\r\n
\r\nMucuna Pruriens (as OptiDopa™) – 150 mg.<\/span><\/strong><\/h4>\r\n
\r\nL-Theanine – 100 mg.<\/span><\/strong><\/h4>\r\n
\r\nPyridoxal-5’-Phosphate – 25 mg.<\/span><\/strong><\/h4>\r\n
\r\nBioperine® – 5 mg. <\/span><\/h4>\r\n
\r\nStacking & Synergy:<\/h3>\r\n
Cutting Edge Natural Growth Hormone Optimizer<\/h5>
Recovery, Relaxation, Rejuvenation, & More<\/h5>
Look Better, Feel Better, Perform Better<\/h5>
Multi-Action & Multi-Pathway Hormone Optimization:<\/h5>
Growth Factor XT Highlights\/Supports:<\/h5>
Ask Yourself a Few Questions:<\/h5>
Muscle Building, Fat Loss, Recovery, Longevity, & Anti-Aging Properties<\/h5>
Feel Recovered, Refreshed, & Rejuvenated!<\/h5>
Who can use Growth Factor XT?<\/h5>
Anti-Aging and Longevity Support:<\/h5>
Natural Growth Hormone Optimization Support:<\/h5>
Natural Testosterone, Libido, & Sexual Health Support:<\/h5>
Prolactin Control Support:<\/h5>
Lean Muscle, Strength, Fat Loss, & Improved Body-Composition:<\/h5>
Improved Sleep Quality & Restful Sleep:<\/h5>
Positive Mood & Improved Sense of Well-Being:<\/h5>
Improved Recovery from Working Out and Daily Activity:<\/h5>
Vivid Dreams and Dream Recall:<\/h5>
Excited Enough Yet? You Should Be.<\/h5>
But there\u2019s more \u2013 Check out these Ingredient Summaries.<\/h5>
Let\u2019s Examine the Ingredients:<\/h5>","gtin12":"899773000023","image":["https:\/\/siteimgs.com\/10017\/item\/gf-2_1698678563-0.jpg"],"brand":"SNS Serious Nutrition Solutions","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/33521\/serious-nutrition-solutions-growth-factor-xt-150.htm","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"61.99","url":"https:\/\/www.dpsnutrition.net\/i\/33521\/serious-nutrition-solutions-growth-factor-xt-150.htm","itemCondition":"http:\/\/schema.org\/NewCondition","availability":"http:\/\/schema.org\/InStock"}},{"@type":"Product","name":"SNS Serious Nutrition Solutions Inhibit-P - 2 x 60 Capsule Bottles TWINPACK","sku":"SN2079","description":"
Prolactin Control Complex<\/h5>
Mucuna pruriens<\/h5>
Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate (P5P)<\/h5>
Vitex Agnus Castus<\/h5>
Serious Nutrition Solutions \u2013 Baseline Series<\/h5>
Prolactin Control Complex<\/h5>
Is Inhibit-P for you?<\/h5>
Mucuna pruriens<\/h5>
Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate (P5P)<\/h5>
Vitex Agnus Castus<\/h5>